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This game is really fun except for the datacron jumpy jumpy game


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After a few tries,the fun gets totally sucked out for me when the datacron chase just becomes frustrating as heck. I don't mind the exploring for hidden passageways datacron routes, but the tightrope and jumping stuff gets old fast.


So, would it be possible to set duplicate datacrons without all the jumping around, but maybe protect them with brain-teasers instead, or a key you have to win off of a boss?


I also have to point out that I have two computers I can play SWTOR on, and they have vastly different feels for controlling the avatar. Wondering if BW computers made it easy to do these ant-trails?

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I don't mind doing the jumpy jump once. But the thought of having to do it over and over for each alt is not a activity I look forward too. While making the routes complicated is a good thing, failing 1 jump and having to repeat a 10 minute exercise (more than twice) isn't. Some people may claim these are "optional" but I disagree. I just don't feel I've completed a planet unless I've gotten titles and codex entries available.
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I really love doing them and had a lot of fun today, but my husband is having many many problems with this and eventually he became very frustrated (but he enjoys the game :) nevertheless). Ended up having to help him.


It's really fine for people who enjoy these kind of things and who love to explore (like me). But for those who have problems (bad eyesight, etc), it's a bit hard. I wish there was a middle way for those having problems.

And I always kept wanting to hit the F6 key to create a quick save game :D

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The datacrons are supposed to be difficult to get.

If you're on the forums complaining about them after failing a few jumps, you're clearly not cut out for collecting them.


I think it's not that they are all really complaing, but that some of the datacrons are just difficult to get at by some people. I know I spent 15 minutes trying to make the jump in the Justicar section just getting from the boxes to the pipes. For some reason no matter how hard I timed my jumping and moving, the jumping feature wouldn't take except for the very last attempt. The pipe's where very easy for me for some reason.


Think most people are use to the normal jump and then move and not move then jump. For some reason my keyboard or maybe its my visual experience because I am playing the game on the lowest possible setting. The game is very sluggish for me and when in combat I watch my companion gliding around with easy while I look like a tank moving across mud.

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It's not even the difficulty. It's that, well... MMO controls are not in any way, shape, or form designed for jumping puzzles. It's awkward, it's clunky, it's imprecise, and it's not fun.


The ones that you have to *think* about, like the one in Taris that you can see from outdoors but you have to go through a certain indoor area to actually get, are pretty cool.


Jumping puzzles should be saved for games you play with a controller.

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I love trying to get the datacrons, so far at least. Haven't gotten to the planets past Taris yet.


The only one I really object to is the one where you have to have 2 people to get it. For a game that brags about it's soloability, it seems a bit odd to me to make one datacron require a team to get. I don't want to put a spoiler here but it's a shard that my consular needs to make the appropriate cube for a force user and on the server I'm on, there's rarely more than 5 people on Taris at any given time. *sigh*


Other than that, I do enjoy the hunt and attempting to navigate to the datacrons.

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My thought, and it comes from a broader wish for MMO's in general, would be to involve actual puzzles rather than just jump/push button. Providing a way to solve some in-world puzzle would allow a little mental challenge and pretty much open the experience up to anyone. We already have semi-twitch related play with our combat... environment exploration is interesting to a point but not that meaningful without some actual mental variations (story/puzzles/world events).


Otherwise I'm having a blast. This is a polished MMO release and is fun.

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I love trying to get the datacrons, so far at least. Haven't gotten to the planets past Taris yet.


The only one I really object to is the one where you have to have 2 people to get it. For a game that brags about it's soloability, it seems a bit odd to me to make one datacron require a team to get. I don't want to put a spoiler here but it's a shard that my consular needs to make the appropriate cube for a force user and on the server I'm on, there's rarely more than 5 people on Taris at any given time. *sigh*


Other than that, I do enjoy the hunt and attempting to navigate to the datacrons.


Agreed, I didn't like the one in the Abandoned Power Plant because you need a teammate to activate the vent switch.

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Even worse is the one on Tatooine.'s Dune Sea Wait for balloon. Hop on balloon then go read a book or something, 'cause you're not going to be doing anything else for a good, long while. Oh and hope nothing gets screwed up at the end or you gotta go back and start all over.


Not fun at all. :mad:

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I really hate those Jump'n'Run episodes with the datacrons. Mostly because it focuses on the player's skill rather than the supposed skill of the character you are playing. Roleplaying used to mean that you could play almost anthing you set your mind to, because the system behind the game provided the means to emulate skills that you, as a player, don't posess.


I could play a bard without being able to hit a tone in real life or pose as a juggler while normally I would all fingers and thumps. Nowadays I feel much more limited in what I can successfully represent in modern computer roleplaying games.

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If I would have the power I would fire the joker who tought it would be amusing to combine MMO controls, jumping and lore objects.


50% the time my character will not jump fully when pressing space, just partially. That usually means a half jump that ends short.


I would not mind it if the controlls were ment for this but they are not, this is not Super Mario Bros.

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After a few tries,the fun gets totally sucked out for me when the datacron chase just becomes frustrating as heck. I don't mind the exploring for hidden passageways datacron routes, but the tightrope and jumping stuff gets old fast.


So, would it be possible to set duplicate datacrons without all the jumping around, but maybe protect them with brain-teasers instead, or a key you have to win off of a boss?


I also have to point out that I have two computers I can play SWTOR on, and they have vastly different feels for controlling the avatar. Wondering if BW computers made it easy to do these ant-trails?


AMEN! I suffer from a deplorable lack of coordination, which is why I never PvP. As such, I can't get a good portion of the datacrons. Having an alternative datacron hidden behind a puzzle or brain-teaser would be most agreeable. And to prevent duplication, make the datacrons linked in such a way that if you get one-for example datacron 23-that the alternative 23 is then locked out.

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AMEN! I suffer from a deplorable lack of coordination, which is why I never PvP. As such, I can't get a good portion of the datacrons. Having an alternative datacron hidden behind a puzzle or brain-teaser would be most agreeable. And to prevent duplication, make the datacrons linked in such a way that if you get one-for example datacron 23-that the alternative 23 is then locked out.


I love this idea!

I also don't enjoy the 'too-much-jumpy' ones. Theres one in Nar shadaa that I coud not get - my toon jsut didnt seem to want to jump right for those pipes and after attempt 30 - I gave up in total frustration. Frustration isn't fun. The ones on tatooine (not the balloon ones ,might skip those because a half hour to GET there and then possibly mis-time the jump and have to wait a long time for the balloon again is SO not fun) were much more fun (cliff jumps, tunnles to run through etc etc).

I do love the puzzle idea though (a la Rift) and the fact that it would lock out the 'other' datacron.

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I don't mind doing the jumpy jump once. But the thought of having to do it over and over for each alt is not a activity I look forward too. While making the routes complicated is a good thing, failing 1 jump and having to repeat a 10 minute exercise (more than twice) isn't. Some people may claim these are "optional" but I disagree. I just don't feel I've completed a planet unless I've gotten titles and codex entries available.


I agree 100% that datacrons aren't really optional. Anyone whose taken the time to get every datacrons in the game is going to have a considerable stat advantage at level 50 as other players the same level who haven't collected any. Especially since after the first few planets the stat bonus rewarded starts to jump in value; +2, +3, +4, etc.


That being said, I don't really agree with the repetition bit. Granted, it's only actually fun for me the first time tying to solve the riddle of how to reach the datacron. However, this is also the only time the jumping/climbing gives me any kind of trouble. I only say that as someone who has had to continuously roll alts since launch because my friend can't make up his mind about what he wants to play and I've not gathered all the datacrons on the starting planets, Coruscant, Taris and Nar Shadaa at least 3 or 4 times. Even considering I found half of them back in Beta originally, I still find that I can generally just blow right through them as long as I've done it at least once. I get that not everyone is good at that kind of thing, but to each is own. You can't be good at everything, unfortunately.

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