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Which tank is the best for guarding healers in warzones?


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All of them are fine if you can play. Yes, guardian/jugg is probably slightly better than the other 2. That said, a good shadow tank is a lot better for guarding healers than a bad guardian tank. Mostly depends on your skill.
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All of them are fine if you can play. Yes, guardian/jugg is probably slightly better than the other 2.




If your tank isn't a juggernaut or guardian, they are doing it wrong. "Slightly better" = better utility, better CC, better cooldowns, better survivability.


That said, a good shadow tank is a lot better for guarding healers than a bad guardian tank. Mostly depends on your skill.

Good player beat bad players, news at eleven.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I'd say Guardian.




Way better physics than other 2 classes

Guardian Leap (jump to your teammate) on 20 seconds cooldown. Additionally it gives the target extra 20% damage for 6 seconds (6 seconds out of 20 = 1/3 of the time your target can have extra damage reduction if you spam leap on cd). This is huge. Both in defense and in mobility.

Double jump. With all it's combos. Jump interrupts. So you have extra interrupts compared to other two classes.

Force push. You can easily throw tank or healer away from ledge, into the pit etc easily creating burst opportunity and forcing defensive cds. Or you can throw away bursting enemy. What about popular double-jump-mezz combo? Jump-Push-Jump-Mezz-GuardianLeap... Other two classes have grapple but it needs you to stand in the spot where you want to pull them which is not so great apart pulling enemies into fire). That means you have to leave your buddies in order to pull. Shdow force push is useless apart from occational ledge push and interrupt (at resolve cost).


Defensive cds

Classes are somewhat matched, every one doing things differently. Most notewothry advantage is AoE mezz which other two classes lack. Vg has a short stun instead which can be bettrer or worse depending on situation. But hen you get 2nd stun from tanking tree so you have an extra major cc anyway.

Of course you have the Docused Defense which effectively makes you a monster with double health (so think 90k health instead of 45k-ish). 40% Damage reduction on demand. Saber reflect. AoE shield for allies.

Permanently increased movement speed

You do switch guard around, don't you? Then you get 30% speed boost if your guarded target is attacked (= all the time in fight)


Free spammable AoE slow - vgs and shadows have to work on it. Not a big deal, but in the heat of the fight this makes your (and your healer's) life easier.


Armor debuff

You can apply a debuff on enemies that reduces their armor by 20%. Your group dps will benefit greatly.



When you are slowed, rooted and you can't jump on anybody you are just a sad slow crawling unkillable monster.

You lack DoTs. Not a big deal but you don't have a way to decloak a fleeing sttealther. Other members should make it up for you. Can't really think about any other.


That being said I occasionally play vanguard tank in PvP and I love it. I also tried assassin and it wasn't bad. You can do well with all three. I guess somebody will pinch in and say why other two are better. ;-p

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Juggs are the best guards because they have extra mitigation tools the other 2 don't have: intercede, and the bubble on the aoe taunt. Jugg tanks are also the only spec in the game with two 4s hard stuns.


Combat Tech 2piece makes Carbonize three seconds, with Electro Dart being four.

Two hard stuns, one being AOE with a Powertech.

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Plus Jugg/Guardian tanks make huttball easy mode.


Unless the other team has a ShieldTech. Then you get to cry because they are on cheat mode. :D


In addition to having the highest passive mitigation and lots of fire effects, oil slick makes it look like you have the hersey squirts. You simply can not discount the terrifying effect that 4 pints of beer, two bean burritos and a bit of time to let it "brew" has on the enemy. When your "brew" is ready to unload, you can grapple some poor melee sod off your sorc buddy, get him to pull your finger, and watch him try to run away as his strength to move is sapped away by the horrific stench of your mud-butt. Only you and your sorc buddy will be thankful that you've mastered unloading a 5-gallon drum of sewage from your backside.

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Carbonize has always been a hardstun.


If you didn't realize this already, you've never faced a middle tree VG/PT.


That being said, PT/VG is the only tank without a mezz or a pushback... but we get leap and pull?

Edited by AxeDragoneth
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If you didn't realize this already, you've never faced a middle tree VG/PT.


Carbonize is the same for all specs of vanguard. However the middle tree and tank tree are the only trees that actually use the 2pc vanguard DPS setbonus which increases carbonize's duration, since Pyro is better off with the merc's setbonus.

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Which of the three tanks is the best for guarding healers in warzones and keeping them alive?




It is all down to the player.


The tank who places guard on a healer at the outset without watching what is happening around him is more trouble than they are worth.


Tanking is about observational skills, not about placing guard on someone and then assuming that's it.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Guardian/Jugger is quite a good choice, but VG/PT is too.


It just depends on your playstyle... you can do quite well with both classes.

It's correct that Jugg/Guardian have better buffs/skills for guarding people.

But VG/PT Tank can be quite annoying too, but in a different way ( harpoon, oil slick etc.). You just need to know how to use your skills with it.

In the end, it's up to you to choose your playstyle

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That being said, PT/VG is the only tank without a mezz or a pushback... but we get leap and pull?


Basically, but you don't need the mezz or pushback since the package of abilities you get on a ShieldTech is pretty sweet. I've got a 55 jugg and a 55 PT. I get my 45 sin to 55 this double exp week and will be able to do a better comparison of the three then. (They're all tank specced. :D )


IMO, Grapple is superior to force push. Force push combos nicely with force charge, but over all, I think the peel combo of grapple + oil slick is better. Yes, knocking someone off a bridge/platform/etc. is extremely useful, but it requires a bridge/platform to knock them off of and the enemy to make the mistake of having their back pointed off the bridge/platform. Grapple is just more universally versatile.


The force push + force charge huttball score combo is fun, but you probably would have scored with hydraulic overrides in that situation anyways. It just wouldn't have been as sexy on your youtube channel. ;) I also feel that jet charge + hydraulic overrides is a better combo for huttball scoring anyways. Intimidating roar is great though. It is one thing that juggs have that really stands out. I don't really miss it on my ShieldTech though since the over all "package" is better on the ShieldTech.


I'm not in the competitive arena scene, but for straight up warzones, SheildTech has a clear advantage over both Juggs and Sins if your goal is to actually win. Missle blast is instant AOE damage from 30 meters and stops multiple people from capping at once. SheildTechs can also stop caps while stunned with shoulder cannon and have stealth detection. All non-huttball maps have caps. So, I feel this is a pretty big advantage in favor of ShieldTechs. I feel stealth guarding nodes on my lowbie sin is strong as well, but the ranged AOE cap interrupt from missile blast puts SheildTechs on top for node defense.


Maybe someone that is into high-end ranked play can chime in on that aspect.


OTOH, both my Jugg and PT annoy the crap out of the other team by taking forever to kill when I blow all my cooldowns. :D

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Sins also have the ability to sprint out, Force Pull, and hard stun/further distance creator from Overload knockback or even a combination of both.


Phase Walk is a better utility than people give it credit for, and the sin CDs are essentially god modes as well as their type of defense capabilities being perfect for countering the new Madness overlords in comparison to Jugs and PTs.


Which, don't get me wrong, I still agree Jugs essentially are the stronger tanks between the three. But with the new DPS buffs and the actual utility sins and PT tanks have, the race isn't as big of a gap as people claim it is. The amount of utility isn't much higher on a Jug, it's just that their utility is more noob friendly while the other two have to rely on a little more creativity and skill to function correctly in a WZ.

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Basically, but you don't need the mezz or pushback since the package of abilities you get on a ShieldTech is pretty sweet. I've got a 55 jugg and a 55 PT. I get my 45 sin to 55 this double exp week and will be able to do a better comparison of the three then. (They're all tank specced. :D )


IMO, Grapple is superior to force push. Force push combos nicely with force charge, but over all, I think the peel combo of grapple + oil slick is better. Yes, knocking someone off a bridge/platform/etc. is extremely useful, but it requires a bridge/platform to knock them off of and the enemy to make the mistake of having their back pointed off the bridge/platform. Grapple is just more universally versatile.


The force push + force charge huttball score combo is fun, but you probably would have scored with hydraulic overrides in that situation anyways. It just wouldn't have been as sexy on your youtube channel. ;) I also feel that jet charge + hydraulic overrides is a better combo for huttball scoring anyways. Intimidating roar is great though. It is one thing that juggs have that really stands out. I don't really miss it on my ShieldTech though since the over all "package" is better on the ShieldTech.


I'm not in the competitive arena scene, but for straight up warzones, SheildTech has a clear advantage over both Juggs and Sins if your goal is to actually win. Missle blast is instant AOE damage from 30 meters and stops multiple people from capping at once. SheildTechs can also stop caps while stunned with shoulder cannon and have stealth detection. All non-huttball maps have caps. So, I feel this is a pretty big advantage in favor of ShieldTechs. I feel stealth guarding nodes on my lowbie sin is strong as well, but the ranged AOE cap interrupt from missile blast puts SheildTechs on top for node defense.


Maybe someone that is into high-end ranked play can chime in on that aspect.


OTOH, both my Jugg and PT annoy the crap out of the other team by taking forever to kill when I blow all my cooldowns. :D

I main a PT tank and can't be stopped in 9.8/10 of the Huttball matches I play. When I'm forced to node guard any other map, my missiles prevent caps for days. The only things I wish PTs had are a mezz and intercede, but we may be OP with the latter. Intercede is an amazing ability and I don't see a lot of juggs use it right. Two enemy leaps [with push] and a friendly leap [that doubles as a peel] makes it much easier to keep track of your positioning... but it also makes it easy to screw up and be too far from the team. PT's pull takes more of a situational approach because we need to remove ourselves from the heat of battle, and our teammates, to peel an enemy away. In an arena setting we're constantly judging when would be an okay time to do that, keep someone guarded with taunts because you may end up outranging guard, and being sure not to be away for longer than is needed. Smart juggs will push you after you've pulled them, making it even more deadly if you happen to mess up your pull. Jugg tanks are top tanks due to their ease of play, from what I've heard. Leveling one this coming Double XP to learn the class better!


Carbonize is the same for all specs of vanguard. However the middle tree and tank tree are the only trees that actually use the 2pc vanguard DPS setbonus which increases carbonize's duration, since Pyro is better off with the merc's setbonus.


My point was Carbonize+Cleave is common in the middle tree's playstyle and wouldn't work if Carbonize was a mezz.

Edited by AxeDragoneth
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