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Everything posted by kautostar

  1. I only understood the last bit of what you wrote. When you can construct a proper coherent post I might respond to the latter part, which is the only part I did understand.
  2. If your account is under suspension you cant even do that yet can post on forums. Its a bit of a joke to be honest.
  3. NEOCRON It was by far and away the best pvp I played in a mmo. The sheer rush you got from the a quality op battle, spending all day fighting over the map or just randomly been jumped I have never found again in a mmo. Its a shame that KK were so inept but they were a tiny company, the sync crashes, exploits et etc. Still the pvp kept me going back for more each time. Saturn vet here.
  4. Got to Tatooine was all excited then realised the world was empty of players and was saddened. Ran up to the Sarlaac pit that did not look anything like in the movies, ran inbetween the guards (heroic lol) dropped a nade worst animation ever nothing happened. realized this game probably wont be the one but will be good for 3 months tops. Fin.
  5. Server instancing makes world pvp a bit of joke. Massively mulitplayer??? B3 server has more people on than Tatooine 1 the other night.
  6. Its weird, I have to wait so long get on my server then when I get on I hardly see anyone As soon as I got Tatooine I was excited and loved the planet but 10 mins later, it just felt so empty and boring. 42 people were on it, thats not massively muliplayer, thats a b3 server lol.
  7. One is most interested in joining this server squires.
  8. Im not entirely sure but that Nadd server I was going to go on is displayed as full.
  9. Say my friends are on a server and by time I get in tomorrow, Friday or whenever does that mean I wont be able to get on and they will have to start again on another server to play with me? Or can they just open up more space on the servers are they kinda at just capped off for the moment ?
  10. ...every hour until everyone is. They claim to have shift patterns and people working 24/7 so how about they ACT like they are. This 4-5 waves over a few hours then silence is pretty lazy and unprofessional.
  11. They wont, they need empty servers again tonight.
  12. F - Empty servers and a queue of people is unacceptable.
  13. If I see Russians on a server I will probably look to move server.
  14. Why is everything a secret and not a little more open. I just think if they were just a little more open on numbers in waves etc would curb a little of the rage. Just seems a bit counter productive to have everything so secretive and also seems a bit unprofessional, which reminds me of some small time mmo's I have played in the past.
  15. Ask if any Russians are on the server, if answer is yes, roll on another server.
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