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So what do you want that is not already coming? Future Content wish list!


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1. Cross Faction "Fleet Station" Open PvP area ~ with each instance population capped at 24 v 24 or so.

a) WZ comms earned by whichever side controls the bar area at a rate of 1 every 5 to 15 seconds ~ but only in full instances. Setup to backfill instances properly, with a swap instance button in the respawn area.

b) respawning turrets that protect elevators ~ each faction gets 2 elevators at cardinal points, respawn areas "downstairs"


2. Relic slots for companions. Mainhand stat holder for c2 & 2v. The ability to rename companions & alter their body type.


3. +Accuracy color crystals (craftable). Crafting recipes for grade 7 & 8 crafting materials.


4. Endgame gear vender that sells mods slotted for droid gear pieces in exchange for endgame currencies.


5. a new planet & a level cap increase. ~ but it's safe to assume this will happen at some point

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1. Space zones for each planet where I can fly my personal starship or fighters around killing npcs and mining for resources (to make ship upgrades).

2. Multi-person starships, which include personal starships and guild ships where there are gunner positions, pilot, engineers, and other roles.

3. Remove most weapon restrictions. Why can't I be a Shadow with a single bladed lightsaber, or a commando with a blaster rifle, or a smuggler with a sniper rifle, or a marauder with a double bladed saber? My weapon preference should not dictate my class.

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- Class stories past Chapter 3!


- Single person mode FP's and OPs just for the story, so nobody yells "skip!"


- Legacy guild, so I could enroll all my toons into one guild - or make 500 unique guild members in a guild, not just 500 guild members


- Legacy server transfer discount, not 1800cc for 14 toons;


- Legacy item bank for spell components and such;


- More character titles (Sith, Smuggler, Sniper, Lady - simple and interesting);


- Light red/red dye for my Inquisitor, I want that Inquisitor's robes dyed like Nylite vestments;


- Quick travel every five minutes for Legacy Level 50;


- Priority transport/item modification station/crew skill items vendor/gifts vendor on my ship.

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1. When queuing for PVP it would be nice to have the option to choose to do a regular wz or an arena. The dread of getting stuck in a 4v4 is a major pvping deterrence for me. The toons that I play the most automatically get focused (sage/sorc & mando/merc), so, I don't really have a chance in them.


2. Continue to let Malavai Quinn to die a 1,000 deaths or allow an optional quest to kill him off... for good. Oh, well maybe we could kill a few others off too --like Skadge or Kaliyo.


3. Allowing all races to use all hairstyles---at a price.


4. More facial customizations. Nothing new needs to be created just work with what you already have. For instance, give the #1 head the lips on #4 head---mix and match em' up.


5. There may not be class story continuation ( :( ) but maybe if our companions could mail us a letter every once in a while it might just satisfy that "want" a little bit.


6. I wished that weapons could match gear somehow.

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1. Zenith romance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2. Updates to romances that were rushed or left hanging. Numen never comes back; that Jonas fellow Trooper ladies are sighing about needs expansion. Iresso's story is a blaster that never fires. Pierce and Tharan at the very least need to go beyond the current state. Failing that, a couple of recruitable romanceable rogue-class comps on the Fleet with adventure -quest style romances for a straight female PC. Open Malavai and Kalyio; Iresso and Kira as bi-sexual romances.


3. Player-Driven Customizations for Companions - including species. More here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=737340


4. Beacons - a player's temporary 1-use quick travel point to be able to return to the mission you had to leave.


5. Ability to place a companion in a carbonite-freeze


6. Elevate female friendship to the status of courtship so the female player has at least some chance at gaining affection with Ashara Z after reaching 3,000 affection (make the Pub Memo loved, if not favored).


7. Healer kit add-on available for all companions.


8. New crafting schematics


9. Nautolan and Togruta as playable races or as races for new male companions. Or at least customization for Guss to Nautolan and Doc to Togruta.


10. More Easter eggs for KOTOR2 characters.


11. Pazaak :)


12. Ability to buy more words per one letter in the mail in the game.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Suggestion forums would be better suited for this, but since I know you're just going ignore that and insist that's okay to do so.


I really only have a small list of things.


1.) Togrutas.

2.) Red Core or Crimson Color Crystal.

3.) Dark Green and Medium Red Dye Module.

4.) Hood up version of Thana Vesh's armor.

5.) Curved Hilt Lightsabers on the CM.

6.) ---------------.


I like those, but I'd add


7. More races; Nautolan, Kel Dor, Nagai

8. More Planets, with class content. (no terminal quests)

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More guild love!!!


1. Guild Calendar on character selection screen.


2. Guild mail by guild leader and officers to all in guild.


3. Can we pretty please get a GUILD RECRUITER on the fleet and starter planets? the guild recruiter would have a searchable list of all guilds with a guild leader written description of the guild with a minimum of 1 page "available" to them. Once a player applies to a guild a mail would be sent to the guild leader and officers, it would allow you to accept or reject the player EVEN IF THE PLAYER IS OFFLINE.


4. when a guild member joins or leaves the guild it would be nice to have a mail tell the guild leader.

Edited by Santay
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1) Solo and Small group end game that provides on par rewards with SM raiding.

- as an extension of that, I'd love to be able to do special dungeons with my crew instead of real people.


2) XP buffs across the board to where a subscriber can essentially level with mostly story quests, space, and PvP in a rapidly short time. Alone with this, the ability to disable XP games for people who want to take it slow. (this may be in already, idr)


3) The ability to downscale while still getting max level rewards. This way you can go hang out on your favorite planet and help people do the Heroics while still gaining appropriate rewards.


4) Cross server grouping, queueing, and realm visiting. This way people don't feel as hampered by a declining realm and can always find others to play with.


These are just things that would make the game more to my tastes...they're likely not popular desires.

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I would suggest they look at the links in my sig.


But, to be more specific with a list....


Pazaak & Swoop Racing

Hood Toggle (or more up/down models)

More craftable Armour Dyes

Day/Night and Weather Cycles for some planets that can support it

Legacy Mail (or at least add legacy names to drop down list in mail)

Cross faction guilds (or guilds based on members instead of characters that can hold both sides)

Barber Shop (Done Right!) & more creation options (new hair, tatoos, jewelry, & species)

PvP and PvE Arena Duels... Tournament structures even (I suppose community could also organize those)

Server Transfers

Saved Spec and Quickbar/UI setup (which can be switched on the fly with a small cooldown)

Animal and multi-passenger mounts

Saved Appearance Tab

More interactive objects (chairs/beds, in specific areas I assume, like ships/cantinas)

Healing UI Options (Health Text on Focus Target, Target of Focus Target frames, Click to Cast, Mouse-over-healing)

More UI customization (Color change, Raidframes, buffs, debuffs, flashing proc's, fix for mouse over chat/group pane working with keybinds)

Quest Sorting and different color icons for Class and Heroic Missions (on map and above NPC's)

Mod Vendor improvements (sort, sort by stat, etc.)

Improvements to Crafting (Suggestions in my sig)

Chat Bubbles with toggle on off (at least for group use)

Color and stat crystals separated! (or just stats removed from crystals and easy augments added instead)


And more from my personal wish list....


Ability for subscribers to earn an extra 100 cartel coins in game each month by in game activities (probably crafting is the best bet, but could also allow subs to purchase coins using credits with a large ration (1000 EC to one CC))


Ability for group leaders to summon group members to the leaders location, with a similar QT cooldown


Animal and droid combatant companions that can be used instead of current companions. They would have certain native abilities and certain ones that could be learned/trained. Think expansion of the HK system without a storyline. This way players could have a truly personalized companion. There are plenty of animals with abilities as well as combat droids in the game.


Ability to summon our other characters as our companion for a short time...call it a "Legacy reinforcement" or something like that. You would be able to call in one of the other members of your legacy to fight by your side for a short time, length of time based on your legacy connection choice with that character.


Solo bolstering in PVE, similar to PVP bolstering for truly solo play ability. Basically the bolster would only work outside of a group and when you have no companion summoned, and would boost only your health and energy pools to add survivability during PVE solo play.


Add multiplayer to current PVE space combat system, both turret play for group members and the ability for members to join you in the pipe in their ship.


Guild capital ships and/or space stations.


Mission generator for bonus daily missions like the one in my sig.


Have all points of interest on a map displayed once you open the map area instead of only close objects with a toggle if you desire to reduce clutter. Also, an ability to zoom the map instead of the cursor zoom option.


Ability to set the order of the characters displayed on my log in screen.


Add the personal starship improvements listed in my sig.

Edited by LordArtemis
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A good request


1. Weequay (if not Weequay another one of the species we see in this game)

2. Hood up down robe for Republic and Imperial

3. More gear based on faction instead of a neutral "everyone can wear it deal"

4. Less Spikes on gear as this has worn out its' welcome with "A LOT" of people in this game.

5. A set of armor like Grandmaster Satele's.

6. A true level 10 Red crystal with bloom effect "not candy cane red, or cheery twizzler red, crimson red."

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1) Legendary Weapon Quest Chain - Quest chain would be by weapon type and there would be a quest for main hand and off hand. Weapons would be orange gear so that they could continually be upgraded. When main hand and off hand were combined it would give the user a 2-set piece bonus.


2) Guild Cross Faction Chat - Guilds are expanding across factions. Giving these guilds a way to communicate with members on both sides to organize raids rather than having to depend on third party comms would be beneficial.


3) Open World PvP Dailies/Weeklies - No big organized system. Just provide a daily/weekly, "Get X number of open world PvP kills," that would award comms. Even if this was limited to a planet like Oricon to earn complete that would be fine.


4) Expanded End Game - End game should not be limited to the current status quo of Operations. Most MMO's at close to 3 years in have 3-4 different types of large scale PvE end game content to participate in.

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I know, very, VERY low on the priority list of this game, but I would really like to see Zabrak characters actually have eyebrows for a change. Easy to implement I would think. They've had them in SWG, KOTOR, and other Star Wars games so its not particularly unprecedented. Also, more hair and horn options for the Zabrak and other species. The amount of customization seems rather limited IMHO. Thoughts?
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1. This: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=731747 (cosmetic appearance tabs so we can actually use all tis cartel stuff)


2. Global/Legacy Unlocks for GSF ships, mods, etc. It's a side game, no reason for it to be character linked for achievement. Allow people to play from all their alts and get the same experience instead of forcing people to level up the side game on each character.

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1) get rid of credit cap

2) unlimited operations and warzones for prefferd

3)balance pvp

4)more planets like mannan and kassyhkk

5)more kotor lore armor sets like atris and kirea

6)apperance desginer to use credits instead of cartel coins

7) dye packs go into collections

8) collections costs credits to unlock instead of coins

9) more operations and endgame content

10) make a new title and ahcivement for getting both adv classes to lvl 55

11) make better dye pack colors

12) make better armor something new and not just reskinned crap

13) let preffered use guild repairs n be able to use withdraw and deposit in guild banks

14) sell your time cards at every gamestop in america

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I guess one thing that is a big deal to me that I didn't realize til now is that I like to make big beast like characters in mmo's (as a playable race).... something this game will never have. Edited by Malckiah
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UI: customizable Color

UI: some proc watch system


Game: Character Story.


Content: Randomized 2 Heroic skirmish Dungeons for up to 2 players + companion. With random setting, oponents, bosses, mini stories... Maybe turn the crafting crew missions into this (join your crewman on mission).

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Refurbish useless World Bosses.


Any World Boss solo-able by a level 55 currently could be rejigged to either be more of a challenge, made more worth the spawn time, or less of a pain to find. My view is skewed by a certain level of impatience brought on by games which also force you to camp mobs, though objectively the reason to bother with these guys aren't really apparent to me. They aren't a challenge, their loot isn't desirable, and the XP made from other means I imagine can dwarf what you'd get in the time you might need to take waiting for these. That leaves novelty and cheevos. Awesome.








If you take these same unique monsters, place them into an instance scenario that obeys lockout rules like Toborro's Courtyard, beef their stats and add desirable drops to their loot pool; that could raise interest levels toward these guys above 'whatever' and utilize them as better content than they currently are now. Alternatively, shift their spawn time to thirty minutes in accounting for wandering higher-level folks. That'd probably be a lot easier.

Legacy-wide datacron bonuses perk.


I will literally pay EA/Bioware to not have to find all those datacrons again to have them applied to my character automatically at 55.


PVP specific rewards that are actually PVP specific/PVP reputation vendor


Valor is basically a reputation system of it's own anyways. Add cool armor sets, mounts, and titles that aren't all recolors that start at 50+. Alternatively, adding this vendor with the ability to purchase rep tokens with coms would give people already in min/maxed new tier of gear something to do between updates.


Cartel pack items shifted to reputation vendors after a year in circulation.


Anyone who wants to look like a special snowflake already has, and everyone else just hates you for making content they won't otherwise access. They still have to grind for it, and you can still make these items prohibitively expensive.


More inter-companion interaction


What made KOTOR 2 amazing is that your crew members actually interacted in front of the player, reinforcing party dynamics, adding character flavor, and in general making your ship feel more alive.

Loot option that include class specific priorities based off of classes main stat.


It's not a huge deal, but if a Warrior and a Sorc both roll need on a cunning implant the Agent needed, the Agent should have a priority no matter the roll. This could curb accidents and ninja-looting in casual flashpoints.


Make purchased legacy perks carry between characters


One million for HK, every time?

More Achievement specific titles

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