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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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I live in the UK, and I am appalled that a developer headquartered in Texas is treating me like I'm a second class citizen. I mean come on. So what they had more sales in America and they have much heavier stress during the American time of play. I say no wait I demand that they cater to us people not living in America. So what if this will make the mass quantities of Americans angry. I live in the UK and I want Americans to suffer because HELLO I live in the UK and I live in the UK and another thing. I live in the UK. Edited by IkeBohm
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In which case, its 'midly annoying' but so long as it doesnt over run it doesnt affect anyone who works (unless they are GMT +3).


IT only affects people at home all day or IF IT IS A HOLIDAY. If you arent at home during the day it doesnt affect you, thus the holiday period is the most important part of the entire arguement.


'Mildly annoying' sounds like a term to better describe you rather then it being the sentiment of the entire EU regarding these maintenance hours.

And again, my 'argument' was about these hours, not about holidays in particular.

Now, unless you've got something constructive to add, i'm done with the holidays.

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I work a normal 9-5 day so this doesn't really affect me (unless i'm on holiday or there is extended downtime, which has already happened)


However I agree this shows a complete disregard for European players and downtime should be split or alternated (day one week, night another week).


Taking down their forums is a completely separate bit of ********

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I work a normal 9-5 day so this doesn't really affect me (unless i'm on holiday or there is extended downtime, which has already happened)


However I agree this shows a complete disregard for European players and downtime should be split or alternated (day one week, night another week).


Taking down their forums is a completely separate bit of ********


I KNOW! They take down the forums. How am I suppose to complain that I can't play the game. I MEAN COME ON!

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I KNOW! They take down the forums. How am I suppose to complain that I can't play the game. I MEAN COME ON!


Just stop posting, you're adding nothing with your childish babbling.

This topic is pretty civil we don't need people like you ruining it.

If you need attention so badly go out side or something.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Just stop posting, you're adding nothing with your childish babbling.

This topic is pretty civil we don't need people like you ruining it.

If you need attention so badly go out side or something.


I live in the UK though. This is a very important topic to me. I want Bioware to know that I need them to know.

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One thing we should all keep in mind: We're blaming Bioware when we probably should be blaming EA. After all, it is EA that has an abysmal record of poor customer service and incapacity to actually listen to its customers. It even led them to the fringe of bankruptcy once, making them change their ways. Seems they could be back to their old ways though.
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The way I see it, BioWare want it to be the least disruptive.


The US players are coming in here saying that 10am - 6pm is Not Disruptive & perfectly acceptable.


The EU Players are saying that 10am - 6pm is NOT acceptable.


Therefore, if the Maintenance was to take place at 10am - 6pm US Time, they don't mind it - they have stated that much already & that, therefore, would be the least disruptive ... Solved :cool:


This will blow up in EA/BioWare's faces, have no doubt.


So that would be 3 PM to 11 PM in the UK. If by "US time" you mean EST.

Think before you post.

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However I agree this shows a complete disregard for European players and downtime should be split or alternated (day one week, night another week).


They can't alternate, because it would be far worse for US that it's for us(heh).

There is easy option - move back maintenance window 2 hours - you invade a bit on US late night playtime, but leave open build up peroid for EU.

And there is hard option - make it separate. And this is where this should end. If not next week, then next month at latest.

Edited by Elear
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I live in the UK, and I am appalled that a developer headquartered in Texas is treating me like I'm a second class citizen. I mean come on. So what they had more sales in America and they have much heavier stress during the American time of play. I say no wait I demand that they cater to us people not living in America. So what if this will make the mass quantities of Americans angry. I live in the UK and I want Americans to suffer because HELLO I live in the UK and I live in the UK and another thing. I live in the UK.


You know the EU has separate servers to the US right?

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They can't alternate, because it would be far worse for US that it's for us(heh).

There is easy option - move back maintenanse window 2 hours - you invade a bit on US late night playtime, but leave open build up peroid for EU.

And there is hard option - make it separate. And this is where this should end. If not next week, then next month at latest.


THIS GUY! HE actually has a logical thought. Thank you Sir. I wish more people like you existed on the earth.

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Its their own messed up call to set downtime during peak hours.

Its their own customers they force to play other mmo's which dont have downtime during peakhours.


So unless the person who decided to set these downtime during peak hours grows a brain i dont really see a change coming soon.

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It requires a certain amount of stupidity to not take timezones into account.

I think the person watches the competitive PVE scene in WOW and forgot a few things.


- SWTOR isn't even close to WOW popularity wise.


- It's just a small group of hardcore players


-They don't provide the tools that allow competitive pve.

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'Mildly annoying' sounds like a term to better describe you rather then it being the sentiment of the entire EU regarding these maintenance hours.

And again, my 'argument' was about these hours, not about holidays in particular.

Now, unless you've got something constructive to add, i'm done with the holidays.


You know you are either an utter troll (which im clearly not) or are actually hitting a nerve when the 'other side' falls back on insulting you.... :rolleyes:


As you said - 'your arguement' is about those hours.' Those actual hours (not the over run) doesnt affect anyone in europe who has a 'normal' job (or at least only by an hour).


Thus, the maintenance time isnt catestrophic as you are trying to imply. Its only catastrophic if you are off all day long (in which case you are the very small minority) or it happens to be a holiday period.



PS - for the record it 'irks' me as a european that we get the short end of the straw, but if they are resigned to one maintenance period, then this really is the only option that doesnt completely cover either eu or us primetime.

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Its their own messed up call to set downtime during peak hours.

Its their own customers they force to play other mmo's which dont have downtime during peakhours.


So unless the person who decided to set these downtime during peak hours grows a brain i dont really see a change coming soon.


You can say louder but not more clear



We'd do a collect for a brain.

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You know you are either an utter troll (which im clearly not) or are actually hitting a nerve when the 'other side' falls back on insulting you.... :rolleyes:


As you said - 'your arguement' is about those hours.' Those actual hours (not the over run) doesnt affect anyone in europe who has a 'normal' job (or at least only by an hour).


Thus, the maintenance time isnt catestrophic as you are trying to imply. Its only catastrophic if you are off all day long (in which case you are the very small minority) or it happens to be a holiday period.


Schoolholidays means a 'holiday period'

You don't represent the whole EU and thus do not decide wich times are 'convenient', neither do you get to determine who has a 'normal' job.

Furthermore, taking 2 sentences of my post out of context, and insisting i'm wrong, instead of agreeing to disagree as i've tried, would be considered 'troll' like behaviour imo.

Now, I would suggest, you take some deep breaths, and get over it. ;)

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