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    Cambridge, UK
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    Office Manager
  1. Alright, I've been subbed for the game ever since day 1 of the early access. I love it and every moment that I spend in the game I recognize things that should be in the Star Wars saga that you Bioware created. There are many things that are missing and probably you are working on much bigger projects right now, or perhaps taking out bugs and stuff but if the things that I'm talking about are implemented it will not only bring more players but also make the game more live and enjoyable. 1: OPEN SPACE... There has to be an open space sim! That's a MUST! That rolling coaster you're taking us at will not do. Yeah it's a fun mini game, but nevertheless it stays mini game. Keep the system, don't delete it. Probably you can make single player missions to be done with that mini game for example. BUT open space sim should be created ASAP. It's STAR WARS!!!! Not earth wars. Everything that you do here is just go around planets and do some stuff for certain people. But there is no engagement in space. No raiding of space stations, no searching for valuable artifacts around the outskirts of space or landing on certain asteroids to check mining facilities or something. Remember Galaxies? That was a good space sim, perhaps create something similar. Or totally different I don't care, but I need it to be open space. No.. WE need it to be open space. Many new players will come JUST to check the space sim. It's a like a whole different game. Think about it if that secret project you're building is the one that I'm talking about. 2: MINI GAMES How about some Pazaak? Or space chess like Obi-Wan played with Chewbaka?! Or maybe speeder piloting like KOTOR series? Championships and whatnot.. please reconsider adding those in the game. 3. Space Capital Ships / Features for ordinary ships This goes in the space feature I guess. Space Capital Ships for guilds maybe? Probably add some features for changing your own ship - color, add some paint marks, other weapons, calibrations... there are limitless options that you can create. It's Star Wars... .... Probably I can think of more but right now I'm out of ideas. This topic can serve as a major thread for other people to add some stuff to implement by the BioWare team.
  2. I was so happy that the servers were up that I jumped on my chair and now my leg is bleeding.. I guess I shall be playing like that hope I don't bleed to death lol .. Thank you Bio!
  3. see what happens you whiners!!! BioWare FTW!! you guys are amazing!
  4. First I like the idea of LFG because sometimes when I'm in a bad mood or need something done fast I prefer this way. Sometimes I don't want to socialize. BUT.. Dual Spec... OUT OF THE QUESTION! Are you serious?! This is TOR, no dual spec! Otherwise TOR will become exactly like all the other MMOs. It's already epic and it needs to become even more epicnessnessness... but with that feature it will only be pathetic like WoW is. So uuh.. go back playing your panda-s**t WoW and like some ppl said - you can give them your stuff!
  5. I'm hoping for today as well but I highly doubt it.. out of luck I guess
  6. 11.02.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch 10.22.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order ...... so that leaves me where? 4-5-6.....12535325 wave??
  7. I don't know where to check when I redeemed my code I forgot the date lol
  8. ;( it is really sad... so sad when I checked my email I wanted to cry... noooooz
  9. Aaaah... does anyone feel like totally irritated by this? I'm not mad or anything.. more likely sad or without any luck at all... On the official TOR twitter it says that third wave is on now, I checked my mail, nothing... with my luck I won't be getting with the 4th wave also. So how are you doing sadfaces out there? :(
  10. I'm sorry I need to write this: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLLOLLOOOLO loosing customers in every hour AHHAHAHAAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH thanks for the laugh man.:p:p
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