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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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You like PvP? Warm up your spreadsheets, get into market PvP and make millions. :)

That's boring and that isn't real PvP. I don't want to waste my time doing math and analyzing spreadsheets of a market. I play a game to have fun, not work.

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So, if we're going to label all PvE activities as 'PvE' (regardless of whether people like, or even attempt, doing them), then we really should label all PvP activities as 'PvP' (regardless of whether people like, or event attempt, doing them), right?


That would mean that GSF and the GTN are 'PvP'. Really no other way to describe them, if we're going to be absolute in our nomenclature.


Galactic Starfighter is only (currently) accessible if one wants to play against other players. One cannot (currently) put a group together to take part in free form space flight combat without the enemies being other players. So, whether it is popular or relevant to the ground game is immaterial. GSF is still a purely Player versus Player activity.


And, yep, the Galactic Trade Network is purely PvP as well. Every single item placed on it is put there by a player. Every single item is bought by a player. Every single undercut, flooding of a particular market, or ludicrously high listing is made by a player. I'll admit that it lacks the charm of blasters and lightsabers, but yes, the GTN, one of the best ways of making credits in TOR, is a purely Player versus Player activity.

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That's boring and that isn't real PvP. I don't want to waste my time doing math and analyzing spreadsheets of a market. I play a game to have fun, not work.

Do this:


1. Queue up your 5 companions for gathering missions. It takes a few clicks and 15 seconds.

2. Go do PvP.

3. 45-60 minutes later, spend 15 seconds doing that again.

4. Go do more PvP.

5. Repeat.

6. When you're on the fleet, swing by the GTN.

7. Sell everything you have for 1 credit less than the cheapest price.

8. Go do more PvP.


With practically no effort whatsoever, you could make more money than you could doing dailies, (and will have infinitely more fun that those that grind dailies)

Edited by Khevar
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1. Queue up your 5 companions for gathering missions. It takes a few clicks and 15 seconds.

2. Go do PvP.

3. 45-60 minutes later, spend 15 seconds doing that again.

4. Go do more PvP.

5. Repeat.

6. When you're on the fleet, swing by the GTN.

7. Sell everything you have for 1 credit less than the cheapest price.

8. Go do more PvP.

I'd add:

While in queue do a few pve dailies like on ori ... if you get them done, good - if not - wayne, it's just a darn daily.

Get the vials

Sell the vials


No extra time spent (dailies aren't fun, but they are better than hopping up and down on the fleet, no?).

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In my personal opinion, dailies are less fun than chewing on broken glass.


Yeah, you are right. Well, more like chewing on aluminium foil... (it doesn't REALLY hurt... but...)

Dailies are the kind of "content" that no one should want. The daily part is nothing but 'streching it out for the powerplayer or mindless grinder'. Sad.


I dispise dailies that don't get done while I'm doing what I like*. The pvp daily i.e. is nice for me: I get a bonus for what I would want to do in game anyways. :D Most PvE dalies are just... repetitive work. The Bounty ones are kind of cool, though. They should really use more randomness in generating pve daily content. So it's not "free the next damn 5 idiots from their crashed pod's" for 20 days in a row. Mini 2+ heroics + instances all over the planet(s) would be cool.


* If anyone now things there MUST be stuff that you get forced to do that you dislike: NO. Plain and simple. Game. Daily chores should stay the **** out of games.

Edited by chillshock
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Except they are. So are pvp dailies not PvP because they're just dailies? Ignorance at its finest.


Do you label all player versus player activities as PvP?




Is the GTN PvP?


Technically materials gathering could be considered PvP since it sometimes become a race to see who gets to the mats first.


Aw hell, some of the Dailies you refer to as PvE are PvP simply because there is something that needs to be clicked or collected and others can race in before you and click/collect it and then you have to wait. PvP.

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Discussion what is and what is not pvp is ridiculous.


I'm sure everyone knows that "gtn, crafting, gathering, running and chatting" are not pvp. No one talking about pvp is referring to those unless you want to start playing lawyer and get off on twisting words. "PvE = Player vs Environment - are you including or excluding walking in station?" ... what a bunch of crappery.


So - refrain from senseless categorizing even if you know better.

PvP is 'fighting another player or other players'. That part in the game where one needs to respawn in the end.

PvE is the same, only the oponents are scripted.

Everything else is neither. (No pve player would consider crafting pve, or anyone who 'enjoys pvp' would consider GTN-trading part of that enjoyment).


Arguing over the semantics of these words is just senseless 'no real arguments'.


To sum it up:

- PvE has a slight advantage because you get several dalies.

- PvP has the advantage of always working towards top level gear, no matter what you do.


It's a matter of taste & preferrence if you consider that difference ok or not.

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Discussion what is and what is not pvp is ridiculous.


I'm sure everyone knows that "gtn, crafting, gathering, running and chatting" are not pvp. No one talking about pvp is referring to those unless you want to start playing lawyer and get off on twisting words. "PvE = Player vs Environment - are you including or excluding walking in station?" ... what a bunch of crappery.


So - refrain from senseless categorizing even if you know better.

PvP is 'fighting another player or other players'. That part in the game where one needs to respawn in the end.

PvE is the same, only the oponents are scripted.

Everything else is neither. (No pve player would consider crafting pve, or anyone who 'enjoys pvp' would consider GTN-trading part of that enjoyment).


Arguing over the semantics of these words is just senseless 'no real arguments'.


To sum it up:

- PvE has a slight advantage because you get several dalies.

- PvP has the advantage of always working towards top level gear, no matter what you do.


It's a matter of taste & preferrence if you consider that difference ok or not.


The point here is that the OP is claiming that it is unfair to PvP'ers that they have to do the PvE dailies because they are not fun and keeps him from playing the "fun" parts of the game.

And he is implying that PvE players have fun doing the PvE dailies which is ridiculous!

PvE players do not like doing the PvE dailies.

Just because they happen to be in a PvE format doesn't mean they are the kind of PvE we like doing.


The only reason I (and others) are drawing this to ridiculous lenghts is to make the OP understand that not ALL PvE is fun for ALL PvE players.


We are having just as boring a time as he is doing the dailies and for him to get his will and make the PvP players have dailies that make as much money as the PvE dailies would be exactly what he is crying about in the first place; UNFAIR.


In fact, it already IS unfair since PvP players can make more money from Dailies because there are PvP dailies that they complete by just playing the game the way they like it.

There are no dailies for leveling up a character or roleplaying or many other aspects of the game that PvE players prefer over dailies.

Sure, there are FP dailies, but not everyone enjoys FP's either, so that doesn't count.


The point here is that the OP is not being treated unfairly. The PvP population isn't being treated unfairly either.

Because PvE players do not enjoy the PvE dailies either and it takes away time that they could have spent doing the parts of the game that they think are fun, just like it does for the PvP'ers.

The fact that the Dailies aren't PvP, doesn't change that.

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In total agreement again:


Not all dailies can be considered "all pve-players get to do them". Heck, I often get tired of pvp... and do you see me doing dailies then? HAH! Noooo sir! If I am doing something each day that isn't fun - I expect to get paid. :D


My opinion:

So yeah... the dailies are there - they are really easy to do in full pvp gear, so.... anyone who really want the credits: Off with ya - do the dailies. Or instead: get a job, get the money, buy the cartelpacks, sell the items -> have credits. It's probably more efficient, more helpfull and healthier. If you like the job it is most definately more FUN.

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In total agreement again:


Not all dailies can be considered "all pve-players get to do them". Heck, I often get tired of pvp... and do you see me doing dailies then? HAH! Noooo sir! If I am doing something each day that isn't fun - I expect to get paid. :D


My opinion:

So yeah... the dailies are there - they are really easy to do in full pvp gear, so.... anyone who really want the credits: Off with ya - do the dailies. Or instead: get a job, get the money, buy the cartelpacks, sell the items -> have credits. It's probably more efficient, more helpfull and healthier. If you like the job it is most definately more FUN.


So we are in agreement then? The OP's arguments doesn't have a leg to stand on.

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The only point in all this is probably: Dailies suck. No matter if you are a pvp or a pve player.


If pvp'ers would get... like an infinite amount of dailies in a row to do each day...

The same would have to get introduced for 'real PvE playser': those that ONLY do flashpoints and ops.


That would actually stop forcing PvE players to do dailies. xD


(maybe) an interesting idea:

Add a 2...4...8..16 ....32... n system for daily pvp and a 1...2...4....8... n system for Flashpoints&Ops.

So... you can do it, but it takes more and more effort. *shrugs* But that's not really the "daily" then... more like "bonus rewards".

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If pvp'ers would get... like an infinite amount of dailies in a row to do each day...

The same would have to get introduced for 'real PvE playser': those that ONLY do flashpoints and ops.


PvP gets a whopping two dailies, PvE gets like how many?

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PvP gets a whopping two dailies, PvE gets like how many?


PvP gets two dailies and all the PvE dailies. PvE gets all the PvE dailies and the two PvP dailies. If you don't do what is available it is no ones fault but your own.

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no repairs


medpacs and adrenals are optional


warzones are quick


1 - PvP exclusively for one day and then go repair. You'll see that you're wrong. There should be none, but there are.


2 - They are no more "optional" than they are in raids. To think so is just ignorant.


3 - I can do the full CZ-198 Daily circuit in about 10 minutes. ONE Voidstar lasts nearly twice that long.

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1 - PvP exclusively for one day and then go repair. You'll see that you're wrong. There should be none, but there are.


2 - They are no more "optional" than they are in raids. To think so is just ignorant.


3 - I can do the full CZ-198 Daily circuit in about 10 minutes. ONE Voidstar lasts nearly twice that long.


1 - Well that's a bug... and it's not comparable to the repair costs of PvE.


2 - Well they are... you can't compare dying in an Op to dying in PvP.


3 - Yeah, but you can only do CZ once per day... It would be comparable if you could only do one Voidstar per day.

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