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Slot Machines not so random


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Well, ladies and gentlemen,


I might be wrong still from my experience you loose if when you click on the slot machine the arrow pointer in the middle is off the external rotating ring.


So the game needs actual skills as you have an impact on the outcome.

Edited by Deewe
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Well, ladies and gentlemen,


I might be wrong still from my experience you loose if when you click on the slot machine the arrow pointer in the middle is off the external rotating ring.


Then if the pointer is on any part of the ring but the center you win the same token you bet.


Now if you are able to align both pointers centers you hit the jackpot.



So the game needs actual skills as you have an impact on the outcome.


You must have a pretty low opinion of the bioware design team if you think that they would make a slot machine that isnt as random as can be. Then again...

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Well, ladies and gentlemen,


I might be wrong still from my experience you loose if when you click on the slot machine the arrow pointer in the middle is off the external rotating ring.


Then if the pointer is on any part of the ring but the center you win the same token you bet.


Now if you are able to align both pointers centers you hit the jackpot.



So the game needs actual skills as you have an impact on the outcome.


You're not wrong :) the only problem is that when you click, the outer ring accelerates slightly in a random pattern. So it's almost impossible to time it so the points lineup, but even when they do, it still random what you get.. The only sure thing is that if the center ring point does not line up with the bright part of the outer ring, it's a loss

Edited by LeJarC
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I'd like to see some proof of this, until then I'll just write it up as supersticious behaviour.


Like those who say that after you win big on a slot machine you should move to another because slot machines "lock down" after a big win and won't give another for a while...

Which is BS.

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I'd like to see some proof of this, until then I'll just write it up as supersticious behaviour.


Like those who say that after you win big on a slot machine you should move to another because slot machines "lock down" after a big win and won't give another for a while...

Which is BS.


Exactly. Random is random.

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Like those who say that after you win big on a slot machine you should move to another because slot machines "lock down" after a big win and won't give another for a while...

Which is BS.


Yup, I got both of the mounts from the same machine within ~15-20 mins or so (& only spent ~30-40k on the smuggler tokens). :)

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The graphical spin is just a representation of your RNG outcome... it doesn't determine it.


For example, get the feeling lucky buff and go to a kingpin machine.

Keep your eyes on the buff icon near your portrait.

The second you click the machine it dissapears if you are going to get a jackpot or gold.

It doesn't wait for the spinning thing to stop (or even start). It just goes away immediately as you click.

That means that your outcome is decided the millisecond you click the machine... not later by the spinning animation.

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Maybe it is just a gambling mentality thing, that people want to believe that there is a system they can exploit even in total randomness. I think I remember vaguely a study in which people who had the option to push a button while watching random numbers had the feeling of influencing those even though there was no connection...


Anyway, still have not been to Nar Shaddaa to play there at the slot machines, maybe I am just not interested enough in gambling in general.

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These threads remind me of the Skinner Pigeons experiment.


Skinner suggested that the pigeons behaved as if they were influencing the automatic mechanism with their "rituals" and that this experiment shed light on human behavior:


The experiment might be said to demonstrate a sort of superstition. The bird behaves as if there were a causal relation between its behavior and the presentation of food, although such a relation is lacking. There are many analogies in human behavior. Rituals for changing one's fortune at cards are good examples. A few accidental connections between a ritual and favorable consequences suffice to set up and maintain the behavior in spite of many unreinforced instances. The bowler who has released a ball down the alley but continues to behave as if she were controlling it by twisting and turning her arm and shoulder is another case in point. These behaviors have, of course, no real effect upon one's luck or upon a ball half way down an alley, just as in the present case the food would appear as often if the pigeon did nothing—or, more strictly speaking, did something else.

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The graphical spin is just a representation of your RNG outcome... it doesn't determine it.


For example, get the feeling lucky buff and go to a kingpin machine.

Keep your eyes on the buff icon near your portrait.

The second you click the machine it dissapears if you are going to get a jackpot or gold.

It doesn't wait for the spinning thing to stop (or even start). It just goes away immediately as you click.

That means that your outcome is decided the millisecond you click the machine... not later by the spinning animation.



The visual representation of the outcome is driven by the RNG result, not the other way around. If you could control the outcome there would be scripters running around with 80 rancors by now.

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Hey guys,


Are you sick of living daily to daily?


Are you tired of casinos always having the edge?


What if I told you that I have cracked the code and have a 100% guaranteed way of winning? My system is so successful, that I've been banned from casinos on Tatooine, Nal Hutta and most of the outer rim territories.


I'm so confident that you'll find success by following my simple 3 step program, that I'm willing to give my advice away to you for FREE*!!! You heard that right, for FREE*!


All you need to do to tip the odds in your favor, and take your destiny into your own hands, is to IG mail me 25,000 credits to cover copy/paste fees and I'll send you a return IG mail, personally sent by ME, that outlines my secrets to gambling success. If you're not completely satisfied, I'll refund every credit* and you get to KEEP my secrets...that's how confident I am that my system will work for YOU!


What are you waiting for?




* copy/paste fees not included, offer not valid in Imperial controlled sectors

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Hey guys,


Are you sick of living daily to daily?


Are you tired of casinos always having the edge?


What if I told you that I have cracked the code and have a 100% guaranteed way of winning? My system is so successful, that I've been banned from casinos on Tatooine, Nal Hutta and most of the outer rim territories.


I'm so confident that you'll find success by following my simple 3 step program, that I'm willing to give my advice away to you for FREE*!!! You heard that right, for FREE*!


All you need to do to tip the odds in your favor, and take your destiny into your own hands, is to IG mail me 25,000 credits to cover copy/paste fees and I'll send you a return IG mail, personally sent by ME, that outlines my secrets to gambling success. If you're not completely satisfied, I'll refund every credit* and you get to KEEP my secrets...that's how confident I am that my system will work for YOU!


What are you waiting for?




* copy/paste fees not included, offer not valid in Imperial controlled sectors


I've done this method and let me tell you guys the chicks love me now.

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The graphical spin is just a representation of your RNG outcome... it doesn't determine it.


For example, get the feeling lucky buff and go to a kingpin machine.

Keep your eyes on the buff icon near your portrait.

The second you click the machine it dissapears if you are going to get a jackpot or gold.

It doesn't wait for the spinning thing to stop (or even start). It just goes away immediately as you click.

That means that your outcome is decided the millisecond you click the machine... not later by the spinning animation.


Then it's client side? And manipulable? I smell a cheat incoming.

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AS mentioned in the other thread regarding this 'mechanic" devs have two paths

1) extremely difficult skill based solution where you time the ring with the other open to exploitation and invalidates the "%drops rate" they expect

2) implement a simple RNG based algorithm that compares a floating point value (0.0 to 10) multiply by 10,000 to normalize it to a .01% range and than compare against a set range of value (<5000, 5001 to 8000, etc). to define a %chance. Then have the other team develop a simple rotating ring to "emulate" the RNG value and give some sort of graphical representation to a "win". This is impossible to exploit (based on server side RNG algorithm) simple, straightforward and more importantly cheap.


The former offers very difficult to predict and give an expected range and would be subject to "nerfs/buffs" as the metrics change

latter is very easy to predict and calculate and requires no changes in the future since the % are easily predictable and maintainable.


which do you think they did?

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Well I do know ( tested a few times last night and got it 3 times in a row today , more testing needed but it looks promising ) that after getting the feeling lucky buff and then going on a kingpin machine , if you don't run out of kingpin tokens or the buff runs out or lose then when the buff runs out you will get a golden certificate on that final go.

So yeah not so random that part it seems. I shall test it more.





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