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Reuse of taken names.


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Okay, so I bought TOR recently, and I love it, but my main gripe is that DAMN it's hard to name my characters. All my usual RPG names are long since taken. I had to go so far outside the box to name the 3 I have that I got out of the box, got a job, moved into a house and stopped being a hobo living in a box.


So here's my idea, free-up some names of inactive players, OR raise the allowance. Seeing as how we have the legacy system giving people unique surnames, and it's not that unusual that in real life, you find people with the same forename as you, it wouldn't be that crazy to free some of the names up. I'm willing to bet that the 10 people who want to use Bubba Fatt or whatever aren't even playing on the same server. So why restrict the name for those who want it?


Honestly, if they continue only allowing 1 name with no spaces or dashes, and that 1 name is going to be taken for as long as you hold that name, we might get to the stage where every new character created is a series of random letters that you can't even pronounce.

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The best way around it is to look up the list of alternate keyboard characters on Google and replace a couple letters like :


a --- å

B --- ß

Then it will still look like you have the name you like and all is well.



Also, when the initial server mergers were forced on us, they did away with unique surnames. Anybody can use any surname now, so only first names are unique.

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The best way around it is to look up the list of alternate keyboard characters on Google and replace a couple letters like :


a --- å

B --- ß

Then it will still look like you have the name you like and all is well.



Also, when the initial server mergers were forced on us, they did away with unique surnames. Anybody can use any surname now, so only first names are unique.


The problem with your B symbol is that anyone who actually knows what that symbol is will pronounce it as an S, and not a B. Here's a snippit from wiki.


In the German alphabet, ß (Unicode U+00DF) is a consonant letter that evolved as a ligature of "long s and z" (ſz) and "long s over round s" (ſs). Like double "s", when speaking it is pronounced (see IPA). In standard spelling (since the orthography reform from 1996), it is used only after long vowels and diphthongs, while ss is written after short vowels. Its German name is Eszett (IPA: [ʔɛsˈt͡sɛt], the lexicalized expression for "sz", from "es-zed") or scharfes S (IPA: [ˈʃaʁfəs ˈʔɛs, ˈʃaːfəs ˈʔɛs], "sharp S"). In English it is often called sharp s.


While the letter "ß" has been used in other languages, today it is only used in German. However, it is not used in all German-speaking countries, in particular not in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Namibia.[1] German speakers in Germany, Austria, Belgium,[2] Denmark,[3] Luxembourg[4] and South Tyrol, Italy[5] follow the standard rules for ß.

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Okay, so I bought TOR recently, and I love it, but my main gripe is that DAMN it's hard to name my characters. All my usual RPG names are long since taken

That's because your naming creativity begins with a variation of "Luke" and ends with a variation of "Vader." I have never had a problem naming my characters because I don't have to name them based on the same well-known fantasy/sci fi characters everyone else bases their their character names on.


The problem with your B symbol is that anyone who actually knows what that symbol is will pronounce it as an S, and not a B. Here's a snippit from wiki.

But it looks like a B. That's the point.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If you haven't logged into the character in 8-12 months, your name on the server should become forfeit and thrown back into the "up for grabs" pool.


Isn't that the current setting? Oh, no... That's F2P and Prefs...


But that system is on use (at least partially). I have very rarely ever had trouble with naming characters, if it is based on a common name, I assume it has been taken and try a different one.


Ex. Ashlyn became Aishlynne. Michael became Mikail. Anna is Ahnauh. Izzy is Eizzey.


And I admit to using non-English words for names. Why? Because I can, and I like the word, and what it means.

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Okay, so I bought TOR recently, and I love it, but my main gripe is that DAMN it's hard to name my characters. All my usual RPG names are long since taken. I had to go so far outside the box to name the 3 I have that I got out of the box, got a job, moved into a house and stopped being a hobo living in a box.


So here's my idea, free-up some names of inactive players, OR raise the allowance. Seeing as how we have the legacy system giving people unique surnames, and it's not that unusual that in real life, you find people with the same forename as you, it wouldn't be that crazy to free some of the names up. I'm willing to bet that the 10 people who want to use Bubba Fatt or whatever aren't even playing on the same server. So why restrict the name for those who want it?


Honestly, if they continue only allowing 1 name with no spaces or dashes, and that 1 name is going to be taken for as long as you hold that name, we might get to the stage where every new character created is a series of random letters that you can't even pronounce.


BW did a name purge several months ago with very fair criteria. I would not expect them to do another name purge in the near future or to use different criteria if they do another name purge.

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You ever thought if your names where taken already then the names weren't to original in the first place? come up with something Really Original and i bet it be available. ;)


That's because your naming creativity begins with a variation of "Luke" and ends with a variation of "Vader." I have never had a problem naming my characters because I don't have to name them based on the same well-known fantasy/sci fi characters everyone else bases their their character names on.


To both of you, I think you're underestimating me a fair bit. I've had characters across several mmos, with names I've plucked from or modified from anything ranging from natural metals, to plant life, to mythology and ancient gods. I wasn't trying to name any of my characters Luke or Vader or even Selphie, which is my handle on a couple sites.

As an example, one of the characters I wanted to name was Nailah. That didn't work, so i tried every possible alteration, nylah, nalah, naylah, nailaaah, you name it. What I ended up with was Wylah. I like my characters name now, but it sucks pretty hard that I essentially have to go through the same process on every single character.

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I've resorted to Japanese names. Since the game wasn't as popular in Asia as other MMOs have been I've found just about all of the Japanese names I choose are available.


And by Japanese names, I do NOT mean anime characters. Just say no to names like Kirito or Asuna.

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To both of you, I think you're underestimating me a fair bit. I've had characters across several mmos, with names I've plucked from or modified from anything ranging from natural metals, to plant life, to mythology and ancient gods. I wasn't trying to name any of my characters Luke or Vader or even Selphie, which is my handle on a couple sites.

As an example, one of the characters I wanted to name was Nailah. That didn't work, so i tried every possible alteration, nylah, nalah, naylah, nailaaah, you name it. What I ended up with was Wylah. I like my characters name now, but it sucks pretty hard that I essentially have to go through the same process on every single character.

That's the way it goes, eh? I was exaggerating with my "Luke/Vader" thing.


Personally, I never have trouble coming up with names. So ... /shrug.

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To both of you, I think you're underestimating me a fair bit. I've had characters across several mmos, with names I've plucked from or modified from anything ranging from natural metals, to plant life, to mythology and ancient gods. I wasn't trying to name any of my characters Luke or Vader or even Selphie, which is my handle on a couple sites.

As an example, one of the characters I wanted to name was Nailah. That didn't work, so i tried every possible alteration, nylah, nalah, naylah, nailaaah, you name it. What I ended up with was Wylah. I like my characters name now, but it sucks pretty hard that I essentially have to go through the same process on every single character.


I generally resort to fictional language names, or obscure alternatives to common things.


Hyacinth is a type of rock, as well as a flower, but if it is taken, I would go through even to the scientific name to get one.


I'm sorry your not-so-common names are mostly taken. But there has been a name purge already, and it is possible they will do another one, but not anytime soon.

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To both of you, I think you're underestimating me a fair bit. I've had characters across several mmos, with names I've plucked from or modified from anything ranging from natural metals, to plant life, to mythology and ancient gods. I wasn't trying to name any of my characters Luke or Vader or even Selphie, which is my handle on a couple sites.

As an example, one of the characters I wanted to name was Nailah. That didn't work, so i tried every possible alteration, nylah, nalah, naylah, nailaaah, you name it. What I ended up with was Wylah. I like my characters name now, but it sucks pretty hard that I essentially have to go through the same process on every single character.


Yep, the older an MMO becomes the harder it gets. I occasionally run into the same problem when creating new characters, despite the fact that I will never knowingly go for well known character names (no matter whether their source is Star Wars, Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings).

Usually I manage it by adding or changing a letter or two, just like in your example.

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Nailah is a pretty uncommon name... okay if you say so. You wouldn't be able to get that name on any sort of MMO that has been up and running for 3+ years.


You're joining 3 years into the life of an MMO and you're surprised that a name like Nailah and close variations of it are taken? Get real..


As a side note, I've created 4 new characters recently and have not had to rename any of them... I don't think the problem is with the game in general but with your lack of imagination.


And again, they just did a pretty large name purge in the past few months. Any non derivative/lame/reject name should easily be able to be created without much trouble.


P.S. Nailah is a pretty heavily used name... 1) It is used in Fire Emblem which is a wildly popular franchise of games (and many other RPG/Fantasy titles in the past as well), and 2) it is the name (this version is Naila) of the wife of a very famous Caliph of the Islamic Empire... now I'm sure it's probably used more as a reference to Fire Emblem, but it certainly isn't an uncommon to run in a world that is filled with game/fantasy/history nerds.

Edited by Orien
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That's because your naming creativity begins with a variation of "Luke" and ends with a variation of "Vader." I have never had a problem naming my characters because I don't have to name them based on the same well-known fantasy/sci fi characters everyone else bases their their character names on.


This. Twenty-two characters on two servers, great-sounding names, never a problem, and I only used Kulyok once. :) I did use Russian-isms twice or thrice, though: Kuc-kuc sounds too perfect for a Cathar chick.


Btw, any variations of Fett, Luke and Vader break ToS and can get the OP reported and their name taken away.



There's one very easy trick: get a fantasy name, delete one or two letters from it, and if it still sounds great, take the name as yours.

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