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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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I hope that more thought is placed into BW decisions in the future, this length of downtime on EU servers is poorly thought out, You have a great game but with some poor CS it annoy's ppl more than it normally would.


I'm hoping that the problems we have seen with notes/patches/server queues/early access etc is down to this being your first mmo and that you learn what can keep ppl happy faster than you have done so far.


While you will never keep everyone happy, by thinking decisions through a bit more you will be able to keep far more paying customers happy

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Population doesn't matter, the US is much wealthier than many EU countries. Meaning its population is more prone to buy things such as Swtor.


And Norway is also one of the wealthiest lands in the world. we live in europe. and what those that mather to this discution.

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For you people blindly raging at this issue:


Bioware has the server stats so they probably know when it's off-peak. Note this may mean a global off-peak.

You will not get a refund because of server maintenance. Where in the documents you agreed to does it say this? Almost every MMO will have weekly maintenance, and extended maintenance when doing larger patches. Also note that this game is very new which probably means the patches will take longer than usual.

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Dear Bioware,


Its great you dicussed the issue internally. But you gave us a reply with ill logic to justify a worldwide "different" downtime. Ill logic because we in Europe paid just as much for the game and have to pay the same monthly fee. I think it's only fair then that we get the same service. And if the maintance is from 4am-until 9am in Europe, America and China we get the same service. Sure that means some country get the patch first, but we dont live their so it doesn't really mather to any of us.

I sincerely hope that you listen to your client base in Europe (and China) or at least be reasonable enough to gives us the same service since we pay just aswell for the game.


Kind Regards

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Population doesn't matter, the US is much wealthier than many EU countries. Meaning its population is more prone to buy things such as Swtor.


Okay, this is frankly an insanely stupid and ignorant statement.

Please. Do yourself a favour and leave the topic.


@ Other guy claiming "NA moar players and thus EU shouldn't recieve our level of service":

I don't care what you say. Either you're trolling, or you are literally advocating Europeans being stepped on is a good thing, rather than both regions receiving the same treatment.


And to be totally honest, I paid more for this game than you(Provided you are American), and pay more for my timecards/subscriptions.

In the very least you can not put a maintenance in the middle of my damn holiday.


On a whole other note, I would wager all the Americans against the notion of this thread, to be 14-15 year olds having gotten the game from their parents, not having to pay a cent even. They don't worry about anything, so it makes sense for them to come on and say "Lol u r eu u don't deserve same treatment as us, lol, and btw go get a job it is mid-day rofl".


It's just a joke.



Great thread, I really hope Bioware take note.

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Before making a post about maintenance during peak hours, you should probably go look up what peak hours actually are. It will stop you looking stupid.


FYI 6pm till 10:30pm is peak hours.


11am till 5pm on a weekday is actually a perfect time to do maintenance as most normal people will be involved in doing something productive during this time.


Granted this is the Christmas holidays, but suprisingly enough this just means its even less likely that Dev's are going to be getting up at 2am to pander to your lack of a life, as it is their Christmas time as well.


Oh, another champion of the Dev's...

They got a pay to get up at 2am if needed, like every other datacenter that has system engineers. Instead, we are PAYING to be able to play.They can even do DT at peak hours if they want, but the must be prepared to get flamed by paying customers, like any other internet online service (bank, eshop, etc.)


We also know what PEAK HOUR means, but you have to know that OFF PEAK is the OPPOSITE of PEAK and it does not means NORMAL HOURS, it means the LOWER PEAK hours. And that will start

"you looking stupid."



"11am till 5pm on a weekday is actually a perfect time to do maintenance as most normal people will be involved in doing something productive during this time."
That's what you think...

the world is full of ppl that:


1) work the night

2) don't work the afternoon

3) don't go to school the afternoon

4) play at work (and, before you say something stupid, it's not your problem if someone do that)

5) don't need to work

6) work in shift, so maybe work sunday, and don't work on wed

and i can go on for a while... so, when we can or cant' play is not a matter you can can argue. Instead, doin maintenance on US OFF PEAK ours in EU zones nearly the worst way to do that. What if they put up servers in ASIA using same US maint hours?

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Im sorry, but this seems really strange to me...


In the thread made yesterday http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=691258#edit691258 bioware announced the weekly maintenance and that they would try their best to keep these weekly maintenance's on off peak-hours.


And that seems correct in the US, but in europe the time is 10AM to 4PM.... How is that in anyway during off peak-hours. Its in the middle off the day.


They even have physical servers in europe so why cant we have maintenance on those servers when its the best time for us and not when its the best time for the US?


I really dont understand their reasoning for this and its rather annoying knowing that the servers will be unavailable every tuesday afternoon.


Hopefully we can get some clarification on this or maybe its just me overreacting?



I agree with you 100%, I also made a post about this, it's really not fair for Euro's to have to live on USA times shedules.

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I'm going off now, but I will leave this message before I do:


I'm am a customer. Where I am from should not matter. Currently it does. Therefore I will no longer be a customer. I originally set up a three month recurring sub, but I have just cancelled that; so has my GF. We have our remaining 'free' time, then it's over. I hope BioWare either separate the times or alternate between imposing this on the EU and US, but I expect equality amongst the playerbase.


That is all: equality. I don't have to be to find someone who wants to discriminate me, there's plenty who will do that for free.


Don't get me wrong: The game is incredible, and I sincerely hope this issue is fixed so that I can return, but I will not give my money to be treated as a second class citizen.

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It has been a big nuisance today. Right in the holiday season, a day when most of the U.K has a holiday, and the servers have been off all day. Me and my brother had planned to spend the day playing now that all the family business has quietened, was very disappointed to learn we would not get to chance, especially as I am working tonight. I'm not going to pretend that I will quit over this because frankly, I love the game. However I think it has been a really bad public relations exercise by Bioware, and annoyed a lot of people. I'm looking forward to them rectifying this a.s.a.p because it will alienate so many people if this continues long term. Thanks.
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Allot of threads , all with the same general message :eek:


taking european servers offline at then same time as us servers is insane.


HELLO , its during the day in europe.


regardless of ppl having a day off or on holiday most of the ppl sleep at night in europe.


ppl asleep at night (average +- 00:00-1:00) ( servers online ) then we get maintenance when european players are back awake.


no one cares if the servers go down at 3 at night , most ppl are asleep at night , those that arent are usualy at work.


change the downtime to european time standards , see how the US customers like that :D

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It has been a big nuisance today. Right in the holiday season, a day when most of the U.K has a holiday, and the servers have been off all day. Me and my brother had planned to spend the day playing now that all the family business has quietened, was very disappointed to learn we would not get to chance, especially as I am working tonight. I'm not going to pretend that I will quit over this because frankly, I love the game. However I think it has been a really bad public relations exercise by Bioware, and annoyed a lot of people. I'm looking forward to them rectifying this a.s.a.p because it will alienate so many people if this continues long term. Thanks.
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I agree 100%


They keep closing posts like this and people just make more. Bioware / EA need to learn about communication.


Talk to your customers ! 90% of us would be happy if someone said "sorry" or we will pass this up the line and we can look in to it for you.


Instead they ignore us and just get their customer base wound up.

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Oh, and in case you didn't notice after today how bad idea this was - forums are already nearly dead, and we'll see how your login servers will handle those "few" people that play in this "not-prime" time and try to log in now. Or when servers will become avaible, if at all.


I could also mention that message sending players for more info to twitter where no new info was given for 3 days isn't exactly good.



Before launch, I always was on BW side, but with each disapointment my enthusiasm is fading, and I'm begining to worry where will this game be half a year from now.

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I can't believe the 'customer-support' topic about this is getting closed and we're being refereed to a general section. To me this indicates that we are not deemed worthy as customers when we complain about game-time for which we have to pay is being stolen from us.


6 hours of peak-hour game-time stolen is nothing short of insulting. If you wouldn't ask for subscription fees and this were free-to-play, sure, I'd be upset, but not insulted. However, you demand purchase of game-time to play, yet you take away game-time during peak-hours.




PS: It's 25min past scheduled maintenance is supposed to end yet I still can't play!

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this is absolutely pathetic, theres no excuse for this incompetent, half-arsed, lazy pathetic excuse of a downtime system you've come up with here, EU and US downtime at the same time? the genius who came up with that idea should have his career terminated.

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Good day,


I am mighty disapointed with today maintenance. The servers went down at approximately 11AM CET and are offline ever since. I am expecting a compensation in form of free day of playing or two and immediately moving the maintenance time to earlier hour. You have to be mentaly ill to set maintenance EU interval to 11AM-5PM.


This happened in Word of Warcraft 6 years ago (with the said compensation), one would think you will learn from faults and errors of others and not repeat the mistakes. I have not bought collectors edition, payed the subscription and took days off at work just to stare at server offline message. Should this happened once more, me and my friends will most definitely cancel our subscription plans and head back to Blizzard.


Why should I pay 30 days if I am prevented from playing for 4 days of these 30? That is, politely said, a rip-off.




Vojtech Sefler

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I can't believe the 'customer-support' topic about this is getting closed and we're being refereed to a general section. To me this indicates that we are not deemed worthy as customers when we complain about game-time for which we have to pay is being stolen from us.


6 hours of peak-hour game-time stolen is nothing short of insulting. If you wouldn't ask for subscription fees and this were free-to-play, sure, I'd be upset, but not insulted. However, you demand purchase of game-time to play, yet you take away game-time during peak-hours.




PS: It's 25min past scheduled maintenance is supposed to end yet I still can't play!


This is something htat happens in all mmo games. The time that it was happening is NOT peak hours. Peak hours is generally 5pm-11pm. The time wasn't stolen


Extended maint can happen if they run into an issue with the patch, it's not uncommon for it to happen.

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Good day,


I am mighty disapointed with today maintenance. The servers went down at approximately 11AM CET and are offline ever since. I am expecting a compensation in form of free day of playing or two and immediately moving the maintenance time to earlier hour. You have to be mentaly ill to set maintenance EU interval to 11AM-5PM.


This happened in Word of Warcraft 6 years ago (with the said compensation), one would think you will learn from faults and errors of others and not repeat the mistakes. I have not bought collectors edition, payed the subscription and took days off at work just to stare at server offline message. Should this happened once more, me and my friends will most definitely cancel our subscription plans and head back to Blizzard.


Why should I pay 30 days if I am prevented from playing for 4 days of these 30? That is, politely said, a rip-off.




Vojtech Sefler


big agree

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Peak hours are 5 PM - 11 PM. For CET servers went up at 7:30 PM so it's 2 and half an hour from peak time.


If BW keeps doing that they will have one less customer - I feel treated like second class customer, even tho I pay same price for their product.

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Peak hours are 5 PM - 11 PM. For CET servers went up at 7:30 PM so it's 2 and half an hour from peak time.


If BW keeps doing that they will have one less customer - I feel treated like second class customer, even tho I pay same price for their product.


Amen to that

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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.


None of the listed reasons make any sense. You have screwed Europe out of one full day of gaming.


Keep EU updates at off-peak hours. For example 2 am in the morning, servers back up at 7 am.


There is absolutely no reason to do updates in the US and EU at the same time, if it means loosing a full day of gaming. Who cares if the EU servers gets a patch 12 hours later (or earlier) than the US. If it emans updates are done nighttime during the week - absolutely noone will care.

Edited by Meluna
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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.


1) Bioware may want to run things like this, but that doesn't make it good for the customer. Bioware may need to rethink their approach and not be so stubborn if they wish to keep their customers.


2) Whilst having downtime during the day may be "one of the times when we have the lowest number of players in the game", it is certainly not THE lowest population time in the day. Other MMo's have "localised downtimes" for a reason. You guys should learn from them.


What today's downtime proves is that having 8 hours of downtime during the day and during Xmas holidays is certainly not the best way to keep customers happy.


Hopefully this situation will teach Bioware to be less arrogant in the future.

Edited by Tarka
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