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Lettuce be real this is the best MMO on the market.


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Indeed, why else would I be playing SWTOR and not another MMO?



Well yeah, the theme helps plus the fact that I am fairly loyal for no good reason but still...

Edited by Gokkus
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The others are not even close.

You're welcome to your opinion. Since you felt the need to post this, do you also feel it's ok for other people to post "this is the worst MMO on the market"? Both are valid opinions, correct? Neither is expressing anything more than the other is, just the opposite feeling, right?


I actually agree with you, which is why I play, but I think it's silly to post a thread like this about something as personal as your opinion.

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You're welcome to your opinion. Since you felt the need to post this, do you also feel it's ok for other people to post "this is the worst MMO on the market"? Both are valid opinions, correct? Neither is expressing anything more than the other is, just the opposite feeling, right?


I actually agree with you, which is why I play, but I think it's silly to post a thread like this about something as personal as your opinion.


Hate to break it to ya' 99.9% of all post are just somebody's "opinion" . This one, and yours too.

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Hate to break it to ya' 99.9% of all post are just somebody's "opinion" . This one, and yours too.

Mostly true, but the difference is, most threads are meant for debate or to bring something up that a player deems important. Starting a thread just to say "I LIEK PIE" is stupid.

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You're welcome to your opinion. Since you felt the need to post this, do you also feel it's ok for other people to post "this is the worst MMO on the market"? Both are valid opinions, correct? Neither is expressing anything more than the other is, just the opposite feeling, right?


I actually agree with you, which is why I play, but I think it's silly to post a thread like this about something as personal as your opinion.[/quote



Y u mad? Look at my post history bro. I never blasted anyone saying this is the worst mmo. Get off deez nutz.

Edited by Walpurulis
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Nuts! You got a chili reception!


I don't understand why people love to hate on this game, it drives me bananas. I mean, they like pecan every little thing apart and criticizing things are aren't even really problems. It puts me in a pickle, because I think this game is, MMO-wise, the best thing since sliced bread, and I want to correct them but frankly I don't have the thyme to keep up with each new wine.

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Nuts! You got a chili reception!


I don't understand why people love to hate on this game, it drives me bananas. I mean, they like pecan every little thing apart and criticizing things are aren't even really problems. It puts me in a pickle, because I think this game is, MMO-wise, the best thing since sliced bread, and I want to correct them but frankly I don't have the thyme to keep up with each new wine.


I am hungry now.


But I do love this game. Its the only MMO to hold my attention since SWG- and that game sucked!

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I'd say Guild Wars 2 is a lot better even though I play TOR more.


I play TOR more since the setting is more appealing, I'm part of a roleplaying guild and have been roleplaying quite a bit here already.


It simply is a lot smarter designed than TOR, easier to use. It shows that Arenanet has more experience with MMO's and also that they didnt get restricted by EA. If GW2 was published by EA, it would have been the same thing as GW1 but with fancier graphics and a subscription fee that offers extra benefits to subscribers.

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I'd say Guild Wars 2 is a lot better even though I play TOR more.


I play TOR more since the setting is more appealing, I'm part of a roleplaying guild and have been roleplaying quite a bit here already.


It simply is a lot smarter designed than TOR, easier to use. It shows that Arenanet has more experience with MMO's and also that they didnt get restricted by EA. If GW2 was published by EA, it would have been the same thing as GW1 but with fancier graphics and a subscription fee that offers extra benefits to subscribers.


What's missing for me in GW2 are raids.

The fact that they didn't implement the trinity makes real coordinated PvE raids impossible.

(Don't get me wrong, I don't think they should implement it. The game is just not designed to offer that and that's ok)


I enjoy GW2 in a lot of other aspects and I play it for the content it has to offer.

But for an endgame PvE feeling I'll always come back to SWTOR

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I read title "Lettuce is the best MMO in market" :D

I love swtor cuz it's freemium; I don't have to stop playing even if I couldn't afford subscribe every single month, and continue subbing when I have more money to use

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