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Guild Ship Frameworks and PVP Flagging


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Some people use a large part of their vocabulary all of the time. It's OK, we won't judge you for being smart, you don't have to play dumb.

Dumbing things down is too much work for a forum post. Call me lazy, but in the forums i just use whatever word seems to best convey my intent, without much consideration for the education level of the audience.


If someone want me to put in the additional effort to make a missive more accessible to fifth graders, they'll need to provide an appropriate incentive. Failing that, there are online dictionaries.



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Dumbing things down is too much work for a forum post. Call me lazy, but in the forums i just use whatever word seems to best convey my intent, without much consideration for the education level of the audience.


If someone want me to put in the additional effort to make a missive more accessible to fifth graders, they'll need to provide an appropriate incentive. Failing that, there are online dictionaries.




+1 to you sir. I've never understood people that are uncomfortable with eloquent or precise speech. If something is worth saying, it's worth saying well... otherwise why waste the time?

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It'll be interesting to see how it plays out live. I'm particularly interested in how much of a factor multi-disciplinary guilds will be. I'm guessing that if the 12 player limit is real, lean and mean guilds that do it all will be in the best position vs. small and poor *** pvp-only, big/cumbersome utterly casual, and pve-only guilds.

I didn't know about the 12 player limit...very interesting! I like it because it gives medium sized guilds a chance...and it's more then 4v4 or 8v8...very interesting!

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No its called you will need your guild to help crafting. Not "I'm going to craft it all by myself" like everything else is in the game.


Also tanks are need for PvP, have you never heard of guard?


its to allow the devs to claim there is a nonpvp way.. all the time knowing it will never be crafted because of the stupidly high mat requirements.

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At least half the damm Servers are Full Pvp, and Lots of ppl on PvE server also like to Pvp as well. A Lot of us hate just doing dumb WZs over and over so many times ppl get sick of them.


Yeah, ur probably thinking, 'Why don't you go to another server". Then i'd tell you why don't ppl like you go to a Pvp server. a Lot of ppl that like Pvp don't want to get attacked 24/7 on their own Factioned Planets, But want more than just stupid Warzones.


Its because you arent good enough to play on a pvp server, be honest.

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its to allow the devs to claim there is a nonpvp way.. all the time knowing it will never be crafted because of the stupidly high mat requirements.


This 100%. Just because an option exists, that doesn't mean it's a reasonable alternative.


Lol at Guard. Now, tell me why all PvP discussions are about DPS specs and tanking is never mentioned... go ahead, I'll wait.

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Yes because I'm sure if you were sympathetic to us PVPers we'd finally get new maps, unique ranked rewards and a huttball league! Cause you're just that special and important to Bioware! LMAO.


God, this is going to be good. I cannot freaking wait for the expansion to land now.


you got GSF..an entire expansion

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This 100%. Just because an option exists, that doesn't mean it's a reasonable alternative.


Lol at Guard. Now, tell me why all PvP discussions are about DPS specs and tanking is never mentioned... go ahead, I'll wait.


Because normally bad PvPers are beaten by DPS specs. So they assume the spec is broken and whine.

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I didn't say the root of all evil. I just said that the system itself is toxic and damaging to the game as a whole. And I'm talking about the PVP system itself, not the players.


The one I quoted, though, is a prime example of what that toxic system does to people. Hostile, reveling in the anger and frustration of others, toxic.


I finally agree with Infernixx. shocking. the pvp system in this game concentrates the most sociopathic elements of the community.

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This 100%. Just because an option exists, that doesn't mean it's a reasonable alternative.


Lol at Guard. Now, tell me why all PvP discussions are about DPS specs and tanking is never mentioned... go ahead, I'll wait.


Shows you know nothing about pvp you think guard is useless? lol wow.

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Lol at Guard. Now, tell me why all PvP discussions are about DPS specs and tanking is never mentioned... go ahead, I'll wait.


You don't PvP so I'll go easy on you.


Tank specs are incredible for the amount of damage they can physically take, and their taunts. (Read it and apply to a PvP environment). Tanks have multiple abilities that allow them to either cross the field quickly or impede those on the other team trying to do so.


Seriously. If you don't "get it", no amount of me explaining will help you understand.

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Honesty, how long do you think the pvp players will be "camping" these areas? In all likelihood two to three months and then they will stop being there. They were like that when HK came out and they gang up in Outlaw Den to attack people when they went to get the part and then got bored and said there was nothing to do.


I will craft the items we will need for our guild but as it tends to happen the pvp players will gang up on the area for tow to three months and then they will get bored and most likely come back to the forums and say there is nothing for them to do. This is a cycle with the pvp players.


I don't see a problem with this as there is an alternative to get the frameworks, sure it will take time, but that is a choice you make yourself.


Note: I do not like pvp nor do I pvp.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Open World PvE on a PvP server:

Me: “Dorne, do you have my spare chestpiece in your back pocket?* I’ll need it in case we run into something this PvE gear can’t handle.”

Dorne: “Of course sir!* It wouldn’t do to venture out into the wild unknown where we could be stunlocked and ganked in the middle of a fight at any time.”

Me: “I sure hope they try it!* I finally got full Brutalizer gear yesterday and I’m just itching to get some splattered organs on it.”

Dorne: “That is rather bloodthirsty of you, sir.”

Sith Assassin: “Ah, a worthy adversary.* I will enjoy spitting on your bones after an epic battle of skill.”



Open World PvE on PvE server:

Me: “How should I approach this one?* Dorne, what do you think?* Do you remember anything about this Imperial base from back before your defection?”

Dorne: “No sir, I’m sorry, I never visited this particular Sith stronghold of doom during my time with the enemy.”

Me: “Well, it looks like a Marauder archetype, so he’ll be dishing out serious damage. Keep your kolto handy and I’ll keep a finger over my defensive CDs.”

Sith Boss: “Are you weaklings done staring at me yet?* I already told Dulfy the best way to beat me, you miserable worms should probably check there first before daring to aggro me.”

Me: “Ok, I’m ready.” /Salutes passing Juggernaut and *Presses the Storm button*



Open World PvE on a PvE server while PvP Flagged:

Me: “How should I approach this one?* Dorne, what do you thi – “

Sith Assassin: *Inserts lightsaber through back of my chestpiece*

Sith Sorcerer: *Zaps with lightning*

Mercenary: *Pelts with Death From Above rockets*

Operative: “Man, these PvP sets are great!* We do loads of damage and these little nooblets don’t stand a chance since they don’t know how to PvP anyway!* I feel like a God!”


PvP in a PvP Arena

Me: “Aaaaagggghh!!!” *Presses Storm button*

Sith Juggernaut: Aaaaaagghh!!! *Presses Force Leap button*

Everyone Else: “Aaaaagghhh!!”


As for the utility of a tank in PvP, I'll be perfectly happy to acknowledge that when there are a few tanks in the top 15. Until then I'm not buying it.

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Open World PvE on a PvP server:

Me: “Dorne, do you have my spare chestpiece in your back pocket?* I’ll need it in case we run into something this PvE gear can’t handle.”

Dorne: “Of course sir!* It wouldn’t do to venture out into the wild unknown where we could be stunlocked and ganked in the middle of a fight at any time.”

Me: “I sure hope they try it!* I finally got full Brutalizer gear yesterday and I’m just itching to get some splattered organs on it.”

Dorne: “That is rather bloodthirsty of you, sir.”

Sith Assassin: “Ah, a worthy adversary.* I will enjoy spitting on your bones after an epic battle of skill.”



Open World PvE on PvE server:

Me: “How should I approach this one?* Dorne, what do you think?* Do you remember anything about this Imperial base from back before your defection?”

Dorne: “No sir, I’m sorry, I never visited this particular Sith stronghold of doom during my time with the enemy.”

Me: “Well, it looks like a Marauder archetype, so he’ll be dishing out serious damage. Keep your kolto handy and I’ll keep a finger over my defensive CDs.”

Sith Boss: “Are you weaklings done staring at me yet?* I already told Dulfy the best way to beat me, you miserable worms should probably check there first before daring to aggro me.”

Me: “Ok, I’m ready.” /Salutes passing Juggernaut and *Presses the Storm button*



Open World PvE on a PvE server while PvP Flagged:

Me: “How should I approach this one?* Dorne, what do you thi – “

Sith Assassin: *Inserts lightsaber through back of my chestpiece*

Sith Sorcerer: *Zaps with lightning*

Mercenary: *Pelts with Death From Above rockets*

Operative: “Man, these PvP sets are great!* We do loads of damage and these little nooblets don’t stand a chance since they don’t know how to PvP anyway!* I feel like a God!”


PvP in a PvP Arena

Me: “Aaaaagggghh!!!” *Presses Storm button*

Sith Juggernaut: Aaaaaagghh!!! *Presses Force Leap button*

Everyone Else: “Aaaaagghhh!!”


As for the utility of a tank in PvP, I'll be perfectly happy to acknowledge that when there are a few tanks in the top 15. Until then I'm not buying it.


Ignorance at its finest... guy think's he knows all aspects of the game.

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Ignorance at its finest... guy think's he knows all aspects of the game.


If by "ignorance" you mean "based on personal experience," then yes. The only theoretical in that quote is the PVP server, which I theorized as quite positive. All the others are, and have been since Vanilla WoW, exactly as I portrayed them. Sorry if you don't like it.

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Honesty, how long do you think the pvp players will be "camping" these areas? In all likelihood two to three months and then they will stop being there. They were like that when HK came out and they gang up in Outlaw Den to attack people when they went to get the part and then got bored and said there was nothing to do.


I will craft the items we will need for our guild but as it tends to happen the pvp players will gang up on the area for tow to three months and then they will get bored and most likely come back to the forums and say there is nothing for them to do. This is a cycle with the pvp players.


I don't see a problem with this as there is an alternative to get the frameworks, sure it will take time, but that is a choice you make yourself.


Note: I do not like pvp nor do I pvp.


I'm largely of the same opinion. I am curious if frameworks bind on pickup or can be traded around. Big guilds that no longer need frameworks could just as easily sell them to the smaller guilds. :cool:

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