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So...Mako is 16?


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Well, it's never been defined what age marriage is "right" in the Star Wars universe. But in the 1500's and 1600's people would get married at 16, 17 and 18 and it was very common. So, it isnt exactly "wrong" for Mako to be 16 and get married to the Bounty Hunter, but also we dont know what age the Bounty Hunter is, it isnt explicitly stated in lore at all, so i would assume he is between 17 - 20. But also those year ranges could very well be off, To me Mako looks like she's about 18.
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Well, it's never been defined what age marriage is "right" in the Star Wars universe. But in the 1500's and 1600's people would get married at 16, 17 and 18 and it was very common. So, it isnt exactly "wrong" for Mako to be 16 and get married to the Bounty Hunter, but also we dont know what age the Bounty Hunter is, it isnt explicitly stated in lore at all, so i would assume he is between 17 - 20. But also those year ranges could very well be off, To me Mako looks like she's about 18.


You really think the male Bounty Hunter is between 17-20? Really?

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On the Wookieepedia site...it says she was born in 3659 BBY...and the start of the Bounty Hunter story is in 3643 BBY.


Is this true?


If so, then why is she a romance option if she's underage?

I'm sorry, where is the Galactic Regulation which states that 16 years is "underage"? Especially in Nar Shadaa?


Assuming it is accurate, after all...


She is a bio-engineered cyborg clone.



You really think the male Bounty Hunter is between 17-20? Really?

Why not? According to the Bounty Hunter story you were scouted by Braden during the Cold War which ran from 3653 BBY through 3642 BBY. But you weren't prominent enough for some other Hunter backers to find. So it's not like you start the story at the top of your profession. You have skills that can be honed, not years of experience.

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are you implying that the bounty hunter finishes his class story in less then a full year story wise? Everybody should be a few years older by the end.


Well, I think the Great Hunt lasts about a year. and i forget what Act 2 has you doing. and Act 3's hunting for a Jedi cant take too long because Jedi arent too hard to find... and i would almost exactly imply that one or 2 years after Act 3, Makeb hapens.

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Age of Consent in probably at least half the states is 16, not sure what the big deal is.




I know a lot of people go by the popular military law, that the girl much be 18. But outside the military that's not necesarily true. Of course many companies half it written in there by laws about dating someone under 18.

Edited by ElevenBfour
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You really think the male Bounty Hunter is between 17-20? Really?


^ this. His voice is a dead giveaway, as well as the dialogue you can have him say (you can call several adults, and mako, a kid. Not something someone the same age-range would do). Seems to me the BH is meant to be around the same age range as the smuggler, so probably around early to mid thirties. *possibly* late twenties.


Still, she's age of consent, and probably hits 18-20 long before you can progress to the point of the relationship going anywhere (keeping in mind that the story progresses over several years, as all the class stories do). An older man dating a younger woman is also not a rare anomoly never seen before lol XD.

Edited by Zyrious
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On the Wookieepedia site...it says she was born in 3659 BBY...and the start of the Bounty Hunter story is in 3643 BBY.


Is this true?


If so, then why is she a romance option if she's underage?


Underaged is so subjective, but everyone seems to think it's not.


2-300 years ago, underaged meant "before she's had her first period." So, 12-13 and you're good to go.


Age of consent in Germany is 16, iirc.


Age of consent in USA is 18, but *people seem to think that's the only morally correct option*. Why?


Expand your horizons a bit, and maybe you'll see that your culture isn't right all the time.


Moral chauvanists. Who cares if Mako is 16? You're a gaddam Bounty Hunter working for the Empire. Make your own damn rules. Or just follow German law and bang'er 'cos she's legal.


TL;DR: Get over it.

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Underaged is so subjective, but everyone seems to think it's not.


2-300 years ago, underaged meant "before she's had her first period." So, 12-13 and you're good to go.


Age of consent in Germany is 16, iirc.


Age of consent in USA is 18, but *people seem to think that's the only morally correct option*. Why?


Expand your horizons a bit, and maybe you'll see that your culture isn't right all the time.


Moral chauvanists. Who cares if Mako is 16? You're a gaddam Bounty Hunter working for the Empire. Make your own damn rules. Or just follow German law and bang'er 'cos she's legal.


TL;DR: Get over it.


Ummm...aren't you being kind of a hypocrite here?


You state 3 times that underage is subjective...in different ways...but then tell someone with a different stance than you on underage to "get over it".


Maybe you should follow your own advice.



Anyways...I just didn't expect her to actually be so young...and yes, I do think it's odd and I'm definitely against a "probably 30 year old" romancing a 16 year old. Sorry if my stance offends you for some reason.


That being said, people in this thread have already pointed out that the story progresses in years, so she is of the age in "my culture's morally "correct" option" by the time any romance begins.

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^ this. His voice is a dead giveaway, as well as the dialogue you can have him say (you can call several adults, and mako, a kid. Not something someone the same age-range would do). Seems to me the BH is meant to be around the same age range as the smuggler, so probably around early to mid thirties. *possibly* late twenties.


Still, she's age of consent, and probably hits 18-20 long before you can progress to the point of the relationship going anywhere (keeping in mind that the story progresses over several years, as all the class stories do). An older man dating a younger woman is also not a rare anomoly never seen before lol XD.


Well, in all reality any of the classes could be between 18 to 32 depending on the physique you make them so, it's in all reality, subjective. I tend to think my first BH who is a Merc is about 22, and my Powertech is 24. So, really, just make up your own age for the BH or any class really.

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On the Wookieepedia site...it says she was born in 3659 BBY...and the start of the Bounty Hunter story is in 3643 BBY.


Is this true?


If so, then why is she a romance option if she's underage?


There seems to be something wrong with the dates on Wookieepedia, because those year dates directly contradict what's written in the SWTOR Encyclopedia (which states the class stories all start in 3640 BBY).


The companion entry for Mako in the SWTOR Encyclopedia lists Mako's age as 19.

Here is a picture of the page in question: http://abload.de/img/2014-09-0318.27.238ascy.jpg

Edited by BenKatarn
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Well, in all reality any of the classes could be between 18 to 32 depending on the physique you make them so, it's in all reality, subjective. I tend to think my first BH who is a Merc is about 22, and my Powertech is 24. So, really, just make up your own age for the BH or any class really.


I made a few Jedi looking older than dirt ;) More like 60-70... But I admit it doesn't fit with the story.

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I think this is because BioWARE as ever targets their imaginary average player, aka a male teen. So, they create a character they think would flatter their self-esteem (an older male in his prime), but supply girlfriends in their teens: Mako, Nadia, Vette, Kira - they are all teens. Honestly, Nadia is far worse than Mako, since Mako at least stands on her own two feet, and Nadia gets a romance immediately after being violently and traumatically orphaned with her older mentor.


With the females, the game is played the other way. The male characters say they are in their golden age late-twenties-mid-thirties, but they look and/or act like teens or are really bland (I guess colorful and passionate romances for a female PC don't fly with male teen crowd). Well, BioWARE's team has troubles imagining a female player at all, and really any female for that matter, it seems. I suggested on occasion random poling of women on the street when picking romantic options. 'Cause I dunno who could possibly prefer Iresso to Zenith, Torian to Gault, Quinn to Pierce (or any random Jedi we kill for that matter) and Doc to Scourge.


Those imaginary average male teens... yeah, they are a root of all romantic troubles in SWTOR.

Edited by DomiSotto
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With the females, the game is played the other way. The male characters say they are in their golden age late-twenties-mid-thirties, but they look and/or act like teens or are really bland (I guess colorful and passionate romances for a female PC don't fly with male teen crowd). Well, BioWARE's team has troubles imagining a female player at all, and really any female for that matter, it seems. I suggested on occasion random poling of women on the street when picking romantic options. 'Cause I dunno who could possibly prefer Iresso to Zenith, Torian to Gault, Quinn to Pierce (or any random Jedi we kill for that matter) and Doc to Scourge.


Those imaginary average male teens... yeah, they are a root of all romantic troubles in SWTOR.


There are plenty of women who like the current love interests just fine. Just read any given topic about the romances on these forums and you'll see it.

Or go and visit a website that has fan art and do a couple of searches; here's one from Deviantart.com for example: http://d4rklynx.deviantart.com/art/Torian-Cadera-390158264

And there's plenty more where that came from on that site.

Not all guys like the same things, and the same very much goes for women as well.


Now more on topic, I always figured our player characters were somewhere between twenty and thirty years old.

They are all talented, but they are still new recruits in their respective fields

Both Jedi and Sith are at the end of their training cycle when the story begins and propels them towards graduation. There's some wiggle room there, as you can say their Force sensitivity was discovered late, but the story heavily implies that they are indeed still pretty young.


The Trooper has a few years of service under their belt, but not all that many judging by the dialogues, same deal with the Imperial Agent who's a fairly recent recruit to Imperial Intelligence

The Bounty Hunter and Smuggler are most likely the eldest of the bunch as they are heavily based on Han Solo and Boba Fett, who weren't all that old during the movies either.


Han also called Luke "Kid" on several occasions while he was barely older than Luke. It's more about establishing themselves as superior than about actually being that much older in age. :p

The Bounty Hunter on SWTOR mostly does it to Anulli (Mako's friend on Nar Shaddaa) and Torian, who are both obviously a little younger than the Hunter.


Han Solo: Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


Luke: You don't believe in the Force, do you?

Han Solo: Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other, and I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen *anything* to make me believe that there's one all-powerful Force controlling everything. 'Cause no mystical energy field controls *my* destiny. It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.


Princess Leia: Your friend is quite the mercenary. I wonder if he really cares about anything. Or anybody.

[she stalks out]

Luke: [calling after her] I care.

[to Han]

Luke: So, what do you think of her, Han?

Han Solo: I'm tryin' not to, kid.


Han Solo: Great shot, kid, that was one in a million!


[Luke blows up his first TIE fighter]

Luke: Got 'im! I got 'im!

Han Solo: Great, kid. Don't get cocky.

Edited by Callaron
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There are plenty of women who like the current love interests just fine. Just read any given topic about the romances on these forums and you'll see it.


I am aware, the ladies work with what they've got, but the other option would have been better.


Males get far more romantic content (it's not even a contest how MUCH more, it's not even 2x, it's much, much, much more), and often can chose which one they prefer, for a females, quite often even the out of party options are just not there. Not a kind word, not a light joke, not a compliment. Nada. Zip. Zilch. To say that female romantic content is satisfactory in this game is an overstatement.


-The most interesting male characters never got romantic sequences (despite some ladies liking, say, Iresso or Doc).

-Out of party flirts are rare at best. And even for the most quoted Smuggler and IA, the out of party options are... awkward. The Smuggler gets 2(!) guys who sell her, one complete pathetic worm, a married man, and one really good option that would have been better than Riggs as LS that promptly disappears (!) :(

-Females never get to flirt out of party with powerful and attractive males (like, say, Jadus), while males have options with their superiors all the time (Saresh, Larchus)

-From what I have seen so far, none of the males struck me as a strong character in his own right, pursuing his own goals, and showing maturity. Like, you know, Zenith, Scourge, Gault.... yeah.


Mako may be young, but she is interesting and is integrated in the story like... a LOT. If you don't like Elara, here is Jaxo, don't like Vette? Here is Jaessa. Oh, and BTW, how do you want your Jaessa light or dark (and omg, poor males, can't romance LS Jaessa, where is my little violin)? Females basically get options on every damn character au par with an unfortunate male Consular. Males just don't know how good they've got it. Duh.


Blah. Sorry.


Mako's 19. Everyone's fine :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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I rolled a male BH. Based on his appearance he would be middle aged, and I can make up a backstory that reconciles his age with the level of experience his class story implies.


I will not have him pursue a relationship with Mako. After all, such a thing is optional, and most of my characters aren't romancing their companions.

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Who says that the republican and imperial time measurement is the same as ours?

With all the planets in the SW universe who says, that they are using yet undiscovered earth's year as a standard?


And, if she is really 16, what is worse, dating her or letting her fight in a cruel war? My BH is a female.

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