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  1. To both of you, I think you're underestimating me a fair bit. I've had characters across several mmos, with names I've plucked from or modified from anything ranging from natural metals, to plant life, to mythology and ancient gods. I wasn't trying to name any of my characters Luke or Vader or even Selphie, which is my handle on a couple sites. As an example, one of the characters I wanted to name was Nailah. That didn't work, so i tried every possible alteration, nylah, nalah, naylah, nailaaah, you name it. What I ended up with was Wylah. I like my characters name now, but it sucks pretty hard that I essentially have to go through the same process on every single character.
  2. Okay, so I bought TOR recently, and I love it, but my main gripe is that DAMN it's hard to name my characters. All my usual RPG names are long since taken. I had to go so far outside the box to name the 3 I have that I got out of the box, got a job, moved into a house and stopped being a hobo living in a box. So here's my idea, free-up some names of inactive players, OR raise the allowance. Seeing as how we have the legacy system giving people unique surnames, and it's not that unusual that in real life, you find people with the same forename as you, it wouldn't be that crazy to free some of the names up. I'm willing to bet that the 10 people who want to use Bubba Fatt or whatever aren't even playing on the same server. So why restrict the name for those who want it? Honestly, if they continue only allowing 1 name with no spaces or dashes, and that 1 name is going to be taken for as long as you hold that name, we might get to the stage where every new character created is a series of random letters that you can't even pronounce.
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