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1) I really wish we could embed pictures in forums other than the fanart section. Instead of proving links people have to bother to follow, the picture can be there, plain to see. At least in bug reports and the suggestion box, I would like the ability to embed pictures.


If not, I just might start making suggestions in the fanart section; since I'll be able to provide visual examples of what I'm talking about.


2) I wish ignore was more functional here. Instead of just covering their posts, of which doesn't do any good, I'd like it if the ignored individual was disallowed to make any more posts in your threads. Otherwise what's the point?


What's up with the people here who only seem to exist to attack everyone else? I'm talking mainly the suggestion box, there are people who don't bother to make any suggestions, themselves. Instead, they're all over everyone else's suggestions, tearing it down like termites in wood. Is Bioware paying these people to ward off anyone with a suggestion that would require work of them? If these nay-sayers have such a good grasp on what does and doesn't need to happen in the game, let's see them suggest an idea of their own.

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I think youre giving new meaning to the word "overreaction". I understand your frustration, but I think you put far too much stock into what the community thinks of your suggestions.


This is not the way to deal with rejection of your ideas IMO. The best way to deal with it is to realize that at the end of the day their opinions really mean nothing. Therefore there is no reason to get upset.

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2) I wish ignore was more functional here. Instead of just covering their posts, of which doesn't do any good, I'd like it if the ignored individual was disallowed to make any more posts in your threads. Otherwise what's the point?


You don't own the thread you create. You have the privilege to post here same as anyone else. Ignore does exactly what it's supposed to do - prevent you from seeing other people's posts.

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1) I really wish we could embed pictures in forums other than the fanart section. Instead of proving links people have to bother to follow, the picture can be there, plain to see. At least in bug reports and the suggestion box, I would like the ability to embed pictures.


If not, I just might start making suggestions in the fanart section; since I'll be able to provide visual examples of what I'm talking about.


2) I wish ignore was more functional here. Instead of just covering their posts, of which doesn't do any good, I'd like it if the ignored individual was disallowed to make any more posts in your threads. Otherwise what's the point?


What's up with the people here who only seem to exist to attack everyone else? I'm talking mainly the suggestion box, there are people who don't bother to make any suggestions, themselves. Instead, they're all over everyone else's suggestions, tearing it down like termites in wood. Is Bioware paying these people to ward off anyone with a suggestion that would require work of them? If these nay-sayers have such a good grasp on what does and doesn't need to happen in the game, let's see them suggest an idea of their own.


This coming from the guy who reports ANY posts who disagrees with him. Yeah...I will get back to you on that. Also discussion is supposed to have both sides so basically what you are saying is that there should be only agreement?

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1) I really wish we could embed pictures in forums other than the fanart section. Instead of proving links people have to bother to follow, the picture can be there, plain to see. At least in bug reports and the suggestion box, I would like the ability to embed pictures.


If not, I just might start making suggestions in the fanart section; since I'll be able to provide visual examples of what I'm talking about.


2) I wish ignore was more functional here. Instead of just covering their posts, of which doesn't do any good, I'd like it if the ignored individual was disallowed to make any more posts in your threads. Otherwise what's the point?


What's up with the people here who only seem to exist to attack everyone else? I'm talking mainly the suggestion box, there are people who don't bother to make any suggestions, themselves. Instead, they're all over everyone else's suggestions, tearing it down like termites in wood. Is Bioware paying these people to ward off anyone with a suggestion that would require work of them? If these nay-sayers have such a good grasp on what does and doesn't need to happen in the game, let's see them suggest an idea of their own.


ROFL someone mad that the community thinks his guild uniform tab is a bad idea and see it for what it really is... Sorry but my opinion on topic whether you create it or not is just a valid as yours.

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You don't own the thread you create. You have the privilege to post here same as anyone else. Ignore does exactly what it's supposed to do - prevent you from seeing other people's posts.


^^THIS^^ If it functioned the way you want OP, it would be a BLOCK feature, not ignore.


If you make a suggestion (aimed at OP, not you hadoken), be prepared to answer questions about it...mainly WHY it would be a valuable use of Developer time/resources, which are finite and valuable.

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If you make a suggestion in the suggestion box, you should be prepared to have your suggestion argued, if it's not foolproof.


Whining when others disagree with you does not help your case.


I agree you don't put out a suggestion if you don't want it picked apart, but no suggestion is foolproof. Too many people with too many different tastes; to say it needs to be foolproof implies making everyone happy, which is impossible.

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^^THIS^^ If it functioned the way you want OP, it would be a BLOCK feature, not ignore.


If you make a suggestion (aimed at OP, not you hadoken), be prepared to answer questions about it...mainly WHY it would be a valuable use of Developer time/resources, which are finite and valuable.


Can I just say I wouldn't mind a block feature?


It would cut down on a lot of the passive-aggressive trolling, keep a lot of the critique threads on point and on the rails, and would reenforce something every one says but few follow - if you don't Luke something, don't click on it.

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What's up with the people here who only seem to exist to attack everyone else? I'm talking mainly the suggestion box, there are people who don't bother to make any suggestions, themselves. Instead, they're all over everyone else's suggestions, tearing it down like termites in wood. Is Bioware paying these people to ward off anyone with a suggestion that would require work of them? If these nay-sayers have such a good grasp on what does and doesn't need to happen in the game, let's see them suggest an idea of their own.


You know, I used to worry about how toxic things can get in the SWTOR forums. Then I spent a few days beta testing another MMO and watching their forums instead, and realized SWTOR is far from the worst.


It's sad, really, but the hate and trolling is a fairly normal part of MMO forums. You have to get used to it and try to ignore it as much as possible while talking to the people worth actually debating with.

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Can I just say I wouldn't mind a block feature?


It would cut down on a lot of the passive-aggressive trolling, keep a lot of the critique threads on point and on the rails, and would reenforce something every one says but few follow - if you don't like something, don't click on it.

I can certainly see the value that would have...but several people here would certainly abuse it.

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Can I just say I wouldn't mind a block feature?


It would cut down on a lot of the passive-aggressive trolling, keep a lot of the critique threads on point and on the rails, and would reenforce something every one says but few follow - if you don't Luke something, don't click on it.


heh if you think people are trolling threads now, go ahead and implement such a feature and see what happens :p


In the end all that would do is create a whole bunch of threads for the mods to go in and delete.

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heh if you think people are trolling threads now, go ahead and implement such a feature and see what happens :p


In the end all that would do is create a whole bunch of threads for the mods to go in and delete.

Yeah, sadly most threads started aren't looking for debate or ideas. Only people who support the OP would be left posting...

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Yeah, sadly most threads started aren't looking for debate or ideas. Only people who support the OP would be left posting...


I do think though for suggestions having a 'vote' system in place (if that is of any impact to the devs at any rate) would be better than the current 'debate' setup.


Honestly I don't know how the devs take that feedback, if they just look at the first post as the suggestion or wade into the mess and try to figure out what 'most' people (at least in that thread) want. My company is actually working on a suggestion box online that lets people just post something and others vote it up or down, so over time the 'highest supported' suggestions float to the top and (theoretically) get implemented. And it's by no means innovative of us, we're copying what others are doing (Starbucks or something I think does this)

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I do think though for suggestions having a 'vote' system in place (if that is of any impact to the devs at any rate) would be better than the current 'debate' setup.

I was just thinking the same thing, good idea! The advantage of a vote system would be less "I don't like it...here's why...", just up or down. When you have to post to express like/dislike, it can seem quite negative.

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Can I just say I wouldn't mind a block feature?


It would cut down on a lot of the passive-aggressive trolling, keep a lot of the critique threads on point and on the rails, and would reenforce something every one says but few follow - if you don't Luke something, don't click on it.


We could call it the "Confirmation Bias" tool. :)

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I was just thinking the same thing, good idea! The advantage of a vote system would be less "I don't like it...here's why...", just up or down. When you have to post to express like/dislike, it can seem quite negative.


Debate is necessary sometimes in order to get a better working idea, whereas a vote up/down doesn't really do more than have a lot of people who might not truly understand the difficulties of implementing a given idea into a complicated piece of software like SWtOR. I don't mind the idea of an up/down vote, but not as an end all be all of idea generation. I prefer the debate, the back and forth as players work out ideas and try to make them better.

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Debate is necessary sometimes in order to get a better working idea, whereas a vote up/down doesn't really do more than have a lot of people who might not truly understand the difficulties of implementing a given idea into a complicated piece of software like SWtOR. I don't mind the idea of an up/down vote, but not as an end all be all of idea generation. I prefer the debate, the back and forth as players work out ideas and try to make them better.


To be fair, that's not something players should be considering - that's on the dev team. It's certainly not something others should feel the need to debate, unless some of you guys are actually developing SWTOR yourself.

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To be fair, that's not something players should be considering - that's on the dev team. It's certainly not something others should feel the need to debate, unless some of you guys are actually developing SWTOR yourself.


Then there shouldn't be anyone making any suggestions to vote on.


edit: and there are quite a few of us who are indeed developers, not at Bioware, but we are developers none the less who understand the software and how it works.

Edited by ikinai
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