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The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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I'd like to start with the fact there is no such thing a "scam" on the GTN, I'm just using the popular terminology.


Buyer/scammer sees ITEM X for 50,000 when ITEM X is normally 500,000. The innocent seller clearly forgot a zero since they had been playing all day and was very tired and not paying attention.


The buyer/scammer, knowing this is an error, buys the item for 50,000 and pats themselves on the back for a great deal they got and then also brags to everyone else about it, even calling the innocent seller a moron for listing it so low. Then, the buyer/scammer may use it or re-list it for 500,000, or ever 450,000, to make a nice easy profit.


"Oh, no, this isn't a scam! It's called bargain-hunting!" is what the buyers/scammers will say.

The buyer/scammer knowingly buys the item that is mistakenly priced so they "scammed" the innocent seller who had no idea of the error.


It's ok when it works in your favour, right? But when it doesn't it's time to cry bloody murder on the forums. The buyer/scammers are more than happy to take advantage of an inattentive seller but as soon as it doesn't go their way it's time to cry here playing a ridiculous "I'm the victim" card.


It's so, so sad.

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Satire or not, the GTN interface is absolutely terrible. I've listed items for X value only to have it reset to stock value halfway through my 20-30 listings, so I have to immediately pull a few of them off.


You could attempt to pedantically deny the practice which you are parodying is a "scam," but you would have to be wearing some pretty thick blinders to not realize it is done with dishonest intent.


Do you ever wonder why there are so many government regulations on businesses? There are plenty of ways to "legitimately" part someone from their money in a dishonest manner.

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Well, judging from the number of threads about this in such a recent time period ( I think its a recent time period) it would seem their are three reasons why these threads have appeared.


1) someone and his cronies are having fun.


2) People just don't look when they buy stuff.


3) There are actually people scamming.


Take your pick.


Aside from that, its not possible to scam someone on the gtn.

Edited by Cordarn
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Sometimes I get good deals other times I overpay/pay the amount of the item as well.


Grabbed 10 Revan statues + 10 Massive Turrets for 40m total (2m each), now there still about 1.5-2m on Shadowlands.


Grabbed a Dathomir robe the first day for 300k, sold for 3m.


So even if I do gain profit on alot of stuff, I also buy alot of stuff above the average stronghold decorater as well.

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Look what I just did! I scammed the GTN cuz a seller was tired from playing all day and wasn't paying attention!




Satele Shan's Boots for 99k when they normally list (Harbinger) for at least ONE MILLION??? Wow! I sure scammed this seller good!


Oh, wait, I forgot... it's NOT a scam when I get a great deal, right? It's only if *I'm* the one who's tired and inattentive then the seller is a scammer. So I guess I just got a great deal, I'm patting myself on the back, and now I'm here bragging about it.


Only sellers can be scammers, right?



Edited by PetFish
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Look what I just did! I scammed the GTN cuz a seller was tired from playing all day and wasn't paying attention!




Satele Shan's Boots for 99k when they normally list (Harbinger) for at least ONE MILLION??? Wow! I sure scammed this seller good!


Oh, wait, I forgot... it's NOT a scam when I get a great deal, right? It's only if *I'm* the one who's tired and inattentive then the seller is a scammer. So I guess I just got a great deal, I'm patting myself on the back, and now I'm here bragging about it.


Only sellers can be scammers, right?




Reported you scammer



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Kudos to the OP! Well done. I brought this point up in one of the other Scam threads, and was told by the whiners that I needed to start a thread about it, but their thread wasn't the place for it. LOL glad you did.


It's amazing to me when the shoe is on the other foot how quickly people choose not to see logic, because it no longer supports their claim.


Made me laugh. Thanks again for the thread.

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Only sellers can be scammers, right?


I wouldn't say "only", but it's definitely a lot more common. Since most scams are being run by sellers, and the main problem (imo) is the volume of scams, it makes sense to focus more resources on seller scams.


That said, if you can think of ways that could prevent seller from being scammed that would be as easy as changing a single line of code (in order to display decimals consistently), I'd probably support it.


In any case, I'm sorry that an unscrupulous buyer took advantage of you (assuming you aren't just lying about in the hopes of getting sympathy).

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Pffft. If I accidentally sell something for less, that's on me. If I accidentally buy something I didn't mean to do (like I did the other day) that's on me (was looking at unit prices and forgot to check if it was being sold as one unit or multiple :p).


No one got scammed. Someone made out that day. That's all.

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With the sheer number and length of some of these threads, I'm kind of interested to see if come Monday some Moderator locks them up and says "No more ..."


Would be curious to see what the official BW statement is concerning these. I'm hoping for the "Learn 2 Play" line they've used in the past.

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With the sheer number and length of some of these threads, I'm kind of interested to see if come Monday some Moderator locks them up and says "No more ..."


Would be curious to see what the official BW statement is concerning these. I'm hoping for the "Learn 2 Play" line they've used in the past.


I am hoping for the same. Though if it happened, I fear even this thread would be locked up, even though it is (as of my resurrection of it) an archival thread.


So far, I have not found any official party line or anything, except maybe a "We are sorry that this happened to you, but all GTN transactions are final" type response in ticket filings.

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Pffft. If I accidentally sell something for less, that's on me. If I accidentally buy something I didn't mean to do (like I did the other day) that's on me (was looking at unit prices and forgot to check if it was being sold as one unit or multiple :p).


No one got scammed. Someone made out that day. That's all.


Based on what I have seen, this thread is intended to be a satire of the GTN Scam/Not a Scam Threads by reversing the situation.

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Yes, but the satire, IMO, is that the threads exist in the first place.


Just the fun forum PVP topic for the moment, like many others in the past. I remember the epic forum PVP from "appearance progression" back in the day.


Quite a few mad folks back then when Bioware decided to add adaptive armor to the game.


Not to mention the uproar over sprint at level 1 and 2 more bars for F2P.

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