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So Legacy Storage really = Crafting/Cartel Market Storage, then?


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Didn't we cover this in the other threads? Ah well.


Legacy storage for crafting and legacy items will be great. One place to pool all that stuff and free up slots across my 22 other toons. I'm fine with that. Bound items should stay bound to the toon.


Yeah, you are going to have to work to bring up your alts.

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To make the Legacy Storage work with BoP and not break things they would end up having to change collections to only work if you've paid for the unlock, even for the character you bound it on. They would likely also remove BoL as it would be redundant and unnecessary.


It's also worth considering that they had initially said when they introduced BoL items that they were cool with ferrying mods but that they wanted it to cost extra, which this will also remove. So either they'd need to change their stance or add some kind of cost to transferring bound items (smuggling charge?).


However, if they do go ahead with letting you transfer BoP items I'd like to see them change commendations to be legacy wide, since there would already be nothing stopping you from just transferring the item after you purchase it.

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One of the most popular ideas right now is having an easier way to modify appearance. Letting people swap their BOP back and forth via legacy method will go a step towards further appearance modification, as right now legacy gear appearances are pretty limited.


This would be such an easy/lazy step that I would be shocked if they didn't just "OK" it. BoP swapping between legacy hurts no one, because it's already done with legacy gear anyways. you're not introducing anything new.

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I can't understand why so many people assumed the legacy storage thing was going to be a way to circumvent binding. It was never advertised as such.


It's common storage for your legacy, that's all I ever expected it to be. What made you think they were suddenly going to get rid of the concept of items binding to a character?


Sometimes I think folks around here set themselves expectations they know will be dashed, just so they can be angry about it later, as being angry on the forums seems to be a very popular playstyle these days. Now there are plenty of things about this game that make me want to gripe, but there's been so much rage lately over such little things. And so many angry, screaming toddlers lying on their backs and kicking their feet in the air.



I'd be fine with it if legacy storage washed binding away like Persil Automatic, but I'm also fine with it not doing that. Wasn't pinning any hopes on either outcome. Just isn't that big a deal to me.

Edited by PLynkes
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One of the things that hasn't been mentioned in this thread but wouldn't break the game or hurt the whole BoP thing that should be addressed is making rewarded XP boosts either BoE or BoL. I have so many of these boost on my 55s that are bound and I can't do anything with them other than trash them. I was hopeful that they would allow those to go into Legacy storage and thus give to my other toons that are leveling.
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It amazes me how many people actually thought BoP items were going to be able to go into LS. I never had that expectation. It was delusional to ever think so because of two Words

Cartel Market

I just love the fact that now I can access all my mats from one character and also can access all my unbound CM armor so I can perfect my look on a new character.

Edited by Nickious
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It amazes me how many people actually thought BoP items were going to be able to go into LS. I never had that expectation. It was delusional to ever think so because of two Words

Cartel Market

I just love the fact that now I can access all my mats from one character and also can access all my unbound CM armor so I can perfect my look on a new character.


Please elaborate on how you feel BoP items being available in Legacy storage would effect the Cartel Market?

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Please elaborate on how you feel BoP items being available in Legacy storage would effect the Cartel Market?


Copy a bunch of bound armor shells,weapons, toys etc., stuff them in your legacy storage, totally negate Collection costs. I doubt they found away to distinguish between non CM and CM bound items.


BoP and Bound are used within the same context it appears within Eric's post.


I don't care if BoP items are made available to the bank myself, but that is main reasoning why I suspect. BoP items can already go into cargo holds, and the legacy storage seems like mere extension of that, only accessible to everyone on your legacy.

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Copy a bunch of bound armor shells,weapons, toys etc., stuff them in your legacy storage, totally negate Collection costs. I doubt they found away to distinguish between non CM and CM items.


BoP and Bound are used within the same context it appears within Eric's post.


Ok , I was going to counter with the fact that Collection allows us to move stuff around, but I forgot that you wouldn't have to unlock it. Still, you would the only be able to use the piece(s) on one character unless you unlock it, so regardless of BoP being available in Legacy storage, Collection is still very useful for allowing you to mix/match and get unlimited quantities of the gear for multiple uses.


I will clarify that I did not expect anything from the Legacy storage, such as BoP, I actually haven't cared much for the Legacy storage because of past experiences with things they have released. Normally has been a personal let down for me, so I don't hype myself up anymore. BUT I can definitely see how BoP would be very useful with legacy access.

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So the only thing that can go into Legacy storage is.... stuff you could trade with yourself or other players already?


Really turned a "YES I NEED THIS SO BAD!" feature into a very "meh" feature =[


^ This, times ten...


Sad really, that so many people want this game to be WORK, rather than PLAY. Playing the legacy armor mod ripping "game" is not PLAY, it is a pointless task that takes away from the fun of killing things.


The whole bound system is broken, the fact that my two JEDI can't hand stuff back and forth breaks the whole idea of LEGACY in the first place. Those who think it should stay the way it is, must be living on another planet, one where you have fun with these restrictions and don't believe a JEDI can say, "hey fellow JEDI from my LEGACY, take this LIGHTSABER I no longer use.


Nope, can't do that, but you can vendor it, unless it is a CM item, then you can only destroy it.

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Not to be picky, but there's tons of stuff that are not BoP that aren't crafting or cartel market related.


Legacy storage is really just a QoL improvement over constantly sending tons of stuff between alts.

Why people expect it to be this magical bound-item-bypass completely baffles me.

If that was the case, they might as well completely dispense with binding alltogether and just make all items permanently unbound.


Which would make legacy items pointless and they'd lose out a ton of money from the collections system (not to mention that everyone who ever paid anything to unlock anything in the collections system would be robbed of the value of that payment)

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^ This, times ten...


Sad really, that so many people want this game to be WORK, rather than PLAY. Playing the legacy armor mod ripping "game" is not PLAY, it is a pointless task that takes away from the fun of killing things.


The whole bound system is broken, the fact that my two JEDI can't hand stuff back and forth breaks the whole idea of LEGACY in the first place. Those who think it should stay the way it is, must be living on another planet, one where you have fun with these restrictions and don't believe a JEDI can say, "hey fellow JEDI from my LEGACY, take this LIGHTSABER I no longer use.


Nope, can't do that, but you can vendor it, unless it is a CM item, then you can only destroy it.

My objection to this type of argument, is you (and the other people complaining on this subject) are hiding behind this "I'm so disappointed in legacy storage" nonsense.


What you're really asking for is: Remove Bind on Pickup from the game.


If you really think this is a good thing, start a new thread and argue for it on it's own merits. At least that would be an honest argument.

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I didn't actually expect Bound gear to go in the legacy bank. I'd hoped for it, but didn't think it was realistic.


For one thing, it would make legacy gear unimportant, which could make all the reputation gear--and therefore getting reputation--entirely unimportant.


Second, pulling mods is one of the biggest credit sinks in the game. If you could transfer gear without pulling mods, that would be halved. Even if it didn't affect reputation questing, it would have an impact on the economy that they'd have to address.

Edited by errant_knight
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I didn't actually expect Bound gear to go in the legacy bank. I'd hoped for it, but didn't think it was realistic.


For one thing, it would make legacy gear unimportant, which could make all the reputation gear--and therefore getting reputation--entirely unimportant.


Second, pulling mods is one of the biggest credit sinks in the game. If you could transfer gear without pulling mods, that would be halved. Even if it didn't affect reputation questing, it would have an impact on the economy that they'd have to address.

It'd have an impact on BW's real-money economy too, since Unlock purchases would probably take a hit if you could transfer CM gear even after it's been Bound.


(I know right now my next stipend is going towards unlocking the Tulak set, but I would not be doing that if I could transfer individual pieces between Legacy characters)

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My objection to this type of argument, is you (and the other people complaining on this subject) are hiding behind this "I'm so disappointed in legacy storage" nonsense.


What you're really asking for is: Remove Bind on Pickup from the game.


If you really think this is a good thing, start a new thread and argue for it on it's own merits. At least that would be an honest argument.


I had put this in the "Suggestion" forums and didn't make much headway on it. It would be nice to have Bound items be Legacy Bound in case you had that sweet piece of armor you used on a character that you didn't play anymore and wanted to still use it on one you did. Someone mentioned the Collections, but items like Revan's are nearly impossible to put completely together anymore if you're missing one or two pieces.


Being able to transfer them between your own characters doesn't seem game-breaking at all.

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It'd have an impact on BW's real-money economy too, since Unlock purchases would probably take a hit if you could transfer CM gear even after it's been Bound.


(I know right now my next stipend is going towards unlocking the Tulak set, but I would not be doing that if I could transfer individual pieces between Legacy characters)


Collections unlocks always struck me as going too far anyway.


How about CM items become BoL once unlocked, but are bound to the alt until then?


Many CM items don't make since for this anyway, such as speeders, titles, pets, etc which vanish once you "use" them. So the only way to use them on alts is to unlock them.


Also, moving an item to an alt isn't the same as unlimited copies for all my alts. :)

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Man this no BoP thing really has people in a riot.


Well it is basicly because we expected more from a joined storage system.


I have no real use for it myself if only items I already can mail to my other characters can be put in the storage system.


Sure I can save a minute or two by not mailing my items......

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Actually the people who are crafters and people who needed more storage space in generally begged for something exactly like the system we are getting for years. Some other people wanted other things, but there was no ONE THING that EVERYONE wanted.


To be realistic, there are very few people who will completely reject an option for additional storage space. They might make ridiculous posturing on the forums about it, but at the core: We get more storage space. If you're really angry about that, you have deeper issues.


I am a crafter...Yet I don't really see a need for legacy storage in this form.


My resource gathering alts need cash to send companions out. It's been simple to just COD myself to accomplish this. I'll still have to use the email service regardless.


Now if I could deposit my credits and make those credits available to all of my characters from anywhere; that would be helpful.


If resources automatically entered this legacy storage container into single large stacks above 99; that would be helpful.


If I could manage all of my companions and do all of my crafting from one character; that would be super helpful.


What is in effect a private guild storage containers is not all that helpful. I apparently manage my inventory better than some of you guys out there. I've never run out of space, and all of my resources are on the appropriate character. My only problem is my OCD kicks in and I have to keep it all organized and uncluttered... resulting in stuff placed in corners and the center often left unused. :o

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Not interested in playing the sims, RL house redecoration is tedious as it is, no doing it in my leisure time.


Oh wow... you're right. This IS a problem. I mean, obviously the game and every feature in it was made JUST FOR YOU, and so if you don't like it EA has made a terrible mistake. How could they have been so dumb as to not check with you first before implementing something like this?

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I am a crafter...Yet I don't really see a need for legacy storage in this form.


My resource gathering alts need cash to send companions out. It's been simple to just COD myself to accomplish this. I'll still have to use the email service regardless.


Now if I could deposit my credits and make those credits available to all of my characters from anywhere; that would be helpful.


If resources automatically entered this legacy storage container into single large stacks above 99; that would be helpful.


If I could manage all of my companions and do all of my crafting from one character; that would be super helpful.


What is in effect a private guild storage containers is not all that helpful. I apparently manage my inventory better than some of you guys out there. I've never run out of space, and all of my resources are on the appropriate character. My only problem is my OCD kicks in and I have to keep it all organized and uncluttered... resulting in stuff placed in corners and the center often left unused. :o


Yes to ALL OF THIS. :)


Yea, I do exactly what you're describing, it doesn't take but a min or two to mail mats and credits around anyway, and frankly, I have to log in to run missions as it is, so legacy storage doesn't change that.


It is slightly nicer, but frankly, for a "big deal feature", it is one big "meh".

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It'd have an impact on BW's real-money economy too, since Unlock purchases would probably take a hit if you could transfer CM gear even after it's been Bound.


(I know right now my next stipend is going towards unlocking the Tulak set, but I would not be doing that if I could transfer individual pieces between Legacy characters)



I feel like I should point out the obvious "why not just make no Cartel Market items able to be put into the Legacy Bank?" argument. Don't tell me it would be "too hard", not when all Cartel Market items I know of have a big fat Cartel Market sticker on them to differentiate them from other items.


Because that solves this "big issue" immediately since unlocking account wide will still be the best/most effective way.



Be able to transfer bound stuff would ruin the game arguments




I'm pretty sure those guilds that are free farming Nightmare Dread Palace aren't exactly going to notice the difference since they can already transfer all their armor items via Legacy gear so at least half of their items are already at max level on a fresh 55 if they choose to.


Said players also the ones who "run the economy" as they can RE the 2nd highest tier of gear and make millions selling it to other players on a daily basis. Don't see how that'd change any.


Meanwhile the game becomes easier for everyone and maybe we can actually change armor sets without having to pay upwards of a million credits merely for augment slots + stripping mods out of the old set.



"Why would you think Legacy Storage would be a Bound gear workaround are you stupid?"


It was simple logic.


What's the purpose of Legacy gear? For moving to any alt.


What is it used for 99% of the time? Moving bound armorings/hilts/barrels/mods/enchancements between characters.




So what's the purpose of Legacy Storage? Bank access from any alt.


What would you want to use it for? Putting an Bound item IN the vault on one character, and taking that item OUT on another character. The item doesn't suddenly become unbound, it's just now bound to someone else, you can't mail or trade it it's just changed location.


Pretty straightforward honestly, I mean the entire draw of Legacy gear itself is being able to transfer bound items.



The fact the Legacy Bank is really just a more-restricted Cargo Hold (you can put Bound items in your cargo after all), as I already said, just makes it great for pooling crafting materials and that's kinda it. Using it to transfer Bound items is infinitely more useful but at GSH release that won't be the case sadly.


If Bound items could be used, it'd be a feature I'd use 24/7. Now I'll likely just throw my crafting materials in and have no real use for it otherwise. I mean, unless you only have like 2 characters shouldn't one of your many many cross-character cargo holds have all your Legacy gear/items/currency pooled in it already?



Just throwing it out there as well, on the topic of Legacy currency, you can't buy anything while it's in the Bank you need to take it to the vendors. As already said, it's basically a shortcut to mailing items.




TLDR: Personally I'd have preferred it was a universally useful feature and not a very specific crafting feature. I'm all for crafting getting love, but it makes Legacy Storage as a whole a colossal letdown as I fully expect it to cost a ton to open up more bays to begin with.


I'm sure not going to want to sink millions of credits into Cargo less useful than my regular Cargo...

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Sadly we don't get to see anything close to


I don't get it... It would only increase "I Need it because I can give it my alt".


Yes, this is why all the Need rolling everything loot whores are out in force crying about it being totally pointless, and everyone else is happy not to have to keep swapping characters to craft.

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So what's the purpose of Legacy Storage?


Well, it's like this:

At the February 2014 Phoenix AZ Cantina, I asked BW whether they would implement a Legacy Vault specifically for crafting mats and tradeable items. The request was motivated by the needs of myself and players I know who have tons of unbound/BoL gear and page after page of mats spread across a bunch of alts. Everyone player I had talked to wanted exactly this.


At the time, the BW PR rep said a Legacy Vault was too much coding. So I left the request in writing, in some detail. See this link on Dulfy for confirmation: http://dulfy.net/2014/02/01/swtor-phoenix-cantina-tour-thumbdrive-assets/: Jagermensch was Z'rawks name before I renamed him.


In March 2014, BW announced Legacy Storage. Was it inspired by my request? Could have been, given the closeness in time. If so, then now you know the original purpose of Legacy Storage.

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