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Stupid things PVPers do


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D-Bags abound, and can be found anywhere in any multiplayer game. The good new is that they blocked you, and you'll never have the joy of grouping with them for any of your PvE content.


I'm happy to see that conquests is getting more PvE players to join WZ's ~ and that many of them are actually trying the PvP. This is a really good thing for the game. I'm not happy about the players that are just AFKing their way through matches, but that's a different issue.


Some things to think about...

1) Sucking at PvP is something that every PvP player did once, everyone gets to be a noob.

2) Your toon will probably always get slaughtered by the class that is meant to be it's hard counter.

3) Players that waste APM running others down in PvP matches are rarely the top contributors to their teams.

4) The PvP gods on PvE and RP servers couldn't hack it on a PvP server.

5) Who cares what a D-Bag thinks?

6) Live players are tougher oponents than any scripted boss will ever be, WZ's will improve your raid performance.

7) Everyone dies in WZ's, the winners just die fewer times. If you have to, take one for the team, delaying the cap of a node by 5 seconds can be all it takes for your team to win.


Some advice for anyone rolling tank spec in WZ's for the first time.

1) find a heal spec player on your team, and watch after them like you're their loyal dog.

2) Guard them! It's vital in WZ's. Together you're able to hold off half the other team, apart each of you is a solo kill.

3) Use your single target taunt on whoever attacks that player. ~ otherwise use it on CD

4) Use your aoe debuffs whenever possible ~ this is probably your greatest contribution.

5) If you have harpoon, lead the pack & pull the first enemy player to get within range so that your team can focus them down.

6) Mark heal spec players on the other team ~ this is everyone's job. It's important, and it's often the difference between a win and a loss.

7) Players that patiently guard capped nodes & type "incoming {location}" in chat are some of the most underappreciated players in WZ. Their numbers on the leaderboard will stink, but they often decide the outcome of matches. Just standing there will discourage most solo enemy players from attempting to cap.




</waves at Leafy_Bug Glad to see you're still around !

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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D-Bags abound, and can be found anywhere in any multiplayer game. The good new is that they blocked you, and you'll never have the joy of grouping with them for any of your PvE content.


I'm happy to see that conquests is getting more PvE players to join WZ's ~ and that many of them are actually trying the PvP. This is a really good thing for the game. I'm not happy about the players that are just AFKing their way through matches, but that's a different issue.


Some things to think about...

1) Sucking at PvP is something that every PvP player did once, everyone gets to be a noob.

2) Your toon will probably always get slaughtered by the class that is meant to be it's hard counter.

3) Players that waste APM running others down in PvP matches are rarely the top contributors to their teams.

4) The PvP gods on PvE and RP servers couldn't hack it on a PvP server.

5) Who cares what a D-Bag thinks?

6) Live players are tougher oponents than any scripted boss will ever be, WZ's will improve your raid performance.

7) Everyone dies in WZ's, the winners just die fewer times. If you have to, take one for the team, delaying the cap of a node by 5 seconds can be all it takes for your team to win.


Some advice for anyone rolling tank spec in WZ's for the first time.

1) find a heal spec player on your team, and watch after them like you're their loyal dog.

2) Guard them! It's vital in WZ's. Together you're able to hold off half the other team, apart each of you is a solo kill.

3) Use your single target taunt on whoever attacks that player. ~ otherwise use it on CD

4) Use your aoe debuffs whenever possible ~ this is probably your greatest contribution.

5) If you have harpoon, lead the pack & pull the first enemy player to get within range so that your team can focus them down.

6) Mark heal spec players on the other team ~ this is everyone's job. It's important, and it's often the difference between a win and a loss.

7) Players that patiently guard capped nodes & type "incoming {location}" in chat are some of the most underappreciated players in WZ. Their numbers on the leaderboard will stink, but they often decide the outcome of matches. Just standing there will discourage most solo enemy players from attempting to cap.


very good info thanks for the tip. I will keep an eye on what you are explaining to me.

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The other difference is that you'd be totally welcome in a story mode op with that gear, but I dont have an option to queue for pvp with ungeared people only.


The better your PvP gear is, the better it is for PvE as well.

The better your PvE gear is, the worse it becomes in PvP... makes no sense.


Wow, I always thought to stay away from PVP gear because it would not be good for PVE but if what you are saying is the case, I am saving my PVP coins to get me some PVP gear. Hey thanks for this detail.

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Wow, I always thought to stay away from PVP gear because it would not be good for PVE but if what you are saying is the case, I am saving my PVP coins to get me some PVP gear. Hey thanks for this detail.


When the game launched, most players were walking into Ops wearing almost full PVP gear because it was so much easier to get. A guild working as a group could farm a full pvp set in a week or two, while the grind for Comm gear and HM FP drops was a slow grind that took forever.

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When the game launched, most players were walking into Ops wearing almost full PVP gear because it was so much easier to get. A guild working as a group could farm a full pvp set in a week or two, while the grind for Comm gear and HM FP drops was a slow grind that took forever.


And now, PvP gear is garbage for PvE.......

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D-Bags abound, and can be found anywhere in any multiplayer game. The good new is that they blocked you, and you'll never have the joy of grouping with them for any of your PvE content.


I'm happy to see that conquests is getting more PvE players to join WZ's ~ and that many of them are actually trying the PvP. This is a really good thing for the game. I'm not happy about the players that are just AFKing their way through matches, but that's a different issue.


Some things to think about...

1) Sucking at PvP is something that every PvP player did once, everyone gets to be a noob.

2) Your toon will probably always get slaughtered by the class that is meant to be it's hard counter.

3) Players that waste APM running others down in PvP matches are rarely the top contributors to their teams.

4) The PvP gods on PvE and RP servers couldn't hack it on a PvP server.

5) Who cares what a D-Bag thinks?

6) Live players are tougher oponents than any scripted boss will ever be, WZ's will improve your raid performance.

7) Everyone dies in WZ's, the winners just die fewer times. If you have to, take one for the team, delaying the cap of a node by 5 seconds can be all it takes for your team to win.


Some advice for anyone rolling tank spec in WZ's for the first time.

1) find a heal spec player on your team, and watch after them like you're their loyal dog.

2) Guard them! It's vital in WZ's. Together you're able to hold off half the other team, apart each of you is a solo kill.

3) Use your single target taunt on whoever attacks that player. ~ otherwise use it on CD

4) Use your aoe debuffs whenever possible ~ this is probably your greatest contribution.

5) If you have harpoon, lead the pack & pull the first enemy player to get within range so that your team can focus them down.

6) Mark heal spec players on the other team ~ this is everyone's job. It's important, and it's often the difference between a win and a loss.

7) Players that patiently guard capped nodes & type "incoming {location}" in chat are some of the most underappreciated players in WZ. Their numbers on the leaderboard will stink, but they often decide the outcome of matches. Just standing there will discourage most solo enemy players from attempting to cap.




</waves at Leafy_Bug Glad to see you're still around !

From someone who leveled a gunnery trooper doing only PvP when it was the worst class in PvPm thanks for taking the time to write this down. Would certainly have helped me then, so will help many now too.

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Some of you are so disconnected from the game it is not even funny. Lets elaborate. PVP-ers complain there are no pops and not enough people queuing for warzones. 'OMG OMG OMG cross server pops' this is the solution to everything. You wanna end world hunger? A pvp-er will say the solution is cross server pops.


I am on TOFN, the poo poo hole of this game, and what the OP is reporting happens every warzone. PVP-ers are uber and PVE-ers are lower than whale poo in this game. TOFN has a few pve guilds with exceptional PVP players who don't pvp 24/7 but they are quite good when they do. They get into a warzone and all they see is '**** pve hero, scrub, carry me, go back to your crappy ops, etc, etc'.



As the founder of the Alliance, seeing this behaviour from PVP guilds towards the new population who was actually giving insta ranked pops on TOFN, we discouraged joining PVP. Nobody wants to join a warzone and end up insulted. Oh and nowadays, things are taken to a whole new level where people are mocking us in warzones based on our facebook profiles or pictures we posted here. I myself have been told a few times that my mom should have had an abortion , etc, etc.




Quoted for truth.


I once whispered tpo an PvP player who had just written into the chat that some PvP players should rathr have been aborted, and pointed out that this was an insult.

What did he do ? He tried to blackmail me that my - in his opinion, which he stated as a fact - char's name wasn't legal according o the TOS ...


PvP players are the most aggressive players in SWTOR. They're about nothing but power and being The BIg One.

For achieving this, most of they would be ready to use ANY explöoit - and afterwards claim that it wasn't any exploit at all. Not even the tiniest bit. And insulting others just sports for them, my inner cynic adds.

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Raiders wouldn't stand for it if us 32k PvP geared people joined their NiM Palace ops run, but the difference is that they get a choice and can kick said person. PvP'ers don't get that, when a four man premade of 900 expertise 40k sorcs get put in our match, we get to eat sh*t and deal with it.

You can't do a NiM via GF. If you're gonna do WZs via the WZ GF (or whatever it's called), you get what you get. Don't like it? Don't do WZs or do pre-mades.


If you aren't willing to get any PvP gear and just queue to farm points in your useless raid gear then I don't feel bad in the slightest about you getting misstreated and abused by a PvP'er, because you're essentially doing the same to them.

First world problems demand first world solutions!

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I feel there is more to this than OP is letting on, in that he probably went into a WZ with his 38k raid geared character. While that does not condone being treated like crap, I can't say that I really completely blame people for acting that way. Raiders wouldn't stand for it if us 32k PvP geared people joined their NiM Palace ops run, but the difference is that they get a choice and can kick said person. PvP'ers don't get that, when a four man premade of 900 expertise 40k sorcs get put in our match, we get to eat sh*t and deal with it.


BS. Regular Warzones are a joke and equivalent to SM OPs at most. If some a-hole is sending tells to someone in PvE gear in a WZ then he deserves scorn and misery not your support. I wouldn't treat someone showing up to a SM op in Brutalizer poorly, in fact he would be better geared than half the scrubs who do SM ops successfully.


40k 900 expertise sorcs will do real damage if they are actually playing instead of dancing. Yes they will have a high death count but they will still kill handily. And you won't get a 200000 credit repair bill because of the sorcs in your 15 minute warzone.


One of the things that makes me laugh is how PvPers are such elitists that whine about other elitists. The irony of PvPers who wanted faster queues complaining about the scrubs in delicious.


I consider myself a medium/poor PvPer. Yet I often get highest medals, highest damage, decent healing and/or protection in WZs.

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Wow, I always thought to stay away from PVP gear because it would not be good for PVE but if what you are saying is the case, I am saving my PVP coins to get me some PVP gear. Hey thanks for this detail.

a beginning 55 should immediately do the PVP weekly and spend the comms on PvP relics. But you knew that before you posted your incorrect sarcastic twittering.

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Tanking is not extremely possible in most pvp environments and a good team will kill the healers no matter what you do. Here is two keys to get you medals and help your team that are very easy. Make a PvP bar and put these two items or more if you have them, in easy places.


Guard. See someone getting attacked, guard them. Target the person attacking them, and taunt. It works in PvP by dropping their damage by 25-30% if they attack someone other than you.


I regularly get 100K plus protection on my Shadow, running in Shadow Technique just by spamming my taunts whenever they are available. You won't get too many people busting on you if you get a decent level of damage and 1-200k protection points. Easy for a tank with guard to get.


So, look for those skills and go nuts with them.


Edit, okay, someone already pointed this stuff out, but it bears repeating.

Edited by Viperswhip
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BS. Regular Warzones are a joke and equivalent to SM OPs at most. If some a-hole is sending tells to someone in PvE gear in a WZ then he deserves scorn and misery not your support. I wouldn't treat someone showing up to a SM op in Brutalizer poorly, in fact he would be better geared than half the scrubs who do SM ops successfully.


40k 900 expertise sorcs will do real damage if they are actually playing instead of dancing. Yes they will have a high death count but they will still kill handily. And you won't get a 200000 credit repair bill because of the sorcs in your 15 minute warzone.


One of the things that makes me laugh is how PvPers are such elitists that whine about other elitists. The irony of PvPers who wanted faster queues complaining about the scrubs in delicious.


I consider myself a medium/poor PvPer. Yet I often get highest medals, highest damage, decent healing and/or protection in WZs.


Regs may be a "joke" but the fact is that team ranked is pretty much for the best of the best of the best and an utterly tiny amount of people play it. If anything, solo ranked is the "joke" of the three types of queue's. And no, a raid geared sorc won't do that much damage because of the damage reduction that expertise gives. He'll hit like a wet noodle and be squishy as hell.


As for "wanting more people in queue" you're absolutely right, but that wasn't the point I was making in my other post. I'm all for more people trying PvP, learning it, gearing up, and getting better at it. What I have a problem with is the people who queue ONLY to farm points, with no intention of ever even trying to get PvP gear and/or really help the team win. Those are the ones that I can't stand. I suppose that makes me a bit of an elitist, but oh well, I'm not going to apologize for wanting to not have a useless sack of flesh on my team. Raiders sure as hell wouldn't put up with it, nor should they have to, so it's not exactly going to sit well with PvP'ers that we have to put up with it.

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As for "wanting more people in queue" you're absolutely right, but that wasn't the point I was making in my other post. I'm all for more people trying PvP, learning it, gearing up, and getting better at it. What I have a problem with is the people who queue ONLY to farm points

Deal with it, stop WZing or go pre-made.


Or continue to vent your impotent rage. Your call. No one else cares.

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From someone who leveled a gunnery trooper doing only PvP when it was the worst class in PvPm thanks for taking the time to write this down. Would certainly have helped me then, so will help many now too.

Thank You ~ I really appreciate that, I only PvP on my gunnery toon when I'm in the mood for recreational dental work.


I consider myself a medium/poor PvPer. Yet I often get highest medals, highest damage, decent healing and/or protection in WZs.


The irony is....That's true of most PvP'ers with your attitude.


You probably also,

1) actually play toward the objectives of the WZ

2) never type anything in chat besides "inc {location}" ~ to keep from distracting your team with BS

3) have no idea how many medals you earned until the match is over

4) actually MVP players who solo guarded nodes.

5) would prefer to lose to a good team than ROFLstomp a bad one.

6) pass the %#&%ing huttball

7) hope for that rare moment in a PUG match when you feel your team gel.


A few other things that PvE players who are PvPing for the first time should understand about WZ's

1) They are the fastest ice breaker for meeting players to do PvE content with. ~ much shorter than a FP. And you'll also find out who is around that you want to avoid ~ before you waste your time trying to do an FP with them.


2) You don't have to be a great PvP player to be great fun to PvP with. The best player is the team player.


3) PvP is a team sport, and you don't get to lead the team by wanting to ~ you lead by playing to the objectives and to the strengths of your team mates.


4) HILARIOUS things regularly happen in PvP matches that you will never experience in PvE content (no spoilers) Sometimes you will have the privelidge of being the source of that hilarity.


5) At some point you will genuinely win a match for you team all by yourself, and no one will know that it was you. It's rare, but it does happen. (One of mine was capping every objective in a VS match because no one ever got in my way ~ cap objective / wait/ force speed. We were on assault for the first round, and there was no way the opposing team could win after a first round like that. It was long ago, before server merges, but Leafy was also in that match.)


6) Your team will regularly be stomped by groups of guilded players that fit together like a well oiled clock. ~ but after that your team will eventually be stomped by 3 characters who might all be part of Skynet.


7) If you play a WZ & there is a truly good player present ~ follow that person, and annihilate the target of their choosing.

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How original...a PvEer complaining about PvPers. Tell me when you get to the part where they tell you you sucked. Or wait, tell me about how you were FORCED to PvP to get something you wanted...that story is always one of my favorites!!! :D
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How original...a PvEer complaining about PvPers. Tell me when you get to the part where they tell you you sucked. Or wait, tell me about how you were FORCED to PvP to get something you wanted...that story is always one of my favorites!!! :D


By looking at my gear you can see I am a PVer just scoring some points for Conquest, I could have just sit on my butt or hide on the border of the area and just wait for the event to finish. Like I have seen other players do. But I fought, I sucked but I fought, I did my best effort, even in one of the rounds I was the last one killed, so Mr I am the best PVP on Earth died before I did. :D

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By looking at my gear you can see I am a PVer just scoring some points for Conquest, I could have just sit on my butt or hide on the border of the area and just wait for the event to finish. Like I have seen other players do. But I fought, I sucked but I fought, I did my best effort, even in one of the rounds I was the last one killed, so Mr I am the best PVP on Earth died before I did. :D

I apologize...I was probably too harsh on you. I'm glad you did. Effort is what matters, not skill, not gear, not experience...those all come in time. I'm glad you were able to show him up just a bit :)

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4) HILARIOUS things regularly happen in PvP matches that you will never experience in PvE content (no spoilers) Sometimes you will have the privelidge of being the source of that hilarity.

Memories... reminds me when I ran through all the huttball field to score and then it was bugged, could not score....


When I tell I could not score due to some bug and one team member say something like "Buddy, you might want to try on the opposite side."


BTW I made it to the other side again alive: Hilarious,

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Memories... reminds me when I ran through all the huttball field to score and then it was bugged, could not score....


When I tell I could not score due to some bug and one team member say something like "Buddy, you might want to try on the opposite side."


BTW I made it to the other side again alive: Hilarious,


Huttball produces so many great Classic moments!

My favorites have to be leapers suicide jumping into acid or fire, & snipers tunneling on a single player the whole way through a match.


One of my personal best hutball moments were the time I flubbed and "rescued" my own teammate just as they were about to score. I didn't feel like I would ever redeam myself from that, but then I ended up carrying the ball up the side with 2 RDPS players for support. When I was accosted by a leaper, I threw him the ball on purpose, which immobilized him. Then my RDPS burned him to a crisp as I healed their wounds, recovered the ball, and we relayed the ball all the way to a score.


I once had the 'W' key get stuck as I was jumping off the ledge headed toward the center node of Civil War. (Playing my heal spec sage). PANIC! I trudged straight forward, & then successfully crashed face first into the ledge of the opposing team before I turned and force sped toward the side node (which the enemy was capping). Part of the enemy team followed me toward their own capped node, trying for the free kill of an obviously stupid player. Of course I was eventually euthanized, but my instants kept me alive long enough to make it all the way past the side node with 5/8 of the opposing team in tow. I guess their player called "inc" on me. It had to look completely ridiculous to my teammates. The whole time I'm thinking

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People that only pvp whine more than anyone. Even doing unranked wz. Ill get into the area after loading in with my 40k hp op and someone ALWAYS says something about stupid pve rs. Then i stay in my pve gear just as a f u. Even though i have full expertise gear and mostly brutilizer. Personally i think people that only pvp get butt hurt because they can't figure out pve mechanichs and are jealous of my blinky gold gear.


Nobody really cares about your gear. It's not special.

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