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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Darth Angral (Spoilers)


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I am playing it on a system it was designed to be played on according to Bioware. It is a game design problem. I should be able to lower the graphics for the battle at least to a point where the game can be played properly. My connection speed is probably faster than yours (although I am curious what a good ping number for this game is). I can't simply replace the graphics card. The game is good, but not good enough to buy a new system. If the game truly can't be played on a system which is above the minimum, then Bioware is simply lying.


Of course, since 95% of the game can be played no problem on my system, then it seems that the few problem spots like the Angral fight COULD be tweaked. Also, with advice I might be able to beat it on my own, as intended by Bioware. If not, I can potentially get someone to help me with the battle. Since I am powerful enough to beat the fight easily according to people on this board, it does feel like cheating to do that -- but, I guess that will be alright.

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I had real trouble with my Sentinel. Must have been level 35 and having by bottom handed back to me on a silver platter every time. :eek::eek: Until, I discovered what abilities interrupt and finally got through today.:D


Its Enough to make you want to turn dark side :mad: (or in my case get my smuggler alt to Tatooine).

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I was 31 lvl (almost 32) Combat Sentinel. I used Kira and only took one try

I almost died when I killed Angral (You who have done it know what I mean) Good thing you could press esc and restore your health before it.

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I remember this fight being very tough, but I play a Combat Sentinel and while it rocks after chapter 1, towards the end of it, the spec does not shine in the regions of Tatooine and Alderaan...


Some talent tweaking in this level is likely in order for Comabt... Absolutely love Combat past chapter 1 and through to level 50...

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well i was force spec (could be reason why i never beat him.) but hey was my first char didnt know watchman is the way to go.


so i gave up then found a high level to run me through it.. then he told me watchman was the way to go.

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this quest is ridiculous, especially for a class quest you cant advance without beating and that it has been this way since launch


a perfect example of heroic combat at its finest, makes my jedi feel like he can take on the empire himself....


or just die over and over and over

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level 31 guardian, first try. Don't see what was so hard about him. Sure, I used all my cooldowns and a health pack, but I think thats how its intended to be, no? Using all your resources to defeat a friggin' darth?
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Level 36 and I STILL haven't been able to beat him. Can't interrupt ever single big attack he has as he chains his two together before my cooldown is done. Very frustrating! Compared to Bounty Hunter, the only other toon I've leveled to the early 30s yet, Jedi Knight (Sentinal) is WAY harder. I seem to breeze through the BH stuff.
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Lvl 34 and still cant beat it. frustrating. cant cut his attacks meanwhile wait for cooldowns. dont know what to do. stuck here. jedi sentinel



edited: finally I bit him at lvl 35. i was so worried about shortcut on his attacks that i not punish too much. the last try only do a few shortcuts... and center in tank him and i can, finally, beat him. what a pleasure...:tran_angel:

Edited by fernandomouso
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  • 3 weeks later...
Lvl34 Tank Guardian. First try. Didn't even need a med pack. This boss was so easy. Especially when you compare it to the fights other classes have like the imperial agent with Darth Jadus... that fight was impossible.
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no lies how many attempts did it take you to beat darth angral and what was your lvl.



for me it was 9 times lvl 32..


the fail is strong with this one. 9 freakin times? 1 shot the nubtard at 30. watchmen spec. some of us understand how to use cooldowns properly.

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I beat him on the first try as level 32 Vigilance Guardian.


I interrupted everything he did. If my interrupt was down, I'd put him in Force Stasis, if that was down, I'd Forcepush him. Hell, if that hadn't worked, I'd still have Saberward, Heroic Moment, my Legacy Forcechoke, Enure, a Medpack ... I suppose there are many ways of keeping him off balance. Using powers like Master Strike on him requires some timing: you don't want to use MS while he starts a cast too, or have to interrupt MS because of a cast.


As for knowing which powers to interrupt, well, here's my 'rule': in most cases I recognize the power used. If I see someone use 'ravage' or 'forcestorm', etc. I generally want to interrupt those. If it's a name I am unfamiliar with, it is probably a power specific to this kind of enemy ('Durasteel Fist' comes to mind, used by Druan the Durasteel Fist on Nar Shaddaa - hits like a truck and then some) and if that's the case, it's usually a power- and/or painful ability. In Angral's case, this goes for 'Thundering Blast'. If I don't know it, you shan't use it.

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I am playing it on a system it was designed to be played on according to Bioware. It is a game design problem. I should be able to lower the graphics for the battle at least to a point where the game can be played properly. My connection speed is probably faster than yours (although I am curious what a good ping number for this game is). I can't simply replace the graphics card. The game is good, but not good enough to buy a new system. If the game truly can't be played on a system which is above the minimum, then Bioware is simply lying.


Of course, since 95% of the game can be played no problem on my system, then it seems that the few problem spots like the Angral fight COULD be tweaked. Also, with advice I might be able to beat it on my own, as intended by Bioware. If not, I can potentially get someone to help me with the battle. Since I am powerful enough to beat the fight easily according to people on this board, it does feel like cheating to do that -- but, I guess that will be alright.


I'm playing on an off the shelf HP junker with integrated graphics, while I agree that some sections stall pretty badly, it's usually smoke and mist that does it to me. I also play from England, with friends back in the states, so I know lag (this game thus far has been monumentally better than my brief experience with WoW getting 200ms latency rather than 800ms, both East Coast servers) yet I didn't have any issues with Angral.


If something in that fight is lagging you out, either your computer handles graphics worse than mine (which is almost unfathomable, but I guess it could happen) or you need to put your cast bars in a more prominent place.


I put mine about dead even with my character's head, so I don't have to look down to gauge when to interrupt.

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Just tried this for the first time last night before the server was going down for maintenance. Honestly I felt like I was having sex for the first time, here I was imagining how long I'd last and how easy it was only to be shocked at how quickly it ended. I'll be going for round 2 in an hour or so so wish me luck.


Update: I got it on my fourth go, was able to finally interrupt everything that he tried. I finished with about 60% health and I'm a 31 vigilance guardian.

Edited by TrooperParacord
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