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How many Cartel Packs have you bought and were they worth it?


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Going into a purchase for a pack, you can't have the mindset of:


Which is how they get you, I know. That's destined for upset.


Understanding that, can I say a Cartel Pack is worth it? Every single one. I knew what I was getting into. Sometimes the packs were more than worth it by a bajillion points.

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Going into a purchase for a pack, you can't have the mindset of:


Which is how they get you, I know. That's destined for upset.


Understanding that, can I say a Cartel Pack is worth it? Every single one. I knew what I was getting into. Sometimes the packs were more than worth it by a bajillion points.


basically :D


personally I was going with a mindset of.. I'm getting a rep item, or maybe certificate. all the other stuff is cherry on top. I've gotten a few nice items from my GTN bought packs. nicest (read most expensive) is probably Bantha.


whatever sets I wouldn't end up getting, I'd just complete buy buying missing pieces directly.


but that incidentally explains why I tend to be constantly broke :p in game. make up some credits and immediately spend them on shinies. I'd like to say its compensation for actualy having to stay on budget in real life :D

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  • 2 months later...

I've bought packs and in more recent times crates. While I've had luck in the past for example pulling 3 cathar swords from single purchase packs the hour it was released I would say I have had far less in recent times.


While some may fume I know that the odds for premium drops these packs changes. The recent club vertica pack has to be by far the least lucky crate/pack of all time. Yellow cores have only dropped from those who have purchased over 13 hypercrates and the walkers a little better. Those scratch card chronic gamblers wreak havoc on the GTN when they throw all their filler up for next to nothing. If you don't have any more room in your cargo and can't get 5k for selling the item the only choice is to delete the item. Yes, rest assured nobody will ever want those nine bracers of underwater armor ever, nor will they want the lime green czerka shirt.


Up until this last pack I have been fortunate to get most of the premium items featured in the packs. I can't say it was worth it because just about everything was undersold. As I type this I realize I have the hallmarks of the asymptomatic chronic gambler. That said I'm truly glad the Cartel Market is a success and I attribute all the new content after the Makeb expansion the result of their revenue.

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My two cents here.. well, more like a quarter:


My pack purchases are usually in spurts, although I'm finding my purchases occur less often now. First, because of the cost of swapping out mods, my toons tend to find a suit and stick with it. Secondly, I've felt a little burned by the quality of the items sometimes. When you've been wanting a set and little graphical glitches occur, it's very de-motivating. I don't trust the gear to look / perform as it does in previews anymore. Finally, it's rare that I can't find the equipment I want in the GTN anyway at a decent price.


Mounts aren't a huge factor for me. I don't collect them. My toons usually get assigned a vehicle that goes along with whatever gear scheme I've chosen. I also ignore pets.


I don't purchase packs in hopes of getting a specific item. The risk / reward is too much of an unknown for my tastes.


I bought a bunch of the crystal packs mainly because it was fun. I like color crystals. And it was fun for me to buy a bunch and see what I got. The decision though was based on "I like crystals.. this is fun", not "how is this stuff going to sell".


In terms of selling for credits, I've purchased packs and an occasional hyper crate to sell. Recently, I've done a character rename or two. I'd rather sell packs than gear. True, it is fun scoring and selling a super expensive item but I also end up with a ton of garbage that doesn't move. I'd rather just sell upfront and let someone do the gambling.

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The only thing I used real money to buy was a hypercrate one time. It was NOT worth it. The rest of the time I usually just spend my monthly CC allotment on random packs. I've never gotten anything particularly memorable. I'm just not very lucky I guess.


Moral of the story = never use your real money to buy Cartel packs. Just use your monthly coins you get for free from being a subscriber.

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I don't understand why people who complain about being burned (or that its a scam) don't just SELL the packs and buy the item right off the GTN.


You have to open packs with an attitude that its just for random fun to see what kind of items you get.


Buy what you want off the market instead of rolling for it.

Edited by Arkerus
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I like the packs and will quite happily spend a few hundred buying crates.


The deal for 14500 coins costs me about $120 when the exchange is figured in and for me it makes sense. I have more cash than credits, relatively speaking, and while I won't go and buy credits directly (would love it it BW sold credit packs) my time is worth a lot more to me so I would rather spend money get packs and then get credits rather than grinding or dallies for credits.


The math does not work for me the other way. I can spend an hour farming for credits and get about 200k ish or I can spend $120 which takes me about 30 mins to make and get up to 20 million credits from it, the choice is obvious.


I don't care about having the latest gear (stat wise), I will buy it but I will not farm it, but I do care how my characters look as they all have a certain theme to follow and a back-story to live up too

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I've bought tons but never any with CC beyond my free monthly allotment.


I generally buy them to endeavor to make a profit for whatever reason ( if I really think about it I don't know why but I just like having lots of credits ) and I also enjoy the thrill of the gamble ( I lucked out on the actual gambling event with 2 rancor, a bunch of certs and a vectron for roughly 1mill creds spent before I stopped ).


Recently I bought 2 of those Starcluster packs with my CC and got a dathomir rancor out of them which I flicked on for about 10 mill so that was cool.


More recently I've got a ton of crystals from packs I'm sitting on waiting for the market to rise ( nothing so far worth much more than 1 mill ) and I bought most of those for 300-500k. The mount packs I also bought up quite a few when they were 300-500k also of those and did quite well out of grabbing a couple of hoverchairs and a throne amongst a variety of other 500-1mill mounts.


The grand acquisitions pack was quite good too though I only bought a couple of those netting myself a couple of items worth roughly 1 mill from 1 pack ( current gtn prices ) though I can't remember what they were as I only just bought that one and it's at home.


As for the regular packs those are kind of annoying really - so much junk that has to be flicked on to the GTN for the risk of getting something good. Same as the recent grand packs in terms of risk but at least with those you only had 1 item to worry about and often that 1 item was worth a reasonable income.


So yeah all in all I think they've been worth it so far but I can see why people who open hypercrates get annoyed. I've opened one recently and probably broke even on it over all.


If however you are just after that 1 item for yourself I agree you are better off working to make a profit other ways and buying. My flavor of choices is crafting and gathering and making nice profits off GTN so I need something to spend my money on ( used to spend a fortune buying mods etc. for my gear to get it to best craftable state possible but now with ult comms it's really not worth it just to min/max for 2 million odd an item - I'll take the lesser optimized comm gear any day ).

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So, I've seen a lot of forumites talking about how people buy cartel packs and it got me thinking how do people here *actually* purchase and was it worth it?


Now, just to be clear, I am talking about the packs, not equipment, cosmetic, unlocks or anything else.


I've bought a grand total of 3 and I got;

Red's Bracers

Red's Belt

Rascal's Toothpick (This was great timing with my just started Smuggler!)

and some Sniper Rifle and Assault Cannon. I still have yet to figure out what to do with the crafting/reputation stuff since I'm not crafting or level 55 for reputation.



didn't get that good of stuff either. not worth it imo.

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I enjoy chance packs because I know what I'm getting into when I spend CC (usually it's CCs that I've passively earned through my sub). It's very similar in nature to a booster pack and I find it quite entertaining.


Obviously people should never buy one expecting to get anything of value in it. If it happens, great. If not, it was fun opening it regardless.

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I bought about 5 and none were worth it.


Gambling is gambling. Maybe if they had been more legacy gear in them I might could see the benefits but otherwise I skip them now.


The odds are just stacked to high against the gamer.

Edited by Quraswren
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Since I missed the Star Cluster packs the first round I went ahead and snagged three Hypercrates.


Picked up a Rancor and ton of armor and other mounts. 4 Color crystals.


Pretty happy with it. Plan to by a couple hypercrates on those older packs. Its pretty cool they are releasing them in some capacity again.

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