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Solution to hte premade problem. Elietest It cant be all player ability


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your butthurt aggression does little to forward the dissolve-premades agenda.

Also, as the person you quoted stated; it's about grouping and having fun. You are the one who seems interested in farming.

Lol your butthurt aggression does little to forward the dissolve-premades agenda.


If it's about grouping and having fun, why refuse to play other people " grouping and having fun". Scared to lose the precious ez-mode ?

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Bads like you should l2p so you would no longer need to hide behind your "friends" to think you are competitive.


Well damn, and here I thought always getting top medals, and doing more than 400k dps than the next person on my team whenever I queue solo and having 3 season 1 rancor mount rewards was something....But you're right, I'm totally bad and need to l2p!! :rolleyes:

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Well damn, and here I thought always getting top medals, and doing more than 400k dps than the next person on my team whenever I queue solo and having 3 season 1 rancor mount rewards was something....But you're right, I'm totally bad and need to l2p!! :rolleyes:


Since you are so chickensh?it scared of playing anything but random PuGs, that is the only conclusion one can make.:D

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Since you are so chickensh?it scared of playing anything but random PuGs, that is the only conclusion one can make.:D


Reading is hard apparently? I queue solo all the time, difference is I'm not terrible at the game so I don't get pissy when the other team has a premade. I've beaten plenty of premades when queuing solo and I've lost plenty of times to them, and usually the loss comes from pugs like you that are just terrible keyboard turning clickers with no keybinds doing like 150k damage. I'll die a lot (probably less then you) but I'll still do 800K+ damage because I know *** I'm doing.

Edited by Raansu
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Reading is hard apparently? I queue solo all the time, difference is I'm not terrible at the game so I don't get pissy when the other team has a premade. I've beaten plenty of premades when queuing solo and I've lost plenty of times to them, and usually the loss comes from pugs like you that are just terrible keyboard turning clickers with no keybinds doing like 150k damage. I'll die a lot (probably less then you) but I'll still do 800K+ damage because I know *** I'm doing.


Haha, you're full of sh?t.


Come over to the Red Eclipse and we'll queue synch a few WZs until we get a good premade to face. Then you do 800k+ in a WZ where I do less than 150. Back up your worlds loser, or :http://www.quickmeme.com/img/ee/ee8e1f8fdb3403ce4552511d19cbba6e45d2e87959638b4790fcec426cf0525f.jpg


I'll even be nice and give you three tries.

Edited by Bobbafatter
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Haha, you're full of sh?t.


Come over to the Red Eclipse and we'll queue synch a few WZs until we get a good premade to face. Then you do 800k+ in a WZ where I do less than 150. Back up your worlds loser, or :http://www.quickmeme.com/img/ee/ee8e1f8fdb3403ce4552511d19cbba6e45d2e87959638b4790fcec426cf0525f.jpg


I'll even be nice and give you three tries.


I don't quite think it would be that, but i would put my money on raansu to beat you, and why queue sync and not group? You'll get more premades that way.

Edited by shyroman
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  • 1 year later...

My solution to premades


If one team has a premade group the other team must also have a premade group. If one side has a group of 4, the other team must have either a 4/3-man premade or two 2-man premades


Let people know what kind of team composition you and your enemy has before entering. ie let people know how many healers and tanks are on both teams. Not that its impossible, but how many, given the choice, would queue solo for a huttball match solo against a sorc healer + jug tank premade(without any heals/tank on your team) ?


Set up an in game voice chat thingmajig(not gonna pretend to know how hard it would be to implement but in a perfect world....)


I do not hate premades, I do hate that the queuing system is so limited. Im gonna guess that none of my ideas will be implemented by bioware, but Im curious what do the more experienced pvpers (both solo queuers and premades queuers) think of them(most likely these ideas have been considered and shot down already)


PS.Unrelated to the issue of premade vs pugs but concerning the queue system... dont let people join a match after a shutdown sequence has been initiated on a match in progress,

A voidstar game with 5 v 8 for 20s gives the enemy a hell of an advantage( one match the final scorecard for my team had around 16 names and around 5 shutdown sequenced initiated, needless to say we lost that match handily)

Edited by Deavastro
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I get that some people are playing with friends, or maybe they enjoy farming players with their friends. Either way their enjoyment > that of anyone else. If I just want to screw around in an unranked, I really shouldn't be punished for it yet that's exactly what happens.


So tell you what, how about people who "want to play with friends" only play against other people who also "want to play with friends" and I'll only play against people who want to queue solo. My bet is this would last about a week before many teams of friends start complaining about organized teams stomping them to the same degree they do pugs, and I'm betting you these people will suddenly not be as interested in pvping with friends.


People can pretend all day long it's just about playing with your group of friends (and I'm not even saying that isn't true), but the constant winning and being rewarded for it certainly reinforces how much fun it is for them.

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Stop crying about premades holy ****. Seriously STOP. We don't need the queues splintered even more. It's not the change that is needed the only change that is needed is the lack of support for pvp as a whole from Bioware. If they gave a **** about pvp in this game as a whole you wouldn't have to ***** about premades because things would be more balanced. Unfortunately bw doesn't care about pvp in general, and hasn't for the longest time. Which as a pvper and a star wars fan that makes me very dissapointed. But serious stop crying about premades. Playing with my friends is the only thing that keeps me pvping anyway. Edited by bluesoldier
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I get that some people are playing with friends, or maybe they enjoy farming players with their friends. Either way their enjoyment > that of anyone else. If I just want to screw around in an unranked, I really shouldn't be punished for it yet that's exactly what happens.


So tell you what, how about people who "want to play with friends" only play against other people who also "want to play with friends" and I'll only play against people who want to queue solo. My bet is this would last about a week before many teams of friends start complaining about organized teams stomping them to the same degree they do pugs, and I'm betting you these people will suddenly not be as interested in pvping with friends.


People can pretend all day long it's just about playing with your group of friends (and I'm not even saying that isn't true), but the constant winning and being rewarded for it certainly reinforces how much fun it is for them.



This is sad, what this game has become.....


". If I just want to screw around in an unranked, I really shouldn't be punished for it yet that's exactly what happens"



So you want to goof off and screw around and you expect to win from doing it?

Edited by DirtyDiggler
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I actually like that one :D

yep. not a fan of the douchery that ppl engage in behind internet annonymity. if a person were doing/saying the things they do in chat to me in a real life game, I'd kick the sh^t out of them or they'd do the same to me, cuz I sure as hell wouldn't sit there and take it.


edit: regarding premades....


meh. regs could use some form of matchmaking. that much is absolutely true. I would just as soon have everything x-faction. I mean...how long has NC "flavor text" called the attacking team the defending team and vice versa? luls

Edited by foxmob
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I like to play with friends, and i dont like ranked (purely because i do not enjoy the deathmatch arena's, i like the objective games... Yes even huttball, though voidstar has always been my favourite)


I think premades SHOULD be paired against other premades in both regs and ranked, but the population (at least on most servers i think) simply isnt high enough to really support that.

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I know several guilds that run premades that will quit as soon as they see a premade on the opposing team. From a "fairness" perspective there is no argument: premades even without voice have a huge advantage over pugs (which isn't to say they -always- win, pointing out a case where your pug beat a premade is not really an argument). And many if not most of the premade grouping is about pug stomping, not "grouping with friends". But the motives of the premaders don't really matter. If one person in a duel prefers a submachine gun, for whatever reason, and the other is stuck with a billy club, that's not a duel that should be allowed.


IMO, in the interest of fairness, either no one should be allowed a premade or everyone should be required to join one before q'ing. If the latter option is implemented I strongly suspect pvp q's would die overnight and I think that says everything that needs to be.

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Dat necro, though.


But seriously, not all premades are problems. Not all pugs are ******.


If you see a bunch of people in my guild in the same warzone, don't think we're there to spank noobs and laugh. There is zero coordination, and most of us never even use TS at all, let alone in the warzones. We just group up and queue together to make the pops happen faster. T's win-win for everybody, really.


Nightmare Squadron, impside on JM, frequently runs premade, and they do roll over a lot of pug pubs, sometimes for hours on end. Individually, most of them are crap duellists and are worth less than nothing alone. But damn they know how to coordinate and work as a team! Which really just makes it all the sweeter when we can beat them!


A lot of people cry about premades, and really there's no reason for it. First of all, this is an MMO - people are meant to play together. If you're tired of getting romp-stomped in warzones, join a pvp guild and group up with them. Or even just join a few friends and practice working together. There's no reason not to make your own premade. PVP is not a solo activity - it's a team of 4-8 players working together towards a common goal. Of course players that frequently play together and have some sense of coordination and teamwork are going to perform better. And they shouldn't be hated on for playing a multiplayer game in a multiplayer fashion.


Finally, for those of you that say "premades should be restricted to ranked!", you need to realise that it's apples and oranges - and I'm not talking about the skill level. Who are you to tell a group of guildies or friends that they can't play Huttball or Voidstar or Novare Coast together? What if they just don't like Arenas? If objective warzones were available in ranked, you'd have a point - but they're not, so you don't.

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Dat necro, though.


Nobody is trying to force people out of certain maps. Neither is somebody trying to tell them that they always need to play ranked.


However, people have been claiming that the matchmaking is the worst in this game. That's a simple truth. Let me give an example: If someone started ranked-PvP only two days ago, is it really fair to throw him into the opposing team of "Apex" title competitors? "You just started playing competitive PvP. Here is one of the best sorcerers on your server, good luck!". That's just not feasible if you want to increase ranked population in the long run.


People will requeue only if they have fun. Playing with a team of new players against a full team of 1,600+ premades, or a team of 8 perfectly matched premades in regs, isn't fun for any new player. And before some elitist shouts: Lessons learned are hard! I dare you: Go to any martial arts tournament. Go to the black belt section and compete. Get your behind kicked out of the ring, then tell me how immediately going against the best is any fun.


There is no other game on the market which simply forces people of so vastly different skill levels together. Even League of Legends has a league mentality. A silver or bronze ranked player will never play against a platin or Diamond player (the equivalent skill difference of 200 and 1800 rating in this game). Simply because you won't get people to play again that way.


Nobody is saying: "Eight man synched premades can't play Voidstar or Huttball!". But we are at the point where saying: "We should really consider adding a new option so that premades will play against premades in regs.". That way new people could still try their luck and get some basic skills in regs, while premades get what they want: A competitive environment. That's what the elitists want, right? Not just the instant gratification of stomping newbs into the ground, no?


But I guess the population is way too small to sustain either of those changes at the moment. That's what happens if both sides actively work against increasing the size of their community. Not only Bioware is at fault here. PvP players these days are like an American acting guild. You have to be a part of the guild to get good jobs, but to be a part you first need to have had at least one good job.


PvP players want a bigger community. Faster queue times and bigger support for their type of gameplay. Yet most elitists work actively against that sentiment by harassing new players for the slightest mistake. Guess that will never change. :confused:

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I run premade groups All the time with my guild it's all we do No matter how many players online we group up And after reading through all the conspiracy theory's and imagined reasons why Premades exist in this thread I have to say of all this complaining about Premades Is all in your heads, sorry. Edited by denpic
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PvP players want a bigger community. Faster queue times and bigger support for their type of gameplay. Yet most elitists work actively against that sentiment by harassing new players for the slightest mistake. Guess that will never change. :confused:


Been playing GSF for fun and the community there is much better(at least pub side on my server). If the teams are unbalanced at start, people on the stronger teams take care not to stomp them too hard. ie in capture the satellite they let the enemy team capture a node so they dont get stomped too hard. Im pretty sub par player myself but I switch to ships Im worse at if I get matched against a weaker team. Actions like these keep the queues popping, going around trash talking enemy teams dont(anyone else notice that most trash talkers are dps whores or are being carried by their premade group mates)

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As I wrote elsewhere, in my opinion the problem are not the premades as such, but their intention.


When I group up with my friends from "S-key to victory", we just want try to to have some fun, hence the guild's name. :D


But there are others who group specifically because they do know that they are so much stronger when they are very well coordinated.


However, even 1 premade isn't able to carry a whole match that is 8v8, usually. Because normally, a premade is hardly ever over 4 people. I don't know why this is, but this is my observation in Unranked.

And because of that, they will have 4 other randomly "elected" (by the matchmaking software) team members.

If these other 4 are equally strong and well coordinated players, then there'll be a problem.

If these 4 others are so-called "bads", then there'll be lots of whining and qq about these so-called "bads".


In my opinion, the matchmaking software is the culprit. It allows so much different kinds of players to be together, it allows class stacking, in short, it allows anyrthing that makes PvP unfun.


Therefore, in my opinion, the nr. 1 task of the developers should be to completely rewrite that piece of - sorry, but I have to say this - junk that is called the PvP matchmaking software.


In my opinion : As long as the matchmaking software stands as it is now, PvP will erode, become even more unfun, and destroy itself.

Except for those who profit from the current bad matchmaking software by exploiting it ( for example class stacking by the matchmaking software of FOTM classes ).


Been playing GSF for fun and the community there is much better(at least pub side on my server). If the teams are unbalanced at start, people on the stronger teams take care not to stomp them too hard. ie in capture the satellite they let the enemy team capture a node so they dont get stomped too hard. Im pretty sub par player myself but I switch to ships Im worse at if I get matched against a weaker team. Actions like these keep the queues popping, going around trash talking enemy teams dont(anyone else notice that most trash talkers are dps whores or are being carried by their premade group mates)


Personally, I got a very different impression from the GSF community, but that's my personal impression.


There is one discussion about the GSF community here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=829987


And another one abour GSF premades here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=812430


This reply is imho especially important regarding player awareness : http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8448160&postcount=88

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I tried GSF. I could barely figure out how to move faster than a turtle for short distances.... I don't know if their is some sort of tutorial for that mode, but it definitely needs one.


Tutorial is useless imo. Go to the forums, check out some youtube videos, and then keep playing till you get good. You only need to take part in one game to get 5k fleet req which can be used to get one of the best ships in the game(the gunship that costs 2.5k). Of course you will get s*** on alot at the start ,cause its akin to a level 20 always getting queued up against level 50+( their ships will be upgraded but yours wont be). However if you can stick with it for 5 weeks with just doing the dailies on one ship youll notice your skill level rising rapidly.


Theres no tutorial to the objective based warzones either but you start to get a feel for the meta after a couple of matches.


However, even 1 premade isn't able to carry a whole match that is 8v8, usually. Because normally, a premade is hardly ever over 4 people. I don't know why this is, but this is my observation in Unranked.


Of course a premade can carry a group if it contains a half decent tank and healer and the other team doesnt. 2 good players(let alone what 4 on voice chat can do) can carry a team against an unbalanced enemy team as long as the other 6 just do the bare minimum(ie guard a captured node and/or peel for healer)


In my opinion : As long as the matchmaking software stands as it is now, PvP will erode, become even more unfun, and destroy itself.

Exactly. Dont hate the premades, hate the queue system.


Regarding allowing premades vs preamdes will lengthen queue times, queue as 2 groups of 2-mans. It at least gives the rest of players a semblance of a fair game. If no other premades are queuing it will either guarantee that those 2-man teams will be on opposite sides (if queue system is improved) or that one of your 2-man groups will be benched in favor of the other 16 players having a good game rather than a pub stomp.

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