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My first post - Is about Starfighter PvP


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The other team won like 100-1<<(Lack of knowledge: there are no games in GSF that would have this score. The exaggeration is strong with this one) or something. Our team combined had 1 kill (that guy probably flew into a rock).


While it's perfectly understandable to want to fisk statements you disagree with on the internet, you have to be careful not to let your personal bias get in the way of seeing facts. While 100-1 is not a possible score 1000-1 to 1 is and the poster stated "or something". All it would have taken is the opposing side to get a triple cap quickly or possibly a quick double cap, and one guy holding the third satellite out of their hands.


No matter how you slice, it such mismatches can and do happen with a fair amount of regularity. They are so bad vets can predict them before they happen and often leave the match before it starts, to save themselves frustration, damage to their record, and just to do more interesting things.

Edited by General_Brass
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I top dmg like 90-95% of my games in the arena. Going 60-0 50-1 is a NORMAL game for me. I've been PvP'ing for a very long time and I also happen to be very good at it.

Well obviously you're not very good at gsf.

Git gud.

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Thanks for all the replies guys but you're talking as if this my first pvp game ever.


I will admit the controls of the Starfighter game felt a little off at first. It took me a few games to really get a feel for the controls, direction and general feel for the battlefield.


But lets talk about how my two games went yesterday.


Game 1:


I logged in to a game that apparently was already in progress, I came out of warp, SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE SHOT ON SPAWN!!!


Yah.............. getting spawncamped! Weee fun............


So I spawned again, hid behind my ship and waited the match out.


Game 2:


We started the game fresh, my ENTIRE team only had 2 ships to pick from (of which i always pick the fighter ship not the scout) and the ENTIRE other team had 3-5 ships to pick from. I mean it's already game over at that point.


But how bad?


I tried to fly around and get at least a couple kills before I ended the match but I couldn't even move 5 feet without being locked on by missiles or getting popped by rail guns. I literally end up spending my time flying around debris trying to waste peoples time before they kill me.


How much fun is this?


0 fun.


The other team won like 100-1 or something. Our team combined had 1 kill (that guy probably flew into a rock).


And i will admit, I do have a bit of an ego. I posted some screenshots on a PvP thread which apparently they removed. I'm unsure as to why. But I can top dmg in PvP arena's at level 12 with no gear, and no class picked yet.


I have tons of screenshots like these:





I top dmg like 90-95% of my games in the arena. Going 60-0 50-1 is a NORMAL game for me. I've been PvP'ing for a very long time and I also happen to be very good at it. Am I the best? Probably not. But I know for sure I'd at least give the best a run for their money if I didn't win.


That's why this Starfighter thing literally makes me sick. It's not a question of skill at all. It's a complete question of gear (ships). That beginning fighter (haven't even tried the scout) is so squishy compared to upgraded/bought ships that I think you may have better luck trying to PvP a level 55 with a level 1.


So how can I go from top dmg almost every game, top kills, least deaths in PvP arena to almost BOTTOM damage every game, highest deaths, nothing I've even seen worth taking a screenshot for? (OK maybe I exaggerate not every game as I have had a couple games with 3rd or 4th dmg. But still it's very infrequent).


Sorry. There's something wrong with the system. It's not like I just forget how to PvP cause I'm in space. And it isn't even my first space fighter. My first space fighter was Tie Fighter back in the 90's.


I have to give Starfighter PvP an F. F for completely failed to grab my attention and making me want to log in to do Starfighter. it's more of a drag than anything else trying to get some points to buy a new ship or upgrades.


Edit: If the matches I joined where only the 2 starting ships were allowed I bet I would have a ton more fun. Separate Starfighter into 2 ques:


Que 1:


Only choices are to be in one of the beginning ships. Use whichever upgrades you can afford.


Que 2:


Use any ship, any upgrade you want.



If you did this I bet a lot of people like myself would enjoy Starfighter infinitely more.


firstly, u say skill has nothing to do with it? how can i in a unmodified ship EVERY game will be in the top 3 even in a game against aces. before u call ******** can ask anyone on my server give me a inch ill wipe the floor with you in anything from scout to gunship.


Skill is first and formost in gsf, upgrades are just the cherry on the cake.


Some time su see a guy with 2 or 3 ships dont instantly assume its a newbie, i know a couple of guys with 2 or 3 ships and there aces trust me.


your game 1) u died once on 1 spawn and then sat and do doing, firstly hows that helping the team, and hows that helping you get better?


dont get me wrong i hate spawn camping and do everytihng i can to stop teams im in from doing, BUT what most dont do, or realise there is more than one spawn camp and its only in team death match mode they can spawn camp.


at the start i spent every match in bottom 3 but i kept trying and learning and now im a damn good gsf pilot, not the best but one of the damn good ones and trust me if your running out of missiles, "hitting them several times" shields still up, your not hitting them.


i would suggest u get to know the regulars and start teaming up with them, 4 average players working as a team will kick *** out of one ace playing as a solo, what server are u on?


if its red eclipse, feel free dropping me a whisper and ill help u as much as i can and always happy to help newbies, i know ya a experienced ground pvper but dont take this wrong way, that means sweet FA here in gsf.


i also play both factions if u are on red eclipse.


Good luck and play more games than daily etc you wont learn whats needed with 1 or 2 games here and there. just the same as ground pvp :)

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firstly, u say skill has nothing to do with it? how can i in a unmodified ship EVERY game will be in the top 3 even in a game against aces. before u call ******** can ask anyone on my server give me a inch ill wipe the floor with you in anything from scout to gunship.


This is a pretty good attitude to have. I have topped damage in a stock gunship. I have seen Drakolich do 80k damage in a stock Rycer, topping damage and kills. IN THE SAME STOCK SHIP SO MANY TEARS ARE SHED OVER


Skill is first and formost in gsf, upgrades are just the cherry on the cake.


The upgrades are powerful, and they make a difference. People have done the math. But I will assure everyone that skill is literally 10x the value. Yes, obviously, the upgrades matter a lot, and if you queue into a premade of aces with good ships, your premade of aces with bad ships will fare worse than if they also had good ships.






The reason I have a hard time taking OP seriously is that he's just flipping out, like I'm good at other pvp in some other places so why am I dying it must be your fault for being jerks or Bioware for being incompetent.


Good aces have thousands of games under their belt. Most of the posts in the forums come from people with hundreds at minimum. I've been playing video games, and pvp when I can get it, since my dad would take me to the arcade, give me a stack of quarters, and then play Red Baron until the score wrapped around and he decided to call it quits. I'd of course spend my few dollars as carefully as I could, but I'd always run out, and his one quarter would last him all by its lonesome. I seriously doubt anyone posting here truly sucks, and the whole game is, you play against us.


If you expect to walk into a game against a group of coordinated players who are passionate about the game and do well, are you a solipsist bro?



I've hit people a good 20-30 times and not even got their shields down. I've completely exhausted my weapon and missles and everything I have, and don't even get a kill out of it.


This is you not understanding how the game works, nothing more. In the same stock ships you start with, I've seen my experienced friends take down other very good players, and absolutely nom up food. You can't get more specific, because you know we'd call you out on numbers and specifics. Were you on target? What range? Did you have a bead on them, or could you just mouse over?


You know you won't post a video of you being awesome at the game in your stock ship and getting killed, because what actually happens is that, as a new player, you are absolutely awful.


All of us were bad at the start. You need to practice. This post is all ego, get over yourself. Play a hundred games, read all the guides we spent time typing up, watch some youtubes.


Yet they turn around, and BAM BAM 2 shots and I explode.


Again, everyone reading this knows that this cannot literally be true. It's you not really understanding what is going on.





So instead of crapping up the forums with your "I'm good but I bled my own blood", actually read what everyone is telling you, follow advice, and play. Then you'll be good. The fact that you are good in other games is predictive of how good you will be here once you know how to play. Right now you can't even diagnose what is happening.

Edited by Verain
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I believe you're approaching this entirely the wrong way, which is regretable because should you stick with GSF, you'll eventually get the hang of it. While it's great that you're good at ground PVP, THIS ISNT THE SAME OR ANYTHING CLOSE TO THAT!


You said your team was completely full of 2 shippers in one post. If you don't sub, you get less req thus have to spend more time losing to upgrade your parts. This blows (so sub if you're not already). Make sure you're doing weeklies and dailies, and DO NOT upgrade all of your parts to T1 before going to T2. Depending on your ship, you have several components that have a higher priority than anything else (like slug on a GS). Upgrading those first will allow you to have a greater impact on the match than with minor upgrades across the board. Think of a purely offensive build vs a balanced build. If you're hope that having a more balanced system will help you stay alive while you're getting slaughtered, you're mistaken. Having the focus on your specific components will at least get you SOME kills, earning higher req and can upgrade the rest of your parts quicker. If you need help picking the right components, just ask.


Here is a fact of the game - two AMAZING pilots cannot carry 6 other TERRIBLE pilots in a TDM against good or even decent pilots. Not gonna happen, even with all the DOs in the world. The new players die too quickly because they don't have a clue what they're doing. You may think your knowledge of PVP helps.... It doesn't. It's actually serving to hurt you by making you feel entitled to be good at this game. Invest the time that the vets have, and you'll learn how to do WELL with in a geared ship, and you'll also being able to do well in a stock ship. You're not gonna be killing aces everytime, but you'll at least put up a fight.


If you're spawn camped, SPAWN SOMEWHERE ELSE!


Sorry mate, but I'm not amazing at ground pvp. I got to valor 60 for the battlemaster gear on my sorc then stopped, but the entire time I didn't have any sort of gear to compete. I got owned, repeatedly, and while I got discouraged, I didn't think that my ability in PVE would be helpful (because they are two different beasts). To think your skills would transfer across different game modes is silly. You'll need more practice. Try grouping with experienced players. Until you have a close to mastered ship, I'm going to assume that you don't have the experience to truly understand positional and situational awareness to the extent that your opposition does.


I've met players with similar mentalities as the one you've shown in your posts. While I appreciate you at least seeking some input from others, you've got to drop the ego or else quit now. You'll just be another player getting farmed. Take your licks and learn from it. /cjoin GSF. Find a GSF guild on your server. Ask someone for advice (though I'd ask someone who has a reputation in this game.... there are A LOT of wannabe hot shots who seem to think they know more than they do). We're all pretty friendly and try to help new players out, but no one can help someone who's too entrenched in the belief that they DESERVE to be better just because they're good at a different aspect of the game.


I really wanna see you do well mang. Practice, and find people to converse with on your server about this stuff. They'll become part of your circle and help you out a lot. The group of guys I play with every night are some of my good online friends, and playing with friends changes the game considerably. Good luck in your endeavors!


P.S. Upgrades are more for the aces. Gear is relevent when it's a geared ace vs a stock ace. The geared ace will win, no doubt, but because they're both good. A newb with a geared ship vs an ace in a stock ship will still get pwned. Seen it, done it, and repeated.

Edited by SammyGStatus
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You said your team was completely full of 2 shippers in one post. I'm going to assume that you don't sub then, or else you would have the 3rd ship (unless something is off that I don't know about).

Just a quick correction - the only players that "start" with the 3rd ship (gunship) were those who qualified for Early Access. Being a subscriber now doesn't get you that first ship free. It does get you faster requisition, which means an awful lot (and can be substituted through Starfighter Passes if you choose not to sub).


There's a lot of great suggestions in the thread, but I prefer a simpler one: Find an ace, group with them and go from there. You'll be surprised how much you can learn from a veteran.

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You said your team was completely full of 2 shippers in one post. I'm going to assume that you don't sub then, or else you would have the 3rd ship (unless something is off that I don't know about).


I assume you mean the subs who got the Type 1 GS. That was a special perk you only got if you subbed by a specific date prior to early access. People like myself who resubbed after that date got all the other early access perks (armor sets, titles, SF & scout paint jobs) but didn't get the Type 1 GS unlocked. If you missed that deadline you have to unlock the Type 1 GS with fleet req like every other pilot.


EDIT: Ninja'd by Trinity

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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:eek::eek: That's ridiculous!!! So you guys have to play like 7 matches to unlock a GS that I'm just given? If you're a sub, you should just be given the damn ship lol. This now makes 3 days in a row I did not know something that I should've. Thanks for the info!


Since the OP MAY be a sub or might not be subbed, but still doesn't have the 3 ship, this further provides another reason why he's hindered. Some of the people I play with have played since Day 1. I have played since Day 1. There are a lot more people who have played a lot longer than the OP. The simplest way it to listen to Trinity - group with an Ace. You'll pick things up a lot quicker.

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:eek::eek: That's ridiculous!!! So you guys have to play like 7 matches to unlock a GS that I'm just given? If you're a sub, you should just be given the damn ship lol. This now makes 3 days in a row I did not know something that I should've. Thanks for the info!


Since the OP MAY be a sub or might not be subbed, but still doesn't have the 3 ship, this further provides another reason why he's hindered. Some of the people I play with have played since Day 1. I have played since Day 1. There are a lot more people who have played a lot longer than the OP. The simplest way it to listen to Trinity - group with an Ace. You'll pick things up a lot quicker.


For those who didn't know, this guys the most oblivious good pilot in existence. Over a thousand games in and he didn't know slugs were yellow and plasmas were red.

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For those who didn't know, this guys the most oblivious good pilot in existence. Over a thousand games in and he didn't know slugs were yellow and plasmas were red.


Be nice Rumina... Aimbot isn't that bad... Just clueless and oblivious.... :p;):p

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Be nice Rumina... Aimbot isn't that bad... Just clueless and oblivious.... :p;):p


And seldom sober!!! Gah! I'm just gonna go sit in my 300i cockpit and check out my sweet new hangar till you all forget about this lol

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:eek::eek: That's ridiculous!!! So you guys have to play like 7 matches to unlock a GS that I'm just given? If you're a sub, you should just be given the damn ship lol. This now makes 3 days in a row I did not know something that I should've. Thanks for the info!


I've always been a fan of strikers so I don't really miss not having a GS but yeah it does give you a new perspective on all those 2 shippers (I don't think new subs get the titles or paintjobs we got for early access, I think they only get the F2P rewards as those are, to my knowledge, the only rewards that weren't limited time only).


Since the OP MAY be a sub or might not be subbed, but still doesn't have the 3 ship, this further provides another reason why he's hindered. Some of the people I play with have played since Day 1. I have played since Day 1. There are a lot more people who have played a lot longer than the OP. The simplest way it to listen to Trinity - group with an Ace. You'll pick things up a lot quicker.


I thought you had to be a sub to post on the forums? Did they change something while I was away for a few months last year?

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I've always been a fan of strikers so I don't really miss not having a GS but yeah it does give you a new perspective on all those 2 shippers (I don't think new subs get the titles or paintjobs we got for early access, I think they only get the F2P rewards as those are, to my knowledge, the only rewards that weren't limited time only).




I thought you had to be a sub to post on the forums? Did they change something while I was away for a few months last year?


Please see Tom's post about being oblivious, though IIRC Pylan is F2P (side note - Oblivious Squadron ftw)

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I thought you had to be a sub to post on the forums? Did they change something while I was away for a few months last year?


If you don't, I'm going to feel real foolish right about the time the page finishes loading.

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Maybe I'm not getting my real point across. I've been known to to that from time to time.


In PvP arenas, I know at the VERY LEAST I will be in the top 3 dmg/kills (if not #1 the majority of the time) which yields a very good amount of exp and rewards. So even if my team loses, do I really care? Nope.


In Starfighter I am probably in the bottom 3 probably 75% of the time. When we do have what looks to be more of an even match I'll be somewhere in the middle. NEVER been in the top 3, at all, ever.


It's a complete flip from Ground to Starfighter. Now I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts if you put me in a fully upgrade gunship or starfighter that my numbers would change immensely.


And that's my point. Ground PvP feels very much like gear does not matter at all (keep in mind I haven't hit 55 PvP yet) and Starfighter feels the exact opposite heavily relying on Ships and upgrades. This makes me not want to log into Starfighter at all. I get dailies done and quit.

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Maybe I'm not getting my real point across. I've been known to to that from time to time.


In PvP arenas, I know at the VERY LEAST I will be in the top 3 dmg/kills (if not #1 the majority of the time) which yields a very good amount of exp and rewards. So even if my team loses, do I really care? Nope.


In Starfighter I am probably in the bottom 3 probably 75% of the time. When we do have what looks to be more of an even match I'll be somewhere in the middle. NEVER been in the top 3, at all, ever.


It's a complete flip from Ground to Starfighter. Now I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts if you put me in a fully upgrade gunship or starfighter that my numbers would change immensely.


And that's my point. Ground PvP feels very much like gear does not matter at all (keep in mind I haven't hit 55 PvP yet) and Starfighter feels the exact opposite heavily relying on Ships and upgrades. This makes me not want to log into Starfighter at all. I get dailies done and quit.


Upgrades help but they aren't everything. One must be able to pilot that bird. Period.

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And that's my point. Ground PvP feels very much like gear does not matter at all (keep in mind I haven't hit 55 PvP yet) and Starfighter feels the exact opposite heavily relying on Ships and upgrades. This makes me not want to log into Starfighter at all. I get dailies done and quit.


This is why the argument around these forums usually revolves around providing more incentives for people to Queue for GSF.


It's pretty much "GSF FORUM to BIoware: Give these people more stuff to be our targets."

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Maybe I'm not getting my real point across. I've been known to to that from time to time.


In PvP arenas, I know at the VERY LEAST I will be in the top 3 dmg/kills (if not #1 the majority of the time) which yields a very good amount of exp and rewards. So even if my team loses, do I really care? Nope.


In Starfighter I am probably in the bottom 3 probably 75% of the time. When we do have what looks to be more of an even match I'll be somewhere in the middle. NEVER been in the top 3, at all, ever.


It's a complete flip from Ground to Starfighter. Now I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts if you put me in a fully upgrade gunship or starfighter that my numbers would change immensely.


And that's my point. Ground PvP feels very much like gear does not matter at all (keep in mind I haven't hit 55 PvP yet) and Starfighter feels the exact opposite heavily relying on Ships and upgrades. This makes me not want to log into Starfighter at all. I get dailies done and quit.


If you bet dollars to donuts you would lose the bet. At 55 (even pre 55) ground pvp gear is hundreds of times more important then it is in space pvp. Skill vs gear in a group is also nearly irrelevant. Skill is nearly the only thing that matters in Space pvp. Gear makes very very little difference. If you did 20k with gear you might pull 25k and thats it.

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If you bet dollars to donuts you would lose the bet. At 55 (even pre 55) ground pvp gear is hundreds of times more important then it is in space pvp. Skill vs gear in a group is also nearly irrelevant. Skill is nearly the only thing that matters in Space pvp. Gear makes very very little difference. If you did 20k with gear you might pull 25k and thats it.


Agreed. Better gear will help (opening new tactical options, such as HLC sniping of near-dead full shield targets, or make abilities a little easier to use such as engine CD) but if you don't have the skill it won't bump you up many places on the scoreboard. Likewise if you're in a fully upgraded ship but don't understand your ships role you won't fare very well either (yes they do have "roles" so trying to kill the nearest thing isn't necessarily always smart if you're in a ship not well suited to killing that target; one of the most obvious being scouts vs. bombers where scouts really should leave the bomber alone unless there are no strikers/GS/bombers to deal with it)


Ships it should be kept in mind are GSF's classes and like classes in the ground game determine your role and tactics.


I think though the OP may also be missing how GSF calculates rewards based on their continual references to their K/D: while K/D is what nets you requisition to buy upgrades in TDM in domination playing the objective is what nets you requisition. You could very well be the top of the scoreboard with K/D but if you didn't play the objective you probably didn't get more requisition than the guy who had a lower K/D but played the objective a lot (unless things changed/I missed the memo that says K/D is the only thing that gets your req even in domination).

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Maybe I'm not getting my real point across. I've been known to to that from time to time.


In PvP arenas, I know at the VERY LEAST I will be in the top 3 dmg/kills (if not #1 the majority of the time) which yields a very good amount of exp and rewards. So even if my team loses, do I really care? Nope.


In Starfighter I am probably in the bottom 3 probably 75% of the time. When we do have what looks to be more of an even match I'll be somewhere in the middle. NEVER been in the top 3, at all, ever.


It's a complete flip from Ground to Starfighter. Now I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts if you put me in a fully upgrade gunship or starfighter that my numbers would change immensely.


And that's my point. Ground PvP feels very much like gear does not matter at all (keep in mind I haven't hit 55 PvP yet) and Starfighter feels the exact opposite heavily relying on Ships and upgrades. This makes me not want to log into Starfighter at all. I get dailies done and quit.


I would lose that bet... Hell I'm a decent pilot and in my half upgraded whiskey StarGuard I do worst than in my stock Enforcer (which is a StarGuard reskinned).

Stock StarGuard is a great ship, stock Novadive is great too.

Gear doesn't matter that much in GSF, skill does. I can make some of the best pilot run for their kill.... in a stock ship. So to you... After numerous posts... I just have one answer to give you : L2P



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