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Please go back to the old Armour numbering system


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Simply put, the new system of numbering armour mods is SO CONFUSING!, especially with levelling gear (<55)


What was wrong with the old one. Right now if Im level 21 I have no clue what "Armour rating 64" means!! Even for 55 it was easy to remember the level number rather than the item rating:(


Please go back to the old way of numbering it. It was easy and straightforward.


Bioware, If it aint broke dont fix it!

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I actually like the new system for end-game gear. I haven't played any of the characters I'm still leveling yet, but I can see where it may be an issue.


I think there should be an option that is stored per character to allow us to see whichever way we prefer. I imagine this will be item levels for under 50 or 55, and then item ratings for over 50/55.


The item levels were completely meaningless after 55. I assume that they didn't think the change through, and were only considering the end-game stuff.

Edited by GatorAndy
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They should have left it as it was with the higher rating number that corresponded to suggested rated for content up in the detailed area and the lower numbers next to the armoring. As to the new system with the higher rating showing everywhere, "No sir, I don't like it!"
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I actually like the new system for end-game gear. I haven't played any of the characters I'm still leveling yet, but I can see where it may be an issue.


I think there should be an option that is stored per character to allow us to see whichever way we prefer. I imagine this will be item levels for under 50 or 55, and then item ratings for over 50/55.


The item levels were completely meaningless after 55. I assume that they didn't think the change through, and were only considering the end-game stuff.


They didn't think of it much or simply didn't care much for leveling.

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The item levels were completely meaningless after 55. I assume that they didn't think the change through, and were only considering the end-game stuff.


Indeed, they also didn't line up well with crafting since you can still get the rating number but the level number caps at 55.


while it may be annoying at earlier levels armor always showed the rating, except when I was looking at levels to identify the appropriate item to craft I always looked at the rating anyway. IMO showing the armor level was never useful since you either had the right level to equip it or you didn't, it never told you whether it was necessarily an improvement over your current gear (a purple item could in theory be equal to or more powerful to a green/blue item 1-2 levels higher so focusing on the level number could totally mislead you into thinking higher level = better). With rating you just compare it to your current rating to figure out if it's an improvement except this time you can actually see whether a higher level piece is actually an improvement or not.


If the concern is not being able to tell if you have the right level to equip the item yet doesn't armor still have things like "requires level XX" at the bottom of the piece's stat tooltip?

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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BW should have dumped the mod/armoring/hilt labeling system (30, 31, 34, etc) and kept the one that was already being displayed in the character sheet (66, 72, 78, etc). For example, instead of seeing guardian armoring 34, we'd see guardian armoring 78 instead when we pop open our gloves, boots, etc. That change would have made the least amount of impact on the players while still serving the simplification purpose and yet, BW chose the facepalm method instead.


With that said, what's going to happen in 2-3 years when level cap is increased to 65 or 70 and several new tiers of gear are introduced? Our character sheet will then be flooded with 260, 308 or some other ridiculous triple digit numbers. I'm just waiting for the day that "666" shows up :confused:


Funny thing is, the 69/72/78 system was also the most popular option so why did BW decide to ditch it? Intentionally trolling the player base perhaps?

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Again, the issue is that mods were assigned three numbers:


An "Item Tier" Number: Might Armoring 11

An item level: Level 31

An item rating: Rating 76 (or whatever)


If I have any complaint, its that they kept the one that means nothing: The item tier. I'd rather the mod show up at "Might Armoring 31 (76)", displaying the character level needed for it, along with the rating.


Yes, the item ratings make it harder to guess what level can use them. However, they do at least show an accurate measure of the mods relative quality. Past about level 50, item "levels" stopped really mattering. Level 54 gear was actually tagged with level 66. So what happens when they release the next big expansion and the levels bump up to 60. Gear with a level 59 requirement isn't going to show item level 59. Not the best stuff, at least. If it shows the item rating, then you can still get a good comparison as you level up through the new cap. If they didn't switch to a ratings-based numbering, then each level cap increase would just make things worse.


So, yeah. I'm fine with the pain for now. I'll deal with it for a bit, then I'll learn the new numbering scales, and when the next expansion hits, it'll feel a lot more natural.

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Funny thing is, the 69/72/78 system was also the most popular option so why did BW decide to ditch it? Intentionally trolling the player base perhaps?


They just decided to stick with one of the numbering systems. The 69/72/78 thing made sense up to the level cap, but fell apart soon after. The system is consistent, but they do need to have the modifiable pieces line up as well.

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I think there should be an option that is stored per character to allow us to see whichever way we prefer. I imagine this will be item levels for under 50 or 55, and then item ratings for over 50/55.




I quite like the new numbering on my L55 characters but its confusing as hell on the one I'm still levelling. I now have no idea how up to date his equipment is from the character screen. Requiring more clicks or work is not an improvement. A simple pref for which way you want to see it would solve this problem.

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There have always been 3 numbers to deal with. , armoring name, armor rating and armor tier. All they did was take the tier number out and put the rating number in. This was probably because ops descriptions tell you what rating you need, not what tier and they wanted them to match. Yeah, it's a bit of a pain in the butt, but not really confusing. Just look at the ratings numbers corrosponding to 66, 69, 72 and 78 and write the ratings numbers on a sticky note. Problem solved ;) For levelling, the armorings will still tell you what level you need to be to wear them. If in doubt, look at the gtn to see what you can wear and what you can't. Edited by errant_knight
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Something's wrong with the house! I don't deal well with change!

There are ways this system could have been changed to make it a QoL improvement. Examples:


1. Drop the item rating, and keep the mod level only.

2. Give the user a choice between seeing mod level or item rating.

3. Show both.

4. Change the "item rating" something that is meaningful. (How does a rating of "120" relate to a level 47 mod exactly?)


Edit: #4 above is what I would really prefer. Nothing wrong with an "Item Rating" system as long as the numbering were more logically consistent.


Mind you, for >50 gear it doesn't really matter. It's the <50 stuff that "item rating" is cumbersome and not useful. And of course, we'll eventually adapt to the new system.


But don't pretend that the only reason people don't like it is because "everyone hates change". People don't like it because it's not a change that makes things better.

Edited by Khevar
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There are ways this system could have been changed to make it a QoL improvement. Examples:


1. Drop the item rating, and keep the mod level only.

2. Give the user a choice between seeing mod level or item rating.

3. Show both.

4. Change the "item rating" something that is meaningful. (How does a rating of "120" relate to a level 47 mod exactly?)


Mind you, for >50 gear it doesn't really matter. It's the <50 stuff that "item rating" is cumbersome and not useful. And of course, we'll eventually adapt to the new system.


But don't pretend that the only reason people don't like it is because "everyone hates change". People don't like it because it's not a change that makes things better.



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I'm not very fond of this because it is a pain when leveling. When I open the character sheet to check the gear on my level 40 character (and Companion!), I want to be able to easily identify what needs upgrading. Some rating that seems to have little discernible relationship to the required level is not very helpful for this.


Seems okay for level 50+, though.

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I really dislike this change also.

I still don't understand why it needed to be changed in the first place... If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

I'd like to have both visible.


^I'd also settle for this or an option to toggle which one you want.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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I think this is an improvement. Tooltip showing 2 ratings at once was needlessly confusing.


Yes the X Armoring 34 is redundant but for crafting and trading purposes it makes more sense to just go up number by number not the massive rating jumps. Hm lets hit the GTN, what's an upgrade to my 168? Nah, check what you have in slot, add 1, search.


I'd actually like to see them do a complete reset and use the 33/34 ratings on mods and then a cumulative rating of all components which they could then use for a gear check in LFG. :p

Edited by aeterno
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This change is an immense improvement. KISS. Keep it simple.


The alternative numbering system we had before was overly complex. Why have two systems? At least with this new system I know exactly where my gear stands.

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My guess...


The numbering is not just for display. There are formulas that govern the gear level with rarity to rating and stats.


The new planet is going to be lv56-60 for the new expansion when they raise the level cap. With the power creep, if the difficulty of the new planet is tuned using the old rating syetem (e.g. mobs drop blue lv58 gear etc.), enemies are going to be under powered against all the lv55 purple endgame gear. If they tune the difficulty to the rating of say 168, it will convert to way over green lv65 gear.


So the dev decides to do away with the lv69/72 etc numbering system altogether.

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This change is an immense improvement. KISS. Keep it simple.


The alternative numbering system we had before was overly complex. Why have two systems? At least with this new system I know exactly where my gear stands.


The old level numbering gives player an indication of gear progression when levelling. If you are wearing a green level 30 gear and struggle against lv40 mobs. You know you get bogged down by the gear.

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