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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I want a Manaan Stronghold.


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Agree. Tatooine & Yavin are enough in the monstrous category for now, the game's lacking a second big masion like Nar Shaddaa (while Coru/Dromund fill the smallest niche) but without excessive terrain around. Manaan would be ideal. Part on water-surface level, part underwater.


Well first things first, before we get another stronghold, we need to have the stronghold cap extended.

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Me too, I would love a Manaan Stronghold. Especially if it's partly underwater (with a view of ocean terrain/wildlife).


^This! I would love to have part of it underwater, but I'd settle for just a personal island on the water (in a force field bubble).


Just something I want for my main, as I imagine she comes from a mostly water planet that doesn't have a water race. :p This would help that head canon :)

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It does my heart good to see this thread revived again and again. People REALLY want a Manaan Stronghold.



I think the general consensus also is that it must partly/mostly be underwater.



I like the person who said it should be about Nr Shadaa Size - I agree that would be perfect.


In my mind's eye, I see an outdoor area with landing pad for a ship, an outside terrace, and an atrium when you walk in, and dual stairs ala Nar Shadaa/Dromund Kaas that go downward.


Then every other room is underwater, with wildlife that pass by the windows, including fish, the occasional Fixara shark, even the occasional behemoth type of fish ala the giant mother shark in KOTOR 1 or the wildlife like in EP 1 Naboo - just something to make you go "whoa"".


Mix in the occasional Selkath peeking in the window for lulz, and a giant underwater viewing area of all glass (think the giant atrium in Nar but underwater) and I think we have a winner!


I admit though, I also love the idea of an underwater tunnel with viewing around all areas.

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In my mind's eye, I see an outdoor area with landing pad for a ship, an outside terrace, and an atrium when you walk in, and dual stairs ala Nar Shadaa/Dromund Kaas that go downward.


Then every other room is underwater, with wildlife that pass by the windows, including fish, the occasional Fixara shark, even the occasional behemoth type of fish ala the giant mother shark in KOTOR 1 or the wildlife like in EP 1 Naboo - just something to make you go "whoa"".


Mix in the occasional Selkath peeking in the window for lulz, and a giant underwater viewing area of all glass (think the giant atrium in Nar but underwater) and I think we have a winner!


I admit though, I also love the idea of an underwater tunnel with viewing around all areas.

I would prefer a single grand staircase, Titanic style :p Dual stairs have been done to death in Coruscant, Dromund & Yavin. Agee on everything else. Nice idea on a glass tunnel especially :rak_04:


You may want a Manaan stronghold, but the Selkath sure don't.

Yavin "house" gives you Sith Lord spirits & Massassi for neighbours, full with planetary genocide machine and all the jazz. There's no government or any stable population to buy even the most basic supplies. I say lore excuses went right outta window when they picked Yavin for stronghold location lol

Edited by Pietrastor
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  • 3 weeks later...
I too would like a man an strong hold...wait, we're not talking about the same thing, are we?


meh care less about a manaan stronghold..just popped in here to see what you wrote...and you didnt' fail to impress :)


<ontopic> meh not really a concern about manaan stronghold, will likly never happen as it is only just a flashpoint hub.

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I'll have a stronghold on Hoth plz;


Complete with a series of black, red and blue ski slopes (cantina stops on the way down,skiing is thirsty work after all).

Throw a snowball or 2 at wampas in some adventurous target ranges and

Lets not forget the hot spring tub with some nice company .............

No better way to relax after doing all those dailies!

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I'm sort of hesitant to say that you'll never see a Manaan Stronghold because they could surprise us. But the current strongholds all have one thing in common: DK, Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, Totooine, and Yavin 4 are all on planets that you can run around on picking up missions. Manaan doesn't fit that trend.
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This would be nice but I would prefer Alderaan but for them to do this they would need to figure out how to raise the stronghold limit as most are probably getting close if not over the 4 limit and a lot of people will not deactivate one just to buy a new one.


I'll deactivate NS in a heartbeat to get an Alderaan SH. I like my Coruscant Jedi Training Academy, but it's nowhere near big enough.

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I'm sort of hesitant to say that you'll never see a Manaan Stronghold because they could surprise us. But the current strongholds all have one thing in common: DK, Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, Totooine, and Yavin 4 are all on planets that you can run around on picking up missions. Manaan doesn't fit that trend.


Manaan does have a mission you can pick up and run, once a day, so as far as I'm concerned it more than fits the criteria. Is in game, has missions, is coveted. <- Checklist for all potential strongholds.

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