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Guild Ship Frameworks and PVP Flagging


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Edit: How about instead of getting PVP gear, you get PVE gear instead. Equivalent stuff to 180 or 186 stuff for the top players. No expertise gear rewards.


Expertise isn't a reward, only nuts would chase it because they want it. It's just a necessary evil per the current system. And it wouldn't be PVE gear or PVP gear, just gear. I'd prefer that to the current system.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Yes because I'm sure if you were sympathetic to us PVPers we'd finally get new maps, unique ranked rewards and a huttball league! Cause you're just that special and important to Bioware! LMAO.


God, this is going to be good. I cannot freaking wait for the expansion to land now.


If anyone's curious, it's PVPers like this that make the rest of you look bad on the forums.

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And that's the beauty of this system...there's an alternative way to get the components. Unlocking the ship only has ONE option - 50 mil. 50 mil stresses me out because I know what I have, I know how ungodly long I've played and I know how very little I've ever bought...


Also, that's silly...EVERY person who participates in OWPvP is valuable. Assuming you have 30+k health, even if you don't fire once, you're 30k less damage I may need to take. Even YOU would be a valuable contributor.


If only there were multiple ways to get credits in the game... like literally everything you do in the game.


Oh. Wait. :rolleyes:

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Coming from the guy claiming that PvP'ers are the root of all evil, I find this comment highly hypocritical.


Well, PvPer tears are just as delicious as PvErs, some just find the bitter after taste off putting.

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Coming from the guy claiming that PvP'ers are the root of all evil, I find this comment highly hypocritical.


I didn't say the root of all evil. I just said that the system itself is toxic and damaging to the game as a whole. And I'm talking about the PVP system itself, not the players.


The one I quoted, though, is a prime example of what that toxic system does to people. Hostile, reveling in the anger and frustration of others, toxic.

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Quotation and link, or it didn't happen.




In my opinion, PVP is inherently toxic.


The Warzone/Arena system is based entirely around the requirement that half its participants are required to fail in order for the system to work, and this is inherently toxic. People do not like to fail. It makes them angry, it makes them frustrated, it makes them not play the game. The fact that people who win, either by luck or skill, are rewarded with better gear that allows them to win easier is insane. This is akin to rewarding the Super Bowl winners a matching set of brass knuckles that they can use on the opposing team in the following season without penalty.


The constant stress of failure is further aggravated by same-faction PVP, either in zones like Ilum or in Warzones/PVP where the winners commonly and regularly mock, scorn and taunt those that they beat.


Consider now that as far as I can see, there's no real incentive to the Open World PVP thing with the Commanders for defenders except the satisfaction of denying other players a chance to further an aspect of PVE. Just spite and contempt and the joy of making other players angry and frustrated.


This is unhealthy.


PVPers should be grateful that they're getting paths of advancement that plays to the style of gaming that they prefer, make no mistake about it. But, at the same time, in my eyes, PVP is a detriment to the game. It adds nothing and creates a toxic attitude in its participants.


I do hope that the Dev decide to add Frameworks to Ops as potential drops from Bosses. If they think that's too much, then limit the number of Frameworks that a guild can get in a week to pace Guilds appropriately.





Interestingly enough by Infernix's opinion, all sports, board games, etc. are also toxic because somebody loses.

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RE: Infernixx allegedly claiming "PvPers are the root of all eveil:"


Sorry, fail. And not just because the word "evil" never appears in the quote. Primarily, you failed because Infernixx is knocking the PvP system, not the people who play in it (which includes me on occasion) or even the people for whom it is the primary focus of their SWTOR experience.


If you had claimed "Infernixx says PvP is the root of all evil," I'd call that a plausible interpretation of his post.

But to say he claimed PvpPers were the root of all evil is a mischaracterization, and an egregious one in my view.

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Unless the Empire has a real player behind it! Then we are screwed! Havoc Squad out!


Ummm... yeah, that's exactly right, actually. My Star Wars fantasy includes special forces cutting their way through ranks of enemies to finally overcome the big bad at the end, not constantly dying and respawning just to go do it again. That's the opposite of heroic.


The only PvP game I've ever enjoyed had no respawn - one life and that's it.

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Interestingly enough by Infernix's opinion, all sports, board games, etc. are also toxic because somebody loses.


Ironically enough, sports and other games are loaded with people who act the same way as PVPers do, only less so because being face to face tends to curb their excesses lest their teeth inadvertently end up getting knocked out. I blame the internet for people forgetting to be afraid of being terrible to each other since there's no consequences.

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i still dont understand how "ganking" can happen in a pvp server.


you choose a pvp server with its rules, you play and leave a safe zone and you flag yourself; you give consent to be attacked.


there's no such thing as ganking. it's all pvp. if you are scared or bothered by flagging yourself, then choose a pve server where you can manually do it.


Ganking is a term used very liberally, in my use I use it to describe when a group of players team up for an advantage to kill other solo players. I never complained about it...

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RE: Infernixx allegedly claiming "PvPers are the root of all eveil:"


Sorry, fail. And not just because the word "evil" never appears in the quote. Primarily, you failed because Infernixx is knocking the PvP system, not the people who play in it (which includes me on occasion) or even the people for whom it is the primary focus of their SWTOR experience.


If you had claimed "Infernixx says PvP is the root of all evil," I'd call that a plausible interpretation of his post.

But to say he claimed PvpPers were the root of all evil is a mischaracterization, and an egregious one in my view.


Nah, if you actually read the quote you'll notice it talks about players too. FYI - Since you're not on billable hours with us it's ok to use conversational post language if you'd like.

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Nah, if you actually read the quote you'll notice it talks about players too. FYI - Since you're not on billable hours with us it's ok to use conversational post language if you'd like.


Some people use a large part of their vocabulary all of the time. It's OK, we won't judge you for being smart, you don't have to play dumb.

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Do you seriously think a PvE server should be void of any PvP? LOL! PvE servers are not PvP'less servers.


Players were given a choice on what type of server they wanted to play. Players that chose a PvE server did so for a reason...they didn't want to be forced to PvP while PvEing. As a PvPer, I understand this completely and respect that choice/decision.


That is why I think BW made a mistake in placing the pathway to Commanders in contested areas. Sure, there is a crafting option for Frameworks, but this isn't an issue about options. It's more an issue of BW respecting the integrity of their server types and the gameplay expectations on those servers.


That is why I agree with the OP. BW shouldn't be forcing PvP gameplay on players that have already elected to avoid it.

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Players were given a choice on what type of server they wanted to play. Players that chose a PvE server did so for a reason...they didn't want to be forced to PvP while PvEing. As a PvPer, I understand this completely and respect that choice/decision.


That is why I think BW made a mistake in placing the pathway to Commanders in contested areas. Sure, there is a crafting option for Frameworks, but this isn't an issue about options. It's more an issue of BW respecting the integrity of their server types and the gameplay expectations on those servers.


That is why I agree with the OP. BW shouldn't be forcing PvP gameplay on players that have already elected to avoid it.


I agree entirely in principle. But what's the equivalent path for a PVP server?

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That is why I agree with the OP. BW shouldn't be forcing PvP gameplay on players that have already elected to avoid it.


Whelp, it's a good thing they're not then since there's more than one way to get the materials. One that doesn't even involve PVP at all!

Edited by Prisoner
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Whelp, it's a good thing they're not then since there's more than one way to get the materials. One that doesn't even involve PVP at all!


Seems to me, PvE guilds have the "advantage" in flagship acquisition, but PvP guilds have the "advantage" in building them out.

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Seems to me, PvE guilds have the "advantage" in flagship acquisition, but PvP guilds have the "advantage" in building them out.


It'll be interesting to see how it plays out live. I'm particularly interested in how much of a factor multi-disciplinary guilds will be. I'm guessing that if the 12 player limit is real, lean and mean guilds that do it all will be in the best position vs. small and poor *** pvp-only, big/cumbersome utterly casual, and pve-only guilds.

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It'll be interesting to see how it plays out live. I'm particularly interested in how much of a factor multi-disciplinary guilds will be. I'm guessing that if the 12 player limit is real, lean and mean guilds that do it all will be in the best position vs. small and poor *** pvp-only, big/cumbersome utterly casual, and pve-only guilds.


The 12-member limit is an 'on-planet' limitation and is there to prevent planets from being crashed by Mega-Guilds flooding the planets.


That limit isn't in place regarding off-planet stuff like WZs, FPs, OPs and GSF

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The 12-member limit is an 'on-planet' limitation and is there to prevent planets from being crashed by Mega-Guilds flooding the planets.


That limit isn't in place regarding off-planet stuff like WZs, FPs, OPs and GSF


Wait I haven't seen anything about a 12-member limit. Did I miss it in the stream?

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The 12-member limit is an 'on-planet' limitation and is there to prevent planets from being crashed by Mega-Guilds flooding the planets.


That limit isn't in place regarding off-planet stuff like WZs, FPs, OPs and GSF


I was referring to the on-planet stuff, and agree it's a sound idea.

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