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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare are you trying to get your operations players to leave?


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My guild won't be leaving, but we definitely are bored. Most only login for operations and even NiM isn't really stirring the pot. I'll patiently wait though. Because Dammit, I love this game


Most members of my guild including myself have the same feeling. We love TOR! We don't want to shoot arrows or swing swords and fight dragons we want sci-fi but we're bored. We clear ops slowly and we are grinding through HM's but on the nights we're not raiding what else is there to do at 55? Most of us are rich and have all the clothes and pets we could ever want.


Not only is Bioware slow on new content but the quality of life stuff that would allow me to just mess around and kill time doesn't exist. Example:


I'm bored. Bioware says roll an alt. Ok I will. I'll make a sniper. Oh wait... there's no account friending, no cross faction GUILD chat and everybody else I would normally shoot the breeze with is now completely cut off from me unless I'm in vent. My guild master can't even whisper me to say "Hey wanna do a classic OP comms run on the pub side?" Solo questing doesn't bother me but the complete lack of in-game contact with the rest of my guild is just plain stupid. It shocks me that after almost 2 1/2 years my GM can't whisper me across faction. I can't even friend my cross faction alts, again, I can't even friend my cross faction alts so I don't have to type their names every time I want to send them mail. Pathetic.


I just don't have any faith in the development team anymore. My guild had problems last night progressing through DP HM and had to reset the instance because the Calphayus fight was bugging out. So we had to waste time clearing trash again. The night before we were having problems with the Tyrans fight bugging out. We're tired of broken stuff that shouldn't be broken. Don't even get me started on the nightmare stuff hitting the HM and SM ops after 2.7....epic fail Bioware.


I still log in 'cause my guildies are awesome. We have a good time but we can have a good time in any other game. Most of us are leaving to try a couple other games for a few months. We might come back, we might not, who knows. The point is we've all done about everything there is to do and the content feels stale.

Edited by Bull_Five_Golf
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Didn't they get a lot of criticism for how they were handling criticism?


Actually, not really. Probably less than a dozen threads of those(more than half of which created by people who got around bans anyways) versus what ranges from hundreds to thousands of critical threads on things like space combat, pve, pvp, end-game content, rp options, chat bubbles, sgr. Moderation really isn't all that heavy, and they pretty much only pay attention to the amount of personal attacks in posts.

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I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten deleted what with someone bring up a criticism and all.


I think as long as folks stick to the topic, keep it above the table, avoid any personal attacks, and discuss facts, we should be ok.

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•Players accessing Operations through Group Finder will now be Bolstered to an appropriate gear rating while inside the Operation. This Bolster effect will also provide increased incoming healing and increased shield chance and shield absorb.


Welcome to the world of Tactical Ops. Another step to remove healers and tanks from the game.

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•Players accessing Operations through Group Finder will now be Bolstered to an appropriate gear rating while inside the Operation. This Bolster effect will also provide increased incoming healing and increased shield chance and shield absorb.


Welcome to the world of Tactical Ops. Another step to remove healers and tanks from the game.


Cross faction coming in December I bet!!!

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Actually, not really. Probably less than a dozen threads of those(more than half of which created by people who got around bans anyways) versus what ranges from hundreds to thousands of critical threads on things like space combat, pve, pvp, end-game content, rp options, chat bubbles, sgr. Moderation really isn't all that heavy, and they pretty much only pay attention to the amount of personal attacks in posts.


They also only really pay attention to the General Discussion board from what I've seen, I just wanted to use the word "criticism" a lot.


I could wax lyrical about the round, plump firmness of Malavai Quinn's arse, but if I called you an arse... Bioware would have to look up the word "arse" in a dictionary.


Cross faction coming in December I bet!!!

*sweats* No.... D:

Edited by Tatile
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I could wax lyrical about the round, plump firmness of Malavai Quinn's arse, but if I called you an arse... Bioware would have to look up the word "arse" in a dictionary.

Isn't that pirate's booty? Or would that be an arrrse? :p

Edited by Khevar
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The last operations were released on October 1, 2013, the next one will be October 21, 2014 at the earliest, since there's no indication of a new operation in 2.9 on August 19; that's at least a year between new operations. Nightmare Modes of existing operations do not constitute new operations, despite how much you may want us to believe that.


Additionally, it will be at least 18 months between the raises of the level cap. We had 16 months for 1-50 content with 8 class stories and 4 operations. It will be at least 18 months, and possibly more for 51-55 with no class stories and only 3 operations.

The Makeb expansion was already partly worked on at the time of launch. the new dev team has to work from scratch, cut them a break. Class stories are going to be harder to do because of the amount of resources needed to create them.

If your goal is get players who love operations to leave and try out other games then you're succeeding. Please throw us a bone and tell us when anything of substance will be added to the game beyond gambling and housing mini-games.

Guild Ships, Legacy Banking, Player Housing, GSF, the double pvp bonus event in the summer, the casino event in the summer. All of these things have been asked for by the community, and Bioware is delivering in one way or another. That's one freaking big bone they have tossed us in the past 7 or 8 months. I know it might be impossible to believe, but they cant cater to everyone's needs at one time. Calm down, grab a coffee and take a chill pill. they will get to you eventually.

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Finally PvEers get a taste of bolster. You can finally play just for fun, which should be the entire reason of playing anyway, just like the PvPers. Enjoy.


That would be nice, if the update didn't also simultaneously trash all the hard work PvE'rs have already done gathering comms, and mean that anyone can now farm what is supposed to be the hardest tier of gear in the game with no effort. The rate at which you get gear in PvP and PvE is now drastically different. I'm staggered. If they don't also release a new tier of gear and new comm, as well as several new ops and (maybe) even a new level cap in this update they're going to lose a huuuge number of players, and those will probably be subbers.

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The assumption behind SM ops change is that gear is the entry barrier to Ops. Totally wrong. It is the laziness or stupidity which no bolster can help. Obtaining ops entry level gear is very easy in this game. You can get it from Oricon, you can buy it from GTN, get it from 55 Fps etc.... . What will it do is, it will make people like me avoid SM ops. And it will also raise a generation of SM ops achievers who will hit a hard wall when they try HM ops.
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Hmmm... that is disappointing. After having been gone so long I would've expected more than one Operation to have come out. Ah well, there is still loads of content I've never seen, I guess it pays to play slowly.


Hopefully another will come out before the end of the year though... 2 years without a new Op would be pretty sad.

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The assumption behind SM ops change is that gear is the entry barrier to Ops. Totally wrong. It is the laziness or stupidity which no bolster can help. Obtaining ops entry level gear is very easy in this game. You can get it from Oricon, you can buy it from GTN, get it from 55 Fps etc.... . What will it do is, it will make people like me avoid SM ops. And it will also raise a generation of SM ops achievers who will hit a hard wall when they try HM ops.

Add the imbeciles with no discipline and an entitlement the size of a continent that will argue with the OP Leader about everything, while they go ahead and pull everything and generally be the imbeciles they are.


At least getting gear had SOME measure of work, to give SOME basic skills. Welcome to the world of lvl 15 ops.

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Add the imbeciles with no discipline and an entitlement the size of a continent that will argue with the OP Leader about everything, while they go ahead and pull everything and generally be the imbeciles they are.


At least getting gear had SOME measure of work, to give SOME basic skills. Welcome to the world of lvl 15 ops.


You're acting like all you need to be is Level 15...

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You're acting like all you need to be is Level 15...


The issue is that with double-XP weekends, people hit the level cap without actually knowing the rotation for the skill tree they chose.


Regardless, unless the rewards are truly enticing and my former guildies are not in the mood, I doubt I'll be using GF for operations that much.

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I'm not saying they are "the glue", I am merely pointing out that it will be a detriment to EVERYONE if Bioware finally drives us away.


I don't consider myself any great philanthropist or anything like that, but I can't count how many times someone has found my name on my guild's youtube videos and sent me a whisper asking for help with tanking or with boss strats. Hell people ask me for help on GSF all the time too.


It won't be a detriment to me. It will mean I join a pug SM Op and don't have the leader QQing because I'm not geared to run said Op in NiM. This will actually lead to more people running in PuG Ops, not less. Like the guy that was hassling me about my HP on my fresh 55 Mara in a SM Op, who kicked 8 people out and added them to his ignore list. He's not bringing anything to the new people to Ops, and frankly, the Hardcore Op runners are going to be along the same line as this guy. So what are they bringing to the game again? Let's not pretend they're as altruistic as you claim, because we both know they're not, by and large. If new ops were added tomorrow, they'd be busy in their static group, running the Op, which means they aren't available to answer questions, or try to teach others how to run the content.

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It won't be a detriment to me. It will mean I join a pug SM Op and don't have the leader QQing because I'm not geared to run said Op in NiM. This will actually lead to more people running in PuG Ops, not less. Like the guy that was hassling me about my HP on my fresh 55 Mara in a SM Op, who kicked 8 people out and added them to his ignore list. He's not bringing anything to the new people to Ops, and frankly, the Hardcore Op runners are going to be along the same line as this guy. So what are they bringing to the game again? Let's not pretend they're as altruistic as you claim, because we both know they're not, by and large. If new ops were added tomorrow, they'd be busy in their static group, running the Op, which means they aren't available to answer questions, or try to teach others how to run the content.


Most of the time (I admit there are exceptions) people are kicked because they are stupid not because they are undergeared. And 16 stupid people wont finish that op even if it is bolstered. You complain they are not bringing anything to the game, what are you bringing? They teach to people from their guild. If you want to make progression, join a guild. I am sure, you will have more issues on bolstered 16 men ops than today.

Edited by tanerb
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Yah I normally ignore these thread but not today.

I recently came back to SWTOR after leaving just before it went F2P. The 50-55 leveling was a joke, I did it in a day and a bit.

There isn't much new content added since I left the game. The tactical flashpoints are short and shallow and I really only play with 3 other people so raiding outside of storymode isn't going to happen.


This game is kind of doing exactly what I thought it would - trickle content. Releasing small bits on a semi-regular basis to make it look like stuff is being released.


I sign this for new PvE content period



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