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Stun locked to death


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I realize that this is an incredibly old and tired subject, not just in SWTOR, but in MMO PVP since the beginning of STUN LOCK TIME, however, I wanted to throw my .02 credits into the discussion.


I have one simple request to alleviate the grief caused by being "STUN LOCKED TO DEATH". Perhaps in a situation where one person stuns you the stun will be broken should another player enter and cause damage to you? This would help to stop players from "piggy backing" onto a teammates stun and then taking turns with them "STUNNING YOU TO DEATH".


Now, before anyone gets crazy on me let's consider the facts: the purpose of a stun is to allow yourself time to cast something that may other wise be interrupted or to allow yourself to put in some damage in a 1V1. By allowing other players to "piggyback" onto another players stun, it gives the attacked individual no survival chance.


My other suggestion would be that the CD for stun breaker come off cool down when any additional players enter into combat with you. For example: enemy 1 enters combat with you, they stun you, you use stun breaker, they stun you again, you are screwed and must take the DMG. Enemy 2 "piggybacks" onto enemy 1's stun and begins to deal damage to you. Your stun breaker comes off of cool down. However, enemy 2 may still stun you but at least you are not "STUN LOCKED TO DEATH". If you are a stealther, you have a chance to stealth out, if you have abilities that make you uninterruptible for a time, you may activate this to get away or at least deal some dmg to one of the players, etc etc etc.


At any rate, something needs to be done but nothing is being done. My suggestions do not have to be incorporated but this "STUN LOCK TO DEATH" concept alone is why many players have quit this game and why PVP is essentially dead, among other reasons.


Ok bring on the QQing from the PVPers who make it a habit to stun lock people to death!!!

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We gotta stop being so Butthurt over digital deaths.


Yes it's extremely annoying, but it doesn't happen near as often as people make it seem. And to be honest... There aren't that many players even coordinated enough to pull this off that often.

Edited by ace_boogie
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We gotta stop being so Butthurt over digital deaths.


Yes it's extremely annoying, but it doesn't happen near as often as people make it seem. And to be honest... There aren't that many players even coordinated enough to pull this off that often.


Stunning is so rediculously easy, and DPS'ing a target who's stunned is easy for two key reasons:

  • DPS'ing a target by performing a rotation takes no brain cells
  • Seeing which targets are stunned takes only eyes


lel @ not being coordinated enough?

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Stunning is so rediculously easy, and DPS'ing a target who's stunned is easy for two key reasons:

  • DPS'ing a target by performing a rotation takes no brain cells
  • Seeing which targets are stunned takes only eyes


lel @ not being coordinated enough?


I didn't say it was hard to explain... I'm sayin the average pug is not puttin that much thought into it. Otherwise it'd happen a hell of a lot more. I only pvp In this game... About 2-3 hours a nights im in WZs and in all those matches I get a team who stun locks me maybe once a week. Most players blow every stun/slow/root almost immediately upon engaging you. So yes, the coordination is usually NOT there.

Edited by ace_boogie
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I didn't say it was hard to explain... I'm sayin the average pug is not puttin that much thought into it. Otherwise it'd happen a hell of a lot more. I only pvp In this game... About 2-3 hours a nights im in WZs and in all those matches I get a team who stun locks me maybe once a week. Most players blow every stun/slow/root almost immediately upon engaging you. So yes, the coordination is usually NOT there.


Hmmm. I mean yeah you're right about them blowing a lot if not all of their CC on you as soon as you engage them.


Maybe I have a selective memory, but I recall getting stunned then focused while under that stun then dying a lot

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We gotta stop being so Butthurt over digital deaths.


Yes it's extremely annoying, but it doesn't happen near as often as people make it seem. And to be honest... There aren't that many players even coordinated enough to pull this off that often.


Play as a healer and see what happens.


Another solution would be to cut each attacker's DPS down for each player attacking the same target. If TWO players attack the same target then each attacker's DPS drops to 50% of what they normally dish out. This focusing down crap is terrible. I can fend for myself with any class any role except when I am healing. It is BRUTAL!



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Play as a healer and see what happens.


Another solution would be to cut each attacker's DPS down for each player attacking the same target. If TWO players attack the same target then each attacker's DPS drops to 50% of what they normally dish out. This focusing down crap is terrible. I can fend for myself with any class any role except when I am healing. It is BRUTAL!




I main a sage right now and bounce between dps and healing, although I prefer dps. Point being I know how rough it can be. You have to learn how to become like a track star/escape artist.


Most times when you think you've been "stun locked" is just you being caught with your CC breaker on CD. And if the focus fire is really what you say it is, then you were gonna die anyways unless those dps were absolutely terrible.


Also, reducing the damage of players who focus fire is a terrible idea and completely defeats the purpose of focus fire.

Edited by ace_boogie
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What is needed is an overhaul of the stun system.


I've said many times that we need a resolve over time system, where resolve builds at a fixed rate depending on the ability used against you


For instance - Let's say "hypothetically" that a hard stun builds at a rate of 350 resolve per second. After 4 seconds, you have acquired 1400 resolve. Conversely, resolve needs to decay at a constant rate, ie 100 resolve per second continuously.


The cumulative affect is that if someone hard stuns you, the net resolve given to you after 4 seconds is 1000 resolve. The moment you hit full resolve, all CC effects on you should be broken immediately and you are immune to all CC effects for another 4 seconds. Remember that resolve decays at a constant rate. Once your 4 seconds of immunity drop off, you will be at 600 resolve and now vulnerable to additional CC. Note that since your resolve bar is at 600, hard stunning you again will release you from the stunlock after an additional 2 seconds stunned thus adding a diminishing returns to the time stunned.


Mezzes would build resolve at a slower rate so that it would take ~ 10 seconds to hit full resolve.


What this system does is shift the gameplay away from mindless stun spam. People would need to watch their targets resolve bars and spread out their CC's for optimum use.

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Play as a healer and see what happens.


Another solution would be to cut each attacker's DPS down for each player attacking the same target. If TWO players attack the same target then each attacker's DPS drops to 50% of what they normally dish out. This focusing down crap is terrible. I can fend for myself with any class any role except when I am healing. It is BRUTAL!




...and 2 heals from 2 healers must be reduced to 50% as well.

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I play marauder, and trust me: you die in stuns. A lot. Kind of like... every time. You get stunned, you die unless someone helps you. You can break, most classes will stun again. Or escape to return before stunbreak is off cooldown again. Or the next one comes...

Add roots (to a pure melee basically the same as a stun) and slows (well... unless the enemy is backpaddling, it's the same as a stun) ... well you get the point.


The whole thing needs:

  • Resolve building should be reworked and also consider slows, roots, snares and mezz and fill depending on the ability used and it's effect. Resolve should NOT make you immune to slows, but to stuns and mezz (complete loss of control of your character).
  • Gettings stunned two times in a row => second stun is ignored when the first one is still in effect.. (opens a mini window that MIGHT be enough for something to be done. Instead of chainstunned/mezzed - Forces players who want to cc to do that carefully!)
  • Resolve should gradually lower the damage taken by players while stunned or mezzed: 90% resolve => 90% less damage while not in control of your character.

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I have to admit that I hate stun locking. But at the same time I play a operative as one of my characters. that I find myself laughing when I stun lock/kill someone. (Stun locking is not easy to do it has to be timed just right or you will fail and die) After word they always rage.
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I realize that this is an incredibly old and tired subject, not just in SWTOR, but in MMO PVP since the beginning of STUN LOCK TIME, however, I wanted to throw my .02 credits into the discussion.


I have one simple request to alleviate the grief caused by being "STUN LOCKED TO DEATH". Perhaps in a situation where one person stuns you the stun will be broken should another player enter and cause damage to you? This would help to stop players from "piggy backing" onto a teammates stun and then taking turns with them "STUNNING YOU TO DEATH".


Now, before anyone gets crazy on me let's consider the facts: the purpose of a stun is to allow yourself time to cast something that may other wise be interrupted or to allow yourself to put in some damage in a 1V1. By allowing other players to "piggyback" onto another players stun, it gives the attacked individual no survival chance.


My other suggestion would be that the CD for stun breaker come off cool down when any additional players enter into combat with you. For example: enemy 1 enters combat with you, they stun you, you use stun breaker, they stun you again, you are screwed and must take the DMG. Enemy 2 "piggybacks" onto enemy 1's stun and begins to deal damage to you. Your stun breaker comes off of cool down. However, enemy 2 may still stun you but at least you are not "STUN LOCKED TO DEATH". If you are a stealther, you have a chance to stealth out, if you have abilities that make you uninterruptible for a time, you may activate this to get away or at least deal some dmg to one of the players, etc etc etc.


At any rate, something needs to be done but nothing is being done. My suggestions do not have to be incorporated but this "STUN LOCK TO DEATH" concept alone is why many players have quit this game and why PVP is essentially dead, among other reasons.


Ok bring on the QQing from the PVPers who make it a habit to stun lock people to death!!!


Resolve needs to go back to pre1.4 and roots/snares need some kind of DR (and CC breaker itself needs to be looked at a little bit) but outside of that stuns for the most part are perfectly fine. The only time I'm ever being stunlocked to death is when there are 3+ players focusing me. At that point unless you got some support you're really not supposed to be able to survive that. Stunned or not, you're most likely going to lose that fight. 2v1? Maybe, but the opponents would have to be below average or undergeared to let you win a 2v1.


Being stun locked to death just means you're out numbered, end of story. You were going to be killed regardless so get over it. And "stun locks" have nothing to do with ranked pvp struggling (I say ranked because regs are not even close to dead). Ranked is dead for a multitude of reasons, stuns not being one of them.

Edited by Raansu
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I've played this game for 2.5 years and I've never experienced the "stunlock" to death like everyone complains about. You can only take 2 hard stuns/mezs in a row or 1 hard stun and 1 mez. Mezs last 6-8 seconds and break on damage so if someone "stun locks you to death" with mezs, you're bad. If they mez to hard stun, break the hard stun because they're going to break the mez by hitting you or by a dot/any aoe damage in the area. The worst that can happen is 2 hard stuns in a row for 8 seconds of stun, which you can reduce to 4 seconds through breaker and most any class can survive 4 seconds of stun, if you can't then you are bad and don't know how to use your dcds or stuns
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What is needed is an overhaul of the stun system.


I've said many times that we need a resolve over time system, where resolve builds at a fixed rate depending on the ability used against you


For instance - Let's say "hypothetically" that a hard stun builds at a rate of 350 resolve per second. After 4 seconds, you have acquired 1400 resolve. Conversely, resolve needs to decay at a constant rate, ie 100 resolve per second continuously.


The cumulative affect is that if someone hard stuns you, the net resolve given to you after 4 seconds is 1000 resolve. The moment you hit full resolve, all CC effects on you should be broken immediately and you are immune to all CC effects for another 4 seconds. Remember that resolve decays at a constant rate. Once your 4 seconds of immunity drop off, you will be at 600 resolve and now vulnerable to additional CC. Note that since your resolve bar is at 600, hard stunning you again will release you from the stunlock after an additional 2 seconds stunned thus adding a diminishing returns to the time stunned.


Mezzes would build resolve at a slower rate so that it would take ~ 10 seconds to hit full resolve.


What this system does is shift the gameplay away from mindless stun spam. People would need to watch their targets resolve bars and spread out their CC's for optimum use.


And so it was written, forever and ever, amen.

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What is needed is an overhaul of the stun system.


I've said many times that we need a resolve over time system, where resolve builds at a fixed rate depending on the ability used against you


For instance - Let's say "hypothetically" that a hard stun builds at a rate of 350 resolve per second. After 4 seconds, you have acquired 1400 resolve. Conversely, resolve needs to decay at a constant rate, ie 100 resolve per second continuously.


The cumulative affect is that if someone hard stuns you, the net resolve given to you after 4 seconds is 1000 resolve. The moment you hit full resolve, all CC effects on you should be broken immediately and you are immune to all CC effects for another 4 seconds. Remember that resolve decays at a constant rate. Once your 4 seconds of immunity drop off, you will be at 600 resolve and now vulnerable to additional CC. Note that since your resolve bar is at 600, hard stunning you again will release you from the stunlock after an additional 2 seconds stunned thus adding a diminishing returns to the time stunned.


Mezzes would build resolve at a slower rate so that it would take ~ 10 seconds to hit full resolve.


What this system does is shift the gameplay away from mindless stun spam. People would need to watch their targets resolve bars and spread out their CC's for optimum use.


Gaining resolve over time actually would be making stunning easier. currently on live the amount of resolve given by a stun is determined by two things.

1) duration

2) type (mezz or hard)


4 seconds of hardstun gives more resolve than 4 seconds of mezz. 12 seconds of mezz is full resolve. The difference between your proposed resolve over time system and the current system is that the latter gives you all the resolve for the duration the moment the stun is applied. Under your system if a stun is removed before its duration completes you would actually see less resolve gain than under the current system.

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