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Everything posted by SlayerGopher

  1. Sorry OP, but those same words you use to describe TFA also were said about Trransformers: AoE and neither movie was all that fantastic.
  2. There's a blog? Really? Hmmm. Learn something new all the time. Danke.
  3. Thank You and I have one question, didn't there used to be a skill Battle Readiness? or am I mis-remembering?
  4. Hi. i'm a returning player, but I can see there have been a boatload of changes since I was here, just as 3.0 dropped. But I cant find the guides to explain a LOT of the changes, specifically like; to classes, companions (what the heck happened to how we gear them now? Can we even get lvl 12 and what does that mean within/out the storyline, etc,?). Thank You.
  5. Hey, I've been away for about a year or so, Right as 3.0 dropped and i can't seem to find anywhere that lists changes to Shadows from 3.0 to 4.0 short of reading *all* the patch notes but without then also searching each skill individually Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  6. Wait Since when is joining a guild with one char only legacy wide? I never saw/heard/read that anywhere..
  7. Yeah, I've seen the latest email, but not the video. I unsubscribed to the all-inclusive for EA's products, they weren't creepy to me, I just found them to be annoyingly vague and pointless. If i want to watch something randomly stupid/pointless I'll just watch something off of one Youtube and cut the EA middleman out of the picture entirely.
  8. Yeah, I saw that and my first thought was for TOR for a few seconds in, but by the end all I was left with was a 'what the heck was this and why did I waste my time watching itf?'
  9. It didn't look bad, but I had to facepalm over the scene with the epicly stupid stormtrooper and the detonator on the wall. Did he go to the bathroom during Explosives 101? I'd like to have high hopes, but some of the scenes in the trailer have me waiting and seeing first instead. Beyond that though, did anyone notice that all the new lightsaber handles and how the ls blades are so thin? A friend pointed this out after seeing the inquisitors lightsaber looks like a rapiers' with the swept hilts and how all the new blades were so much smaller and thinner than the movies or the clone wars cartoon.
  10. True, but I found i was never exactly rolling in money either, even with selling trash loot, dropped credits,etc. and it being my first char, I had a repair bill that was probably higher than it should have been since I wasn't playing my Sentinel very well, but even with all that said and done, I found credits to be tight without supplementing them, especially shopping on the GTN (there was no CM when I started), when you wanted some better gear than through Commendations.
  11. So, I was doing some thinking as I was looking through the GTN and I started wondering about money, or more specifically how set were you for money with your *first* character? I know I hear enough people here boast how they have more money than the GNP of most industrialized nations. But with your very *first* char and your very *first* playthrough were you worried about money? Did you try to make money or just didn't worry about it since you had enough to get you through? For me personally, I never really gave money that much thought until my repair bills and than when I looked on the GTN for stuff I wanted for my Sentinel so I tried working the market with Artifice for hilts, made enough to keep my repair bills paid before it stopped being an issue by level 47-50 or so and wound up around a steady $2 million bank account when I was using her regularly.
  12. I'ts not a matter of it's a problem of spending X dollars on the game for CC's. The question was how many cartel packs and did you feel what you got was worth it, not the quantity of CC's. An example is that purchasing 10,000 CC's isn't the same as buying 10,000 CP's and feeling satisfied for what you got out of them (or not).
  13. No, I understand. And it's true, that the CM was useful as an injection for needed cash into the game at that time and still is. But (and this is going OT on my own thread) the feeling may be that a large focus by the team is *on* the CM rather than other areas, not that that is true.
  14. Interesting so far on how Cartel Pack purchases are viewed. It seems to be an either all (hypercrate) or almost nothing decisions on purchases, at leeast on the majority of replies so far.
  15. I like those, but I'd add 7. More races; Nautolan, Kel Dor, Nagai 8. More Planets, with class content. (no terminal quests)
  16. Why did you expect it and why get them then? (not a critcism btw)
  17. If we're going to have lettuce can we make mine Romaine?
  18. So, I've seen a lot of forumites talking about how people buy cartel packs and it got me thinking how do people here *actually* purchase and was it worth it? Now, just to be clear, I am talking about the packs, not equipment, cosmetic, unlocks or anything else. I've bought a grand total of 3 and I got; Red's Bracers Red's Belt Rascal's Toothpick (This was great timing with my just started Smuggler!) and some Sniper Rifle and Assault Cannon. I still have yet to figure out what to do with the crafting/reputation stuff since I'm not crafting or level 55 for reputation.
  19. Okay, quick question since I didn't see an answer to this when I was looking. The question is Agents don't have a buff ability ala Force Might/Valor, Lucky Shots (Smuggler), Endurance (or the correct name) for the Troopers? Also, the shiv you get as an equipment item in the class quest on Hutta, how does that work? As in do you need to hold onto it in personal inventory or can you store it away? The item just states its stats like regular equipment.
  20. How do you pull that one off? I don't remember being that an option on NS.
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