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Anyone else about to cancel?


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I'll never understand why people who are having minimal to no issues with the game even come into topics like this let alone come to this section of the forum. If you're having no problems why on earth are you even responding to the OP or even care about what he has to say?? Edited by EHJR
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I have not been able to play this game for more then 45 mins straight becasue of the black screen/ hard crashing issue, it does not meen i will give up and quit.... i am getting annoyed tht the issue has gotten no feedback from bioware but i still have faith... i enjoy the 10, 15, 20 mins of time i get on the game!! It is only the 3rd day but im hope they do buckledown and fix this crashing issue after xmas..
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I'll never understand why people who are having minimal to no issues with the game even come into topics like this let alone come to this section of the forum. If you're having no problems why on earth are you even responding to the OP or even care about what he has to say??


You know? You're right! You must have used some sort of Jedi Mind Trick on me!

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I got an i5, 8gb ram, gt540m(2gb ram), should my game run at 10-15fps at low with shadows off? i dont think so


IF you have a crap ton else running and it's a low end first gen mobile i5 then maybe.


it's dual core processor, running around 2.5ghz, the GT540m isn't bad but isn't the best in the world


Though that is low, have you tired lowering the screen resolution?


as I beta tested on my 4000+ and was able to get 10-18fps. but I was on the lowest screen res.


if you are trying to play at 1650-1050 then ya I can see dropping to 15 particularly in PvP .

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I'll never understand why people who are having minimal to no issues with the game even come into topics like this let alone come to this section of the forum. If you're having no problems why on earth are you even responding to the OP or even care about what he has to say??


I actually I came in looking for solution to my minimal issues.

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You have heard a small vocal minority. The game is working flawlessly for many hundreds of thousands of players.


This.. And sorry boys and girls but instantaneous fixes aren't possible. They have to find the problem first.


I also wonder how many of these 'fps' issues are cause by antiquated hardware.

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I'm chilling on my pretty bad rig for 2012:


4GB Ram

AMD x2 250 3.0 GHz

Geforce 430 GT


The graphics card sucks for games and I'm sitting, without shadows and bloom on 50fps on everything else maxed 1440x900. With shadows it hovers are 35-40 and drops to 25 occasionally.


In pvp I don't use shadows at all and have around 25 permanently.

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to the OP, I feel really bad for you and your kid.


sucks if you have an issue personally, even worse when it's your kid. I can see the frustration and it feels like your hands are tied and its your son who suffers.


I will say this however. despite having a bad experience with this bug and a poor experience with customer service, hang in there.


I'm sure when it is fixed and hopefully you don't experience future issues, Your son will hopefully be quick to enjoy his continued experience and you will enjoy the experience with your son.


circumstances might not be in your favour to do something else (not going to pry) but its christmas time so hopefully there is something to keep you guys occupied for a bit until a fix comes along.

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I'll never understand why people who are having minimal to no issues with the game even come into topics like this let alone come to this section of the forum. If you're having no problems why on earth are you even responding to the OP or even care about what he has to say??


This is General Discussion... Just sayin...

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About to cancel my subscription because the game shuts down my computer after 2 minutes of gameplay and I'm forced to hard boot. It's pretty much been unplayable for the past 3 days for me. So be happy that you can at least play the game somewhat. There's another thread over 100 pages of people who are basically having the same issue and it's become very clear the problem is on Bioware's end. I wouldn't be nearly as upset if it seemed like they were actually acknowledging this is a problem for many players. Especially since SWTOR is obviously causing hardware problems for many people who paid for this game and a subscription. Not to mention the people who prepaid and weren't able to play the entire time. But so far it's only really been addressed with copy/pasted BOT responses telling users to do the same thing even though people have been saying over and over again their suggestions are not working.


I'm glad the game is working well for some people, and a few bugs and long queues at launch are always to be expected, but this was a horrible launch IMO.

Sounds like a hardware failure. I would check your PSU. I had a similar issue last month where I had recently installed a new graphics card and I tried to play SWTOR and the PSU would redline and turn off. (I had a 500w PSU and was about 50w short of hardware setup recommendations.) All other less demanding games and programs did not trip the PSU off. The only other one that could recreate the shutoff was one other new game (DD) and that proved that it was the PSU and not the software/game.

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Your list of reasons for wanting to cancel are trival. Minor minor bugs at best and yes your son not being able to complete a class quests stinks but this is literally the 3rd day of launch.


This game from combat to quests to PvP is definitely the most polished MMO there has been at launch.

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I'm running AMD 6970 Crossfire setup, 8 gigs of ram and intel I7 2600K. I have forced my AA and playing max settings and keep getting 50-100fps. Sometimes it drops down to 30fps but I think its not in game issue. Just wait for new drivers. Edited by aatuz
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After the first several days of putting up with this game, I am about to.


This game most definitely was NOT ready for release. The bugs are too numerous to list and many are major ones. Bioware is not paying me for my time to generate a proper bug report and so I will not further waste it.


Here are just a few...


1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



These are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head. If I actually cataloged every problem encountered in the game, I could write a book.


Here is the BIG one.


My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.




This is now known to apply to male BHs as well as my son has experienced it. Right now, he cannot progress his character at all and this condition is going on two full days now. The reply to his in-game ticket took well over 24 hours and it was a canned reply at that.


24+ hours for a canned reply with no specific information about what is being done to resolve the issue nor any estimate of a time frame to do so? This company knows nothing about customer "support".


My gameplay experience is well less than optimal and I am now wondering why I payed for 3-months up front.


I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.




You seriously need to fix this game. It has great potential and there is much to like about it.


However, it was (still is) NOT ready for release. Not even close. I for one would much preferred to of waited another month or three for a more mature product than to be asked to pay a subscription just so that I can beta test it.


Please get it right.

Reading this i assume this is youre first mmo launch :)

It will be fixed and this are one of the smoothest launches of an MMO :p So imagine the others if you dislike this.

Edited by Varghjerta
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Since we've gone five pages now and no one has asked...


Can I have your stuff?


On topic, the BH quest bug is most definitely game breaking. This is the first I've heard about it, but I play republic so I don't know any BH'ers, in particular female ones. But if your truly stuck dead in the water on a class quest, this should be fixed asap and you should perhaps be given a few days free game time.


But seriously, are you on Iron Citadel? If so, can I have your stuff?

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This game, in my opinion, was way ready for launch and i am very happy with it. I have seen a lot of minor bugs, which every game has, and one or two major ones. While i wasnt affected by the tanis leveling glitch that kept people off their toons for days or continuously dc'd them, i am locked out of all of my toons on my main server due to another bug that happened when my internet got disconnected for a second in a flashpoint and now none of my loading screens get past half, which sucks because i was working on my level 50.



Am i going to rage and cancel my sub just because i cant log into my main server for a day or two? the answer is no. EA, Lucasarts, and Bioware did a great job making this game and quitting because of a few bugs at launch is pretty dumb, in my opinion at least.

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I agree that the FPS is an issue, but it's not a game killer for me.. It's a large game, with rich story and content, and it had one of the best launches ever. So for me, I wouldn't dream of canceling the game.


Are there issues? Sure. Was this game ready for launch? Yes. Will they add more content and fixes into the game? Sure.


I don't understand people that expect a game to be 100% bug free at launch.. It just doesn't happen..

Edited by Ejied
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