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GSF is dying and you don't care, do you Bioware?


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Bombers are imbalanced for domination games, new players are discouraged because up against veterans with decked-out ships that are mastered they don't stand a chance? How is this in any way a "healthy state" for the game to be in? GSF has so much potential and you're just letting it go to hell because you won't fix it's problems.
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How many threads do you need to complain about bombers in?


How many threads do you complain about others' complaints in? They're imbalanced for domination. You know it. I know it. Bioware knows it. And it needs fixing. End of story.

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How many threads do you complain about others' complaints in?


Apparently quite a few.


They're imbalanced for domination.


Something has to be good at domination. Bombers are clearly intended to hold nodes.


You know it. I know it. Bioware knows it. And it needs fixing. End of story.


Why does it need fixing? If a bomber couldn't hold a node, why even fly it? The ships need to be different.

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Agree with the premise that GSF isn't doing that well.

Can't agree with the idea that it's bombers in domination that are the cause.


Really all you need to counter is 2 gunships and you will have bombers fleeing the satellites.

Edited by General_Brass
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Bombers are fine. I can kill bombers on any ship I fly. They can't evade missiles except with LoS so my Quell can deal with them handily. They can't maneuver for ****, so you can do hit and runs with a Blackbolt or Sting until they keel over. With a GS you can easily ion down all of their toys then either rail them to death or swoop in and BLC them if they hide.


Most of the complaints I see about them are about being 2-shot by mines...but really, this never happens to me in my scouts, even against good bomber pilots. The *only* time I die to mines is if I'm chasing someone other than the bomber, already have a lot of hull damage and accidentally fly too close to a mine without even seeing it. If you're paying attention and the bomber is your primary target, mines are pretty easy to avoid.


Bombers are slow, clumsy, and their primary attack and defense is to occasionally poop out mines. With that in mind, you should know that if you're in a fragile ship, just flying up behind them and shooting will get you killed.


Kiling a bomber that's circling a node can take a while, yes, but you're fighting them in the place where they're at their absolute best, so it damn well *better* take a long time to kill one and require skill to do so, or what the hell good is a bomber? When you do catch them away from cover they're absurdly easy to kill unless they have support.

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Kiling a bomber that's circling a node can take a while, yes, but you're fighting them in the place where they're at their absolute best, so it damn well *better* take a long time to kill one and require skill to do so, or what the hell good is a bomber? When you do catch them away from cover they're absurdly easy to kill unless they have support.


This.... I just have one problem with straight up hull damage.... It makes strike completely defenseless too :( And Charged Plating isn't a solution when you think about HLC, BLC, slug... so everyone have at least one weapon to counter you in their loadout.

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Bombers are fine. I can kill bombers on any ship I fly. They can't evade missiles except with LoS so my Quell can deal with them handily. They can't maneuver for ****, so you can do hit and runs with a Blackbolt or Sting until they keel over.


i have to call shenanigans on this one... i fly a Blackbolt almost exclusively, i've unloaded all my Rocket Pods into a bomber, drained my Blaster Energy Pool and never scratched the hull of enemy Bombers because their Shields never went down... no a Blackbolt can not take down a bomber by any means alone, it will require the assistance of a wingman flying in perfect tandem with you, and that changes the balance of the game by taking one of yours off of one of theirs to help you take down a Bomber... this game has become so Scout unfriendly it's not even funny anymore, it's especially hateful toward the Type 1 Scouts, everything we had that was useful has been nerfed into feathers to tickle you enemies with...

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Bombers are imbalanced for domination games, new players are discouraged because up against veterans with decked-out ships that are mastered they don't stand a chance? How is this in any way a "healthy state" for the game to be in? GSF has so much potential and you're just letting it go to hell because you won't fix it's problems.


You have done nothing but complain and NEVER once have I seen you offer a solution. So what bombers are gods in domination. Bombers can also be destroyed in domination, it just takes skill, which judging from all of your complaint posts about bombers on the forum you don't have.


Now you say bombers are OP in dom. I could say the same thing about Scouts in TDM......ESPECIALLY that dang Flashfire. But you know what I did, I learned to fight against the Flashfire and can now go toe-to-toe against one. My point is this, each ship has a specific role. Bombers are for holding a node and they do their really well against you apparently otherwise you wouldn't be so butt hurt.

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i have to call shenanigans on this one... i fly a Blackbolt almost exclusively, i've unloaded all my Rocket Pods into a bomber, drained my Blaster Energy Pool and never scratched the hull of enemy Bombers because their Shields never went down...


Then you are doing something incorrect. If the bomber has charged plating up, you should only use your blasters to weaken their shields, ensuring you have enough energy for when it runs out. Your pods represent real damage once you have the first upgrade.


You are correct that you won't easily be able to solo him if he's on a node, but if he's in space you should represent a lethal threat to him, and even on a node you should be able to get through some hull damage, and your big fear will be his mines- that will limit the time you will normally be able to spend shooting.

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i have to call shenanigans on this one... i fly a Blackbolt almost exclusively, i've unloaded all my Rocket Pods into a bomber, drained my Blaster Energy Pool and never scratched the hull of enemy Bombers because their Shields never went down... no a Blackbolt can not take down a bomber by any means alone, it will require the assistance of a wingman flying in perfect tandem with you, and that changes the balance of the game by taking one of yours off of one of theirs to help you take down a Bomber... this game has become so Scout unfriendly it's not even funny anymore, it's especially hateful toward the Type 1 Scouts, everything we had that was useful has been nerfed into feathers to tickle you enemies with...


Kill the repair drone first.

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Troll me all you want, doesn't change the facts.


God, I love it when someone gives me permission.


You know all of your problems relate to the fact that you're not good at killing bombers. Right?

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i have to call shenanigans on this one... i fly a Blackbolt almost exclusively, i've unloaded all my Rocket Pods into a bomber, drained my Blaster Energy Pool and never scratched the hull of enemy Bombers because their Shields never went down... no a Blackbolt can not take down a bomber by any means alone, it will require the assistance of a wingman flying in perfect tandem with you, and that changes the balance of the game by taking one of yours off of one of theirs to help you take down a Bomber... this game has become so Scout unfriendly it's not even funny anymore, it's especially hateful toward the Type 1 Scouts, everything we had that was useful has been nerfed into feathers to tickle you enemies with...


The main ships I fly are Blackbolt/Sting/Quell, and I definitely kill them on my Blackbolt. It's just a matter of attacking when it's opportune, anticipating mines/drones and blowing cooldowns when they're vulnerable. You're so much faster than them that you can completely control the engagement. Zoom in and light them up, then if they manage to turn things to their advantage, fly way the hell away, loop around and attack them from below/above. They will run out of shields/hull eventually, and if you're mindful of drones/mines and shoot them down, you won't take much damage. This isn't theoretical, I do it all the time. Once you get through the shields, cooldowns + LLC and pods will melt them. EMP is also useful against them, but not because it blows up mines/drones (I usually just do that with my blasters). Locking out their System and Engine components for 15 seconds can give you a very nice window for finishing them off.


Again, this can take a while. Unless you get the damage overcharge, they're just not going to blow up in 3 seconds like a scout, strike or GS can. Bombers can be tough as nails, but being as slow as they are, they kind of need to be.


Also, personally, I still feel like GSF is still quite favorable to scouts. I do enjoy the superior firepower that strikes and GS's have, but despite their fragility I can survive focus fire much longer on a scout due to their speed, maneuverability and multiple (up to 3 on the blackbolt!) missile lock breaks. Yes, a rail gun can kill you in 1, and mines can kill you in 2. This just means you need to be mindful of your surroundings. Cycle through enemy targets and see if there are any gunships nearby (and if they have you targeted!), and/or check out areas where gunships like to lurk during a battle (around the fringes of engagements). They're almost always the first targets I go for on a Scout. As for bombers? They're very easy to spot. Look for the huge, glowing red circles around mines or the tell-tale glow around a rail gun sentry.


To be fair, I do avoid fighting bombers on a blackbolt if it's a TDM game. If they're clever with LoS/cover, it can take so long to kill them that I'm better off just leaving them alone and going after a softer target. However, in TDM, their greatest strength (area denial) isn't anywhere near as powerful as it is in domination.

Edited by TheGreatSatan
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Wow you complain so much and don't even know what bomber people are complaining about lol.


Do you ? Because the only way the shields aren't coming off a bomber is if it's on repair drone or you just aren't hitting it.

Edited by General_Brass
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Do you ? Because the only way the shields aren't coming off a bomber is if it's on repair drone or you just aren't hitting it.


Most problems ppl have with bombers are the mine variant bomber the razorwire/rampart, and the shield variant actually relies on overcharge shield and engine to shield for all its shields. So you're advice of killing the repair drone is useless. I perfer the charged plating version myself, which also has a ton of shields and pretty much just ignores type 1 scouts lasers on hull dmg, which is another reason type 1 scouts have such a hard time killing them, basically for 19 seconds out of 30 you're only doing dmg with your rocket pods. So yes I do know what bomber and build they are talking about.

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Do you ? Because the only way the shields aren't coming off a bomber is if it's on repair drone or you just aren't hitting it.


If a girl bomber has repair drone with shields under the node, then there's a lot of reasonable ways to handle that scenario without getting creative.

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