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leave ranked queue (no queue pop yet) gives -15 rating?


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somebody is reporting this on reddit. Has anyone else seen this?


If you care about your rating, you should know that leaving the ranked queue currently dings your rating for -15. I was in the queue for about 45 minutes last night without a pop. My guildmates were getting a group together for regs. I leave the ranked queue in frustration to go do something fun with them and bang -15 on the old rating. I know at least two others who suffered the same.

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Just wanted to pop in to clear things up on this issue and how the root cause looks to be settled.


Clarification: Players will not lose rating from simply leaving the ranked queue. Players who have an invite (the popup) to a ranked match will lose rating if they decline the invite. This is the intended design of the queue system but...


The area transition/instancing and connectivity issue reared its ugly head in the direction of the PvP queue system as well. While matches were being created there was a backlog of pending matches that weren't sending out invites in a timely manner. Players might have had a pending match ready for them, but never got the invite to pop up.


So what ended up happening is if the players in this position left the queue while this occurred (a pending match waiting for send invite) the player would lose rating because to the system they left when they had an invite. Leaving the ranked queue when you don't have an invite should not penalize your rating.


As of this morning the area transition/instancing and connectivity issue should be much better. Please let us know if this issue is still occurring but we expect it will have subsided already.


I apologize to everyone who was affected by this issue and unfortunately at this time we will be unable to regrant the lost rating that was caused by this issue.


Thanks all.

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I apologize to everyone who was affected by this issue and unfortunately at this time we will be unable to regrant the lost rating that was caused by this issue.




I'm not even a PVPer and this strikes me as pretty crappy. It would be one thing if rating wasn't tied to one time rewards but this bug may cost some folks their chance at obtaining those rewards.


Also, "unable" is not the same as "don't want to spend the time to do it."

Edited by oembob
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I'm not even a PVPer and this strikes me as pretty crappy. It would be one thing if rating wasn't tied to one time rewards but this bug may cost some folks their chance at obtaining those rewards.


Also, "unable" is not the same as "don't want to spend the time to do it."


15 is not the end of the world, unless someone did it a bunch of times, but in that case... :rolleyes:

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I'm not even a PVPer and this strikes me as pretty crappy. It would be one thing if rating wasn't tied to one time rewards but this bug may cost some folks their chance at obtaining those rewards.


Also, "unable" is not the same as "don't want to spend the time to do it."


"We" in this case means "Alex, alone, without help"


So, no, he doesn't have the time, and is unable to help. Calm your chesticles.

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As of this morning the area transition/instancing and connectivity issue should be much better. Please let us know if this issue is still occurring but we expect it will have subsided already.


Glad I haven't logged in since the Patch. Hopefully the stuff is fixed. Thanks for the update, even if some peeps got fubarred.

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unfortunately at this time we will be unable to regrant the lost rating that was caused by this issue.


Really... my guild wondered why i stopped with ranked pvp. Things like this is just one of the many reasons.


Not cool.


PS: bye bye ranked. Better luck next time xD

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I apologize to everyone who was affected by this issue and unfortunately at this time we will be unable to regrant the lost rating that was caused by this issue.


WHAT? How you expect people to queue for ranked after this? I have to suppose that if something like this happens again you will act in this same way. Not gonna bother.


[ps. if it's some technical problem. State it clearly and explain in detail why it can't be done. This just shows zero respect for the player base whatsoever.

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There is no way for them to legitimately track who suffered the rating loss due to a bug in the queue system, and who suffered the rating loss because they willfully declined a ranked pop, all they can tell is that you suffered -15 rating because the system seen you refusing a pop. The only fix to replace the lost rating would be that anyone who suffered a rating loss for not entering a match would get that rating back, even if they refused the match, since they can't seperate who actually refused and who didn't refuse but the system thinks refused.


Pick your poison, get your rating back but also realize someone that bailed on matches would get theirs back too, or take the loss of rating for the legitimacy of the system. Since season rewards are based on highest rating obtained, if that 15 points is going to make or break your drive for the season.. I have some bad news for you......

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I didn't lose any rating because of this issue, but this response is completely unprofessional and unacceptable.


how exactly do you propose they restore rating? every tom D and harry who says "hey, I lost 30 rating from this. give it back." "oh. ok. because nobody in this game would make that up for a quick rating gain." lol


let's stick with ragging on something more reasonable...like how this "glitch" went live in the first place. :cool:

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