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The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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The one where I said the difference between right and wrong, good and bad... is intent?


Intent is irrelevant. Right and wrong are irrelevant.


When you view a post, all you have is relevant data. If you don't pay attention to all the data or misread the data, that is not a systemic issue.

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aww not a single reply to my little news article above? Im a sad puppy :(


I had a great laugh, good job!


Now my turn:


In the meantime on Dromund Kaas...


"Greetings viewers, we are just outside the Trading House on the Imperial Capital, Dromund Kaas. Here, like on many other worlds both in the Glorious Empire and the Treacherous Republic, honest traders have reported incidents where some goods on the Galactic Trade Network were being sold at highly inflated prices. Additionally those prices were deliberately set in the way to confuse honest, hard working people."


"We are now speaking with Darth Imperius, a member of the Dark Council who is currently overseeing the GTN activities."


"Good day to you My Lord. There are reports of scammers trying, with varying amounts of success, to cheat the GTN users into purchasing grossly overpriced goods, using a confusing number of decimals in unit price column. We estimate that hundreds of millions of credits were lost due to these tactics. There are a lot of angry citizens throughout the Empire and the Republic, some threatening to take matters into their own hands, there is even talk of leaving the Galaxy! These despicable actions may threaten the peace. What can you say My Lord, to ease the pain of those poor citizens who lost their fortunes, and maybe of plans that the Empire may have to combat the scammers?"


"Yea, whatever."


"Thank you My Lord. From Dromund Kaas, speaking Khalisah bint Sinan al-Jilani, from Compleatly Different Game. Good day. "

Edited by The_Natoorat
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They are interfering with other users enjoyment of the game. They were tricked and deceived into buying items because of the way the numbers were displayed on the GTN, by sellers who deliberately put these numbers to make it look like a lower price. It is simply against the TOS because it interferes with other users enjoyment of the game.


Still you are denying evidence.


How can ANYONE fall for this so called scam of yours? You have NO argument, NO proof whatsoever. Please show some actual in-game evidence. if you're going to try and prove this "scam". Until then it's only your opinion on the matter.

All the tools you need are in the GTN including a price filter which you as the buyer can set to your max amount of spending. If you choose not to use this, or ignore/disable the confirmation box you have no one to blame but yourself.

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Really appreciate these threads,


first because all the ***... ends on my ignore list. Make the forums much more clean.


Then in game I have the habit of directly putting on my ignore list all scammers on all my chars.

Always a pleasure to know as a tank I to know while I might group with one of their alts I will never get them in my team nor guild.


And yes Bioware should improve the UI like letting players filter the prices so they don't see stacks of mats with price per units over a player chosen cap.

Edited by Deewe
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Well it only seems fair.


Hey, at least I can admit i'm wrong to something, rather than desperately trying to defend myself, which is exactly what you've done.


I'm glad you've put it in your sig, maybe you'll learn something for once :rolleyes: You can look at it every day and say to yourself "it's okay to be wrong".

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All the tools you need are in the GTN including a price filter which you as the buyer can set to your max amount of spending. If you choose not to use this, or ignore/disable the confirmation box you have no one to blame but yourself.

Would work if there was an option to filter prices per unit, unless you never buy large stack of mats.

Edited by Deewe
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I'm still not sure whats going on. Are people thinking the commas are decimal points? Can you even do decimal points?


People are too lazy to pay attention and they confuse 999,999 in the unit price column for 999.99. Basically, we have a bunch of insanely stupid and inattentive people who are too proud to just admit they goofed and move on trying to make themselves feel better by calling what happened to them a scam.


Its not. Its just people who cant be bothered to pay attention getting mad when it bites them in the ***.

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Hey, at least I can admit i'm wrong to something, rather than desperately trying to defend myself, which is exactly what you've done.


I'm glad you've put it in your sig, maybe you'll learn something for once :rolleyes: You can look at it every day and say to yourself "it's okay to be wrong".


Except I'm not wrong here, because the seller is justified in selling his item for w/e price he wants to and the buyer has all the tools and information to make an informed purchase in-game already.

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I'm still not sure whats going on. Are people thinking the commas are decimal points? Can you even do decimal points?


People refuse to accept responsibility for mistakes and move on but instead will gripe till bio caves in just to shut them up at which point something else will happen and the irresponsibles will want some other fix to a non existent problem

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Except I'm not wrong here, because the seller is justified in selling his item for w/e price he wants to and the buyer has all the tools and information to make an informed purchase in-game already.


Man, why are you even bother to argue with a guy, who obviously can't make a few clicks to prevent this "scam" ?

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Friend of mine had this happen to her too, something about the commas and decimals looking the same and these ******es are intentionally pricing things at exactly 100x their standard price to catch people. It's definitely a scam, but unfortunately the official response she got from support is basically 'deal with it'.


Guess I'm just lucky I've never had more than 2 or 3 million credits at any given time so it's difficult for me to really fall for these things.


I've had this happen to me too...


But I'm a grown man and don't blame my mistakes on others.


Maby that's because I'm not from a country where everything that ever happens to you is someone elses fault (ie. a litigation based country like the US), and we learn to take responsibility for our own actions


EDIT: For anyone who doesn't believe me, here's my thread about it: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=754259

And I didn't ask for a refund or for someone to be "punished" for my mistakes.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Except I'm not wrong here, because the seller is justified in selling his item for w/e price he wants to and the buyer has all the tools and information to make an informed purchase in-game already.


Except you're wrong in saying it's not against the TOS. Because it's against the TOS. The seller can put whatever price he wants hes but the seller shouldn't be allowed to manipulate the GTN to make the prices seem like they are lower with the way the numbers are displayed. The buyer obviously needs to be cautious but sometimes they are not. Changing the way the numbers are displayed would prevent these sellers from deliberately trying to trick people, then it wouldn't be against TOS. :)

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One has to be a bit clueless, careless, or impatient to 'fall' for this pricing.


However, the GTN itself is pretty poorly designed, and as part of GTN improvements, changes could be made to make it more difficult to pull off or fall for this type of pricing in the future (set all prices in whole credits, enter until cost - system calculates total price based on units selected, justify numbers / add trailing zeros).

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Hey, at least I can admit i'm wrong to something, rather than desperately trying to defend myself, which is exactly what you've done.


I'm glad you've put it in your sig, maybe you'll learn something for once :rolleyes: You can look at it every day and say to yourself "it's okay to be wrong".


You really should go through his posting history as he has admitted to being wrong plenty of times before.


Of course, in those instances he was actually... you know... wrong.

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Good one OP! This is Hillarious!


And in other news...


Senate Marketplace, Coruscant:


Trading houses across the galaxy are in a state of pandemonium as millions of upset traders have blockaded access to GTN terminals demanding that authorities take action against so called GTN scammers. The protesting traders demand an end to the practice of sellers freely listing items for whatever price they deem fit alleging that the "willing seller-willing buyer" model is fully open to abuse by unscrupulous traders who vastly overprice their items and then trick unsuspecting buyers into purchasing them.


"The authorities need to put a stop to this. I lost my entire fortune on the GTN today" says one Miss Atta Batta, a regular trader at the Coruscant GTN exchange. Miss Batta paid a staggering 1040001 credits for a stack of 3 Opilla Crystals having misread the price and thinking that she was getting an absolute bargain of 346.667 per crystal. "It's an absolute outrage! The seller refused to refund my credits claiming that I had agreed to the purchase and that all the information was listed upfront. But im too lazy to read the prices and I shouldn't be forced to read them so carefully just because all these sellers are trying to scam us!" Another trader, Mister Oojoobi'Jubna of Ithoria, quickly agrees, having similarly lost over 7 million credits for a pack of 11 Resolve stims. "Sellers shouldn't be allowed to list for whatever price they want" he argues. "They are intentionally deceiving us by putting these strange figures that can be misread by careless people like myself!"


These are but some of the many tales that are repeating themselves at Trading Houses across the galaxy. Gullible traders are targetted by unscrupulous sellers who trick them into purchasing goods at vastly inflated prices using figures that are easily misread by the careless amateur trader - circumventing the spirit of the stringent GTN requirements of presenting all information upfront. Trading House managers say they are powerless to take action against these unscrupulous sellers noting that the sellers have not broken any galactic laws or GTN regulations as they are free to list items at any price they choose and that the buyers have full freedom not to buy any overpriced items. "We advise all traders to read all the details on screen carefully and to confirm a purchase only after they have double checked the total amount they will be paying" says president of the Huttese Trading Association, Moh'Neh the Hutt, who is responsible for managing many Trading Houses across the galaxy.


This statement does not help Mister Oojoobi'Jubna and the millions of others who have since been reduced to utter poverty. With little legal recourse to recover their hard earned credits, they feel they have no choice but to publicly vent their frustration in the hopes that they will eventually get things changed for the better. "I won't let a single transaction to take place at this GTN until I get my money back or some law is passed to put a stop to this menace" he says.







I had a great laugh, good job!


Now my turn:


In the meantime on Dromund Kaas...


"Greetings viewers, we are just outside the Trading House on the Imperial Capital, Dromund Kaas. Here, like on many other worlds both in the Glorious Empire and the Treacherous Republic, honest traders have reported incidents where prices of some goods on the Galactic Trade Network were being sold at highly inflated prices. Additionally those prices were deliberately set in the way to confuse honest, hard working people."


"We are now speaking with Darth Imperius, a member of the Dark Council who is currently overseeing the GTN activities."


"Good day to you My Lord. There are reports of scammers trying, with varying amounts of success, to cheat the GTN users into purchasing grossly overpriced goods, using a confusing number of decimals in unit price column. We estimate that hundreds of millions of credits were lost due to these tactics. There are a lot of angry citizens throughout the Empire and the Republic, some threatening to take matters into their own hands, there is even talk of leaving the Galaxy! These despicable actions may threaten the peace. What can you say My Lord, to ease the pain of those poor citizens who lost their fortunes, and maybe of plans that the Empire may have to combat the scammers?"


"Yea, whatever."


"Thank you My Lord. From Dromund Kaas, speaking Khalisah bint Sinan al-Jilani, from Compleatly Different Game. Good day. "


Dies LMAO!



So basically all this drama is because certain individuals apparently can't read or count?


Well in that case....I've got some ocean front property and a stronghold on Mustafar I wanna sell....cheap ;)

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Except you're wrong in saying it's not against the TOS. Because it's against the TOS. The seller can put whatever price he wants hes but the seller shouldn't be allowed to manipulate the GTN to make the prices seem like they are lower with the way the numbers are displayed. The buyer obviously needs to be cautious but sometimes they are not. Changing the way the numbers are displayed would prevent these sellers from deliberately trying to trick people, then it wouldn't be against TOS. :)


It is not against the ToS as it is not done with the intent to annoy or harass the other player.

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It is done with intent because the seller is trying to trick the player into buying something way overpriced. Therefore against TOS. :)


And that's not against the ToS... Where does it say in the ToS that you can't put up items on the GTN at ridiculously overpriced ratings in the hopes that some dumb sucker will buy them?


Yes, it's strange why he refuses to accept he is wrong in this case. I know why. Desperation. :)


More like because he isn't wrong.

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This is far from the first MMO I've been in where some people will dedicate massive amounts of their gaming time to the GTN or GTN equivalents. For some people, the GTN is a mini game all to itself. Far be it for me to discourage, or encourage a particular "play style" in an MMO. Games are supposed to be fun, and if someone is having fun playing the GTN, more power to them.
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