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Bioware giving preferential treatment to some players


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So a friend and I had the same problem and called the 1-(855)-345-2186 SW:TOR help line. Said EXACTLY the same thing, and got two completely different results. I got the "that is not possible, you'll have to spend more money" answer and he got the "We are sorry for the inconvenience, we can do that for you for free, and here's 1000 Cartel Coins for trouble it caused you". Even after mentioning the fact that it was indeed possible for them to help me, *insert friend's username here* just called and you helped him, they told me "We handle each ticket on a case-by-case basis". They are admittingly giving preferential treatment to some players! This has to stop Bioware, all cases should be handled the exact same!
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Assuming what you have presented is true.. and we have no way to know one way or the other.....that is called "at the discretion of the CS rep". Not uncommon really.


For the most part.... CS teams follow a workflow with scripted responses to specific things. When the thing in question is not covered by the workflow (no workflow covers every conceivable issue).... in many cases they have some latitude to decide how to resolve the issue, or can ask their supervisor for guidance.


This is not a preferential treatment issue... it's simply a variability in the CS process.... because whatever your issue was either did not have a workflow entry for it, or one or both CS reps did not follow the workflow.


By they way... workflows and scripted responses exist for CS teams precisely to try to minimize variability in response/solution.


Don't like the response you got.... open a ticket again and try again.

Edited by Andryah
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So a friend and I had the same problem and called the 1-(855)-345-2186 SW:TOR help line. Said EXACTLY the same thing, and got two completely different results. I got the "that is not possible, you'll have to spend more money" answer and he got the "We are sorry for the inconvenience, we can do that for you for free, and here's 1000 Cartel Coins for trouble it caused you". Even after mentioning the fact that it was indeed possible for them to help me, *insert friend's username here* just called and you helped him, they told me "We handle each ticket on a case-by-case basis". They are admittingly giving preferential treatment to some players! This has to stop Bioware, all cases should be handled the exact same!


Yeah see the problem here is that We have no way of proving anything you just wrote is true. :(

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Assuming what you have presented is true.. and we have no way to know one way or the other.....that is called "at the discretion of the CS rep". Not uncommon really.


For the most part.... CS teams follow a workflow with scripted responses to specific things. When the thing in question is not covered by the workflow (no workflow covers every conceivable issue).... in many cases they have some latitude to decide how to resolve the issue, or can ask their supervisor for guidance.


This is not a preferential treatment issue... it's simply a variability in the CS process.... because whatever your issue was either did not have a workflow entry for it, or one or both CS reps did not follow the workflow.


By they way... workflows and scripted responses exist for CS teams precisely to try to minimize variability in response/solution.


Don't like the response you got.... open a ticket again and try again.


Agreed here.


Look, just like you and your buddy are two different people, the cs reps are two different people.


They are not real droids

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I will now open ticket after ticket until I find the operator my friend had.


If someone hooked your buddy up don't abuse that persons kindness, this is why in a lot of careers the new people try to be helpful and the old dogs end up tainted.

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Here's a good lesson for today, kids.


Next time someone replies "Sorry, I can't" when you're asking for a small favor, you need to picture the OP whining. Then you'll realize why they can't "bend the rules a bit" for you.


Because there are people out there in the world like the OP.

Edited by TheNahash
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Here's a good lesson for today, kids.


Next time someone replies "Sorry, I can't" when you're asking for a small favor, you need to picture the OP whining. Then you'll realize why they can't "bend the rules a bit" for you.


Because there are people out there in the world like the OP.


Or they could just treat everyone equally.

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I will find that person and accept their kindness


No, you will get someone fired, or get your account banned. One or the other.


Are you positive your friend said "the exact same thing" that you did? And are you positive that your friend was credited 1000 CCs? Also, what was your issue in the first place?


I sincerely doubt that your story as presented in the OP was true. I will not give you the benefit of the doubt, I've worked in Tech Support. Giving people complementary items with cash value takes a lot more hoops than just one casual phone call. If the person they were talking to was a manager, maybe, if your issue was about an in-game item that you wanted to have replaced. Maybe. In which case, I would guess your friend sounded sincere when they said they 'lost' it and you sounded like an untrustworthy whiner trying to game the system, and the CS rep correctly shut you down.


I can't help but notice your issue isn't with the resolution you got - it's just that someone else was treated differently that you have a problem with. So whatever your problem was, you were clearly okay with the answer UNTIL you found out that someone else got something for the same story. So I call 'shenanigans' and I hope your account gets banned for trying to pull a fast one.

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Are you positive your friend said "the exact same thing" that you did?


Can I just add, "asked in the same way". Scripted responses aside, sometimes actually being nice to the person on the end of the phone gains far better results than being the unduly person on the end of the phone.


Gauging by the way the thread was opened, i'd be looking at the latter part of that as a potential cause for any difference here.

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Can I just add, "asked in the same way". Scripted responses aside, sometimes actually being nice to the person on the end of the phone gains far better results than being the unduly person on the end of the phone.


Gauging by the way the thread was opened, i'd be looking at the latter part of that as a potential cause for any difference here.



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Well, here's hoping that you didn't just get someone fired for pointing out that they may have overstepped response guidelines, creating an impression of bias on the part of the agent who was adhering to them....


More generally, if you have a problem, remember that the person on the other end of the line is a person just like you, one who'd rather be at the beach, but whom is attempting to pay their bills by spending hours listening to countless people complain. Some of these people will be aggressively nasty, some will be entitled beyond belief, some will be trying to con cartel coins or gear out of the company, and others will be friendly people who can communicate reasonably. Guess who they'll make an extra effort for?

Edited by errant_knight
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Well, here's hoping that you didn't just get someone fired for pointing out that they may have overstepped response guidelines, creating an impression of bias on the part of the agent who was adhering to them....


More generally, if you have a problem, remember that the person on the other end of the line is a person just like you, one who'd rather be at the beach, but whom is attempting to pay their bills by spending hours listening to countless people complain. Some of these people will be aggressively nasty, some will be entitled beyond belief, some will be trying to con cartel coins or gear out of the company, and others will be friendly people who can communicate reasonably. Guess who they'll make an extra effort for?


Hmm... the entitled ones?


Did I get it right?:rak_03:

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Well, here's hoping that you didn't just get someone fired for pointing out that they may have overstepped response guidelines, creating an impression of bias on the part of the agent who was adhering to them....


More generally, if you have a problem, remember that the person on the other end of the line is a person just like you, one who'd rather be at the beach, but whom is attempting to pay their bills by spending hours listening to countless people complain. Some of these people will be aggressively nasty, some will be entitled beyond belief, some will be trying to con cartel coins or gear out of the company, and others will be friendly people who can communicate reasonably. Guess who they'll make an extra effort for?


Having done CS and TS for H&R Block which can get just as bad as CS for games I know what they have to deal with on a daily basis. H&R Block had a standing rule for people that were overly rude or insulting, they got one warning and if they kept it up we were to hang up on them.


The ones who can remain calm and communicate their issue in a rational manner of course will get treated better then some whinny baby who chooses to be nasty.

Edited by Anaesha
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Are ya sure it wasn't something you heard about on gen chat about a guys guildie's cousin friend from another server? and then you wanted to see if you also could get something free, like a scam, kinda like when folks transferred toons to another server and called CS and lied about accidentally erasing them, and begging for CS to un-delete their toon. Anyway, as folks already said, if you and your friend did have a legit issue, the same exact issue, and it got fixed, then you were successful and if your buddy got some compensation and you did't, don't be a dick man, be happy for your buddy! And coming here and complaining about it, as has been said, I really hope you didn't get someone fired for their kindness and generosity because your putting this issue on blast because you can't sack up and have some gosh darn acceptance. That is of course assuming that everything you said is gold as gospel, cause it sure doesn't seem so, with the huge lack of details, but ya know what, keep the details to yourself, don't put someones job at risk anymore then you already may have. Thanks for posting and have a pleasant day.


Edit: Huh, it auto corrected G.D. into gosh darn, didn't know it could do that.

Edited by jrwellworth
forgot something
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Or they could just treat everyone equally.

Not at all. CS should act in a way that encourages people with legitimate issues to come and resolve those issues civilly. They should also act in a way that discourages people with non-legit issues, and discourages people who subject the CS reps to whining, abuse, and that oh-so-special Entitlement 'tude so common today.


We don't know how you treated the CS rep.

We don't know how your friend treated the CS rep.

Heck, we don't even know what your supposed issue was.


But the possibility that the issue was not legit and/or that your friend was more civil to the CS rep is certainly real. You coming to the forum to whine about it, and then your "I am going to call them until I get what I want" response, gives us a pretty good reason to suspect that the problem was you and your unwarranted sense of entitlement.


The GOOD NEWS is, BW monitors the forums, they know who you are, and they know what you plan.

If you aren't around on Monday afternoon, when the mods have had time to read all this, I won't be surprised.


What, were you looking for sympathy? If so, you are doing it wrong.

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What, were you looking for sympathy? If so, you are doing it wrong.


Just let it die, BuriDogshin.

In all likelihood there isn't a real issue here. Or a friend who got "preferential treatment" for an identical issue.


It's probably just someone trying to stir the pot on a Saturday, knowing that his thread (that didn't get the reaction he was hoping for) wouldn't be deleted until Monday.


This is my last bump in this pointless, entitlement-filled thread.

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I'm betting the OPs friend had an issue and got all sorts of goodies so the OP then called giving the same line as his buddy expecting to get the goodies even though he didn't really have the same issue. If he mentioned it to the customer care rep, they probably were then put in an even bigger spot to not do anything because they would get concerned people are going to keep trying to do the same.
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