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My Hopes For The Upcoming Expansion.


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1. Story! Lots and Lots of story!!! Since we will never be getting more class stories, then over load us with faction stories.


2. No more lazy fade to black taxi rides.


3. Story, Story, and More Story!


Whats are your hopes?

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whats wrong with the taxi rides? One of the biggest complaints was having to sit here watching the taxi move when all they really want it to go from A to B in as quick as time as possible to actually play.


As for story, it will be as immerse and expansive as you want to make it. It will have some elements but it will ultimately be what you make it.


I would just settle for progression and balance.

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More content that can be done solo. Maybe a new companion.


I'm not very fussy, SWTOR (or any MMO) is not my life; heck, I haven't even logged in for three days because I ordered the complete Patrick O'Brian Aubrey-Maturin series of books from Amazon and have been immersed in them. I'll return to the game in a few more days and will play along until I decide to read something else or finally break down and watch all ten seasons of Grey's Anatomy, which I've thus far resisted.


SWTOR is a good game; for me, it's as entertaining as most MMOs, but after all is said and done it's just one form of entertainment -- it's just a freaking game and while I'll be pleased with any expansion, I'm not going to get all giggly about it.

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A new romanceable good-looking companion. Preferably male and romanceable by both genders.


New Makeb-style story. Meaning, no FPs or OPs required to end the storyline. Of course raiders should get their OP, but it shouldn't be needed to finish or progress the storyline.


Non-tactical, longer FPs with bonus boss (and without lots of champion enemies who just artificially lengthen the FP)



I know that's just wishful thinking, but BW would make me so happy if they did this.

Edited by Sorei
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You do know that they made the taxis fade to black because people were complaining about the long travel times of taxis right?


And now you are asking them to not do what people asked them to do?


Or do you just not want them to fade to black and instead have everything clip in haphazardly while fast traveling to the taxi point?

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You do know that they made the taxis fade to black because people were complaining about the long travel times of taxis right?


And now you are asking them to not do what people asked them to do?


Or do you just not want them to fade to black and instead have everything clip in haphazardly while fast traveling to the taxi point?


keep using logic we're going to break the forums..maybe even the internet.


well also by my logic internet would have been broken along time ago...maybe it is and we just dont' know it which is why logic doesn't work. :cool:

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You do know that they made the taxis fade to black because people were complaining about the long travel times of taxis right?


And now you are asking them to not do what people asked them to do?


Or do you just not want them to fade to black and instead have everything clip in haphazardly while fast traveling to the taxi point?


When it fades to black it should play this music:


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1. Story! Lots and Lots of story!!! Since we will never be getting more class stories, then over load us with faction stories.


2. No more lazy fade to black taxi rides.


3. Story, Story, and More Story!


Whats are your hopes?


1. Yes Bioware, please give us more stories that we can "skip-skip-skip" through so we can come back to the forum a week from the expansion's release and whine about having nothing to do.


2. No more annoying and tedious taxi rides. NEVER again do what you did on Corellia and Voss but mostly never again design a taxi system like Alderaan's. Having to sit through 5 minutes of a thranta flying over THE ENTIRE planet is so annoying I dread ever having to go to Alderaan ever again. Please, more fade to black taxi rides. We don't drive the vehicle. There's absolutely no point in seeing the ride.


3. See 1

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- New non-class Companions. A handsome fella and a pretty lady, both with pleasant sounding voices (y'know, not like Tharan's or Qyzen's) and the ability to fulfill more than one role, would be perfect. Romanceable or not, I don't care.


- More solo story/quest content. I hate to do solo quests and then not get to see the conclusion of the story because it requires a group! Grouping can be fun sometimes, and I definitely want to see new ops released, but I enjoy meatier story content when I can do it at my own pace and without people that don't care and just want to zoom through.


- An expansion of the macrobinocular/seeker droids, or some new system like it, would be a fun addition.


- More than one planet this time.


- A new species or at least new character customization options.


Wishful thinking, I'm sure. :p

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2. No more annoying and tedious taxi rides. NEVER again do what you did on Corellia and Voss but mostly never again design a taxi system like Alderaan's. Having to sit through 5 minutes of a thranta flying over THE ENTIRE planet is so annoying I dread ever having to go to Alderaan ever again. Please, more fade to black taxi rides. We don't drive the vehicle. There's absolutely no point in seeing the ride.


Heh, I once went to the bathroom after getting on a thranta taxi, had a nice long bowel-movement, and when I came back I still wasn't at the end of the taxi ride :p


As for the other points, I don't agree... story is the core of this game, if you don't like story and you just skip through it, you might want to look for another game.

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You do know that they made the taxis fade to black because people were complaining about the long travel times of taxis right?


And now you are asking them to not do what people asked them to do?


Or do you just not want them to fade to black and instead have everything clip in haphazardly while fast traveling to the taxi point?


i haven't seen a single post on these boards asking for that and i would have argued vigorously with that person. Taxi rides add continuity and a chance for some perspective. The ones that fade to black strike me as cut corners.

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Yes, the 3 poster above get what I am saying about the story. As to the taxi rides I and many others love them (The only ones I dont care for are the skyhopper taxis, becuase i cant see my toon).
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Honestly, one thing that would make my game experience much better and at ridiculously low cost to Bio is new handsome companion customizations for the existing male companions, and some to change them into different species.


I am pretty happy with the game, I am enjoying it.


I am resigned that no new content for a Female player in the main story of the game is forthcoming.


I actually find that there are too many companions already for a comfortable play-through.


But having a purely cosmetic improvement like that would be really-really-really nice to relieve a human or ugly thing. It won't impact any other players.


And Gus as a Nautolan would be great too.

Edited by DomiSotto
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1. Yes Bioware, please give us more stories that we can "skip-skip-skip" through so we can come back to the forum a week from the expansion's release and whine about having nothing to do.


2. No more annoying and tedious taxi rides. NEVER again do what you did on Corellia and Voss but mostly never again design a taxi system like Alderaan's. Having to sit through 5 minutes of a thranta flying over THE ENTIRE planet is so annoying I dread ever having to go to Alderaan ever again. Please, more fade to black taxi rides. We don't drive the vehicle. There's absolutely no point in seeing the ride.


3. See 1


I personally see Corellia's tram system has like my favorite transportation. The only issue with alderaan is that the taxi just follow the trails rather than going has the crow flies.

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I personally see Corellia's tram system has like my favorite transportation. The only issue with alderaan is that the taxi just follow the trails rather than going has the crow flies.

I agree. Alderaan travel would be much improved if the Thranta flew directly to it's destination.

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You do know that they made the taxis fade to black because people were complaining about the long travel times of taxis right?


And now you are asking them to not do what people asked them to do?


Or do you just not want them to fade to black and instead have everything clip in haphazardly while fast traveling to the taxi point?


I disagree. Right after RotHC released I posted a thread saying that Makeb was easily the most beautiful world created yet and it was a shame that the taxis did not fly around so that we could see more of the map. I'd say 90% or more of the responses in the thread agreed.


I think the problem with taxis that you and others are relating to is their speed. Specifically on planets like Alderaan where they are unbearably slow. I agree with that sentiment. Certainly speed them up, but I'd still like to enjoy that ride to see the world a few times. After a couple months when that is boring then I can QT.

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I would love it they went back to the old speeder way being able to see where you are going. As long as I got bombs I could drop on other player of both factions that killed them in an instance and force them to go to med center verse being able to use medical probe.
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I disagree. Right after RotHC released I posted a thread saying that Makeb was easily the most beautiful world created yet and it was a shame that the taxis did not fly around so that we could see more of the map. I'd say 90% or more of the responses in the thread agreed.


I think the problem with taxis that you and others are relating to is their speed. Specifically on planets like Alderaan where they are unbearably slow. I agree with that sentiment. Certainly speed them up, but I'd still like to enjoy that ride to see the world a few times. After a couple months when that is boring then I can QT.


Well, I guess it also depends on the planet. On Corusant and Nar Shaddaa there is very little to see during the taxi ride (and depending on zoom, taxis also disappear).


That said, I don't mind quick travel taxis, I find them very annoying on Corusant and Nar Shaddaa or if it's a pretty long ride.

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And now you are asking them to not do what people asked them to do?



Yeah, folks also be like " ERMAHGEEERD TIONESE SHOULDER PADZZZ!!1 " , but, whoopsie, what's going to come around in the new packs, due to great demand? :p


Folks be weird like that :p

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As for the other points, I don't agree... story is the core of this game, if you don't like story and you just skip through it, you might want to look for another game.


I did like the story and no, the first couple of times I didn't skip through it.

But we have to be realistic with our expectations and demands.


Story, in the form of class stories, has close to 0 replay value. It will pull in people for about a month and then...that's it. Let's not kid ourselves that the game is in a state that can afford the production cost of something that's most likely not even going to make back its cost. The game's not new anymore and it definitely didn't do as well as they originally hoped. Why do you think The Return of the Gree keeps coming back? Or why the Bounty Week is one week every month? It's an easy (and cheap) way to get people to come back.


And it would be underwhelming even if they did it, because continuing the stories would mean that they'd either have to:

a. send us back to the old planets that we've probably already seen 1 trillion times each, for a couple of missions

b. create at least half as many planets as the original release and call it a full expansion.


I don't think the latter is going to happen any time soon.


So, to sum up, it would be great to see new class stories. And hopefully, if we ever do, they won't be cheap repetitions of what we've already done with different enemies in slightly different places. Nor will they be so few that will end up disappointing more people than they please.

It won't happen, though.

No matter how much we ask for it or how many times we stomp our feet and say 'I'm leaving if you don't' they won't. Because they can't.


And I'd rather see new stories in the form of new Flashpoints and Ops (even though I'm no longer doing either), than hopelessly wait for a big class story continuation that's never going to come in the state the game is in (which, let's face it, is never going to get much better).


I'm just being realistic here.

Edited by TheNahash
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What would be nice is the option to fade-to-black all the taxi rides. I enjoyed the scenery the first times I adventured on a planet, and in fact I would have liked to soar over the mesas of Makeb at least once. But the option to short-cut the taxi ride after I'd seen it a dozen times would be nice.
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What would be nice is the option to fade-to-black all the taxi rides. I enjoyed the scenery the first times I adventured on a planet, and in fact I would have liked to soar over the mesas of Makeb at least once. But the option to short-cut the taxi ride after I'd seen it a dozen times would be nice.


I could get behind this. Kind of like how some space through convos now.

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1 - More companion interaction: The ability to start talking to your companions again and get their take on the galactic situation.


2 - More use of story specific characters BH AND SW SPOILERS

The warrior becomes Emperor's Wrath then all he gets from the Hand is a few Messages. I feel like such characters should play a more important role in expansions. Another example would Darth Tormen if the BH teams up with him at the end of chapter 3.



3 - Class based side Missions: BH spoils

Even if you aren't picking up the quests directly via dialogue. it would still be nice to get some class themed side missions. You can become a Mandalorian after chapter 2 of the BH story, but that only ever adds up to a few references. Maybe while you're running around Makeb Mandalore could ask you to serve him some way instead of pretty much making you a mandlorian for the novelty of it.


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