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Your favourite character.


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This thread is to get a feel of characters in the Star Wars universe and hopefully some of the longer term fans will enlighten us about new characters we haven't heard of before.


I have never actually been truly forthcoming about my genuine favourite character, a name I have not yet seen written here in these forums, Bria Tharen.


Not Force Sensitive nor an epic Mandalorian or expert srategist, not a leader of a group or major political figure, not an Echani warrior nor a beautiful Twi'Lek just a plain old flawed Human being with a rough life whom died in a cause she believed in, a genuine hero with no special powers or skills, infact more than anything she was an avid historian and curator of the past, essentially just a fan swooped into reality who played an integral part in stopping the Death Star.


Who is your's and why?

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This thread is to get a feel of characters in the Star Wars universe and hopefully some of the longer term fans will enlighten us about new characters we haven't heard of before.


I have never actually been truly forthcoming about my genuine favourite character, a name I have not yet seen written here in these forums, Bria Tharen.


Not Force Sensitive nor an epic Mandalorian or expert srategist, not a leader of a group or major political figure, not an Echani warrior nor a beautiful Twi'Lek just a plain old flawed Human being with a rough life whom died in a cause she believed in, a genuine hero with no special powers or skills, infact more than anything she was an avid historian and curator of the past, essentially just a fan swooped into reality who played an integral part in stopping the Death Star.


Who is your's and why?


Wow, it has been a long, long time since I have heard that name...Han Solo Trilogy, Han Solo's love interest if i remember correctly, right? Strong lady that one.


As for my favorite...wow...there are so many, i tended to just have a favorite of each category...*sith, jedi, neutral, soldier, elite, ect ect*


If I had to name one on the spot though...ah, what a hard question...Rom Mohc if I had to choose one that I favored despite his flaws and relatively low power compared to many others. The man was a revolutionary when it came to droid design as well as droid disassembly. During The Clone Wars he defeated numerous droids, supposedly at least one of every droid that the CIS deployed, in hand to hand combat and kept part of them as trophies. He firmly believed that soldiers should always be able to see their enemies face to face. Quite honorable when it came to battle practices. He later went on to pioneer the Dark Trooper project up until his untimely death at the hands of Kyle Katarn. He cheated I say! :d_evil::D_evil: :d_evil::D_evil: :d_evil::D_evil: :d_evil::D_evil:

Edited by Silenceo
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lets see...for Jedi are the fallowing: Rachi Sitra, Kyle Katran,Luke Skywalker,Jania Solo,and Mara Jade.


Sith: Darth Vader,Darth Bane,My Sith warrior ( =p), and Darth Zannhans


Other: Han Solo, and Jango fett



I couldn't choose one.

Edited by Vyni
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If we're counting our SWTOR characters? My Sith Marauder, Darth Callidous.


Otherwise, Darth Caedus A.K.A. Jacen Solo. I really like him (and based Darth Callidous off of him, only Sith Pureblood) because he wasn't just the "GGRRRR KILL TEH JEDI" Sith that so many Sith are portrayed as.


There's so much potential in a Sith character and it gets wasted on the murdering butcher lunatic or the scheming deceptive jerk, and that really bothers me. The Sith Warrior AND Inquisitor conversations with their companions are a good portrayal of what a Sith COULD be....but instead most of the time (except in Darth Caedus case) we get the stale murderer or the boring schemer.


As for the films? Luke. Freaking. Skywalker.

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My absolute favorite character is Plo Koon, but that's mostly sentimental and nostalgic reasons, so I'll talk about a different character: Dooku!


Count Dooku is hands down my favorite Sith Lord. He's cool, calm, and collected. He isn't like your normal Sith Lord. He isn't some emo rage machine. He understands when to use his emotions, but he always keeps them under control, only letting loose when he needs to. He's a gentleman. His elegant fighting style reflects this fact.


And being played by Sir Christopher Lee most definitely doesn't hurt. :p

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Revan is my favorite and not simply because he was a player character. His movement between light and dark while always doing what he believes best for the galaxy is very interesting to me. He raises all kinds of fascinating questions about the nature of sith, jedi and the force.
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Apathy is death.
...Worse than death :p


Anyways, everyone knows my favourite character is Kreia, I just love her charisma, her demeanor and her teachings. And I like the fact that she's a tragic hero and a mentor, almost a photo-negative of Kenobi and but so much more.


Most of all she's a mystery, and just like open ended novels she sticks with you because of that.


But to throw something different in there one of my other favourite characters is Vader. Not only does he look cool, talk cool and all the rest but he's a real mystery as well. I mean despite all the movies and what not I never really felt that we've quite got behind that mask. You can never see his face, and you never quite know what he's thinking.

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Let's see. The Bronze Medal, so to speak, I would say goes to RC-1207 for his grim disposition and heroic sacrifice.


Silver is reserved for Darth Maul, whose (formerly unique) appearance, interesting fighting style and personality instantly made him one of my favorites.


However, nobody compares to #1. The man, the myth, the legend, a fantastic character who saved much of the Prequels for me: Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Honorable mentions: Darth Marr, Darth Jadus, Revan (Jedi), Darth Traya, Darth Baras, Mace Windu and Yoda.

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There are many character that I have grown to love over the years, and I could go with the one I have used so many times before in the form of Grand Admiral Thrawn, but despite my love for him, another great Imperial has gained my admiration even more.

Gilad Pellaeon, as a Captain he lead the defeated Imperial forces into retreat after the crushing blow delivered to the Empire over Endor, saving many ships and lives that would have otherwise fell to old Imperial doctrine. Later her served as the second in command to Grand Admiral Thrawn, and yet again saw the defeat of the Empire. Yet still he stood. Serving once more as a second in command, this time to Natasi Daala, who; after her defeat, appointed Gil as the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleets. In his wisdom he made peace with the New Republic that legitimized the Imperial Remnant and was also pivotal in forming the Galactic Alliance as well as key to the victory against the Yuuzhan Vong. Sadly he was assassinated near the end of the Second Galactic Civil War when he refused to send the Imperial military to aid Darth Caedus in his campaigns.


In a nutshell that is why he is my favorite :p Overall a stalwart supporter of the Empire, who kept it alive when it would have otherwise crumbled and thanks to him the Empire was able to evolve into the Fel Empire through his actions. Hopefully Kathleen Kennedy will do him justice and revive his story in the new chapter of Star Wars.

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#3: The third spot on my list goes to....... Han Solo, the coolest guy in the galaxy. For being third, Han get's a week on the beaches of Correlia.


#2:My runner-up is............ Darth Baras! The fattest sith ever! My reasoning being, well, he gave me good laughs. So yeah. Darth Baras get's a box of cookies(at his own request)


#1: Drum roll please.................... The one, the only...... Obi-Wan Kenobi! For attempting to kill Anakin! And a bunch of other reasons, such as, THE ONLY FREAKING REASON I WATCH THE PREQUELS, showing that being a true jedi doesnt always mean you have to follow the Code, I can go on and on.


Close contenders: Vader, Plapy, Master Windu, R2-D2(Every word he said they had to bleep out!), Qui-Gon Jinn, Commander Cody, and Fives.

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Now this would be extremely hard, but I do love challenges... :D

I will make my 3 best though, for it would be more explicative, imo. :rolleyes:


Number 3 would be Han Solo, from the Original Trilogy. His attitude, skills and the way he poses himself against odds and wins are just too great to let them go unmentioned. Plus, Harrison Ford portrayed the character extremely well, you could feel the scoundrel. :cool:


Number 2 would be HK-47, as he is portrayed in KotOR 2. His crazy personality, stinging comments, fascinating backstory and unmatched skills - for a droid of the time, at least - earn him the second place. And, there's the fact that he depends on his Master but doesn't admit it even to himself, which makes him somewhat tormented, imo. And I like to be the one supporting the tormented character... :)


Number 1 would definitely be Bastila Shan from KotOR. She appears strong, detached and collected, but in the end she's just as human as we all are. And the fact she feels bad decause of it kind of raises her appeal to me. I still love to play the game mostly to be the Character she needs at her side, I find it entertaining. :o


I won't mention the close contenders for one simple reason: it would be wrong not to mention the reasons too, and if I would, well, I know I would definitely write an essay of sort. :p

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Third Favorite would be Bardan Jusik. A Jedi who questioned the Clone Wars. A jedi who cared for his clone troopers. A jedi who embraced the Mandalorians as they were. And a Jedi who had unparalleled insight into the very fabric of Mandalorian society. Oh, and ya know who Jaina met before facing Jacen?


Jusik and Venku :D I was positively giddy when I read that part.


Perhaps my second favorite is Wraith Squadron as a whole. Ton Phanan's death is perhaps one of the most tragic things ever. Gara Petothel and Myn Donos' relationship equally so... And, admit it, all the girls swoon when Face walks in :p


And of course, Kell and Tyria are just two very underrated but amazingly well written characters. Oh, btw every time I see Treek, I think about the Hawk-Bats :D


Favorite? Jacen Solo.


His was the story I wish Vader's had been honestly. As jumbled as it got thanks to having so many different writers have a go at him, he was still one of the most thought-provoking and dynamic characters in the Post-RotJ EU if not all of Star Wars.


You got to see him grow up. You really got so see every stage of his life and see him develop and change as a character. He was a tool for the writers to ask questions and explore the galaxy on both a physical and philosophical level yet he was also the comic relief at times. He was a shoulder to cry on for some, a feared enemy to others. He wept, he sang, he cheered, he killed, he suffered. His development took him to every corner of his mind and soul no matter how dark. His reactions were so genuine, his corruption so subtle, and his flaws so apparent yet you couldn't help but root for him at times even when he was the villain... Jacen was one of the characters that came alive for me.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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An absolute favorite is Bao-Dur from KOTOR2. Beautiful story, just wonderfully tragic and understated.


Second will be a tie between Obi Wan Kenobi, a perfect knight and Kit Fisto whose silent presence gives a bit of respite from all the crappy dialogue. :)


From the female characters, nothing really beat Leia for me, even though I love much stronger female presence in the newer material, Ventress, Asoka, & that totally awesome Zabrack LS BH.

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My favorite is probably... no wait, DEFINITELY Exar Kun. Kun's degree of mastery of Niman is an impressive feat, as well as his incredible Force powers and development of the double-bladed lightsaber. He revolutionized lightsaber dueling (not to mention I have a slight bias because the double-bladed lightsaber is probably my favorite Star Wars universe weapon :cool:)
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#3 Princess Leia. I grew up wanting to be her, she out shoots Han, leads her own rebellion, and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.


#2. Han Solo. Princess Leia with a cool side-kick. He shoots first, he flies recklessly and he always supports his friends.


#1. :csw_vader:Darth Vader :csw_vader:

Do I really need to explain why I love Vader? The nicest suit in the galaxy.

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1) Odan Urr ~~ Jedi master, librarian & teacher to many jedis~~~(To be brave in battle proves nothing. bravery itself proves nothing. a Jedi should be prepared to put aside fear, regret and uncertainty and either fight, run surrender or die.) I believed he revised the Jedi Code before the jedi purge.


2) Qui Gon Jinn~~~ Jedi master, unconventional and possibly most compassionate jedi i know of.~~( i'm not testing you, Obi Wan. Life tests you! Everyday it brings you new chance for triumph or defeat. And if you pass the test, it doesn't make you a Jedi. It makes you human.)


3) Ulic Qel Droma~~~ A aspired Jedi knight, fallen to the dark because of being humane to seek revenge, and turn back to light, finding peace with kinship ( Vima Sunrider). He's showed me that even Jedis are human and will prone to error.

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