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If There Was An Unranked Solo Only Queue Option Available how often would you play it


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If there was an option to have an unranked strictly solo warzone experience how often would you play it?


  1. Sometimes
  2. Always
  3. Never


The longer you've pvp'd the more valuable your input. Recall the most fun matches played. Were they random players that pulled it together to out perform the other team? Do you enjoy the occasional ride on a half -premade? Do you consider Unranked as a practice arena for your premade? Etc.


This question was contemplated after PVP'ing on Ebon Hawk, Shadowlands, Jedi Covenant, and POT5 and measuring the fun factor of each respective servers pvp culture.

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When was the last time anyone had a balanced match in this game?


So assuming that you're not only refering to solo arena (which i hate with a burning passion), I'd play it. The premades will always steer the games in one direction or the other, either by steamrolling or being so bad that not even a team of 20 could have made up for their stupidity.

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I rarely if ever pvp alone anymore. It just leads to heart ache and frustration. Plus my guild on pops so usually someone is on and we que together. If no one grime my guild is on I usually just que with a few no guild friends. It's just more enjoyable. Edited by Ld-Siris
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assuming I could complete dailies/weeklies and the role matching were still in effect, I would only queue yolo and, if I could when geared, put together a rated team (which, history has proven, will fail quickly).


TL; DR: it would replace regs for me.

Edited by foxmob
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Am I missing something? Because there is an unranked purely solo queue... it's called regs. If you're insinuating something beyond that that would somehow deny pre-mades then meh., don't care.


If you mean an unranked arena only queue then I would probably queue that 95% of the time for my toons that are not full obroan or just to complete daily weekly regs with all toons.


TBH what I find more interesting would be your take on what you experienced as far as fun, skill, favorite server, etc based on your statement,


"after PVP'ing on Ebon Hawk, Shadowlands, Jedi Covenant, and POT5 and measuring the fun factor of each respective servers pvp culture."

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Am I missing something? Because there is an unranked purely solo queue... it's called regs. If you're insinuating something beyond that that would somehow deny pre-mades then meh., don't care.


YOLO ( You Only Live Once) if healers decide they don't want to heal people?


And yes this would be a queue for solo only. It isn't a nerf the premades thread it's just a survey about having an option where one person can just get into a pickup game during their lunch break and doesn't have the extra time to find a group. Other games have this option.

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Never. If Unranked turned into a choice between Solo-only or Premade-only, I would just leave it and do Ranked alone. There is absolutely no fun in a solo-only gamemode where no one has any reason to play well. It would just become a badfest.
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You know, I play solo about 98 percent of the time, and you know what, its is not nearly all the exaggerations people say regs are. People shout as if they face a premade every match and as if they never win any regs. This is ridiculous, yes there are premades, but A: not all of them are "steamrollers some are just something casual like a group of fresh 55's who want to play together to get some gear, not even on voice system, I can't believe the level of ignorance, no one in these kind of threads has EVER given me a decent answer when I bring up casual groups because for some reason only the hardcore killers they see in their heads can group for pvp, no one can group for pvp just to hang out or anything, not all groups are made the same. I cannot believe the level of ignorance about that, anytime I bring that up, I get "you just want to keep steamrolling regs", or "why don't you want a fair fight" and "you and your "friends" should have no problem against others and their "friends"". Good god that gets annoying, and you people wonder why we hate premade complaint threads so much, I can never get a decent response that not filled with accusations and slurs aimed at ME and most of the posts look like people have not read anything I said because it clearly does not bring any kind of counter to what I said and asks me the same questions I already answered in the posts I quoted.
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I am hoping I read your request correctly.

If there was a solo only regular warzone que, as in no premades allowed, then I think it would be a great addition.


Playing in a premade is fun, but most forget the actual motivation/reason for even que'ing in the first place, and that is *PVP*. The whole foundation of it is the strive to find a challenge and over-come it. Queing in regular warzones right now with a premade, (unless the 1% chance you are a rag tag group of PVErs), you are doing it with the sole intention of an easy win cuz you know very well the chance of facing a premade as well is super slim. There is no arguing that. It is kind of like some random group you play huttball against and they do a blow-out super quick and then talk ****.... It is like well.. okay carebear... I came to PVP.. you came to basically do a PVE marathon of running a ball.


So there is both sides of the coin, but it can be made enjoyable for the actual *PVP*ers that do one or both.

Instead of the current system just have Solo ONLY que and a Group ONLY que for regs. Then lets get some 8v8 Warzones in Ranked. I also think a new 8v8/10v10 Team deathmatch warzone should be added to all que types


This way, if you are making a premade but with the correct intention of still looking for a challenge, then you will either wait in que in the group only regs for practice, or go to ranked 8v8s/4v4s.

Edited by scylence
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Never. If Unranked turned into a choice between Solo-only or Premade-only, I would just leave it and do Ranked alone. There is absolutely no fun in a solo-only gamemode where no one has any reason to play well. It would just become a badfest.


I don't even understand the concept of not having a reason to play well. What the **** are you on about?


When is there a reason in pvp to NOT do your best, isn't that called PVE ?

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