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Name calling and personal insults does not a good experience make.


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Calling other players "idiots" and worse using foul language. I mentioned to a player no need for name calling and then getting cursed out for doing so is not good gamesmanship. This has happen across the 3 servers I play GSF on and both factions or similar incidents.


People it is only a game, not important enough to get upset about.


My final solution was to turn off all possible ways that another player may chat, whisper, trade, yell, invite, etc.


Would any of you put up with being called names and insults because you weren't good at a game? or didn't follow someone's direction who you do not have to answer to? In real life?


This no different than a cyber bully who keeps putting people down on GSF.


Yes I know I will get guff about this probably called a whimp or whinner or worse.


Keep in mind there are children on this game who are seeing how we interact with each other.


If I get at least one person to stop or help stop this kind of behavior I will be grateful.



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I'm not sure too many people who browse these particular boards are really into the whole name-calling treatment. I too see it as a big problem, personally I try to ignore it because these same people are going to be irrational when I try to calm them down and have been consistently.
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I'm called a hacker every other day it seems, more so on Jung'Ma. These people then have targets on their heads and die quickly.


I definitely get irritated when people don't listen after you provide them with a tactic that they straight up ignore. Not to the point of cursing out my team. Just things like "OMG CAP BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE SAT!!" or my favorite sarcastic comment when *my favorite example* calls for A and B on Denon but 2 people (that aren't in scouts) go C and die, so I'll say "So getting C was no problem, right? I sure love ignoring strategy :)". It may not be the nicest thing to say, but a lot worse can be said and isn't. Its not the nicest thing to tank someone's win/loss ratio.


This further emphasizes matchmaking - those try-hards in the OP probably don't want to play with new pilots anyways.... Then again, I feel that when they meet stiff competition, they'll put the blame on others regardless.


I now leave matches in those scenarios just because I DONT want to come across as a douche, and I know that'll happen if there are too many games back to back where our team is 1 vet + 7 2 ships against even 4 5 ship pilots that I can recognize. It's ultimately not worth it for me - they can die just as well without my help.


I DO send tells once in a while after a match that we win and say "Hey, gg - I noticed your 6% accuracy. Have you tried the tutorial yet? Definitely helped me when I started". I think that's a better way to go about it than raging.


Also note that Tom is vicious when it comes to bringing down other's self-esteem. He bullies me daily and even set my rank to Nerd on The Harbinger. I have been crying nonstop for 3 days now and he won't change it! Even our Ammo Hoe is more respected because at least he puts out :( :(

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Keep in mind there are children on this game who are seeing how we interact with each other.



I agree with you on principle. But man....if a little kid is playing this game, they are going to be corrupted by so many other things....GSF would be the least of my concerns.


It's also worth noting that there has never been a study that has been able to effectively equate children playing games online to having problems/issues in life. They've tried so hard to connect those dots...it's just not there.

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I agree with you on principle. But man....if a little kid is playing this game, they are going to be corrupted by so many other things....GSF would be the least of my concerns.


It's also worth noting that there has never been a study that has been able to effectively equate children playing games online to having problems/issues in life. They've tried so hard to connect those dots...it's just not there.


One guy swears the connection's there.

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I agree with you on principle. But man....if a little kid is playing this game, they are going to be corrupted by so many other things....GSF would be the least of my concerns.


I will tell a little kid that he's awful and should quit. Video games- especially ones like this one- are for adults*, and if kids play them it is with the permission of the parents. Permissive parenting has risks: one of them is that I'm gonna bruise your kid's ego. I'm not at TGIFs, I'm online, and I'm not going to hold back just because someone might be 11 or whatever.



*Yes, really. The game is rated Teen, with a bunch of disclaimers about online interactions. Most gamers are adults- over 2/3rds are over 18, and of the 1/3rd 18 and under, I can't imagine that most are actually KIDS- and this is no kind of safe space for a kid to not be scolded.






That being said, even mild criticisms are poorly received much of the time. In many games, both teams are whiffing at each other (foodships), and I get why that's hard and takes practice. But when I see five ships at C and it turns neutral because no one thought to be on the node, I will absolutely scold people for poor play. Not normally by name, but by zone. Does this make them more likely to play better? Probably. Does it improve their play experience? I don't care. It improves mine.

Edited by Verain
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I will tell a little kid that he's awful and should quit.




To be fair, it is usually the little kids that talk the most trash in games. This is why when I play games like Halo, etc on xbox live, I turn the sound off. Having to hear 10 year olds scream and talk trash with their high-pitched voices is just brutal. It's already bad enough that they're kicking my *** :p

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Sorry but I sadly and regretfully I have to say this. Welcome to the wonderful world of online gaming.


The online world period is a place of no consequences, people can say and do whatever they want. They can tell themselves its not real or it only words, if you don't like don't read it, to justify how they act (if they even think they need to justify it).


So far my experience with SWTOR on the whole is the type of behavior the Op speaks of are quite mild and somewhat rare. Now if this was DCUO you were talking about its almost constant.

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So no one cares about name calling or cursing from one player to another or others?


My question why is it necessary to do this at all? I see absolutely no point in it what so ever.


Sorry if I sounded "preachy".


This has been my problem all my life is having to put up with name calling and cursing I'm just plain feed up with it.


It is beyond my comprehension how anyone may get emotional about a game to resort to such tactics as labeling players who do certain things in this game as idiots, or morons, etc..


I am a retired disabled vet who has been in actual combat. That is something to get upset about, not some dumb game.



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I am a retired disabled vet who has been in actual combat.



So , like myself, you have already heard every known word of abuse used in at least a dozen sentences.


Anyway, as for the name calling, folk ain't going to change. Not the ones dishing it out, or the ones who reputedly deserve a quiet word about how to be an effective team member. Personally I think a Luger would be the kindest way to deal with some of them judging by their ability and attitude.


Now, did I see someone mention tacos... :rak_02:

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You know the drill.


So no one cares about name calling or cursing from one player to another or others? Given the current condition of the world and the fact that I married a redhead, cursing and name calling doesn't even make me bat an eye. Sticks, stones, words, etc.


My question why is it necessary to do this at all? I see absolutely no point in it what so ever. It's not NECESSARY. It just happens. Like myriad human traits, it's a bit of a mystery as to why. That's kinda sorta why a lot of people just ignore it. (Don Rickles turned it into a career. That's talent.)


Sorry if I sounded "preachy". It's okay. No one "cares". It's the internet. Hell, you should see the smile on my face as I write this. XD


This has been my problem all my life is having to put up with name calling and cursing I'm just plain fed up with it.Then the solution is to handle what causes you pain in the manner you best see fit, though I have to say - I'm at a loss as to how you expected THIS to help anything. It doesn't. You were better off with single-player mode, if poorly-typed insults on a screen originating from a video game cause you that much grief.


It is beyond my comprehension how anyone may get emotional about a game to resort to such tactics as labeling players who do certain things in this game as idiots, or morons, etc..It's called the human condition. We do crap like that. Pobody's nerfect. It's not an explanation or an excuse. It's also nothing to get butthurt about. Unless you really want to. Maybe that's how you handle it best. How the hell should I know? I stopped caring about eight paragraphs ago.


I am a retired disabled vet who has been in actual combat. That is something to get upset about, not some dumb game.AND YOU'RE UPSET ABOUT COLORFUL LANGUAGE?! Holy f*&^ing s&^%, man!


Come clean. You're trolling, aren't you. -bp



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I will tell a little kid that he's awful and should quit.


You are... actually a bad person. Wow.


(You're also wrong.)


I get to meet so few morally deficient human beings in a normal day. Thanks for filling my quota.

Edited by Kuciwalker
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Thanks all for their comments. At least I have entertained a few.


Even in the military I would bring to one's attention about cursing and name calling. I grew up in a house where I never heard foul language or name calling from any of my relatives or in school all the way through high school. Even in my community, none of this happened that I heard. I grew up in the 1950's & 1960's in a quiet community. Wasn't until I joined the service that I heard foul language. One time I brought it up to the Drill Sergeant I thought I would never stop doing pushups the whole time being cursed at and called all kinds of names.


Still stand by my statement it is not necessary to cuss and call names over a game or for any reason at all.


Even today if I hear foul language or name calling I challenge it.


So, by some comments if you or a loved one (or me) are called a "F" ing idiot or stupid or retard no one should say anything to the person and just think "oh, well it's just the way people talk these days." and ignore it., whether online or in real life.


Now pick this apart as I know all you will. I don't think there is one person that even understands where I am coming from or is tired of all the foul language al around us and the name calling that goes on.


This is all I will say on this matter. Thanks again for all the input.



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As a preface, I hate rude people. There generally is not a place for that kind of behavior in a civilized society (I outright ignore rude people in the real world - note I am not working currently so I can actually do this)


Unfortunately for sound minded people like the OP and myself we are not in the real world, we are in F****** Crazy A****** town aka the interwebs:D


The semi anonymity of online games is just a magnet for the worst part of peoples personalities. You don't sound like a new gamer, but it is surprising to see someone be moved to post over such an every day occurrence. People are rude to me every day in game, especially in PvP. The really bad ones I'll screenshot things they have said, and sometimes if I can't help myself ill call them out in general (which is almost always a bad idea, these people cannot be reasoned with)


I have rarely reported a player for this (people who create new toons to continue harassing me after several ignores me fall into this category)


At any rate, ignore doesn't work in GSF yet so in space "you can hear them scream.... even after ignore" so there is not much you can do. If you come across someone you can't simply ignore take screens and report them. Who knows they might get warned. As for your expectations... lower them drastically. People are Sh*ts nuff said.


I generally expect everyone around me to be a complete jerk, I click my mission objectives at the start of combat, harvest my nodes while I tank groups etc., just so people can't troll me (I also travel in aug'd pvp armor, it helps). As for GSF just let them fuel a hate filled killing spree for you, then maybe smile and thank them at the end, that should send them for a spin ;)

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We'll bring this on home, I suppose. Got this far, right? Anyway.


Thanks all for their comments. At least I have entertained a few. Yeah, but Don Rickles was better. No offense.


Even in the military I would bring to one's attention about cursing and name calling. I grew up in a house where I never heard foul language or name calling from any of my relatives or in school all the way through high school. Even in my community, none of this happened that I heard. I grew up in the 1950's & 1960's in a quiet community. Wasn't until I joined the service that I heard foul language. One time I brought it up to the Drill Sergeant I thought I would never stop doing pushups the whole time being cursed at and called all kinds of names. Some people tilt at windmills. Another of life's little foibles. You're free to express yourself to those folks. They're free to return the favor. God bless America.


F*&^ yeah.


Still stand by my statement it is not necessary to cuss and call names over a game or for any reason at all. At least you're a man of your convictions. Sancho Panza admired that very much in Don Quixote, so the concept is not without fans. Awfully old and decrepit windmill y'all are chargin' though. Is it worth it? I guess it is. Charge on!


Even today if I hear foul language or name calling I challenge it. WINDMILLS! WINDMILLS EVERYWHERE! (Couldn't resist.) I mean, really, it's on prime-time TV. Andy Griffith got canceled years ago. Society is what it is. Sorry.


So, by some comments if you or a loved one (or me) are called a "F" ing idiot or stupid or retard no one should say anything to the person and just think "oh, well it's just the way people talk these days." and ignore it., whether online or in real life. Yep. (EDIT: Alternatively, you can try returning fire. That IS an option.)


Now pick this apart as I know all you will. I don't think there is one person that even understands where I am coming from or is tired of all the foul language al around us and the name calling that goes on. What can I say - I hate to fly in the face of public expectations.


This is all I will say on this matter. Thanks again for all the input. Anytime. Charge on, Brother Quixote. Charge on. -bp



Edited by Sidenti
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To be fair, while yes it's probably a part of the internet that for the most part we should just accept, at the same time we can't turn around and complain about GSF dying, queues getting longer etc. if we're making it a hostile place to participate in.
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You are... actually a bad person. Wow.




(You're also wrong.)


Also nope.


I get to meet so few morally deficient human beings in a normal day. Thanks for filling my quota.


I have no intention of dampening what I say because someone might have let a little kid into the room. If he's gonna be at the adult table, it's not because he wants to be treated like a kid.




In our raid guild, we had this kid. We have an age limit, but sometimes if someone really wants in, we let them in.


He was about like thirteen or so? Anyway, he was terrible. One of my officers took massive time to train him. Linked him guides, found him addons, everything. And he spent time on the target dummies, and then we brought him to the raid.


And after all that, and some practice, he was terrible. Far worse than he would have been had he been an older teenager or an adult.


So I told him he was bad. Told him we couldn't use him.


And he was all sad.



But if I hadn't have done that, he would have made the playtime of the rest of us unlivably awful. Just because a kid has access to the same space on the internet as you, doesn't obligate you to lie, bend over backwards, try to make him at home. A little kid offers nothing to the team, because of course he doesn't. The officer who wasted days on this kid simply wasted time. Maybe when he's older, he can contribute.

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Also nope.




I have no intention of dampening what I say because someone might have let a little kid into the room. If he's gonna be at the adult table, it's not because he wants to be treated like a kid.




In our raid guild, we had this kid. We have an age limit, but sometimes if someone really wants in, we let them in.


He was about like thirteen or so? Anyway, he was terrible. One of my officers took massive time to train him. Linked him guides, found him addons, everything. And he spent time on the target dummies, and then we brought him to the raid.


And after all that, and some practice, he was terrible. Far worse than he would have been had he been an older teenager or an adult.


So I told him he was bad. Told him we couldn't use him.


And he was all sad.



But if I hadn't have done that, he would have made the playtime of the rest of us unlivably awful. Just because a kid has access to the same space on the internet as you, doesn't obligate you to lie, bend over backwards, try to make him at home. A little kid offers nothing to the team, because of course he doesn't. The officer who wasted days on this kid simply wasted time. Maybe when he's older, he can contribute.



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