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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Help Stop Accidental Purchases!


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After accidentally purchasing an $8,400 helmet that my toon can't use I thought, after much cursing, that there must be a better way. Then it came to me...


Please BioWare just make it so if you have the Shift or Ctrl key pressed you CAN'T BUY ANYTHING!


If I have the Shift key down I don't want to buy an item I want to link it to my friends, left click or right click shouldn't buy it.


Likewise if I have the Ctrl key down I don't want to buy the item I want to see what that item would look like on my toon, left click or right click shouldn't buy it.


If I want to buy it I won't hold anything down just click.


This might not seem like much but for those of us who have had this happen it's not a happy time and seems like an easy fix.


That is all.

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Tbh, I do not agree with this suggestion. It is a handle tool for quick-buying items. However what they should do is allow a sell-back grace period. I take note of Heroes of Newerth, where they give you fifteen seconds to sell the item back at full price. TOR should do similar so that if you accidently buy an item you do not want, you can quickly sell it back and no harm done. Either option works though.
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My personal fave!


Ding 40!! woot lets go train my new skills.




wait, I just spent 210k creds on mount skill #2...



*Solution* please put the riding skills on a riding trainer or something. Its not that big of a deal, i would have spent the creds anyway, but it was def a surprise when i couldn't afford my other level 40 skill because i suddenly had less the 1k creds.

Edited by Baneberry
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There's always the 'sell it back' option that many games feature. Accidental purchases are particularly infuriating when you lose badges in the process.


This please! I lost money clicking wrong when I wanted to preview but that isnt too bad.....but loosing commendations is very very bad. Due to lag (thus clicking twice accidently) I ended up with 2 of the same items from commendations :(

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Is there a manner with which to buy stackable items in bulk? Maybe that's why it does this, but they could at least turn that off for items that don't stack.


Shift+drag the item you want to buy into your inventory. It'll ask you to "split" the stack the vendor has. Choose how much you want and click OK and it'll purchase that many.

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There's always the 'sell it back' option that many games feature. Accidental purchases are particularly infuriating when you lose badges in the process.



This 1 just happend to me. Very annoying as I did not relize at the time that the first tier of badge gear in kass city had light and dark side restrictions! Yes I should have checked all the reqs but still would have been nice to replace it.

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I hope this is a high priority. I consider it a bug, not a missing feature. I'm sure many others do too.


Not sure you can count on me to list this as a bug or high priority but yeah its nice if they would add a sell back thing at the same price, I spotted a lovely blue hat but its way out my price range (saving for my first speeder) it would be very painful to click it and loss half my savings.

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Can we do the same with commendations too, accidentally bought an item with commendations and had to sell it back for a tiny amount of credits.

Was my own fault but would have been nice if a warning would have at least popped up saying "are you sure you wish to purchase: ....... ?" or something

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So glad I'm not the only one and glad its being looked at.


I ctrl clicked a 25k speeder to try viewing it and bought it. So gutted as it set me back buying my rider training. Only just getting back to 20k savings and dare not view items again.


I did post a GM ticket too but guess I won't get a refund

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For the love of God, YES PLEASE give us a sell-back option or a confirmation dialog. Good user interface design makes it easy to recover from mistakes. My wife bought a stupid customization for her companion and is sitll fuming over it ...
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A buy back feature with a timer for exactly what you paid for is definitely needed in this game.


Also, if you buy for credits, you should get credits back. If you buy for commendations, you should get commendations back.


The items for the vendors are listed with no rhyme or reason. It is really easy to click and buy something, when all you are doing is, say, checking stats ... or the cunning gloves are just below the aim gloves and your mouse clicks the wrong one.


So many ways this goes awry and the system is absolutely unforgiving.


But I will note that there are very FEW things in this game that are designed for the player's convenience. Since I don't know much about designing a game, I can only assume they put all their efforts into the cinematics and stuff, and felt that attention to the player interface was just money down a sink hole. And, granted, I have only played 4 MMOs, but I have never seen a UI so intractable and the player of the game treated with such disdain.

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I agree with the resell to vendor within a certain time limit is a must.


Allowing you to get what ever currency you bought with it returned.


Also, if there any reason why Mouse button 4 buys items from vendors and moves things around the UI?


I use this button for team speak and I'm very confused to why it would be bound to eithe right of left click?

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