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61 People In Instance 1


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Odd about 800k people are enjoying the game at the moment maybe even more. You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill with this one. About maybe 20 people complaining here out of 800k+ Id say they are doing a bang up job personally. I think mainly what it boils down to is everyone thought this would be another WoW and it is not. It is heavily instanced and a different type of game. Time will tell how successful (or not) it is.
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c'mon... if their system does not monitor these instances dynamically, then it's a total fail, i mean TOTAL. you're saying that once instance is created, and it peaks at, say 150, it doesnt go away when population logs off? lol... there should be no multiple instances, under ANY circumstances whenever total population can be fit into just one instance, that's just common sense...


If you're in instance 2 questing it's not going to just arbitrarily throw you into 1 once all of instance 2 can fit in 1 unless you switch or zone out and come back however new arrivals will go to 1.

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Agreed. It feels like too few people in are in the game, even on "Full" servers.



Instanced outdoor zones are for the birds. This game hardly even feels like an MMO most of the time.


Ya. It feels more like an RPG with a little multiplayer thrown in.

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I will use Guild Wars as an example. For those of you that have never played it, it's all instanced except for the player cities which are broken up into districts. The main cities are always full and the load times to switch districts are about 5 seconds. There aren't servers, just districts. Now, when you leave a city with a party you get the whole area of the world to your party. Talk about immersion. I really think ToR would have been better off going this route because they instance the game in a LOT of places. GW is also free.


I love playing ToR. The game is an absolute blast. I just don't know why the populations are so small for each server. The most I have ever seen in a district was 200 and the world is so large that it never feels crowded. I always though that was the reason for building an MMO was so that you could have a lot of people in a game world to make it feel more real.


The story in ToR is so well crafted that I would rather have had player hubs like in GW and have the world instanced because the immersion into the story is so much better that way when creatures don't respawn and you aren't waiting for quest nodes and crafting nodes to respawn magically either. There is a lot to be said for this type of setup.

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I will use Guild Wars as an example. For those of you that have never played it, it's all instanced except for the player cities which are broken up into districts. The main cities are always full and the load times to switch districts are about 5 seconds. There aren't servers, just districts. Now, when you leave a city with a party you get the whole area of the world to your party. Talk about immersion. I really think ToR would have been better off going this route because they instance the game in a LOT of places. GW is also free.


I love playing ToR. The game is an absolute blast. I just don't know why the populations are so small for each server. The most I have ever seen in a district was 200 and the world is so large that it never feels crowded. I always though that was the reason for building an MMO was so that you could have a lot of people in a game world to make it feel more real.


The story in ToR is so well crafted that I would rather have had player hubs like in GW and have the world instanced because the immersion into the story is so much better that way when creatures don't respawn and you aren't waiting for quest nodes and crafting nodes to respawn magically either. There is a lot to be said for this type of setup.


I seem to remember in beta that some planets had over 300 per instance. Its funny that you mention GW, because I was thinking of it or Diablo when writing my previous post.

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The story in ToR is so well crafted that I would rather have had player hubs like in GW and have the world instanced because the immersion into the story is so much better that way when creatures don't respawn and you aren't waiting for quest nodes and crafting nodes to respawn magically either. There is a lot to be said for this type of setup.

I agree w/ full gumption and wherewithal.



I enjoy other players in social areas, despise them in questing areas.



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go to a pvp server then repeat what you just said.


there is not enough real-estate when you count the fact that 90% of the ppl on the planet are NOT int he starter city but out questing/grouping. pvp is endless on tattooine, instancing helps ppl finish quests.


It's nonsense like this that has destroyed ALL WPvP (the only real kind of PvP) in WoW.


I play on a PvP server because I NEVER want to be in control. I want to be brutally ***** every single moment that I'm in a contested area. I want to be ambushed, sabotaged and assaulted from all sides at all times. I want to always be in danger, whether I'm killing mobs, submitting a quest, taking a quest, anything.


You don't want that? Go to a PvE server.


Though more on topic: instancing completely blew me away when I realized it was present. Why...? Just... why? Why do they instance zones? What is the point? That is not how MMOs work nowadays (and haven't for ages).


The whole planet-to-planet flight already makes SWTOR not have a persistent, seamless game world.


Why do they have to add insult to injury and add instancing too?

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Its weird, I have to wait so long get on my server then when I get on I hardly see anyone :(


As soon as I got Tatooine I was excited and loved the planet but 10 mins later, it just felt so empty and boring. 42 people were on it, thats not massively muliplayer, thats a b3 server lol.

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Been saying this for about a week now. Its the one thing I'm really not happy with in this game. They stated on the launch video "playing with hundreds if not thousands of players on the same planet as you" I guess they forgot to mention you wouldn't see hardly any of them due to instancing.


I remember feeling ripped off when I first started playing Champions Online when it came out and they had 100 people limits to an instance, I'm not sure how it happened but BW seem to have done even worse.


Its probably because of spawn rates or something and I seem to remember them saying they would stop the instancing when the game has been on its legs for a while and the population has spread...except that it wont. Endgame will be full of people wanting to be in the same space just like now.


I wish the instancing really wasn't there, it kills the feel for me sometimes.

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I just passed 1 person in Mos Ila on Kaas City server... Yeah 1 person.


Tatooine Instance 1 - 61 Players

Tatooine Instance 2 - 48 Players


Explain that...


Easy. The instances opens somewhere between 170-200 character in an area. After that, they don't merge automatically, so a few hours later there is the 61+48 scenario.


On the other hand, it's really strange for me too that the instancing system steps in at a so low population. It was said that it'll hold "hundreds of players". I know that literally this is true, but still feels cheap :)

I also would like to see a yellow explain on the situation, and will we ever see really hundreds of players in a place (meaning 3-4 hundred, even thousand...)

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get rid of this instancing, sharding crap what ever it is. Massive Multi-player not splitting people up to make it Minor Multi-player.


Without it more interaction between community


More open world PVP


Worlds and towns wont feel empty and lifeless


Id like to see what BW have to say on this, cant you see people are saying it feels like a single player game and there is hardly any open world PVP.


Why was it implemented any way ? to stop lag ? other games do fine without it.


Maybe they didnt invest in some good servers hell knows

Edited by lethal_ghost
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Bioware really knows how to make a great single player game.


Way to go BW!


Great Job! you guy really nailed the utter isolation of space sooooo well. My favorite part is keeping all those pesky players out of my mmo.


And to think I would have had to wait on a quest mob for 5 minutes out of 100 hours of leveling experience. Good thing you instanced the entire game!

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go to a pvp server then repeat what you just said.


there is not enough real-estate when you count the fact that 90% of the ppl on the planet are NOT int he starter city but out questing/grouping. pvp is endless on tattooine, instancing helps ppl finish quests.



I'm on Bloodworthy, the 2nd biggest European pvp server and during my time questing there, I only found 2 Republic players in all of my time in the desert. At some point I felt as if I was playing a single player game.

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Let's give the OP exactly what he wants, let's make it ONE shard per planet and then watch the new whine threads spawn.



"Too much competition over quest items"


"My ignore list is full"


"Why so many people on one shard Bioware...Epic Fail."


"Please Bioware, split shards when there's more than 50 people."




"Please stop standing on quest NPC's"



Personally, I have played since beta and am far from a fan boy but this thread is a storm in a teapot. The experience for the majority on most servers is that there are just enough people to get things done while not being so many that you have to stand in line to activate quest items, hunt named mobs, etc.


It's a fine balance that has to be struck but I'm sure all these armchair developers know exactly the right way to do it.

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QQ moar.


There can be more than a 100 player per instance.


Idk how many but definitely more than 100. But lets say there is 100 player per instance, and that its getting late for sure you will see number like these. In you case you were probably unable to travel to instance 2.


Also you can know easily that there can be more than a 100 player in each instance by doing a social search, at peak time preferably.

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I just passed 1 person in Mos Ila on Kaas City server... Yeah 1 person.


Tatooine Instance 1 - 61 Players

Tatooine Instance 2 - 48 Players


Explain that...


Yeah that instance system is working out really well isn't it? As I recall you told us in beta that instancing would only be used on beginning worlds. Right... This instancing stuff is ruining the game for a lot of people.


first instance got full, second instance is created and starts filling up, people log out or leave the planet, instanced get's lower population, new people comming to the planet/logging in get's put in the first instance (I think).


There explained.

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I would like to see a Bioware reply to this thread. Splitting up 100 people is kinda overkill and the instancing was suppose to be gone by now. What's going on?


Dont hold your breath, I dont think anyone that matters EVER reads these threads.


I have spent hours in hoth and saw one other person. The game really like a solo RPG, classic Bioware solo game.


It is supposed to be a Massive M(not)ultiplayer Online game.

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Let's give the OP exactly what he wants, let's make it ONE shard per planet and then watch the new whine threads spawn.



"Too much competition over quest items"


"My ignore list is full"


"Why so many people on one shard Bioware...Epic Fail."


"Please Bioware, split shards when there's more than 50 people."




"Please stop standing on quest NPC's"



Personally, I have played since beta and am far from a fan boy but this thread is a storm in a teapot. The experience for the majority on most servers is that there are just enough people to get things done while not being so many that you have to stand in line to activate quest items, hunt named mobs, etc.


It's a fine balance that has to be struck but I'm sure all these armchair developers know exactly the right way to do it.


This. One thing you will notice on these forums, no one can be pleased and will complain/threaten to quit.

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