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Two Things That Starwars The Old Republic Needs Badly


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Are people actually failing to see the sarcasm in this post?




Me thinks so... (good for a chuckle though watching everyone respond seriously)


Wow, and the guy continued to troll people all the way to the back pages! Good stuff!

Edited by MMOrpgPrincess
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I totally disagree with you...



I just got off Hoth to do a flashpoint...


These are the steps I had to take...


1. Orb to Hoth spaceport.

2. Shuttle to Hoth orbital station.

3. Go to my ship's hanger.

4. Board my ship.

5. Fly to Republic fleet.

6. Go to other deck on fleet.

7. Go to other ship in fleet.

8. Go to other deck on other ship.

9. Enter the flashpoint.


That is a terrible, terrible design... no matter how much you hate WoW dungeon finders, there are better ways then to have to jump through 9 hoops before you can finally get started.

Edited by Yogol
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Can someone make a list of the people who did not read the whole post or has a low reading comprehension? This is so effing funny, really lots of stupid people in the world. Read atleast the 1st paragraph before commenting. :rolleyes: Edited by Behn
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Why do people think just because WoW Did it it's bad?

There is a reason WoW was and is currently leading in subscriber counts. They must do SOMETHING right. And I believe that would be making their game comfortable for their players. Too comfortable to some negotiable extent, but I doubt not having to travel accross the proverbial and literal galaxy, to either get to a flashpoint or to change your spec to something more appropriate, will turn players into wusses.

Rejecting something out of pure elitarism is not the way to go.

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No, and No!


Dungeon finder = one night stand (Hello, lets go, do this&that take loot, byebye, never see each other again)


Looking for group manually = alot of ingame friends :rolleyes:


Also you cant dual spec as a Jedi Shadow / Jedi Sage, that ruins the whole meaning og the new systems in SWTOR.

You can reset you talents so don't complain.. (EDIT: Also, spend talents in other trees if you want to...)


but personally, i'd like a re-roll option (from sage -> shadow or the other way around) incase you missclicked etc.

Edited by Nastar
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First I like the idea of LFG because sometimes when I'm in a bad mood or need something done fast I prefer this way. Sometimes I don't want to socialize.




Are you serious?! This is TOR, no dual spec! Otherwise TOR will become exactly like all the other MMOs. It's already epic and it needs to become even more epicnessnessness... but with that feature it will only be pathetic like WoW is.


So uuh.. go back playing your panda-s**t WoW and like some ppl said - you can give them your stuff!

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All you people who are against dual specs, cheap respecs, and dungeon finder need to go back to Everquest.


I forgot to mention in my original post that SWTOR also needs a re-class option. How many times have you been in a group that would have greatly benefited from the skills of a particular class that nobody was playing?


We should be able to change the class of our characters in-game whenever we want, for a fee of course. After all, players shouldn't be punished for choosing a class that they knew nothing about! But don't make the fee too expensive. We don't want this game turning into a grind-fest for credits!


In sort, restrictions = bad. They discourage experimentation, create frustration, and breed elitism!




You should go back to WoW. Thanks. Every single one of your points for everything you said are completely moot. Good try having an argument though.

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I read the title and only glanced at the initial post and some of the op message. and could only get one thought in my head, Go on go back to your wants in WoW. dungeon finder is nothing special but a place where you can queue yourself up and walk away. forget playing or what happens if you are fighting a boss and you're called to your dungeon.. GREAT you get to leave the people that has helped you do something. good job making friends that way.


honestly if you want to say you're going to leave then DO IT! otherwise, you won't you'll be here whining next week and the weeks after and they came out and said it.. no looking for dungeon tool!!!!


second: there is a LFG tool, and has been since beta. oh that was only a few weeks ago. so if this is your requirement that there is a LFD tool or you'll leave, well the door's right there and don't let it hit you on the behind on your way out.


Darth Freki

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rofl a re-class system wow that is just dumb. just because you have an idea don't make it a good idea. someone knows nothing about how video games work it seems these are just sad ideas. and the dungeon finder takes away from exploration witch is actually fun. Edited by DarthNileic
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rofl a re-class system wow that is just dumb. just because you have an idea don't make it a good idea. someone knows nothing about how video games work it seems these are just sad ideas. and the dungeon finder takes away from exploration witch is actually fun.


Why is a re-class system dumb?


Why should new players be punished?


Imagine a person picking a bounty hunter, leveling it up, and then realizing they don't like the bounty hunter class. What do you say to this person, "reroll"? Seriously? This is the year 2011 (almost 2012), man. MMORPG players should be able to re-class and re-spec their character whenever they feel like it. New players shouldn't be punished for not understanding what they were getting themselves into with a class.


Everquest from the 1990s called, they want their mindless grinding back.

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