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Can We Have GSF Training Ground Please?


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Hi there,


Don't you agree a lot of the frustration around GSF for newcomers (a.k.a. n00bs) results from inexperience? We simply do not know what is going on and why we are being shot down like a bunch of tin cans on a ball toss game :confused:


Live battlegrounds are no arena to take us for training, because of the enemies all around us. Plus matches go mutch too quickly, when a bunch of players on one side decide to play their own mini-game of "train-a-n00b" in the middle of a dog fight.


So why not have guild training ground type of GSF arenas? Players of the same guild could team up on red vs. blue for training. No other players around. In order to not incentivise "guild pvp" over "open pvp", I suggest to make those maps identical to the real ones, except you get 0 points, 0 medals, 0 requisition points. Maybe an achievement "n00b herder" or something, when you take a group out there.


What do you think? Are guild training grounds a good idea to help get more players excited about Galactic Starfighter?


Thank you for your input. If there is enough positive fedback, I can put this in the suggestion box :)





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I don't think I"d have a "guild only" restriction (I'd instead have it based on group/ops), but otherwise? Yes, always thought GSF could use something like this.


A nice, controlled environment where players can dick around with each other for as long as they like and learn the ropes would be perfect. BW, make it happen.

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I don't think I"d have a "guild only" restriction (I'd instead have it based on group/ops), but otherwise? Yes, always thought GSF could use something like this.


A nice, controlled environment where players can dick around with each other for as long as they like and learn the ropes would be perfect. BW, make it happen.


I thought guild restriction would make forming two teams easier. However, maybe regular grouping would work as well. Something along the line of alternating red and blue assignment in groups.


But yes, the important parts are "controlled environment" and "as long as you like", using the old exit area function to get out on your own time.


Thank you for your feedback.





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Well, something better than the existing tutorial has been a requested feature for, um, over nine months now.


There were even strong warnings given to the devs about turning off new players before the early-access version went live to the general SWTOR population.


Either the devs have a very strong philosophical attachment to the, "Throw 'em into the meatgrinder and see if any survive," approach to training (which I kinda doubt) or they simply were not budgeted the resources needed to create a halfway decent training environment for GSF.


It's long, long, past the time when it would have done the most good, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to keep requesting 'decent training environment/mission/scenario/space' as a desired feature for GSF.


Given the probable wait time on that though, assuming they ever get around to doing it, the best advice is hop on your server's /GSF chat channel and talk with experienced players to ask for help.


On some servers you'll get things like Strike Night on TEH or Stock Night on Bastion, which is about as close to a noob friendly experience as you're likely to find for GSF in the foreseeable future.


A lot of the veteran pilots are happy to mentor though, so you'll do pretty well in most cases if you can get someone to help teach you even in the absence of a training ground.

Edited by Ramalina
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A training sim would be excellent. Could show new pilots the ropes instead of throwing them to the sharks.


Sadly I doubt terribly much dev time will be spent on GSF in the future.


I'd love to be proven wrong in that, though.


The sad thing about GSF is that it won't take off like it should because it takes actual skill to be good at it, there is a lot more finese and tactics when it comes to GSF compaired to reg WZs so because of this people don't like to do it so devs don't put resources to it. It's very sad

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Yep I've been talking to a few guilds about this, and if I could take them to a relatively empty area.. maybe I could design an obstacle course or something (around my space station stronghold Bio won't implement) or my guild ship (that exists nowhere in GSF or space missions) where I could train people. A lot of people want it. I could queue them into my gsf training ground and we could play. Seems like a no brainer.
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If you have not at least taken this request under consideration, I would seriously question what the heck we are paying you for. This idea could single-handedly revitalize GSF and be relatively simple to implement. I mean, I'm no coding genius, but how hard could it be to have the ability to form an ops group (which we can already do), designate subgroups for opposing sides (which we can sort of already do), and put us in an existing TDM map (which we already have)? You could even have a very low amount of ship req be attainable on each ship up to a daily limit (similar to how bonus req works) so new folks get something tangible out of it, though that may be pushing it.


I would assume that you don't want all the hundreds of hours that went into the development of GSF to be for nothing, which is what will happen if the current state of affairs continue. One simple additional mode to implement to ensure long-term survival of a very lucrative expansion.


Here's one more comparison to throw out. Currently the new pilot experience is like taking a first-time skier and putting them on the black diamond slope. They are going to spend the whole time falling on their butt, and probably won't stick around for the vague promise that it will somehow be fun in the future. All we are asking for is a bunny slope.

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Maybe if we keep making noise about this, it will get someone's attention. It would solve a whole lot of issues in training new pilots and they don't even need to make new assets for it or balance anything. This definitely seems worthwhile to me. I'd love to be able to train people in a practice arena so they can get their feet under them. The existing tutorial is worthless and most new pilots have no skills whatsoever, and no chance to contribute. Anything that helps to change that situation would be most welcome.


- Despon

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I just made a thread a couple days ago and no one responded, same as this, a outlaws den in space. go in and kill anything thats there.


No, not outlaw's den. Because that is open PvP. We are talking about a safe environment where people can go in groups to practice GSF tactics, not fighting anybody other than training fights amongst themselves.


If the air force would train their pilots like Bioware/EA does in GSF, the government would have to spend their entire budget on new planes and probably would have issues finding new recruits, too :D





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  • 3 weeks later...
No, not outlaw's den. Because that is open PvP. We are talking about a safe environment where people can go in groups to practice GSF tactics, not fighting anybody other than training fights amongst themselves.


If the air force would train their pilots like Bioware/EA does in GSF, the government would have to spend their entire budget on new planes and probably would have issues finding new recruits, too :D






Completely agree. This would help me train up more people for GSF....

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No, not outlaw's den. Because that is open PvP. We are talking about a safe environment where people can go in groups to practice GSF tactics, not fighting anybody other than training fights amongst themselves.


If the air force would train their pilots like Bioware/EA does in GSF, the government would have to spend their entire budget on new planes and probably would have issues finding new recruits, too :D






Then what do you shoot at? You're asking for what is already there in the tutorial exept multiplayer, it will do nothing if you can't learn how to choose an attack plane and kill a target that is moving and fighting back. We're asking for the most simple easy way to get a training environment. I'll write the RFP for the dev lead, real fast, not product manager needed.


1. Use Lost Shipyard TDM

2. Replace powerups with drones, turrets and mines randomly. Mark everyone enemy.

3. Remove scoreboard and timer

4. Add a practice button to the hanger that adds the player to an existing instance or spawns a new one if there 
are none or are full. Kill any instances 2400 seconds after last exit. 

4.a Add a conditional label if in the practice arena that notifies the user they need to hit esc to exit the battle.

5. profit?


Like I said in my thread about this, I know heroscript fairly well, it would take me an afternoon to bang this out. An intern that does not know why you use a case in a select statement would take three days to write and unit test.


This is the most cheap and simple way to give us what we need.

Edited by zaskar
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Like I said in my thread about this, I know heroscript fairly well, it would take me an afternoon to bang this out. An intern that does not know why you use a case in a select statement would take three days to write and unit test.


This is the most cheap and simple way to give us what we need.

They don't have 30 minutes to make a forum icon for their new shiny expansion and you expect them to have a whole afternoon to support their abandoned project? ;)


People can learn GSF in the hard way like I did. After 5 matches getting owned I wanted to never play it again and cried about gunships being overpowered, but around 10th match I begun shooting down people, so I stayed. ;)


Besides, the training grounds won't replace the lack of brain. I see people firing lasers from 12k/15k distance. The training grounds won't teach them to read what abilities do.

Edited by PavSalco
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They don't have 30 minutes to make a forum icon for their new shiny expansion and you expect them to have a whole afternoon to support their abandoned project? ;)


People can learn GSF in the hard way like I did. After 5 matches getting owned I wanted to never play it again and cried about gunships being overpowered, but around 10th match I begun shooting down people, so I stayed. ;)


Besides, the training grounds won't replace the lack of brain. I see people firing lasers from 12k/15k distance. The training grounds won't teach them to read what abilities do.


You're one in a hundred, you don't have the attention span of a millennial; three seconds.

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Then what do you shoot at? You're asking for what is already there in the tutorial exept multiplayer, it will do nothing if you can't learn how to choose an attack plane and kill a target that is moving and fighting back. We're asking for the most simple easy way to get a training environment. I'll write the RFP for the dev lead, real fast, not product manager needed.


1. Use Lost Shipyard TDM

2. Replace powerups with drones, turrets and mines randomly. Mark everyone enemy.

3. Remove scoreboard and timer

4. Add a practice button to the hanger that adds the player to an existing instance or spawns a new one if there 
are none or are full. Kill any instances 2400 seconds after last exit. 

4.a Add a conditional label if in the practice arena that notifies the user they need to hit esc to exit the battle.

5. profit?


Like I said in my thread about this, I know heroscript fairly well, it would take me an afternoon to bang this out. An intern that does not know why you use a case in a select statement would take three days to write and unit test.


This is the most cheap and simple way to give us what we need.


Personally, I would prefer group instances, not open instances. You just know some jerk would go in there just to start messing with the newbies.


Hell, I could teach someone quite a bit with VIOP (they could type questions even...) and the initial tutorial if I could hop into it as a group and set me up as an "enemy".


I'm not saying I don't love the idea of taking a current TDM, removing the power ups for turrets or drones (including mines, preferably), and letting people in there in pairs or 4s or whatever, but I'm not on board with the idea of it being totally open to the public so anyone can wander in. There are enough griefers out there who would ruin some of the benefit of having the instance, and there's a lot to be said having the instance be behind closed doors.


I know you're thinking large scale, and so someone can just hop in and start learning solo, but you can already largely do a lot of that with the current tut, as bad as it is. I don't believe there's a timer, there's a turret to shoot at, some space to play in, you don't take damage, etc (Although please, for the love of god, let me get rid of all the stupid control pop-ups that stop interaction every 2 seconds...). But the best learning environment I can imagine is one where there's an actual teacher. Get a teacher and a student(s), and let them go into a controlled environment. It's not like that's not the Jedi/Sith way or anything... Well... Maybe the Sith don't care about the control part... But it's still a Master : Apprentice relationship.

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You're one in a hundred, you don't have the attention span of a millennial; three seconds.

Huh, what do you imply here? I'm not a native speaker and had to check the meaning of millennials. Do you hint at my concentration being superior to those born in 80s and later? :o

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