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My Main GSF char has something like 50K per ship for 6 ships - and loads of fleet req - But my lower level newbies are yet to master a single ship. I was wondering whether in my absence whether there was a way to transfer Requisition between characters..... I can't see a way and a internet search hasn't thrown up anything.

I've not been flying for well over a year, but I'm back and really loving it. :) Okay, I'm Still a bit rusty, but loving every minute back in the pilot's seat! - And still got the talents for the super-quick/evasion scout. - Yay!


OFC I do the daily and weekly (and more) and transfer ship coms with CCs - but running out of CCs TBH, and no so well off IRL to blow loads of money on mere pixels.

Any help would be appreciated. THX.

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My Main GSF char has something like 50K per ship for 6 ships - and loads of fleet req - But my lower level newbies are yet to master a single ship. I was wondering whether in my absence whether there was a way to transfer Requisition between characters..... I can't see a way and a internet search hasn't thrown up anything.

I've not been flying for well over a year, but I'm back and really loving it. :) Okay, I'm Still a bit rusty, but loving every minute back in the pilot's seat! - And still got the talents for the super-quick/evasion scout. - Yay!


OFC I do the daily and weekly (and more) and transfer ship coms with CCs - but running out of CCs TBH, and no so well off IRL to blow loads of money on mere pixels.

Any help would be appreciated. THX.


Sounds like you're doing everything you can do. There is currently no way to transfer requisition between characters. Every character has their own separate hangar that you get to start fresh on.


Using Cartel coins can speed up the process to get one specific ship upgraded quickly but it is far from necessary. I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to use money, GSF is one of the least pay to win free games I've ever played.


Welcome back to GSF glad you're enjoying it again and if you have anymore questions let me know!

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That kinda what I thought - though with ground PvP you can buy comms packs that you can transfer between legacy.


Still, it's ok to grind out all the upgrades again - I'm re-learning a lot which I thought I would remember.... but don't.


I feel embarrassed not to be scoring medals like crazy like I did in the old days - but I'm sure I'll get there.


I love the fast-speed + evasion / early 1st cap in domination, but is there a rough scout build that's good for TDM? - as I'm a scout pilot at heart - any good scout strategies for Deathmatch. - With Mastered ships I was a bit of a GS killer - but it's not so easy without the full build.



and BTW I love the GSF community - friendliest in game, I reckon.

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How do you turn around quickly? Do you need to use the A and D buttons in addition to the mouse movement? If not, what do you use that roll thinggie for on the AD? Just to change the angle at which you are coming to the objective?


Is it better to just stick with shooting the primary weapon? In the tutorial, you can fire both primary and lock on the secondary at the same time, because the training drone does not have two targeting areas. But a ship has 2 targeting areas, so you cannot use both weapons simultaneously. So how do you chose one over another?


Will the interface look the same when a secondary weapon is ready to fire as it does in the tutorial (double or triple red triangles) and that's when you need to release the right mouse click?

Edited by DomiSotto
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Technical answer: All ships pitch faster than they yaw, so when making a hard turn, you should roll 90 degrees and pitch.


Captain Dummy talk answer: Pitch is up and down - like nodding your head, to look a the ceiling or floor.

Yaw is turning your head to look down the length of your arm.

Roll is not easy to do with a head- coz it's attached to your neck, but if you could swivel your face so your chin and forehead swap positions.....


When flying, if the target marker is at three o clock, or nine o'clock, roll until it's at 6 or 12 and pitch (pull up) or dive (down)


Remember that at slower speeds, you can make sharper turns - good for dogfighting if you're trying to out-turn one another - not so good if there is another ship on your tail, or a gunship all powered up!

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How do you turn around quickly? Do you need to use the A and D buttons in addition to the mouse movement? If not, what do you use that roll thinggie for on the AD? Just to change the angle at which you are coming to the objective?

You pitch (up/down) faster than you yaw (left/right), so keeping your target "above" you is the best way to keep it in your sights (and, if someone's chasing you, rolling and pulling up is a decent way to get out of their sights if you're out of boost). Fastest turn is somewhere between 1/3 speed (hold S) and dead stop (hit X).

Is it better to just stick with shooting the primary weapon? In the tutorial, you can fire both primary and lock on the secondary at the same time, because the training drone does not have two targeting areas. But a ship has 2 targeting areas, so you cannot use both weapons simultaneously. So how do you chose one over another?

Usually you want primary. Range is the normal reason you wouldn't, followed by your target's distortion field/charged plating being up.

Edit: If your target is in the firing cone for both weapons, you can use both at once. If they're being evasive, you're usually given a choice between trying to land a missile or pick at it with guns.

If you have heavies or burst lasers on your ship, shoot at charged plating even if they don't have the armor ignore talent. They have to get hit a few times before they figure out you don't, and most targets aren't willing to just sit there while you play like you're killing them.

As for distortion field, the best you can really do is make them burn their other missile lock break, either by firing or just holding the lock.

Will the interface look the same when a secondary weapon is ready to fire as it does in the tutorial (double or triple red triangles) and that's when you need to release the right mouse click?


The red triangles (and beeping noises) are to indicate a someone trying to get a missile lock on you.

Your lock in progress should be a crosshair over your target closing in with a different beeping noise. The crosshair stops closing in when you get the lock, and the tone changes. It stops if they use a lock break.

Edited by ALaggyGrunt
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Is it better to just stick with shooting the primary weapon? In the tutorial, you can fire both primary and lock on the secondary at the same time, because the training drone does not have two targeting areas. But a ship has 2 targeting areas, so you cannot use both weapons simultaneously. So how do you chose one over another?


Will the interface look the same when a secondary weapon is ready to fire as it does in the tutorial (double or triple red triangles) and that's when you need to release the right mouse click?


Unless I've misunderstood the question:


You can use both at once. When in range with both weapons:


If you have blasters and a lock on missile, when the target is inside both targeting circles, you can lock on a missile and release it while firing blasters by holding left and right at the same time, or clicking left and holding right, depending on the RoF of your blasters.


When using pods, which have the narrowest firing arc of any weapon, you can click right whenever you get the chance (target within inner circle) while still firing blasters.


Railguns are the only weapon that you can't use alongside blasters. I'm quite poor at that, but watching videos of good gunships (sriia/dakhath in particular, imo, also drak) shows artful switching between primary weapons and rails that we can both try to practice :).

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Is it better to just stick with shooting the primary weapon? In the tutorial, you can fire both primary and lock on the secondary at the same time, because the training drone does not have two targeting areas. But a ship has 2 targeting areas, so you cannot use both weapons simultaneously. So how do you chose one over another?


As long as you keep the enemy ship lead indicator within both targeting areas you can use both weapons simultaneously. If we bring this into the context of you using rocket pods on the T1 then its usually best to fire both weapons when you are jousting someone in a head to head or shooting someone from behind as they attack someone else.

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Thank you, and forgive me these kindergarten level questions. I know I do not understand something very basic, so I just want to make triple-sure that I got it right. So, I actually was trying to do it right. Well, maybe it will go better.


I don’t see the picture of it on Dulfy, but what does it mean when an enemy ship is behind a square with a hatchet? Does it mean that it is behind an obstacle?


Is it useful at all to shoot down the red mines, sensors, repair drones?


Can I use the green repair drone and how?

Edited by DomiSotto
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Thank you, and forgive me these kindergarten level questions. I know I do not understand something very basic, so I just want to make triple-sure that I got it right. So, I actually was trying to do it right. Well, maybe it will go better.


1. I don’t see the picture of it on Dulfy, but what does it mean when an enemy ship is behind a square with a hatchet? Does it mean that it is behind an obstacle?


2. Is it useful at all to shoot down the A. red mines, B. sensors, C. repair drones?


3. Can I use the green repair drone and how?


1: Yes.



A: Yes, outside the mines denotation range (larger than its trigger range)

B: No, they're a totally harmless waste of blaster power.

C: Yes.


3. With a ship that has one as a component option, of course. There are three ships capable of repair: Type 2 bomber (legion/warcarrier), type 3 strike (clarion/imperium) and type three scout (spearpoint/bloodmark).


Unless you mean to be repaired by it, in which case just fly up to it. The strike doesn't deploy a drone, which is better as it can't be shot down, and worse as it doesn't last as long (drone getting shot notwithstanding) and you have to be near the strike, rather than a particular location of a drone (visible on the map).

Edited by MDVZ
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Thank you, and forgive me these kindergarten level questions. I know I do not understand something very basic, so I just want to make triple-sure that I got it right. So, I actually was trying to do it right. Well, maybe it will go better.


I don’t see the picture of it on Dulfy, but what does it mean when an enemy ship is behind a square with a hatchet? Does it mean that it is behind an obstacle?


Is it useful at all to shoot down the red mines, sensors, repair drones?


Can I use the green repair drone and how?


That's correct, enemies behind obstacles get hatched out. It also applies to deployables, but it's harder to see because deployables have smaller squares.



Shooting down enemy deployables depends on the situation. Usually killing them is the job of T1 Gunships with Ion Rail, but here's what you should do, if you don't have Gunship support.


Mines have a 3 second arming timer. If you shoot them before that time is up, they'll just disappear. If you shoot them after they're armed, they'll explode like they have been triggered. Make sure you're away far enough to not get blown up and if possible don't shoot mines while someone else of your team might be affected by the detonation.


Enemy Sensor Beacons debuff your team and enemy Repair Probes buff the other team, so usually it's a good idea to kill them. You can ignore both those devices if you manage to kill the enemy who deployed them fast enough - if you're not sure, kill the device first.


It's always a good idea to kill Interdiction, Missile and Railgun drones. While mines only detonate once, drones are a threat as long as they're up. Drones have a longer cooldown than mines, so if a drone gets removed, it will usually not be used again for a while.


Hyperspace beacons should be killed as soon as possible.



If you want to get repaired by a drone, just fly close to it and wait until it engages. The drone may need some seconds to engage. Use drones close to cover, so you can hide behind something while getting repaired.

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Thanks folks. :) I appreciate it. Wish I could tell it made a difference. :(


Practice makes the most difference. However, from what I remember, you fly T1 Scout most of the time and have unlocked all T1 variants. If you like flying Scout you might want to try the T2 Scout (Flashfire/Sting) as soon as you have enough fleet requisition. Switching to the T2 Scout back then made a noticeable difference for me - especially the BLC & Clusters.

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I don't think it really matters. Even with a non-ideal ship someone who can hit something will hit something. Oh, well.


The T1 scout is one of the more challenging ships as far as marksmanship goes, especially in the Cannons + Rocket Pods configuration that is most often used.


The T2 scout with Burst Laser Cannos and Cluster Missiles makes hitting cannon shots slightly easier, but the targeting area for Cluster Missiles is more than 5 times bigger than the one for Rocket Pods. They lock quickly enough that the lock time isn't a problem in the way it is for most other missiles.


I feel like when stock, the T1 scout is a little more survivable for highly experienced pilots, but the T2 is easier to use offensively and defensively pretty much as soon as you switch light laser cannons to burst laser cannons, turbo reactor to large reactor, and reinforced armor to light armor. That's 4000 requisition worth of swapped components for a pretty good beginner's ship, and it just keeps getting better in leaps and bounds with every upgrade after that.


Strictly speaking, you should also swap the engine to powerdive, but that can give new pilots problems with slamming into obstacles. Barrel roll is the weakest defensively, but it's the easiest to use without crashing accidentally.


The minelayer bomber, dronecarrier bomber, and T1 gunship (quarrel/mangler) also tend to give new pilots big rewards for small increases in skill and gear.


Also remember, that when you compare yourself to the last match you had, you may not notice the improvement nearly as much as another pilot watching over a few weeks would.

Edited by Ramalina
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Thank you. As soon as I get enough Fleet requisitions, I will get a T2 scout and try it after I can gear it up.


I have a Mangler, but the scope mechanics is not something I have ever done before. I have enough comms on the GS to upgrade it from barebones. I should really give it a shot.


Again, thank you for the replies, and hopefully I can go for two or even three days without asking something silly.

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Again, thank you for the replies, and hopefully I can go for two or even three days without asking something silly.


Domi. There is no silly question.. Only silly people ;)

Ask your questions. We will answer it. And stop being silly. We won't bite you... Only our weapons will ;)

Seriously, ask away, Drak loves seeing this thread on the front page ;)

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Hey Drak.I receive more and more questions about aiming with Quads'n Pods. Could you make a video on that? My Pc is not capable of doing that. What I was hoping for, is a video inline with BLC accuracy vid made by Tomm







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Hey Drak.I receive more and more questions about aiming with Quads'n Pods. Could you make a video on that? My Pc is not capable of doing that. What I was hoping for, is a video inline with BLC accuracy vid made by Tomm








Yep I'm sure I can work something out. I'm pretty busy this weekend however so maybe sometime next week.

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I'm a returning player, my experience with GSF is limited to when it was launched up until a little before bombers were released. I haven't played since then. At the time, I was an OK pilot at least, working on my Flashfire as my ship of choice, but there were few if any maxed ships around then and I'm sure the meta has evolved considerably since that time.

So my question is primarily, what are the basics when it comes to dealing with bombers and how have they affected the meta compared to the pre-bomber days? I've read a lot of the beginner guides out there but they don't adequately address what I'm looking for.


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1: Bring support. Ion splash without someone to go kill the bomber is pointless unless the bomber doesn't know to LoS. Either be the guy with the ion railgun, or the guy with the scout.

2: No torps. Against a good bomber, you'll be lucky to land 1 in 5 even if you choose your time and angle of attack carefully. Time-to-kill is too long. BLC or slug rail are the best guns to kill bombers.

3: Your default firing position as a gunship should be below the sat. Most bombers like to orbit under the fins, and this means more chances to shoot them. If you have a gunship friend on top of the sat, you have a very dead bomber.

4: Don't get in a turning fight with a minelayer. Seismic mines hurt. A lot.

5: See drone, kill drone. They all kill you slowly. Rail sentries from 10km, and interdiction sentries just make you an easy target.

6: If you're careless, they will rush your gunship and drop mines on it.

7: If there are enough minelayers, you have to kill all the hyperspace beacons before you start killing the bombers, or just leave one and kill the owner.

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I'm a returning player, my experience with GSF is limited to when it was launched up until a little before bombers were released. I haven't played since then. At the time, I was an OK pilot at least, working on my Flashfire as my ship of choice, but there were few if any maxed ships around then and I'm sure the meta has evolved considerably since that time.

So my question is primarily, what are the basics when it comes to dealing with bombers and how have they affected the meta compared to the pre-bomber days? I've read a lot of the beginner guides out there but they don't adequately address what I'm looking for.



Since you're returning and I'm not sure how indepth of an answer you want I'm going to keep this brief and simple, if you'd like a more indepth answer please let me know.


Bombers are area denial specialists, they excel at holding a location from the enemy. In Domination this means they can use deployables to make the enemies life a nightmare if they want to contest the Satellite. In Team Deathmatch which is probably new to you, they can deny a large area of the map to the enemy team leaving a space for your team to retreat too or fire from.


There are a few weapons that excel at dealing with Bombers, however once entrenched Bombers are supposed to be difficult to dislodge by design. This means you really want to kill them before they get where they want to be. As Scout player you often want to hunt Bombers that are freshly respawning, destroying them before they get where they want to go.


The weapons that really help are Railguns on a Gunship as their long range lets fire at the Bomber without ever going into their area, especially the Ion Railgun which has an upgrade that lets it AOE down all the Bombers deployables.

Burst laser Cannon is another great weapon because it can have Armor Penetration as an upgrade and many Bombers use a lot of damage reduction. Bombers also like to use line of sight a lot and the Burst Laser Cannon is very good at getting shots on enemies that are trying to evade. However while using this weapon you will be in the Bombers area and must be very careful of their deployables, an easy trick is to watch their buff bar because you can see exactly when they activate a new mine or drone, this signals you to get the hell out of the way before it blows up on you.


The game has changed quite a bit since before Bombers were released there are many other new ships that have been released and many changes were made to the components you might have been used too. For example evasion was heavily nerfed just before Bombers were released and Ion Railgun has been nerfed multiple times since then.


I think the biggest change is that you can no longer just fly evasively on a Satellite and keep 4+ enemy pilots busy chasing you anymore. Bombers force players off of areas which really helped open up the Domination game. I remember sitting on a node doing loops for entire matches keeping many players busy on my own while my teammates just won the game somewhere else.


Sorry that was so long but I hope it helped answer what you were looking for. :)

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