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Denon isn't in the game


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Hi. I need to ask about Denon. Does it even exist? I'm having a real problem with it because I've queued over ten times to try and get into that warzone, but...not once have I ever got Denon. I asked people on the fleet, and they said I need to go to hangar and select mission departures. There's no such thing as that!


Does anyone have the same problem?

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It exists.


It is a thing.


It is real.


I've only gotten it once since patch, and I got my face chewed off by the other team, but that's just the way it goes! It's rare, but it occurs, and it's a good reason to keep queuing up!


Best part is, while you're doing that, you're also gaining req, experience, and maybe even friends! Keep at it. It'll show.

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Played 6 times yesterday. What a fun map. Love the fact that the sats allow for approaches both above and below the cap. Bye bye bomber guy.


Also, my scout friend played a bomber for the first time yesterday, and got second highest kills, highest assists, second highest damage, and 0 deaths. This is a stock ship. There is something wrong with that.


But the map is real, awesome, and plays nice with bombers.

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First map I got after servers went back up on Tuesday was Denon. This morning I got Denon 2/3 matches. the 2 matches were back to back. I get is at LEAST 20% of the time (like it should be(, and I have seen it 3 times in a row before. I have gone like 8-10 matches once or twice without it, so idk if it is just my server(JC) or what but I do not feel like I am going long periods of time without it. Sorry for anyone else's bad luck, the map is pretty awesome.
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Somewhat curious how the map selection process works.


With 5 total options, Denon could be a 20% chance at best.


Or the game could first select whether it's Domination or Deathmatch, and then select a map -- in which case Denon would have even a lower chance at roughly 16.7%. Of course, that would mean the ever-popular Kuat Mesas Domination would also be 16.7% :confused:


Or it could select a location, followed by game-type, which would give Denon the highest probability of 33%. Based on what I've seen and experiences of others, this is clearly not the case.


The more likely scenario, based on hours of data collection and scientific analysis:


If Kalphitis=present, then Denon%=5

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Just wanted to chime in on as one of those that had got the map, before today for a grand total of 2 matches (out of a lot more) then today I got it three times in a row and two more times throughout the various games. Have patience and it will come.


(Note: I have played other games where they weight new maps and it almost always results in QQ "all I get is x map" threads, so perhaps count your blessings a little and que another match :D

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Somewhat curious how the map selection process works.


With 5 total options, Denon could be a 20% chance at best.


Or the game could first select whether it's Domination or Deathmatch, and then select a map -- in which case Denon would have even a lower chance at roughly 16.7%. Of course, that would mean the ever-popular Kuat Mesas Domination would also be 16.7% :confused:


Or it could select a location, followed by game-type, which would give Denon the highest probability of 33%. Based on what I've seen and experiences of others, this is clearly not the case.


The more likely scenario, based on hours of data collection and scientific analysis:


If Kalphitis=present, then Denon%=5


I'd say that's a pretty good answer. Thx.

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