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If you could only ready 3 ships, which 3 would you choose?


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For me, it'd be Blackbolt and Bloodmark ... but after that it gets tougher. Jurgoran or Rycer or Imperium?


Personally, I wish our readied bar only had 3 spots. I think it'd make the game more interesting and varied, and it would increase the value of Strikes due to their strengths as generalists.

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Personally, I wish our readied bar only had 3 spots. I think it'd make the game more interesting and varied, and it would increase the value of Strikes due to their strengths as generalists.


Honestly, I really kind of doubt that. It would probably be: "Oh, another person with a bomber/multiple bombers on their bar. How original." I could definitely forsee a lot of loadouts just carrying a battlescout, bomber, and some other ship (likely gunship) for those people that have to have the 'optimal' burst layout fotm.


For me it would be Novadive, and a pair of rotational slots with a Star Guard/Clarion, and a Quarrel/Condor.


Edit: Only way I would support a reduction is if they allowed us to swap components before a match begins. Unlikely, given that they restrict PvPers ability to swap their specs around once they are in queue.

Edited by Luneward
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Limiting player options to make strikes feel more viable? Nah. The only strikes I tend to shy away from playing lately are the Quell and Pike, and that's only because both of them have every component mastered. I'm thankful this idea will never see implementation. It would feel totally wrong. That being said, my lineup would be:


1) A scout of some kind - I like the mobility and playstyle of all three variants. Preference to Sting for many "good" component choices and build versatility.

2) A gunship of some kind - Sometimes I'm lazy and just want to shoot things from as far as possible. Preference to Mailoc but I do enjoy the Jurgoran.

3) An open spot for whatever I feel like. Lately that's been the Imperium and Decimus.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Sting, Blackbolt, Mangler. There's no ship or situation that one of those three can't handle.


This is of course assuming I'm just trying to go for the most powerful group I can. There are other ships I like to fly, or that have interesting niches, but if I were going to fight opponents that can actually threaten me and try my hardest to win, those are the three ships I'd want to have available for sure.

Edited by TheGreatSatan
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A terrible idea. We should actually have more spots available.


Strikes aren't generalists. They are scouts that are worse at scouting and dogfighting! The Type 3 bomber is a generalist.



Despite the idea being terrible and bad for the game, it IS interesting to think about.



What if you were limited to ONE ship?

TWO ships?

Three ships?

EIGHT ships?



To answer this, the big question is normally "the people I am in Q with- what do they have?"


If you are solo, you'll probably choose stuff that you can force a win with.


With ONE ship, your choice is between the ship you do best in and the one you can't be hunted easily in (trivial if these are the same ships). With TWO ships, it's a choice between the two ships you consider best and dropping the weaker one for one you either really want to play or that you think you won't get dogged down in.


Drako listed the three correct ships. Stasie surprisingly did not.






I have my theories as to why Stasie didn't list the boy bomber. In general, my guess is that he doesn't feel the power delta is far enough ahead of the scout- but only he can say for sure.




I would feel absolutely wed to type 1 gunship and boy bomber. Type 2 scout would be the top pick for third, but girl bomber would be a close second, and a type 3 gunship not out of the question.


I certainly wouldn't be able to queue anything like a type 1 or type 2 strike, or type 2 gunship. It would be MUCH harder to gear up req ships, because giving the third spot to an undergeared or fun ship would cost you a very important strategic thing.







Here's some ideas:


1)- The hangar has one spot for each class of ship, and a fifth spot for ANY ship.

2)- The hangar is larger, but you have to pay for it to be larger with fleet req.

3)- Some game modes limit you to say, just strikes. So you have as many specialized hangars as game modes exist, with the correct hangar being deployed for the game mode.

Edited by Verain
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Definitely a Blackbolt, probably a Bloodmark and an Imperium. I haven't actually played the latter two, but they look like a lot of fun, and they're the ships I plan to purchase next.


I don't have much interest in bombers, because the way I see people play them most often looks kinda boring and uninteractive. I'll try gunships eventually, but I don't think they'll appeal to me greatly. I like flying all over the place and dogfighting too much.

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Here's some ideas:


1)- The hangar has one spot for each class of ship, and a fifth spot for ANY ship.

2)- The hangar is larger, but you have to pay for it to be larger with fleet req.

3)- Some game modes limit you to say, just strikes. So you have as many specialized hangars as game modes exist, with the correct hangar being deployed for the game mode.


Number 1 is how I think of things as they are now. But whenever they finally release the stealth ship (I know it was delayed with no word on when we might actually get it) we won't be able to double up on any type without cutting one of the 5 types out of our lineup.


Although you probably actually meant this more in terms of restricting what ships can actually be placed in which slots, since someone could get away with just filling the whole lineup with bombers and gunships or something like that if they wanted to.


With number 2, I'm guessing the idea would be to set a limit of 3 ships on new characters (when they only have 2-3 to pick from anyway) upgradeable for... shall we say 5000 fleet req per slot? To a maximum of 7 slots?


Number 3 could be interesting. Change the interface a bit so you can establish a domination lineup and a deathmatch lineup and for any new game modes added later on you establish different lineups for those too.

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Despite the idea being terrible and bad for the game, it IS interesting to think about.

Right. Very good to check as a thought experiment to their own priorities. So:


1-Ship: Jurgoran

2-Ship: Jurgoran, Razorwire

3-Ship: Jurgoran, Razorwire, Bloodmark

4-ship: Mangler, Sting, Razorwire, Bloodmark


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Right. Very good to check as a thought experiment to their own priorities. So:


1-Ship: Jurgoran

2-Ship: Jurgoran, Razorwire

3-Ship: Jurgoran, Razorwire, Bloodmark

4-ship: Mangler, Sting, Razorwire, Bloodmark



if you're forcing me that hard.....


1-Ship: Sting

2-Ship: Sting, Mangler

3-Ship: Sting, Mangler, Bloodmark

4-Ship: Sting, Mangler, Bloodmark, Blackbolt

5-Ship: Sting, Mangler, Bloodmark, Blackbolt, Imperium (oh wait, that's my current hanger......)

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Well I currently have 3 strikes on my bar along with 1 gunship and a bomber, but with this I would instead have


1. Quarrel (because pretty much everyone will be using either GS or Scout so this is the only way to stay competitive)

2. Quarrel, Rampart (again Its GS and Scouts every where only way to be competitive in this world)

3. Quarrel, Clarion, Star gaurd (because I really really want to use a strike instead of a scout and with the number of people using Bombers in these line up's the best support for an allied bomber would be a clarion)

4. Quarrel, Clarion, Star Gaurd, Either Rampart or Pike (want to experiment still with a pike build that I have yet to get the chance to use)

5. Pike, Star gaurd, Clarion, Quarrel, Rampart.

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1: Novadive - I tend to troll just about everything with the EMP Pulse. Don't underestimate it :)

2: Novadive & Flashfire - Objective play & to kill just about anything

3: Novadive, Flashfire & Star Guard - Not as great when it comes to taking out scouts I'll admit, but it's good at destroying everything else

4: Novadive, Flashfire, Star Guard & Spearpoint - Tensor field for everyone else flying bombers

5: Novadive, Flashfire, Star Guard, Spearpoint, and Clarion - Mainly built to take out bombers and capping/holding Sats. Not good at much else, but this thing can take the punishment from bombers forever.


Notice I didn't put any Gunships or Bombers up. I don't really like flying them.

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Quell, Blackbolt and Mangler. The Quell is my workhorse, I've probably flown the most with it, and for that reason it's my go-to ship. However if I'm against opponents who know how to really shut my Quell down, or speed is required, I'll switch to my Blackbolt. I've found I prefer the Blackbolt in TDM, and that's usually my choice for that gamemode. As for the Mangler, well.. that's the ship I use if we start losing.
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Flashfire/Ocula (burst laser + cluster missiles) is a must-have. The fighter that kills gunships and wins deathmatches.:csw_deathstar_un:


Enforcer/Gladiator (heavy laser + concussion missile) comes in handy if for some reason i have difficulties hitting enemies on close range. This usually occurs against new players who are just boosting around and flying strange lines so they won't get hit. Which actually works... until i switch from a "melee" fighter (scout) to a mid-range one.:D


The third slot is a bit difficult. Imo, since Bombers got their mine explosions LoS-nerfed they aren't those strong sat defenders that they used to be anymore. So for me the bomber is not "compulsory" anymore. And with the third gunship we finally got one that isn't completely helpless if detected/attacked, i like that quite a lot. So at this time my third slot would probably be the Condor/Jurgoran (standard laser + slug railgun + cluster missiles).

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You will never live this down!


And by this, I mean using Internet Explorer or whatever to post. Chrome of Firefox give the red squiggle.


I think it was explorer at the time, though it could have been chrome still and I IGNORE SQUIGGLES cus I am typing fast and I don't care. The level of not care was great.



(also to cheap for a smart phone)

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