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Juggs/guards are destroying WZs


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They pop focused defense and every vanguard in the warzone suddenly explodes as they heal to full because vanguards are the new squish.


Rolled on the floor :D


Imo they don't destroy wz. After took again my dusted guardian and played a bit, I realised that they are still very slow and easy to kite. Good sorcs/snipers are still big pain in the *** for guardian. Additionally, guards have relatively long cooldowns of defensive abilities (of cooldowns lol). Of course, 1v1 they are very powerful and probably overpowered, but in regular fights, when SW and ED are on cooldown you become squishy, as all other dps classes are. So, the problem is basically about arenas, but in 2.8 you can just mezz jugg when he pops ED, and it will wear off.

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Its mostly that they have an "I can't die button" that also heals them to full.


It's called "Juggernaut guards Operative". With those two, you essentially end up with a pair that

  • can't die unless one of them disconnects or falls asleep while facerolling,
  • prevents all DPS from taking significant damage to their health bars,
  • has access to decent crowd control, and
  • is agile as ****.

Edited by Laurreth
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Jugg A guards jugg B and jugg B guards jugg A.


A takes 100 damage but 50 points of that goes to jugg B, but 25 points of that goes to jugg A, but 12 points of that goes to jugg B but 6 points of that goes to jugg A, but 3 points of that goes to jugg B, but 1 point of that goes to jugg A.


That one point of damage hops back and forth between them - it can never go below 1 because all attacks that do damage will do at least 1 point of damage and it can never stop existing because guard machanics dictate that each one must take one-half of whatever damage is being dealt.


They pop focused defense and every vanguard in the warzone suddenly explodes as they heal to full because vanguards are the new squish.


post of the day xD

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ED is being reduced down to 10 seconds in the patch coming in a couple of weeks. You know proper monarchies only have one sovereign while our serene PVP board kingdom here seems to have at least 20 drama queens reigning at once. This isn't a natural form of government we have here, fellas.


Visit the PTS board. You'll find that a lot of grievances are addressed there and if they're not going to make it in the next patch, they're going to try to get it into the schedule of the patch after that. The developers are really active over there too.

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This guy complains about literally everything...


The guy has a legitimate argument. Bioware is plain out horrible when it comes to buffing/nerfing classes. Totally screws the game play/mechanics every time they place a class in "god" mode. It's getting old. Painfully, they dont care and they even care less about PvP.

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The guy has a legitimate argument. Bioware is plain out horrible when it comes to buffing/nerfing classes. Totally screws the game play/mechanics every time they place a class in "god" mode. It's getting old. Painfully, they dont care and they even care less about PvP.


If you look at his post history you will see that he's just trolling "for fun". If you've got a specific complaint, start a thread and bring details and facts into it. Threads that start like this one are completely useless to a dev and most players.

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ED is being reduced down to 10 seconds in the patch coming in a couple of weeks. You know proper monarchies only have one sovereign while our serene PVP board kingdom here seems to have at least 20 drama queens reigning at once. This isn't a natural form of government we have here, fellas.


Visit the PTS board. You'll find that a lot of grievances are addressed there and if they're not going to make it in the next patch, they're going to try to get it into the schedule of the patch after that. The developers are really active over there too.


Oh so they will heal to full in 10 seconds. How is that going to fix anything. More stupidity. They need to make it only active to 35% health like PTs.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Because they're fotm, there are loads and loads of them. This means that everybody is guarded. They even guard each other. If your team happens to have less juggs than the other team, it's a loss. You end up with close to zero kills and it's nearly impossible to take a node against this new aberration of an OP-on-purpose class.


Since it's WZs you are talking about, your argument doesn't amount to much more than QQ. Yes, JK/Juggs are FotM. I'm sure there are a lot of people dusting off their JK/Jugg and giving them a whirl in Regz. Who cares? It's Regz. Big deal if someone wants to regstar a FotM class.


How do current JK/Juggs effect the Meta in Group Ranked Arenas? That's the real question. Are they OP in Group Ranked? I haven't seen an argument that they are.


And why do people continue to QQ about FotM classes so much? At this point, doesn't everyone have one of every AC (or their mirror) by now? Just play one yourself. Enjoy the regstar hype. WZs are trash anyway. Just have fun.



Makes an operative when jugs are fotm,


Bad luck Brian



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Normal warzone


On another note, we didnt lose because they had five juggs and we "only" had three guardians but it kind of shows what people play at the moment. We deserved to lose against any constellation because only one guy on our team was remotely interested in going for the ball. The other six were dueling somewhere. I spent most of the game trying to find my team mates. Also, love to have those 1200 exp people on my team.

Edited by MidichIorian
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1. You can't guard a play who is guarding another, or if you are being guarded yourself. So please cut the crap about that.


2. Focused/Enraged Defence is getting nerfed (and probably will more in the future), so no need to worry about that,


3. Plenty of changes coming, so please head to the Test Centre and start commenting about the changes before they happen, instead of whining about them months after their implementation.

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The guy has a legitimate argument. Bioware is plain out horrible when it comes to buffing/nerfing classes. Totally screws the game play/mechanics every time they place a class in "god" mode. It's getting old. Painfully, they dont care and they even care less about PvP.


You just cry because the pathetic stun lock and kill PUB game style does not work on Juggs now, so it must be nerfed.

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I have 2 juggs and i agree they are op. i destroy any class and can fight 3-4 people at a time. They need the nerf bat and soon.


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLS nerf me I am too good can't take it anymore. Give me a f@#$% brake!!!!!!!!!

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