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Everything posted by Tenor

  1. One more vote to be able to disable this stupid thing. I often play at work on my netbook which means I have much less screen space to work with. That damned thing keeps getting in the way. :mad::mad:
  2. Well I for one will no longer buy any cartel packs after this BS. They took something useful and made it into an extremely expensive paperweight, all to appease the whiny mat farmers who were no longer making 500% or more profit
  3. I'm having this same issue, but if you manage to kill one before the evade kicks in, it will stay dead and you get the xp.
  4. How does jumping around indicate outside-the-box thinking? To find the path? Sure I can see that to some extent, but then you have to have neurosurgeon-like coordination to get it. To get about three quarters of them. That's ludicrous.
  5. No you can't, which is why I don't complain about not getting any PvP content or gear, but when more than half, heck at least three quarters of the datacrons require Swiss timing and moves that should only be attempted on a console game, then something is seriously wrong. If the concern is that the puzzles will become pointless once solved then randomize it a bit. Take Zelda Ocarina of Time for example. One of the puzzles in the Forest temple required you to put together four picture blocks to make a single picture. If you didn't make it in the time allotted, the puzzle reoriented itself and you had to start over. That puzzle was more a speed trial than anything and didn't require any jumping. A speed trial would probably be acceptable for some of the datacrons, but give us more cerebral-oriented players some love, too.
  6. There's a bit of a trick to doing that, but it's possible and not too difficult. At the southeast end of the Fort, near the building where the republic security is torturing the girl, you can jump up on the rocks and "climb" up to that plateau. Then it's a matter of walking around towards the missing area. If I knew how to do a video capture I'd make a video of it.
  7. Not everything can be included in launch. You need to learn how logistics and project management work.
  8. AMEN! I suffer from a deplorable lack of coordination, which is why I never PvP. As such, I can't get a good portion of the datacrons. Having an alternative datacron hidden behind a puzzle or brain-teaser would be most agreeable. And to prevent duplication, make the datacrons linked in such a way that if you get one-for example datacron 23-that the alternative 23 is then locked out.
  9. Both of you have points. As a member of the legbit community I would also like to see same gender as well as bi romance opportunities. But the logistics involved in producing that would increase exponentially, starting from the script, plot development, talent recording and then game programming. I have faith that it will happen, but it will not happen immediately. When it does, what I'd like to see is rather than make every companion romancable by either gender, hard-code which companions are gay, straight or bi. Will some players be disappointed that their character can't romance the companion they'd like? Sure, and thus they get to experience more reality in their game. Do you have any idea how many awesome guys I've wanted to date happened to be straight?
  10. Just because you are denied access to aligned gear does not make it a punishment. It just means you are not being rewarded. A lack of reward does not constitute a punishment. Punishment would be if your stats suffered penalties because of your choices. Besides, the Devs said there would eventually be gear for the neutral inclined players. Neutral meaning those who collect both dark and light side points. Patience, my friend.
  11. What Gitchasome said... Splicing is your pocketbook's best friend. That and looting every bloody thing you can.
  12. The Cathar codex entry can be found on a plaque next to the Cathar refugee. It should be available to anyone regardless of mission availability. I can't find the Mon Cal or Kel Dor entries.
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