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Lana Beniko and Theron Shan as companions


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I would love to have Lana as a companion for sure! I romanced her to the fullest with my Sith Warrior, the romance is to in depth to just end and not continue. Theron was a little annoying, but he is still a good character that I too would want as a companion. But also, in my opinion, the Shadow of Revan DLC seemed to be lacking something more... It had a cliff-hanger type ending, maybe the early access was only part of it? Although I doubt EAware would do something like that...
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It would be amazing if BioWare did this. Lana and Theron were some of the best characters to come out of The Old Republic. The ability to have them as companions would make the game better. I want to have more conversations with them. Please BioWare?
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As the title says, I think they are awsome characters, what about releasing a cartel item (like the contract you use to get treek) after you guys end the Forged Alliances story that allows players to get a quest in order to have them join as our companions. It would be an awsome way to close the story arc. At least that's what I think.


I think it should be an option to have them as a companion if you successfully romance one or you get to have the other one if you side with them over the romanced one

What's the point in romancing one if you can't keep them with you

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I'm not sure how people could think that these characters can be viable companions.


If I recall correctly, during my discussion with Darth Marr I was informed that Lana was appointed as new head of Intelligence, and was my new boss. How can she be both head of intelligence and my companion at the same time? I guess I'm just having a hard time reconciling the whole "my companion is my boss" thing.

Edited by LadyVix
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I'm not sure how people could think that these characters can be viable companions.


If I recall correctly, during my discussion with Darth Marr I was informed that Lana was appointed as new head of Intelligence, and was my new boss. How can she be both head of intelligence and my companion at the same time? I guess I'm just having a hard time reconciling the whole "my companion is my boss" thing.


Bioware should at least give us the opportunity to talk with her more often. I hate it that i have to wait several moth (or to the next expansion pack) until i can talk with her

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I'd love to have these two as Companions -- preferably for both factions, especially if they weren't both tanks/healers like Treek is.


It would be nice if they could "sell" them by bundling their unlocks together with the 3.0 expansion -- but also without, for people that don't want them. For example, you could purchase (prices totally made up!):


1. Basic Expansion - $25 ($15 for subs)

2. Bonus Content: Allies (Theron) and Rivals (Lana) -- initial unlock for either Theron or Lana. Must have Expansion to use - 1000 CC each, with option to unlock for additional characters too for either CC or credits.

3. Deluxe Expansion Bundle -- includes Basic expansion plus all Bonus Content - $35 ($25 for subs)


With the Deluxe being the best deal, but not so good of one that people who don't want the Companions or want to use their CC feel ripped off.


Hey, a girl can dream! :p


Sorry to tell you this, but if they are not either tank/healer or a healer, then they most likely won't be used, since everyone always says 'use the healer companion, its the most best way to play the game, with as little downtime as possible.

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Sorry to tell you this, but if they are not either tank/healer or a healer, then they most likely won't be used, since everyone always says 'use the healer companion, its the most best way to play the game, with as little downtime as possible.


According to the last event, Theron is like a gunslinger where Lana is a healing capable sorcerer.



For me, you could have one of them as companion. Why ? Because our ships are already overcrowded. And i would really want to see only the romanced one to be recruitable (and you can really romance ne of them, not the two by character).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Geez, I hope not. I want Theron! -coughs- sorry, I kind of have an unnatural preoccupation with that npc, I am seeking help....


Same here! When I first saw that Jett (my sentinal) could actually romance/flirt with another male....I was hooked. I keep looking forwardto the next fflirt and became worried when he was captured. I blamed Lana for sure. LOL


My first thought was "I want him as a he romance companion option for same gender. I've been playing this game from the beginning. 8 toons ...five above 50 and two now playing against the Revanites flirting with Theron.


Please add them as companions for future romancing!!!!

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Was thinking that myself! I would love a Theron companion. And so annoyed that the romance had to end. I mean it's better than him getting killed in the story which I was afraid of... but come on.



I don't care what he was promoted to...



I want him as a companion. Lol.


Did romance the hell outta him though.

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ok, consider this, Theron is, as an SIS agent now a known individual. Marr has seen him face to face, and to make matters worse, he worked very very closely with Lana

whose now head of sith intelligence, hence the head of Sith intelligence knows him knows all his tricks etc

as a field agent Theron is HOPELESSLY comprimised.

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There's already a thread on this Suggestion - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=756770


ok, consider this, Theron is, as an SIS agent now a known individual. Marr has seen him face to face, and to make matters worse, he worked very very closely with Lana

whose now head of sith intelligence, hence the head of Sith intelligence knows him knows all his tricks etc

as a field agent Theron is HOPELESSLY comprimised.


Not really, he just wouldn't really be able to do that much "undercover work", he would still be able to do investigative and what not field work

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