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Dear angry Healer,


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Dear angry Healer,


Why do you get so upset with me when I tank for you? Yes, I move faster than the average tank. But never do I pull at inopportune times. You and I have full health, you also have full resource. No, I don't give a rat's *** about the dps.


I never lose aggro, even on the large pulls.


You threaten me with statements like, "if you don't slow down, I'm going to stop healing you!"

You queued for the healing role, why does it bother you that you have to fulfill that role just a teeny bit more? It's the role you signed up for. Is it because you have no control over the pacing? Is it because you are lazy and don't wish to finish the fp quickly?


I've healed for the better part of 8 years In MMO's. Your excuse of "healing is stressful, you wouldn't understand." Is very assuming.


So please, mr. Healer. Why do you get so Angry with me?

Edited by Supa-S-
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Just throwing it out there, but... did it occur at any point that, despite your abilities and confidence, maybe when another player asks to please slow down the polite thing to do is slow down?


Sure, you apparently handled it fine... but if a player isn't comfortable with the pacing you shouldn't abuse your position as the tank to force them to "deal with it".

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Just throwing it out there, but... did it occur at any point that, despite your abilities and confidence, maybe when another player asks to please slow down the polite thing to do is slow down?


Sure, you apparently handled it fine... but if a player isn't comfortable with the pacing you shouldn't abuse your position as the tank to force them to "deal with it".


^ This...


Perhaps this is a new healer, perhaps they are in training, perhaps they are just slower than you at playing...

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Dear angry Healer,


Why do you get so upset with me when I tank for you? Yes, I move faster than the average tank. But never do I pull at inopportune times. You and I have full health, you also have full resource. No, I don't give a rat's *** about the dps.


I never lose aggro, even on the large pulls.


You threaten me with statements like, "if you don't slow down, I'm going to stop healing you!"

You queued for the healing role, why does it bother you that you have to fulfill that role just a teeny bit more? It's the role you signed up for. Is it because you have no control over the pacing? Is it because you are lazy and don't wish to finish the fp quickly?


I've healed for the better part of 8 years In MMO's. Your excuse of "healing is stressful, you wouldn't understand." Is very assuming.


So please, mr. Healer. Why do you get so Angry with me?


Just a point or two if I may.


1) Do you give the healer time to recover his energy/force?


2) You know that healers generally have to stand still to heal you? So it's really annoying when tanks race off out of healing range constantly.


Those are the only things I wonder about. As a healer I don't care much if dps die either...it's generally their own fault and I don't actually even expect the tank to be able to hold aggro on everything all the time either, because that often is the dps fault as well when that goes wrong (breaking cc, not finishing of mobs, wrong kill order etc.).

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Just a point or two if I may.


1) Do you give the healer time to recover his energy/force?


2) You know that healers generally have to stand still to heal you? So it's really annoying when tanks race off out of healing range constantly.


Those are the only things I wonder about. As a healer I don't care much if dps die either...it's generally their own fault and I don't actually even expect the tank to be able to hold aggro on everything all the time either, because that often is the dps fault as well when that goes wrong (breaking cc, not finishing of mobs, wrong kill order etc.).


As stated, I do indeed wait for resource and health if needed.


Also as stated, I do indeed have a wealth of healing experience and understand major healing mechanics

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As stated, I do indeed wait for resource and health if needed.


Also as stated, I do indeed have a wealth of healing experience and understand major healing mechanics


Ahh I read over that, I do apologise , well, then I don't get the problem either...maybe he's texting with his girlfriend in between.

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Your group is only as strong as it's weakest link. If one of the members of your group needs you to slow down then you probably should for the betterment of the group.


The issue may not be confidence or skill. It could be lag either graphical or ping. Be a good tank and allow the other players to stay in a position of calmness.


A slow moving fp while time consuming is better than a wipe.

Edited by Brittaany_Banks
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While the OP certainly succeeds at being entertaining with a nice writing style, just the effort of arguing with the healer plus writing the original post is most likely greater already than having just adjusted the pace to a slightly slower one.


Despite maining a healer, I am currently tanking ops and FPs for my guild and in PUGs/GF queues. Whenever someone is irritated by my pace I usually turn around and ask the group if I should adjust the pace as asked for by the person that was irritated. This turns an issue directed at me into an issue directed at the group which can be resolved by a democratic resolution (quick majority "vote" if you will).


I haven't had a case so far where the person being irritated then turns against the whole group by resuming the complaints.

Edited by djdee
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You are the sort of tank I hate, the one that doesn't understand the whole point of group content is to work as a team to overcome the objective.... the one who thinks it's all about "me, me and me" when there's 3, 7 or 15 other players in the group.


I hate the type of players who make the whole team wait because they are doing god knows what in between. I hate these people that make the entire team wait because they are all "me me me" when there's 3, 7 or 15 other players waiting for them.

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Dear angry Healer,


Why do you get so upset with me when I tank for you? Yes, I move faster than the average tank. But never do I pull at inopportune times. You and I have full health, you also have full resource. No, I don't give a rat's *** about the dps.


I never lose aggro, even on the large pulls.


You threaten me with statements like, "if you don't slow down, I'm going to stop healing you!"

You queued for the healing role, why does it bother you that you have to fulfill that role just a teeny bit more? It's the role you signed up for. Is it because you have no control over the pacing? Is it because you are lazy and don't wish to finish the fp quickly?


I've healed for the better part of 8 years In MMO's. Your excuse of "healing is stressful, you wouldn't understand." Is very assuming.


So please, mr. Healer. Why do you get so Angry with me?

Could it be your warm and inviting approach to interaction with others?

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You are the sort of tank I hate, the one that doesn't understand the whole point of group content is to work as a team to overcome the objective.... the one who thinks it's all about "me, me and me" when there's 3, 7 or 15 other players in the group.


Angry healer!


You are my buddy on these adventures. We have to drag our dps by the ankles to progess quickly.


Why do you not enjoy the breeze as we whisk through the corridors?

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pace that is comfortable for you is not necessarily comfortable for them. it took me years, YEARS of playing healers in multiple MMOs to get comfortable enough to keep up with nearly any pace a tank can throw at me. I'm still not comfortable enough with breakneck pace on my tanks. (I rarely dps, but when I do, it doesn't matter as much if I lag behind)


and I still don't like it, becasue while I can keep up, its still draining. its not laziness. its having a different comfort zone from yours.


while you cannot always find pace that pleases everyone at least to some degree (and I don't appreciate when people abuse going afk constantly either) you could at least try.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Angry healer!


You are my buddy on these adventures. We have to drag our dps by the ankles to progess quickly.


Why do you not enjoy the breeze as we whisk through the corridors?


Just remember this:


In a Flashpoint, for a Healer and 2 DPS there is the possibility of survival without you (if they're good).

You alone or you with 2 DPS are dead meat without your healer.

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You are the sort of tank I hate, the one that doesn't understand the whole point of group content is to work as a team to overcome the objective.... the one who thinks it's all about "me, me and me" when there's 3, 7 or 15 other players in the group.


Agree as well


I find when tanks have to tell you how great they think they are

They usually do not measure up


I've seen some amazing amazing amazing tanks over the years in different titles and they all had one trait that was similar to them all....patience


The absolute worst tanks who cause unending drama normally are those that try to race through everything


Me Im good either way but if I see any party member intentionally putting the group at risk because they impatient I give ONE warning to slow down to a speed the group can function .


Flash points, Ops, even group PVP is about the group working together.


When you have someone who (and I wanna quote here) "I don't care about the DPS and if they ready or not" thinks they are greater then the group, that's when bad things happen.


OP strikes me as one of those types that thinks Healers only job is to heal him

Healers job is to heal EVERYONE and help out with DPS if able

There is NO me in team.


I get image of OP running ahead of group despite them saying slow down. Healer stops to help a DPSer and tank boy leaps in before looking only to find his pocket healer not present to save his bacon because he CANT handle it like he claims.


Those types I find normally die couple times and rage quit only to be replace by a different player who has no issue at all with slower pace and there is no drama after that.


LOL, thankfully I havent had to put up with his types in GF for last couple weeks now

Feel sorry for what ever healer this was directed at.


My advice would be put the tank on ignore and go forward with out his attitude and drama.

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Agree as well


I find when tanks have to tell you how great they think they are

They usually do not measure up


I've seen some amazing amazing amazing tanks over the years in different titles and they all had one trait that was similar to them all....patience


The absolute worst tanks who cause unending drama normally are those that try to race through everything


Me Im good either way but if I see any party member intentionally putting the group at risk because they impatient I give ONE warning to slow down to a speed the group can function .


Flash points, Ops, even group PVP is about the group working together.


When you have someone who (and I wanna quote here) "I don't care about the DPS and if they ready or not" thinks they are greater then the group, that's when bad things happen.


OP strikes me as one of those types that thinks Healers only job is to heal him

Healers job is to heal EVERYONE and help out with DPS if able

There is NO me in team.


I get image of OP running ahead of group despite them saying slow down. Healer stops to help a DPSer and tank boy leaps in before looking only to find his pocket healer not present to save his bacon because he CANT handle it like he claims.


Those types I find normally die couple times and rage quit only to be replace by a different player who has no issue at all with slower pace and there is no drama after that.


LOL, thankfully I havent had to put up with his types in GF for last couple weeks now

Feel sorry for what ever healer this was directed at.


My advice would be put the tank on ignore and go forward with out his attitude and drama.


I did not jump the offense, mr. Healer. Why do you rebut with personal attacks?


Perhaps I stand to better you, to make you see new tiers of play?


It's your supposition that I seek elitism.

Edited by Supa-S-
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Dear angry Healer,


Why do you get so upset with me when I tank for you? Yes, I move faster than the average tank. But never do I pull at inopportune times. You and I have full health, you also have full resource. No, I don't give a rat's *** about the dps.


I never lose aggro, even on the large pulls.


You threaten me with statements like, "if you don't slow down, I'm going to stop healing you!"

You queued for the healing role, why does it bother you that you have to fulfill that role just a teeny bit more? It's the role you signed up for. Is it because you have no control over the pacing? Is it because you are lazy and don't wish to finish the fp quickly?


I've healed for the better part of 8 years In MMO's. Your excuse of "healing is stressful, you wouldn't understand." Is very assuming.


So please, mr. Healer. Why do you get so Angry with me?


As a player who primarily plays healers at end game my biggest pet peeve is tanks that stand around before every pull. When I'm on my tank I play just like you and I haven't run into a healer that rages on me yet. Might be best to /ignore that one since it won't hurt your Que times in the least.

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Last time I was tanking and a healer demanded I slow down. It was because the healer spent more time dpsing than actually healing and expected everyone to heal themselves once the fights had ended.


The end of that story involves my modem resetting a few times, the healer pulling and wiping the group and getting kicked for it. But it had a happy ending, somewhere..




As a player who primarily plays healers at end game my biggest pet peeve is tanks that stand around before every pull. When I'm on my tank I play just like you and I haven't run into a healer that rages on me yet. Might be best to /ignore that one since it won't hurt your Que times in the least.


Ooh I hate people that stand around and form a committee before they decide they should pull. If my healer's resource bar is at full, then pull! If you have to ask then you're not pulling fast enough. :D

Edited by Lord_of_Mu
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It's your supposition that I seek elitism.


Not supposition but an observation from your own comments in your original post. When I read, "I don't care about the DPS...," I knew right away you are a terrible TEAM tank. Tanking is a support role, not the lead role. You would know this having been a healer yourself as you stated.


Tanking is all I've ever done from the beginning. It wasn't until I came to play SWTOR that I got into healing and DPS. A tank supports and defends the team not lead them on a merry ole ghost chase as you do with the pace you set, while not allowing the TEAM to recover from one engagement to another.


You might be an "awesome healer anointed by on high," but the one behind you keeping you and the REST of the team healed is another story.


You'd better stop holding others to your personal level of play and adjust it to suit the players in your team or you'll find yourself a very lonely tank that no one wants to team up because in your own mind's eye it is, "me, myself, and I."

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