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No outrage about the vendor rep items?

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So people are outraged that guild ships are 50 mil despite it being pretty easy for a guild to scrape that together.

And they are outraged because the cost to unlock all 5 tabs in the legacy bank is 50 mil even tho they don't really need the tabs.


But nobody cares that you'll have to buy at least one hypercrate, but most likely more, of the new cartel packs to get to the unique models sold by the pack reputation vendor?

That's at least 7000 cc or 11-12 million credits just to be allowed to ship for those items.


And nobody is upset?



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No. There are already cartel reputation vendors, using currency based on opening cartel packs, with one or more exclusive items and the rest recolors. If you don't want to spend cash on cartel coins, you can buy the hypercrates with credits. If you don't do either, you don't get the items. I don't see where the outrage comes in? Edited by Daewan
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who cares? You don't need those rep vendor items? Amirite? Looks like a reasonable rate to me. Like how legacy bays are 5.26 times as much as normal cargo bays that you can only have 5 of. Completely reasonable rate. Stop qqing baby. Edited by Nickious
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To be entirely honest, one of my gripes about Cartel items is that they're readily available and overabundant. There's nothing special or unique (in my mind) about riding a cool lizard when everyone has the exact same one you do.


So when they gate it behind rep, on one hand, I'm irked 'cause I have to spend many more credits to unlock them. But on the other hand, fewer people will have the cool items, which makes them rarer and (in my mind) cooler.


So I guess the moral of my story is that you can't have your cake and eat it too. :confused:

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To be entirely honest, one of my gripes about Cartel items is that they're readily available and overabundant. There's nothing special or unique (in my mind) about riding a cool lizard when everyone has the exact same one you do.


So when they gate it behind rep, on one hand, I'm irked 'cause I have to spend many more credits to unlock them. But on the other hand, fewer people will have the cool items, which makes them rarer and (in my mind) cooler.


So I guess the moral of my story is that you can't have your cake and eat it too. :confused:


No, the moral of the story is that most people think e-x-a-c-t-l-y like you do, thus the items that require a certain amount of Rep are more appealing. And Bioware knows that.

The same way a lot of other things that were not necessarily iconic or even "cool-looking" were highly sought-after.

Edited by TheNahash
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No, the moral of the story is that most people think e-x-a-c-t-l-y like you do, thus the items that require a certain amount of Rep are more appealing.

The same way a lot of other things that were not necessarily iconic or even "cool-looking" were highly sought-after.


Hmm, I guess that's true. Is that your perspective as well?

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I'm a little bothered by it (more than I am by the Guild Ship price at any rate), but:


A) We don't have a full list of the packs, yet, so we don't know for sure which ones, if any, really are unique models.


B) Since the very first CM Reputation, there have been some unique items in them.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Hmm, I guess that's true. Is that your perspective as well?


Not really.

I guess to some extent I do like certain super/ultra rare items (like the white color crystal or, back at launch, the Supreme Inquisitor's robes), but then again I would never, ever use that fugly Korrealis mount. So, I think it's more of an aesthetic thing with me, not so much about rarity.


But, to be honest, I don't really care how many people have the exact same thing I do, neither in the game nor IRL. If I enjoy it, like wearing or just having it, it wouldn't take away any of my enjoyment if more people had it.


That, of course, doesn't mean I don't get the whole "rarity makes something more appealing" concept or why companies exploit it to make money. It's a psychological game.

Edited by TheNahash
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I'm a little bothered by it (more than I am by the Guild Ship price at any rate), but:


A) We don't have a full list of the packs, yet, so we don't know for sure which ones, if any, really are unique models.


B) Since the very first CM Reputation, there have been some unique items in them.


Both true, but right now it seems that all the items there are unique. The weapons are for sure since we already have most of those in the PTS previews.

The throne doesn't seem to be in the packs at all.

The companion customizations are not in the packs either.

Remember that while we can't see the models for alot of the stuff in the packs, we still know quite alot about what will be in them from the names of the unviewable items.


So this time it seems like not just one or two items are unique, but the entire roster of items are.

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who cares? You don't need those rep vendor items? Amirite? Looks like a reasonable rate to me. Like how legacy bays are 5.26 times as much as normal cargo bays that you can only have 5 of. Completely reasonable rate. Stop qqing baby.


I always find it highly amusing when I get someone who does something like this. :rolleyes:

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Both true, but right now it seems that all the items there are unique. The weapons are for sure since we already have most of those in the PTS previews.

The throne doesn't seem to be in the packs at all.

The companion customizations are not in the packs either.

Remember that while we can't see the models for alot of the stuff in the packs, we still know quite alot about what will be in them from the names of the unviewable items.


So this time it seems like not just one or two items are unique, but the entire roster of items are.

Fair point. And as I said I'm not presonally jumping for joy over this development.


But I figure if they wanted to get people grinding the CM rep, they could have taken carrot or a stick approach to it. And adding more unique models to the Rep Vendor it increase its appeal seems firmly in "carrot" territory - which is how I'd prefer they approach things in general.


(And its certainly better than skewing the drop rates within a set like they did with Star Cluster packs.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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So people are outraged that guild ships are 50 mil despite it being pretty easy for a guild to scrape that together.

And they are outraged because the cost to unlock all 5 tabs in the legacy bank is 50 mil even tho they don't really need the tabs.


But nobody cares that you'll have to buy at least one hypercrate, but most likely more, of the new cartel packs to get to the unique models sold by the pack reputation vendor?

That's at least 7000 cc or 11-12 million credits just to be allowed to ship for those items.


And nobody is upset?




You just couldn't help yourself, could you? Instead of staying on topic in your own thread, you had to come out and spew your idiotic ideas again about how you decide what other people need.


Are you, the king of "I decide what people need", having a hard time understanding why people think legacy storage is more important to them? Well perhaps you should try to spend more time trying to understand other people instead of deciding for them what they want so you don't need to be gobsmacked that they have the audacity to want something else than you decided for them.


And besides, we'll probably get at least 3 more versions with slightly different colours anyway. And hey we get thrown to death with mounts so another is nice sure, but let's be honest...would players generally be more interested in legacy storage which is something they don't have at the moment or yet another speeder of which already hundreds are available?


So nope, no outrage. Doesn't even rate anywhere near my top 100 of wishes for this game. And I will admit that mount looks really awesome, but I already have lots of awesome rides, so what's one more or less?

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also.... people are not remembering the outrage about reputation being tied to cartel market? I could have sworn it still surfaced here and there.


honestly, you can generally buy hypercrates for 4-6 million eventually (so even buying 2 hypercrates is STILL cheaper than legacy storage) AND you can sell at least some of the stuff you got from them on GTN. depending on your luck (and I got VERY lucky with last rep packs) they may... even end up being free or profitable!


so... again. this is not even apples and oranges comparison. its apples and trash bags.

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You just couldn't help yourself, could you? Instead of staying on topic in your own thread, you had to come out and spew your idiotic ideas again about how you decide what other people need.


Are you, the king of "I decide what people need", having a hard time understanding why people think legacy storage is more important to them? Well perhaps you should try to spend more time trying to understand other people instead of deciding for them what they want so you don't need to be gobsmacked that they have the audacity to want something else than you decided for them.


And besides, we'll probably get at least 3 more versions with slightly different colours anyway. And hey we get thrown to death with mounts so another is nice sure, but let's be honest...would players generally be more interested in legacy storage which is something they don't have at the moment or yet another speeder of which already hundreds are available?


So nope, no outrage. Doesn't even rate anywhere near my top 100 of wishes for this game. And I will admit that mount looks really awesome, but I already have lots of awesome rides, so what's one more or less?




Tried really hard to derail his own topic. must be a hard habit to break I guess.

Edited by apanbest
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So people are outraged that guild ships are 50 mil despite it being pretty easy for a guild to scrape that together.

And they are outraged because the cost to unlock all 5 tabs in the legacy bank is 50 mil even tho they don't really need the tabs.


But nobody cares that you'll have to buy at least one hypercrate, but most likely more, of the new cartel packs to get to the unique models sold by the pack reputation vendor?

That's at least 7000 cc or 11-12 million credits just to be allowed to ship for those items.


And nobody is upset?




I didn't care about the previous Cartel Rep vendors. I don't care about this one. They could charge a billion Cartel Coins, it would make zero difference to me. Cartel Reputation falls completely outside my areas of interest.


I do find, however, the pricing of the Legacy bank highly disturbing. Maybe we should spend more time advocating changing that.

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also.... people are not remembering the outrage about reputation being tied to cartel market? I could have sworn it still surfaced here and there.


honestly, you can generally buy hypercrates for 4-6 million eventually (so even buying 2 hypercrates is STILL cheaper than legacy storage) AND you can sell at least some of the stuff you got from them on GTN. depending on your luck (and I got VERY lucky with last rep packs) they may... even end up being free or profitable!


so... again. this is not even apples and oranges comparison. its apples and trash bags.


Yeah I actually remember a dev post stating they would move the CM reps to their own tab in the Legacy system.


But they never said when they would do it so... end of 2020 when the game shuts down?

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Cartel stuff is supposed to raise real money for the game. However, game systems and features should be accessible through reasonable time investments in game. Someone who plays long enough to get to 55 should be able to enjoy features like legacy storage with an average amount of credits that most people earn, but for the fancy looking cartel market version yes it should cost something.
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So people are outraged that guild ships are 50 mil despite it being pretty easy for a guild to scrape that together.

And they are outraged because the cost to unlock all 5 tabs in the legacy bank is 50 mil even tho they don't really need the tabs.


But nobody cares that you'll have to buy at least one hypercrate, but most likely more, of the new cartel packs to get to the unique models sold by the pack reputation vendor?

That's at least 7000 cc or 11-12 million credits just to be allowed to ship for those items.


And nobody is upset?





Because this has been the case since Cartel Reputation first came out last year?


Literally, this is nothing new and sometimes unique models and mostly recolours is kind of the entire draw of Cartel Reputation at all. Do you wonder why I.C.E. was such a horrible flop? Because it's Reputation had some of the worst items bar none and not a single unique model, getting Legend with them was an utter waste of time. It's the one stain on my Reputation bar that's at 0% because it's content was just awful.


Unique models are good, but the throne is still just a Command Throne. Sure I love it, I'm sure you love it too! But it's still just a remolded throne.



Also, unlike Strongholds, Legacy Storage, guild ships... Cartel Reputation isn't exactly a big show by Bioware of "look what we've made for you players, please continue to support the game because of this content we made!".


Reputation is fluff cosmetics.


Strongholds/Legacy Storage/Guild Ships are outright major content of a patch. There's a pretty big difference.




Also you'd probably be able to BUY your way to Legend for said Throne for less credits than a full Legacy Bay/Guild Ship... 50 million is tons of money, and Cartel Packs tend to only go for like 300k on the GTN especially when the new ones because of the sheer amount of competition.


Hypercrates are like 5 mil so you could probably get Legend for 20 mil, not a CC spent. I bought my Scout Walker for 15, so that kind of grind is more than doable steadily. If you want the slightly-different-throne that's the thing.



But yeah I'm not going to shell out 30 mil more than that for 5 bays I can barely use that Bioware wants me to think is a big feature... so there's a difference. Big difference.

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Cartel stuff is supposed to raise real money for the game. However, game systems and features should be accessible through reasonable time investments in game. Someone who plays long enough to get to 55 should be able to enjoy features like legacy storage with an average amount of credits that most people earn, but for the fancy looking cartel market version yes it should cost something.


Well you actually do get legacy storage for free...

Just not all of it.

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Well you actually do get legacy storage for free...

Just not all of it.


I could not care less about playing dolls house. No need to decorate something you wont be using.


With legacy storage not sufficient to meet my needs housing is dead before it starts for me. Give me 10 tabs and things might be different, but 5 is no use whatsoever, irrespective of the costs. I see no point is doing things in half measures.

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I could not care less about playing dolls house. No need to decorate something you wont be using.


With legacy storage not sufficient to meet my needs housing is dead before it starts for me. Give me 10 tabs and things might be different, but 5 is no use whatsoever, irrespective of the costs. I see no point is doing things in half measures.


Be careful or the mind police will come back and tell you you don't need more than 1 tab because they decide how you have to play your game.

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