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Swtor's bad planet design


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This game have will have planetary design Swtor should have had. Look how bad Swtor is in comparison.


Swtor planets= lifeless corridors


Lifeless corridors describes most of the planets, but not all. Tatooine and Hoth are fun planets to explore and I actually ended up getting most of the Tatooine datacrons just by running around.


P.S: I dsilike Coruscant, Nar Shadda and Corellia too many hallways and cramped alleys.

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P.S: I dsilike Coruscant, Nar Shadda and Corellia too many hallways and cramped alleys.


Guildy of mine went back to NS, ostensibly to farm the world boss. They were describing the layers upon layers of floors, layouts, elevators etc. There's a lot more to NS than you get just knocking out class quests.

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Guildy of mine went back to NS, ostensibly to farm the world boss. They were describing the layers upon layers of floors, layouts, elevators etc. There's a lot more to NS than you get just knocking out class quests.


I tend to find that the bonus series areas of often the best places on a planet.


And yes the nar shaddaa bonus series area is awesome. I still have fond memories of the PvP there during the Chevin event.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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i feel somewhat the same way to be honest although i wouldnt compare it to a game as destiny. I think they tried to make it like other bioware games in terms of funneling you into an area but it doesnt really go well with an mmo in my opinion. I really like tatooine and hoth as planets as they are more open terrains. Im curious to see what the new planet will look like whenever that comes out
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Overall I don't mind the planets, I don't find them any more corridor like than any other MMO, but the Cities are a bit confusing, especially Corellia and Coruscant, it can be hard to tell which way to go. Based on personal experience I was able to my my way around unfamiliar cities easier in real life.
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Overall I don't mind the planets, I don't find them any more corridor like than any other MMO, but the Cities are a bit confusing, especially Corellia and Coruscant, it can be hard to tell which way to go. Based on personal experience I was able to my my way around unfamiliar cities easier in real life.


yes well cities IRL have roadsigns and maps. Corellia can be a bit confusing because of its size, but coruscant? Coruscant has like the best setup ever since you basically quest in a straightforward path.

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You and I have a very different definition of what constitutes "lifeless" OP. To me a game is lifeless without interesting companions, NPCs, and background characters (which is why FPS don't interest me in the slightest). Also while there are some corridor worlds, most worlds are fairly large and open. Taris, Tatooine, Hoth, Dromund Kaas, Ord Mantell, Alderaan, Voss, and Hutta are all pretty spread out and unrestricted with lots of places to explore and like others have said, even in corridor worlds like Nar Shadda the bonus series really takes you to some cool and interesting places. You are of course free to leave and play Destiny once it's released. I know I won't be.
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Having played the beta, the map design isn't really too different from TOR.


Quests are pretty much corridors(think like class story zones in TOR). Mobs have very tight leash zones which you can take advantage of(for example, the boss of the first quest and its accompanying adds won't pass into this long room with a large window, allowing you to indefinitely trade shots and regen shields until you need to grab ammo from some dead mobs).


The game doesn't really do anything in the sandbox sections to take advantage of 3D movement. All the crafting materials and hidden chests, are in corridor-type designed caves and basements. In questing zones, the 3D movement is useful because it allows you to be places that are difficult for the enemy to reach.


All in all, traversing the map isn't terribly different from ToR. Notable are physics-based speeders, and double-jump type abilities. Water kills you.



Personal Rating for Destiny.


PvE 8/10 Pretty strong PvE shooter to play with friends, little bit easier on hard mode than I would've expected, some kind of funky aim assist going on for consoles. In the sandbox mode for quest zones, they have a quest generation system and a world event type system.


PvP 3/10 A competition of one-shot spells, winner is whoever has the spell off cooldown. Beta was level capped at 8 so the balance might change later, but the pvp was lower grade than your average cod/battlefield or that shooter Titanfall. Stat involvement and gear also seems to have a heavy impact. Some abilities are really really good, while others are just terrible for PvP(pick abilities that one-shot people, especially in AoE, things like the Titan's flashbang are pretty useless). The way matches typically go are that some team gets their one-shot abilities off at a given location first, then when those guys respawn, they come back and use their one-shot abilities to take it back(cooldowns for these abilities are significant, death timers aren't). It guarantees a see-saw feel that people who aren't a huge fan of twitch shooters might enjoy, but makes it exceedingly difficult to dominate or survive based skill(your class and skill loadout being the primary factor). Simply jumping into a crowd of enemies and popping an ability is pretty much how things work. Granted, this is a beta and they might balance things out, but as it stands there's little reason for fans of most shooters to pick the game based on its pvp aspects.

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Yes... yes he did...


And I do believe that's an /thread moment.


I mean... wow, look at how lively SW:TOR is! http://www.swtor.com/info/media/concepts


Actual in-game scenery rarely makes any justice to the original concept art.


I like to think that in this case, Bioware did nail what they set to do almost perfectly, aside from notable exceptions here and there. You take a look at the concept art for places such as Dromund Kaas, Voss, Belsavis, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Taris and you can only say "NAILED IT".


Again, there are exceptions but they went far beyond the call of duty on that front. :cool:

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swtor planet design is horrible (it matches greatly with the single player RPG's kotor1 and 2). I agree. But the 1st person shooter comparison? like someone previously stated, very silly.


Yes swtor planets have unnecessary loading times, and those loading times take about 1 minute and 10 seconds which is very long for most people, and compared to other games ([i.e.] wow is about 15 seconds max no matter what). Not counting the fleet or personal ship which are the shortest of loading times, i am referring to planet loading times. Swtor has obnoxious barricades that block you off for miles; walls, valleys, grand canyon drops, etc. Its not fun and its not good, and its not a matter of opinion. Its simply crude design for an MMO. (but its loyal to kotor1 and 2, so if that's what they wanted, gj..). The end :)

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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This happens all the time on some parts of Makeb. Fun to watch.


Taris, Balmorra, a few places it happens where opposing factions or people versus animals cross paths. The rakghouls usually win on Taris, but not always, it is fun to watch. And definately not prescripted aside from the patrol paths crossing within aggro radius.

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